

DISCLAIMER: This post includes my opinions based on my career in technology for over 23 years. I am writing this because I believe I have unique knowledge and experience that can help others understand how we got to this point and how to make it better. It does not reflect the opinions of my employer or any employers I have had in the past. For my fellow nerds reading this, I have been an engineer, an architect and a CTO. I have built teams of Data Scientists, built APIs and helped tune machine learning algorithms that run in large Hadoop clusters to solve problems in Health, Finance, Retail and Telecomm. I have been writing code for over 25 years. From procedural languages like PASCAL to interpreted languages like Python and Javascript, I have been fortunate enough to touch a lot of it. Technology is more than a career for me, it’s an obsession. This post is intended to help raise our collective technology awareness. I believe this awareness is critical to maturing humanities’ usage of these new, exciting and dangerous tools. I often feel at this time in history, humanity is the equivalent of a baby walking around with a light saber. We could kill our selves or we could create the Jedi Council! I know which one I would prefer. I feel an obligation and responsibility to ‘open source’ my beliefs in this area. I am hoping this post will help others focus on developing their own digital intelligence and awareness. If this doesn’t sound interesting to you stop reading now, but I can promise you if 2020 has proved one thing…ignorance is NOT bliss in this case. With that out of the way…

免责声明:这篇文章包括我基于超过23年的技术职业所发表的观点。 我之所以写这篇文章,是因为我相信我拥有独特的知识和经验,可以帮助其他人了解我们如何做到这一点以及如何使其变得更好。 它不反映我的雇主或我过去曾有过的任何雇主的意见。 对于我的书呆子同学来说,我曾经是一名工程师,建筑师和首席技术官。 我建立了数据科学家团队,建立了API,并帮助调整了在大型Hadoop集群中运行的机器学习算法,以解决健康,金融,零售和电信领域的问题。 我已经编写代码超过25年了。 从程序语言(例如PASCAL)到解释型语言(例如Python和Javascript),我很幸运地接触了很多语言。 对我来说,技术不仅仅是职业,而是一种执着。 这篇文章旨在帮助提高我们的集体技术意识。 我认为,这种认识对于使人类成熟地使用这些新的,令人兴奋的和危险的工具至关重要。 在历史的这个时候,我常常感到,人类就像是一个轻剑在走动的婴儿。 我们可以杀死自己,也可以创建绝地议会! 我知道我想要哪一个。 我感到有义务和责任“开源”我在这一领域的信念。 我希望这篇文章可以帮助其他人专注于发展自己的数字智能和认识。 如果这听起来不有趣,请立即停止阅读,但是我可以保证,如果2020年证明了一件事……在这种情况下,无知不是幸福。 这样就不会了...

Last night I watched /the social dilemma_ on Netflix. It hit a chord with me because I have hands-on experience building, selling, and tuning the technologies that are referenced in this movie. While I do feel this movie over-dramatizes some aspects, the theme of this movie is in complete alignment with my experience. These technologies have been around for 10+ years and were developed to feed the open markets of capitalism and solve hard problems in health, science, communication, transportation and much more. As a result, it has created the most wealth in human history. These technologies are so powerful that I (and many others) believe they have raised the attention of ‘bad actors’. As with many strengths, when over-used, it can become a weakness. This weakness (which is present in all Democratic/Capitalistic countries) is actively being exploited all over the globe. Democracies are being weakened by using the same channels and technologies we use to influence buyers. The same engine that social media uses to sell you those new shoes from REI or that new fishing rod you’ve been eyeballing from Cabela’s is now being used to sell and promote the conspiracies that are tailored to your preferences. The engine doesn’t care if it’s true or false, it is trained to push the content that is paid for…and it is extremely accurate. The engine knows what you like, who you like, how long you’ve liked it. The more you click, watch, and scroll, the better the engine gets at knowing you. The better it knows you, the better it can steer you in a particular direction. I believe in due time we will learn that these engines are being used to exploit our democratic principles and their tight economic integrations. The same hope and faith that has made us strong and trust each other, is now being leveraged to push very targeted disinformation to amplify our distrust, creating anger and discourse. All the while you can’t understand how others don’t get it!? Well they don’t get it because they don’t get targeted with the same content. The engine is being used (legally by the way) to push them the opposite viewpoint and create larger division and discourse. This is NOT unique to either party — it happens on both sides of the aisle. This was never the intention of the AI technology that social media platforms use. The AI was developed to help solve complex problems and sell widgets, not create division. In the hands of the wrong people it has inhibited our ability to vote based on real facts, respond to pandemics and participate in healthy debate on complex topics like police, crime and racism. Oh and by they way, guns won’t help in this fight. While we white-knuckle the guns we own, our foe(s) will stir the pot to convince us we need more of them. Meanwhile, bullets and steel will do nothing in this silicone-based battle. We are literally bringing guns to a computer fight! We are being played.

昨晚我在Netflix上观看了/社交困境 。 这让我很感动,因为我有动手的经验来构建,销售和调整这部电影中引用的技术。 虽然我确实觉得这部电影过于夸张,但是这部电影的主题与我的经历完全吻合。 这些技术已经存在了10多年,其开发目的是满足资本主义的开放市场需求,并解决健康,科学,通讯,运输等领域的难题。 结果,它创造了人类历史上最大的财富。 这些技术是如此强大,以至于我(和许多其他人)相信它们已经引起了“坏演员”的关注。 与许多优点一样,过度使用它可能会成为缺点。 这种弱点(在所有民主/资本主义国家中都存在)正在全球范围内被积极利用。 通过使用我们用来影响购买者的相同渠道和技术,民主正在被削弱。 社交媒体用来向您出售REI的那些新鞋或您一直在Cabela's眼中盯住的新钓鱼竿的引擎现在正被用来出售和推广根据您的喜好定制的阴谋。 引擎不在乎它是真是假,它经过训练可以推送付费内容……并且非常准确。 引擎知道您喜欢什么,喜欢谁,喜欢了多长时间。 您单击,观看和滚动的次数越多,引擎就会越了解您。 它越了解您,就越能引导您朝特定的方向发展。 我相信,在适当的时候,我们将了解到这些引擎正在被用来开发我们的民主原则及其紧密的经济一体化。 使我们变得强大和相互信任的同样的希望和信念,现在正被利用来推动非常有针对性的虚假信息,以扩大我们的不信任感,制造愤怒和话语。 一直以来,您都不明白别人是怎么得到它的! 好吧,他们没有得到,因为他们没有针对相同的内容。 正在使用引擎(顺便说一句)将他们推向相反的观点,并创造更大的分歧和话语权。 这不是任何一方独有的-它发生在过道的两侧。 这绝不是社交媒体平台使用的AI技术的意图。 开发AI是为了帮助解决复杂的问题并出售小部件,而不是创建部门。 在错误的人的手中,它抑制了我们根据真实事实进行投票,应对流行病以及参与有关警察,犯罪和种族主义等复杂话题的健康辩论的能力。 哦,顺便说一句,枪支不会帮助这场战斗。 当我们白白拥有我们的枪支时,我们的敌人会搅动锅具,说服我们我们需要更多的枪支。 同时,子弹和钢铁在这场基于有机硅的战斗中将毫无作为。 我们实际上是在将枪支带到计算机战斗中! 我们正在玩。

The genie is out of the bottle, so what do we do?


  1. Be conscious and stop feeding the Beast! Free will still exists. You don’t have to participate. You can get off social media. You can resist the click. You can read articles you wouldn’t normally read. You can call your friend or have a drink with them to discuss your opinion. Don’t use these platforms to get your self-worth, it’s a tool not a relationship. Demote social media’s priority in your life, and teach the young people in your family to do the same. This is one of the most critical points to me. We have a whole generation of children who don’t know the potential for manipulation. To be clear, I am not arguing for you to abolish social media from their lives. You obviously can do that if you chose, but at least make sure they don’t use it until they are able to understand what is going on behind the screen.

    要有意识,停止喂野兽! 自由将仍然存在。 您不必参加。 您可以关闭社交媒体。 您可以抵抗点击。 您可以阅读通常不会阅读的文章。 您可以打电话给您的朋友或和他们一起喝酒,讨论您的意见。 不要使用这些平台来获得自我价值,这是一种工具而不是一种关系。 降低社交媒体在您生活中的优先级,并教导您家庭中的年轻人也这样做。 这对我来说是最关键的一点。 我们有整整一代的孩子,他们不知道被操纵的可能性。 明确地说,我并不是在要求您废除社交媒体的生活。 如果您选择了,显然可以做到这一点,但至少要确保他们不使用它,直到他们能够理解屏幕后面发生了什么。

  2. Awareness & Responsibility. If you are going to share something on social media, you can’t claim ignorance. Just because you didn’t know the speed limit doesn’t mean you can ignore it. You will still get a ticket. This is the same…you have a responsibility to verify what you spread on social media. If you get three DUI’s you may have to drive around with a red license plate. The reason is because your actions have put others in danger. You can argue that this infringes on your civil rights, but if you have established a history of being out of control, others have a right to know so they can protect themselves. Social media comes with the same responsibility. If you fall short of community established standards, you will eventually be digitally stamped with a “scarlet letter”. Social media platforms are already putting these wheels in motion using AI to help combat the abuse. People often disagree with the standards that social medial platforms are starting to develop. It is often suggested these platforms are violating their 1st Amendment rights. However, with no government regulation or guidelines, these platforms are left to do it on their own. As a result, they will often develop different rules and community standards hinged on the monetization of their platform, which can often be in conflict with your safety.

    意识与责任。 如果您打算在社交媒体上分享某些东西,那么您就不能无知。 仅仅因为您不知道速度限制并不意味着您可以忽略它。 您仍然会得到一张票。 这是相同的……您有责任验证您在社交媒体上传播的内容。 如果您得到三个DUI,则可能必须带红色车牌行驶。 原因是因为您的行为使其他人处于危险之中。 您可以辩称,这侵犯了您的公民权利,但是如果您建立了失控的历史,那么其他人也有权知道,以便他们可以保护自己。 社交媒体负有同样的责任。 如果您没有达到社区制定的标准,最终将在数字上盖上“随笔信”。 社交媒体平台已经在使用AI推动这些运动,以帮助打击滥用行为。 人们经常不同意社交媒体平台开始发展的标准。 通常建议这些平台违反其第一修正案权利。 但是,由于没有政府法规或指南,这些平台只能自己完成。 结果,他们将经常根据平台的货币化制定不同的规则和社区标准,这通常会与您的安全相冲突。

  3. Value Information Quality. Those who did’t like homework in school aren’t going to like this one. Question your sources and go the extra mile to verify facts. Opinions aren’t facts and those who try to pass opinions as facts are feeding this beast. And yes, you should question and verify everything I’m writing here! Plain and simple, don’t share anything you can’t verify.

    重视信息质量。 那些不喜欢在学校里做家庭作业的人不会喜欢这个。 对您的消息来源提出疑问,并付出更多努力来核实事实。 观点不是事实,而那些试图通过观点传递观点的人正在养活这只野兽。 是的,您应该质疑并验证我在这里写的所有内容! 简单明了,不要分享您无法验证的任何内容。

  4. Engage in face-to-face dialogue. Eat, drink and socialize with those that have other opinions. Don’t reference the article you read on Facebook, talk about your values and your principles. I bet you find more in common than in difference. More importantly, when you find a difference, you can discuss it and have empathy for the opposing view because you know context and tone…which is one thing social media/email/text can’t provide, but is critical for effective communication.

    进行面对面的对话。 进食,饮水并与有其他意见的人交往。 不要引用您在Facebook上阅读的文章,而要谈论您的价值观和原则。 我敢打赌,您发现的共同点多于区别。 更重要的是,当您发现差异时,您可以讨论差异并同情对方的观点,因为您知道上下文和语气……这是社交媒体/电子邮件/文本无法提供的一件事,但对于有效的沟通至关重要。

  5. Protect your digital self. Vote for policies that regulate and protect you as a digital user. Your data is being used to generate massive wealth. While companies do need to be regulated, there are others who are using your data for nefarious purposes. Either way, the point is your data has value and it’s yours…the privacy and protection of it is a new technical civil right for all human beings. Look for politicians (both Red and Blue) who get this and are fighting for your protection.

    保护您的数字自我。 投票制定规范和保护您作为数字用户的政策。 您的数据被用来产生大量财富。 尽管确实需要对公司进行监管,但仍有其他公司出于恶意目的使用您的数据。 无论哪种方式,重点都是您的数据具有价值,而这又是您的价值……隐私和保护它是所有人的一项新的技术公民权利。 寻找得到这一点并为您的保护而战的政客(红色和蓝色)。

While the theme here could be interpreted as pessimistic, quite the opposite is true in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, the amount of pain and discourse around the globe is mind numbing at times. However, this is commensurate with the power and speed with which this technology can transform. Through out time we’ve seen innovation and technology stretch the fabric of human cultures…this is no different. To match and harness the power, we need to build new skills and regulation to help. I believe we can do it…the data supports it and I don’t need Artificial Intelligence to tell me. I’m hoping you don’t either.

虽然这里的主题可以被解释为悲观,但我认为恰恰相反。 别误会我的意思,全球的痛苦和话语有时使人麻木。 但是,这与该技术可以实现的功能和速度相称。 随着时间的流逝,我们已经看到创新和技术延伸了人类文化的底蕴……这没有什么不同。 为了匹配和利用这种力量,我们需要建立新的技能和法规以提供帮助。 我相信我们可以做到……数据支持它,而且我不需要人工智能来告诉我。 我希望你也不会。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@danbrown1010/2020-a-turning-point-for-humane-technology-6ba788d2a7f5





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