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翻译 电脑网关_网关个人电脑品牌通过新笔记本电脑回归

电脑网关Acer, which acquired Gateway in 2007, is bringing back the brand to sell consumer-focused laptops in the US. The products will be sold exclusively through Walmart. 宏cer于2007年收购了Gateway,如今该品牌已重新带回了...

2020-10-14 03:24:01 255

翻译 2020年成为人性化技术的转折点

DISCLAIMER: This post includes my opinions based on my career in technology for over 23 years. I am writing this because I believe I have unique knowledge and experience that can help others understan...

2020-10-14 03:13:31 218

翻译 tmi 技术管理与服创新_如何在消费者健康技术中避免数据tmi

tmi 技术管理与服创新 知识就是力量,但是知识对我们始终有好处吗? (Knowledge is power — but is it always good for us?)I’m an endurance runner. You know, one of those types who’s idea of relaxation is running 15 miles through the w...

2020-10-14 03:04:00 447

翻译 仿大逃杀源码_破咒不是您的典型大逃杀

仿大逃杀源码After getting wrecked in endless matches of Apex Legends and not being able to build at all in Fortnite, I decided I was done with the battle royale genre. That was, until I stumbled upon some v...

2020-10-14 02:44:04 720

翻译 修理Playstation商店

A video made the rounds on social media a few weeks ago that was the perfect highlight of what is wrong with the PlayStation Store. It was from Mike Rose, the founder of publishing label No More Robot...

2020-10-14 02:34:13 469

翻译 它需要一个平台才能实现6代Wi-Fi互联,可为第十代平台提供连接

Author: Ryan Shrout, Chief Performance Strategist at Intel 作者:英特尔首席绩效战略家Ryan Shrout As we head into the holiday season, many of us are looking to find a new PC that will carry us through 2020–2021, o...

2020-10-14 02:14:13 332

翻译 解开锁屏_解开超级真理

解开锁屏In 1938 Franklin Delano Roosevelt warned America, “do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000 a day,… tell you… that a wage of $11 a week is going to have a disastrous effe...

2020-09-07 01:15:54 142

翻译 什么是媒体情报,为什么重要

That ringing in your ears is the sound of people talking about your brand. You can’t see them, but they’re out there, gossiping about who you are and what you do. 在您耳边响起的声音是人们谈论您的品牌的声音。 您看不到它们,但是它们在那里...

2020-09-07 01:05:00 442

翻译 作为一个喜欢通过书面文字交流的人,通常我不是面试的忠实拥护者

·2 days ago · 2天前 As someone who prefers to communicate via the written word, I’m usually not a big fan of interviews. But I honestly think the chat I had with Alex Kantrowitz for his Big Technolog...

2020-09-07 00:55:30 97

翻译 苹果vpn是下一件大事

意见 (OPINION)Apple stands out when it comes to privacy and security in smartphones. In fact, many people buy iPhones, only because they feel it's more secure than android. 苹果在智能手机的隐私和安全性方面脱颖而出。 实际上,许...

2020-09-07 00:45:45 9374

翻译 澳洲7人自驾选什么车_自驾车在哪里

澳洲7人自驾选什么车Tech giants and automakers were falling over each other to announce their self-driving vehicle plans a few years back. All of the FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google (now Alp...

2020-09-07 00:35:27 161

翻译 1g2g3g4g5g_5g之路

1g2g3g4g5gThe long-timeline to the 5G revolution is about to reach its end 5G革命的漫长时光即将结束 As phone makers and cellular plan providers start to advertise their 5G capabilities it is reasonable to think...

2020-09-07 00:26:00 431

翻译 智能思维的核心技术_设计思维是技术创新的核心

智能思维的核心技术As humans continue to build an increasingly enormous technological civilization, the products that we use and the computerized systems that we engage with will require significant considerati...

2020-09-07 00:16:04 206

翻译 covid 19使远程医疗更加普及,这使我们的生活更加美好

Before the arrival of the novel coronavirus, telemedicine — allowing patients to have contact with a health care provider over a web interface or via a phone call instead of through a face-to-face app...

2020-09-07 00:06:36 405

翻译 网络上社会系统不可避免的腐败

An interesting CNBC research article, “Amazon is filled with fake reviews and it’s getting harder to spot them”, exposes a long-standing problem: the sharp decline in the quality of Amazon reviews as ...

2020-09-06 23:57:03 68

翻译 计算机视觉英文介绍_计算机视觉介绍

计算机视觉英文介绍 什么是计算机视觉? (What is Computer Vision?)Computer Vision can be generally understood using two perspectives: (1) computer science and (2) computer engineering. 通常可以使用两种观点来理解计算机视觉:(1)计算机科学和(2)计算机...

2020-09-06 23:46:26 1519

翻译 eureka应对大并发_为什么拯救经济或应对大流行是一个错误的困境

eureka应对大并发An article in Foreign Policy, “The great pause was an economic revolution” (summary), touches on an issue I’ve discussed recently: the false dichotomy between the need to restrict the sprea...

2020-09-06 23:37:06 146

翻译 不装gms要过gms吗_gms与nikola的尴尬交易

不装gms要过gms吗In December 2016, a half year before Tesla released its mainstream-priced Model 3, GM delivered its first all-electric Bolts to customers. The arrival of the two vehicles marked a crucial m...

2020-09-06 23:27:54 133

翻译 亚马逊云netflix_要求netflix和tiktok verizon以及comcast亚马逊和苹果公司的互联网来帮助我们...

亚马逊云netflixThe latest edition of Pattern Matching, OneZero’s weekly newsletter from senior writer Will Oremus, offers an urgent overview of the many challenges that children and parents must contend w...

2020-09-06 23:17:21 351

翻译 Skydio 2在行动中的第一响应者部署显示了无人机自主权

This blog is co-authored with Fritz Reber, Skydio’s Head of Public Safety Integration. Fritz is a former Captain of the Chula Vista Police Department, where he served as UAS Commander and developed th...

2020-09-06 23:07:24 423

翻译 vhs预设_vhs vs beta原始格式大战的故事

vhs预设How failure to listen to the market led to the demise of Betamax 不听市场的声音如何导致Betamax的灭亡 Over the years there have been many format wars including Nintendo/Sega, Playstation/Xbox, Apple/Android, K...

2020-09-06 22:57:27 1771

翻译 自动化面试问题及答案_普遍的基本收入是自动化的答案

自动化面试问题及答案It would be strange for people to hear that Milton Friedman, one of the greatest and well-known conservative economists, advocated for universal basic income. 人们听到莫尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)是最...

2020-09-06 22:48:26 344

翻译 产品启示录_这就是为什么您的手机无法捕捉加利福尼亚启示录天空的原因

产品启示录 重点 (Top highlight)If you live on the West Coast and woke up yesterday morning to our aggressively orange, smoke-tinged, apocalypse sky, you may have thought “Wow, this needs to be on Instagram.”...

2020-09-06 22:37:40 282

翻译 iphone 手机尺寸_iPhone是新的黑莓手机

iphone 手机尺寸Writer and philosopher George Santayana once said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. This quote has been reworked in popular culture to the very famous saying ...

2020-09-06 22:27:35 245

翻译 区块链投票系统使用场景_用区块链影响传统投票

区块链投票系统使用场景In my previous post, I had attempted to enumerate the benefits of using Blockchain technology in addressing the pain points of traditional voting. In this post, I have tried to explore this...

2020-09-04 22:02:53 666



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