苹果传闻即将推出“ Apple One”订阅捆绑包

In the past couple of years, Apple has put an increased emphasis on software services by releasing products like Apple TV+, Apple News+, and Apple Arcade. The tech giant wants to go toe-to-toe with Amazon and its Prime services, but Amazon still comes out on top, as over 112 million people in the U.S. alone are Amazon Prime members while only 68 million people worldwide are Apple Music subscribers, which is one of Apple’s most popular services. But why is that? Prime costs almost $120 a year while Apple Music costs as low as half that, yet people still love Prime.

在过去的几年中,Apple通过发布Apple TV +,Apple News +和Apple Arcade等产品,越来越重视软件服务。 这家科技巨头希望与Amazon及其Prime服务保持紧密联系,但是Amazon仍然处于领先地位,在美国就有超过1.12亿人是Amazon Prime会员,而全球只有6800万人是Apple Music订阅者,这是Apple最受欢迎的服务之一。 但是为什么呢? Prime每年的费用将近$ 120,而Apple Music的费用仅为后者的一半,但人们仍然喜欢Prime。

One major reason for this is that Prime isn’t just faster delivery of products, but it bundles many Amazon services that are more expensive separately, from Prime Video to Prime Gaming. Also, having Prime makes consumers more inclined to buy products on Amazon, which increases its profits. Apple doesn’t do this and only offers its services separately, but that’s about to change.

造成这种情况的主要原因之一是,Prime不仅提供更快的产品交付速度,而且还捆绑了许多Amazon服务,这些服务分别从Prime Video到Prime Gaming都更加昂贵。 此外,拥有Prime可以使消费者更倾向于在亚马逊上购买产品,从而增加了利润。 Apple不会这样做,而只会单独提供其服务,但是这种情况将会改变。

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AppleInsider) AppleInsider )

A Bloomberg report by Mark Gurman states that Apple will be releasing a subscription bundle, dubbed “Apple One,” this October. This bundle will have tiers that offer different services, with the more expensive tiers offering more services. Will this bundle finally put Apple services on the map? I think it will.

马克·古尔曼(Mark Gurman)的彭博社报道称,苹果将在今年10月发布一个名为“ Apple One”的订阅包。 该捆绑包将具有提供不同服务的层,而较昂贵的层则提供更多的服务。 该捆绑包最终将使Apple服务出现在地图上吗? 我认为会的。

结构体 (Structure)

According to Bloomberg, these “Apple One” subscription bundles will have tiers of increasing costs that offer different services. The cheapest tier could include Apple Music and Apple TV+, while the next tier could have these two along with Apple Arcade. The one after this tier could also offer Apple News+, followed by a tier with the above four and the highest iCloud storage option. It’s not likely that Apple will include AppleCare in Apple One, as this is mostly focused on exposing more consumers to Apple services.

彭博社报道 ,这些“ Apple One”订阅捆绑包将提供越来越多的成本,以提供不同的服务。 最便宜的一层可能包括Apple Music和Apple TV +,而下一层可能将这两者与Apple Arcade一起使用。 此级别之后的一个级别也可以提供Apple News +,然后是具有以上四个级别和最高iCloud存储选项的级别。 苹果不太可能将AppleCare包含在Apple One中,因为这主要是为了使更多消费者获得Apple服务。

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Mashable India) Mashable India )

Rumors also suggest that Apple is working on a new subscription service that will provide consumers with virtual fitness classes that will supposedly rival classes from Peloton and Nike. This service can be used on an app that will be available to iPadOS, iOS, and tvOS, so wherever you are, you can work out. This product is codenamed “Seymour,” and, according to Bloomberg’s report, will be offered in one of the more expensive bundles.

谣言还暗示,苹果正在开发一项新的订阅服务,该服务将为消费者提供虚拟健身课程,该课程可以与Peloton和Nike的课程媲美。 该服务可在iPadOS,iOS和tvOS可用的应用程序上使用,因此无论身在何处,您都可以锻炼。 这款产品的代号为“西摩”,根据彭博社的报告,它将以一种较昂贵的捆绑销售。

Apple is looking to appeal to families with this new subscription bundle, as it will work with Apple’s Family Sharing system, allowing up to six people to have access to the services in Apple One. They’re also making the deal sweeter for consumers by offering its services for cheaper than if you would have bought them separately. Gurman reports that these bundles could “save consumers about $2 to upwards of $5 a month, depending on the package chosen.”

Apple希望通过此新的订阅包吸引家庭,因为它将与Apple的家庭共享系统一起使用,最多允许六人使用Apple One中的服务。 通过提供比您单独购买的价格便宜的服务,它们还使交易对消费者更有利。 Gurman报告称,这些捆绑包“可能每月使消费者节省2美元到5美元以上,具体取决于所选择的套餐”。

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Apple) Apple )

好处 (Benefits)

We can see that Apple One makes it easier for consumers to buy Apple services, but what’s in it for Apple? What do they gain from creating these subscription bundles?

我们可以看到,Apple One使消费者更容易购买Apple服务,但是Apple One有什么用呢? 通过创建这些订阅包,他们会得到什么?

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MacRumors) MacRumors )

更多经常性收入 (More Recurring Revenue)

By making it easier for consumers to purchase Apple services and making them believe they’re getting a great deal, more people will purchase them and Apple will generate more recurring revenue. This isn’t the first time Apple has done this, as last year, it gave anyone who bought a new iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, or iPod Touch after September 10 a free one-year subscription to Apple TV+. This could lead to many people renewing their subscriptions after the year ends, and more recurring revenue is generated. The same marketing strategy will be used with Apple One.

通过使消费者更容易购买Apple服务,并使他们相信自己获得了很多收益,更多的人将购买它们,Apple将产生更多的经常性收入。 这不是Apple第一次这样做,因为去年9月10日之后购买新iPhone,iPad,Mac,Apple TV或iPod Touch 的人可以免费获得Apple TV + 的一年订阅 。 这可能导致许多人在年底之后续订订阅,并产生更多的经常性收入。 Apple One将使用相同的营销策略。

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OneZero) OneZero )

在软件服务市场上站稳脚跟 (Strong Foothold in Software Services Market)

Apple’s services sector is growing more and more popular with the introduction of new products like Apple TV+ and Apple Arcade, but this new bundle will really put its services over the top. Currently, many people use services from companies like Amazon (Prime) and Google (YouTube, Google Play, etc.), but Apple’s new marketing strategy will increase its userbase, thus giving them a stronger foothold in the software services market.

随着诸如Apple TV +和Apple Arcade之类的新产品的推出,Apple的服务部门越来越受欢迎,但是这个新捆绑包的确将其服务置于首位。 当前,许多人使用诸如Amazon(Prime)和Google(YouTube,Google Play等)之类的公司的服务,但是Apple的新营销策略将增加其用户群,从而使他们在软件服务市场上更具立足点。

消费者将购买更多苹果产品 (Consumers Will Buy More Apple Products)

Earlier, I mentioned that this bundle will make it much easier for people to buy Apple services, but these services are only compatible with Apple products. Many consumers who purchase an Apple One bundle may feel that buying more Apple products would make their purchase worthwhile, meaning they would be more immersed in the Apple ecosystem. Usually, when someone immerses themselves in this ecosystem of products, it’s very hard to leave, so Apple would have secured some long-time customers.

早些时候,我提到过该捆绑包将使人们更容易购买Apple服务,但是这些服务仅与Apple产品兼容。 许多购买Apple One套装的消费者可能会觉得购买更多Apple产品将使他们的购买物有所值,这意味着他们将更加沉浸在Apple生态系统中。 通常,当有人将自己沉浸在这种产品生态系统中时,很难离开,因此Apple可以赢得一些长期客户。

Concept of Apple One

苹果能做到这一点吗? (Can Apple Pull This Off?)

Apple is fairly unfamiliar with the idea of bundling products or services, but they’ve been experimenting with this in the past couple of years. For example, last year, Apple gave students who purchased a subscription for Apple Music free access to Apple TV+. Also, less than a week ago, Apple announced that Apple TV+ subscribers can purchase a bundle that offers both CBS All Access and SHOWTIME for the price of one.

苹果公司对捆绑产品或服务的想法相当陌生,但是在过去的几年中,他们一直在进行尝试。 例如,去年,Apple向购买了Apple Music订阅的学生免费提供了Apple TV +的访问权。 此外,不到一周前,苹果宣布Apple TV +订户可以购买一个捆绑包,该捆绑包同时提供CBS All Access和SHOWTIME的价格。

Along with bundles of software services, Apple is also planning to release various hardware and software bundles. Bloomberg reports:

除了捆绑的软件服务外,Apple还计划发布各种捆绑的硬件和软件。 彭博社报道:

Apple is planning new software and hardware bundles, including giving buyers of the Apple TV set-top box a free year of Apple Arcade. That would follow a free year of TV+ offered to those purchasing new Apple devices.

苹果公司正在计划新的软件和硬件捆绑销售,包括为苹果电视机顶盒的购买者免费提供一年的Apple Arcade服务。 那将是为购买新Apple设备的用户免费提供TV +的一年。

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9to5Mac) 9to5Mac )

Apple is taking an extremely risky move by doing something they don’t have much experience in, but in the end, I think it will pay off.


Nowadays, most people use software services like music streaming apps and game streaming platforms very frequently, so companies that have strong footholds in this market tend to generate lots of recurring revenue. Currently, Amazon and Google dominate this industry, but this subscription bundle could be Apple’s ticket to the top. Apple One is a completely new product that the company is inexperienced with, but you don’t get anywhere without taking some risks!

如今,大多数人非常频繁地使用诸如音乐流应用程序和游戏流平台之类的软件服务,因此在该市场中拥有强大立足点的公司往往会产生大量经常性收入。 目前,亚马逊和谷歌主导着这个行业,但是这个订阅捆绑包可能是苹果公司的顶峰门票。 Apple One是该公司缺乏经验的全新产品,但是如果不冒险,您将一筹莫展!

Want to learn more about Apple One? Check out these articles:

想更多地了解Apple One? 查看以下文章:

翻译自: https://medium.com/techtalkers/apple-rumored-to-launch-apple-one-subscription-bundle-soon-e7187ce4e62e





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