
How much longer will we continue to ignore the impact of our continued refusal to do anything to mitigate the planet’s long-standing climate emergency?


California and Oregon are in flames, forcing half a million people to abandon their homes, and exceeding in a matter of weeks the area burned last year: yet we still refuse to accept that this is a direct result of the increase in global temperature caused by human activity that has turned our forests into tinder. The orange skies lending an apocalyptic, science-fiction air to San Francisco illustrate the terrible magnitude of the catastrophe we all now find ourselves part of.

加利福尼亚州和俄勒冈州正处于大火中,迫使五十万人放弃房屋,并在去年的几周内烧毁了该地区。但是,我们仍然拒绝接受这是全球气温升高直接造成的结果。人类的活动使我们的森林变成了火炬。 橙色的天空贷款世界末日,科幻空气旧金山说明可怕幅度的的灾难,我们 现在发现自己的一部分。

And it’s not just California and Oregon: the Amazon rainforest is burning at a faster rate than ever; the ice in the Bering Strait and Greenland is melting beyond the point of no return in a loss that keeps increasing every year, threatening floods that will surely create millions of climate refugees; temperatures in the Arctic exceed 100ºF; the Atlantic hurricane season seems to be preparing to break all records and wipe out entire areas; human activity is destroying biodiversity at an unprecedented rate, storms flatten entire towns in Iowa, and huge clouds of mosquitoes rising from flood debris are killing cattle and horses in Louisiana. For once, the term apocalyptic is no exaggeration.

不仅是加利福尼亚和俄勒冈州:亚马逊雨林的燃烧速度比以往任何时候都快白令海峡和格陵兰的融化到了每年都增长损失以外的不可逆转的地步,威胁着洪水,必将造成数百万气候难民; 北极的温度超过100ºF ; 大西洋飓风季节似乎正准备打破所有记录消灭整个地区。 人类活动前所未有的速度破坏了生物多样性,风暴使爱荷华州的整个城市夷为平地,洪水碎片引起的巨大蚊子致死路易斯安那州的牛和马。 曾经,世界末日这个词丝毫不夸张。

The science is beyond question: our carbon dioxide emissions are killing the planet by turning it into a hothouse. Last year, the climate emergency generated more than fifteen weather phenomena the cost of clearing up each exceeded $1 billion, and threatens to destroy our economies, especially if we continue voting for politicians who do nothing to prevent it or even make the problem worse.

科学是毋庸置疑的:我们的二氧化碳排放量正在通过将其变成温室杀死地球。 去年,气候紧急情况产生了超过15种天气现象,清理每种气候现象的成本超过10亿美元,并有可能破坏我们的经济,尤其是如果我们继续投票支持无能为力的政治家,甚至使问题变得更糟的话。

We have to take action, and we have to do it now. The time for promises and kicking the can down the road is over: to save ourselves and much of life on the rest of the planet, means taking drastic, radical and meaningful measures. These measures are still unimaginable for many people, but there really is no alternative: if we do not change course now, then we are bound for disaster. We need to abandon the technologies that caused all this and replace them with others that are already available.

我们必须采取行动,我们现在必须这样做。 兑现承诺和兑现罐头之路的时代已经过去:要拯救自己和地球上其他地方的大部分生命,就意味着要采取严厉,激进和有意义的措施。 对于许多人来说,这些措施仍然是不可想象的,但是实际上别无选择:如果我们现在不改变方向,那么我们将注定要遭受灾难。 我们需要放弃导致所有这些的技术,并用已经可用的其他技术代替它们。

The climate emergency represents the greatest technological challenge we have ever faced. We need to drastically change the energy map, regardless of the cost and the economic interests involved, and start measuring the real impact of all human activity on the planet, and stop lying to ourselves.

气候紧急情况代表了我们所面临的最大技术挑战。 无论涉及的成本和经济利益如何,我们都需要彻底改变能源图,并开始衡量所有人类活动对地球的实际影响,并停止对自己说谎。

The margin for maneuver we once had has already disappeared. We must act now, in every way, immediately: drastic and immediate measures. That means doing everything we can on an individual scale, while demanding collectively that our politicians do everything they can, however impossible it seems. There is no time left. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, more important or that has greater priority.

我们曾经拥有的回旋余地已经不复存在。 我们现在必须以各种方式立即采取行动:立即采取严厉措施。 这意味着我们要在个人规模上竭尽所能,同时集体要求我们的政客尽其所能,尽管这似乎是不可能的。 没有时间了。 没有什么,绝对没有,更重要或具有更高的优先级。

Is anybody listening?


This article was previously published on Forbes.


(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/is-anybody-listening-e6f54c57021f





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