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翻译 这就是为什么您仍然无法将Android手机连接到Apple Watch的原因

The latest Apple Watch, announced last week, is an iterative improvement over an already industry-leading smartwatch. It includes a blood oxygen sensor, on top of the host of other fitness sensors pre...

2020-10-15 04:15:01 2061

翻译 囚徒困境困境_社会困境两部恐怖电影主演

囚徒困境困境My biggest takeaways from the 2020 documentary-drama, and why it finally opened my eyes…我从2020年纪录片戏中获得的最大收获,以及为什么它最终使我大开眼界…Last weekend I watched 2020 documentary-drama The Social Dilemma. It l...

2020-10-15 04:04:14 1618

翻译 书迷软件_书迷们应该抵制好书吗

书迷软件Amazon may be a disaster for the book industry, but giving up Goodreads isn’t necessarily the answer.亚马逊可能对图书行业来说是一场灾难,但是放弃Goodreads并不一定是答案。A few days ago I was informed by Goodreads that I have ...

2020-10-15 03:54:22 281

翻译 金融科技通过更多控制不断推动向更智能信用卡的发展

A group of former Twitter employers backed by PayPal founder Max Levchin have announced the launch of a new stainless steel X1 Card, a fintech move that has been attracting a lot of attention over rec...

2020-10-15 03:34:55 213

翻译 h5 无障碍_5g及其障碍

h5 无障碍What is 5G?什么是5G?5G is the fifth generation cellular network that is at least 10 times faster than 4G LTE and some experts even claim that it could eventually be 100 times faster. To give an ex...

2020-10-15 03:25:40 441

翻译 无限滚动新一代老虎机

重点(Top highlight)Infinite scrolling is everywhere. It’s part of how social networks feed you content, and how YouTube and Google serve you search results. While some think it’s a good idea, most desig...

2020-10-15 03:16:24 648

翻译 没有更多空间可供虚拟磁盘_为什么现代游戏需要比以往更多的磁盘空间和速度...

没有更多空间可供虚拟磁盘If you have downloaded a modern game recently, you may have noticed that the disk space requirements have increased dramatically over the past few years. In addition to just the raw storag...

2020-10-15 03:05:52 624

翻译 升级您的应用程序基础架构

Do you have an app out in the wild? Maybe you are working on one right now. Whichever the case may be, you want to be able to measure the performance of your app.您是否有野外的应用程序? 也许您现在正在研究一个。 无论哪种情况,您都希望能...

2020-10-13 14:15:36 196

翻译 flutter mac_将flutter项目从Windows迁移到Mac,反之亦然

flutter macHaving issues with launching your Flutter application after moving it from Windows to Mac or from Mac to Windows— or to another machine in general? Here is a quick checklist of what you may...

2020-10-13 14:06:34 860

翻译 在Kotlin中有多个选择的交错recyclerview

The RecyclerView widget is currently the most popular way to display a large, complex lists in android applications.RecyclerView小部件是当前在Android应用程序中显示大型复杂列表的最流行方法。In this article I’ll show you how to ...

2020-10-13 13:55:52 366

翻译 gpu 纹理_在android gpu检查器中使用纹理计数器

gpu 纹理Android GPU Inspector (AGI) lets us peek into the inner GPU workings on Android. One of the most demanding GPU tasks is to fetch and filter texture data from within a shader. We can use AGI to m...

2020-10-13 13:45:36 428

翻译 扑扑地改写iOS应用

I've had a game available on the App Store for quite a while now: InterAção (Portuguese for InterAction), it's a party game to play mimic with friends.我已经有一段时间在App Store上提供了一款游戏: InterAção (InterActio...

2020-10-13 13:35:40 220

翻译 android应用程序_如何检测Android应用程序更新

android应用程序Imagine you’re revisiting an existing feature on your application. Sometimes, it’s such a change from the previous version that you will want to communicate about it. You might want to onbo...

2020-10-13 13:25:13 512

翻译 c# 浮动图标展开_如何使用展开式浮动操作按钮

c# 浮动图标展开Earlier I wrote about what the Expandable Floating Action Button is (henceforth ExpandableFab) and why you should be using it in your Android applications.早些时候,我写了什么是Expandable Floating Actio...

2020-10-13 13:15:12 324

翻译 倾听您的游戏面板说话

As part of their Investment Summit Online this week, Gamesindustry.biz presented a panel with publishers and commercial-side experts on what not to do when pitching your game. Though it was titled ‘Do...

2020-10-13 13:05:29 116

翻译 待办清单 bmob_在扑扑中建立待办事项清单

待办清单 bmobA short example of how easy it is to build a CRUD App using the Flutter framework.一个简短的示例,说明使用Flutter框架构建CRUD应用有多么容易。About one year ago, I noticed some mobile app framework which I immediate...

2020-10-13 12:56:13 200

翻译 预期违背_违背好的建议的理由

预期违背The tech media will often recommend that you avoid first- and sometimes even second-generation devices. That’s reasonable advice for most people, but not everyone. And maybe not for you.科技媒体通常会建议您...

2020-10-11 08:13:53 358

翻译 ios13新功能_iOS 14中5个最佳生产力新功能

ios13新功能By Jason Aten杰森·阿滕(Jason Aten)On Tuesday, Apple introduced new versions of the Apple Watch and iPad. While we will just have to wait a little longer for the iPhone 12, at the end of the event...

2020-10-11 08:03:56 308

翻译 解锁gen z

“他们是历史上联系最紧密,受过教育和最先进的一代……他们不仅代表着未来,而且还在创造未来。”(“They are the most connected, educated and sophisticated generation in history…They don’t just represent the future, they are creating it.”)- Mark McCri...

2020-10-11 07:42:38 515

翻译 为什么我从android切换到iphone并且永远不会返回

Disclaimer: This is based on my personal experience, I am not implying you should also switch to iPhone or anything similar. I wrote this with the only purpose of helping people who maybe want to swit...

2020-10-11 07:31:42 188

翻译 特斯拉电池细节_一家超级秘密的电池初创公司暗示其吹过特斯拉,但不会展示商品...

特斯拉电池细节Early this month, QuantumScape, an ultra-secretive, $4.3 billion battery startup, startled the battery and electric vehicle communities with an announcement: In the fourth quarter, it would go ...

2020-10-11 07:20:51 786

翻译 android 沙盒_我们分别测试了2020年排名前五的最佳android电视盒

android 沙盒So once you have decided you want an android TV box. Now, all you have to do is pick from a plethora of available devices. When you start searching you would find out that there are a hundre...

2020-10-11 07:02:00 2589

翻译 干教育可以固守我们的未来,但实际上可以等待

In 2016, the New York Times published an article aptly titled, “A Rising Call to Promote STEM Education and Cut Liberal Arts Funding”. In the same vein, The Globe and Mail delves into an essay that is...

2020-10-11 06:51:40 433

翻译 机器学习是什么时候开始火的_机器学习101它是什么以及如何开始

机器学习是什么时候开始火的Editor’s Note: Diving into machine learning and AI from scratch can feel daunting, especially for people without a strong background in math. That’s where Laurence Moroney comes in. Laure...

2020-10-11 06:40:53 874

翻译 华为电子邮件显示未读邮件1_电子邮件简介已经过去

华为电子邮件显示未读邮件1This is the Future这就是未来How do you get in touch with the people you need to meet? Whether you need advice, funding, a partnership, or a new employee — it’s easy enough to find likely cand...

2020-10-11 06:31:26 1429

翻译 ipad发布会ipad_iPad诞生十周年

ipad发布会ipadThere have been a number of interesting and thoughtful retrospectives on the 10th anniversary of the iPad’s announcement. Steven Sinofsky used a Twitter thread (gathered into this post) to ...

2020-10-11 06:21:44 420

翻译 rtx2060 机器学习_机器人如何在消费者抢购之前购买数十台rtx 3080设备

rtx2060 机器学习Based on a tweeted image, the bot was able to help one reseller score 42 units of the RTX 3080 from Nvidia’s website before it went out of stock.根据推特上的图像,该机器人能够帮助一位经销商从Nvidia的网站上为RTX 3080的...

2020-10-11 06:12:21 363

翻译 人工智能象棋创新_国际象棋创新十年

人工智能象棋创新Lichess (Lichess.org) started as a “simple tech experiment” and grew into the second most popular chess website on the internet, second only to Chess.com. According to Alexa, Lichess is curren...

2020-10-11 06:03:00 834

翻译 治疗师面临远程医疗的不同挑战

The pandemic has forced medical professionals including mental health professionals to rethink how they do their jobs.大流行迫使包括精神卫生专业人员在内的医学专业人员重新考虑他们的工作方式。I called my client promptly at 10 am for an ap...

2020-10-11 05:53:55 50

翻译 我们短暂的人类世和即将到来的算法世

不可思议的事情开始不可避免(The unthinkable is starting to look inevitable)Almost lost in the cacophony of terrible news for us humans this year have been the recent signals of irreversible damage we humans have b...

2020-10-11 05:44:07 1374

翻译 揭开均线系统的神秘面纱_在应用程式审查API中揭开新玩法的神秘面纱

揭开均线系统的神秘面纱During the #11WeeksOfAndroid the new Play In-App Review API was announced. This was a long due functionality that the Play team made available via the Play Core library.d uring的#11WeeksOfAn...

2020-09-06 08:52:41 151

翻译 oauth0 oauth2_使用oauth确保本机React

oauth0 oauth2In this tutorial, we will set up a React Native application to work with OAuth. We’ll use FusionAuth for auth, but the React Native code should work with any OAuth compliant server.在本教程中,...

2020-09-06 08:42:31 761

翻译 匕首作用域子组件的内存和谁在乎

Dependency injection is an amazing concept that has become a critical part of application architecture within the recent years. Long gone are the days of long method signatures or random objects to ho...

2020-09-06 08:31:59 87

翻译 在Xamarin android应用程序中使用huaweimap创建和监视地理围栏

A geofence is a virtual perimeter set on a real geographic area. Combining a user position with a geofence perimeter, it is possible to know if the user is inside the geofence or if he is exiting or e...

2020-09-06 08:21:03 437

翻译 八个游戏角色

For many years, gamers were just people who played games, differentiated mostly by what system they used to enjoy their hobby. The true “hardcore” gamers played on PC, the realm of flight simulators, ...

2020-09-04 14:21:12 556

翻译 扑扑中的建筑材料设计应用程序

谁应该读这个(Who Should Read This)This post is intended for those new to Flutter mobile app development and can create new projects and have a basic understanding of concepts such as Flutter’s Stateful and...

2020-09-04 14:11:39 111

翻译 为什么颤振不是下一件大事

重点(Top highlight)I’ve noticed quite a few articles recently promoting Flutter as the “next big thing.” Several have even explained in detail how Flutter is going to replace React Native as the leading...

2020-09-04 14:01:22 237

翻译 在android中用跳动显示动画

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to apply a reveal with bounce animation to any view in Android. I used this particular reveal animation to show bonus points in a previous application. For the purpos...

2020-09-04 13:51:10 632

翻译 轻松的国际化与轻松的本地化

Since app localization is very common with mobile app development I thought to write about one of my favorite flutter plugins. App internationalization is really fast and easy with easy_localization p...

2020-09-01 23:58:22 352

翻译 因为人的心 会变得越来越硬_随着我们的技术变得越来越强大,我们正在进入一个新的道德世界...

因为人的心 会变得越来越硬We take it for granted that we’re supposed to act ethically and, usually, that seems pretty simple. Don’t lie, cheat or steal, don’t hurt anybody on purpose and act with good intentions. ...

2020-09-01 02:25:17 524



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