ios13新功能_iOS 14中5个最佳生产力新功能


By Jason Aten

杰森·阿滕(Jason Aten)

On Tuesday, Apple introduced new versions of the Apple Watch and iPad. While we will just have to wait a little longer for the iPhone 12, at the end of the event, Tim Cook announced that you can download the latest version of iOS 14 starting Wednesday. It’s packed with some really great features, and it allows you to change how you interact with your device in a way we haven’t seen in a long time.

苹果周二推出了新版本的Apple Watch和iPad。 在活动结束时,我们将只需要等待一会儿,但在活动结束时,蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)宣布您可以从周三开始下载最新版本的iOS 14 。 它具有一些非常好的功能,并且允许您以很长时间以来未曾见过的方式更改与设备的交互方式。

Of course, you might be wondering whether you should upgrade. If you have an iPhone 6S or newer, or an iPhone SE, you can run iOS 14 but that doesn’t everyone should rush to download it.

当然,您可能想知道是否应该升级。 如果您拥有iPhone 6S或更高版本,或iPhone SE,则可以运行iOS 14,但这并不是每个人都急着下载它。

There’s good reason for that. Last year’s rollout of iOS 13 was mired with problems, not to mention software bugs. Those issues prompted the Department of Defense to advise against downloading iOS 13, but instead to wait for version 13.1.

有充分的理由。 去年推出的iOS 13陷入了问题,更不用说软件错误了。 这些问题促使美国国防部建议不要下载iOS 13,而要等待版本13.1。

The beta versions of iOS 14 had far fewer problems than the previous version, but it’s worth mentioning that since developers had only 24 hours notice that the final version was ready to be pushed to phones, it’s possible that some of your favorite apps won’t be updated yet.

iOS 14 Beta版的问题比以前的版本少得多,但是值得一提的是,由于开发人员只有24小时注意到最终版本已准备好发布到手机上,因此您最喜欢的某些应用可能不会尚未更新。

Still, there are a few killer productivity features that might make you want to update your iPhone right now. Here are my favorites:

尽管如此,仍有一些杀手productivity的生产力功能可能使您现在想要更新iPhone。 这是我的最爱:

小部件 (Widgets)

Widgets aren’t new to the iPhone, but they’ve taken a much more prominent role in iOS 14. Now, instead of being confined to the widget drawer, you can add them to your home screen. Apple has created some cool options, including a Smart Stack, which lets you swipe through a series of widgets chosen based on your activity and what Siri thinks you might like. Other developers will be able to add these new widgets as well, though — given the short notice — you may have to wait a little longer for those.

小部件并不是iPhone的新功能,但是它们在iOS 14中扮演了更加重要的角色。现在,您可以将它们添加到主屏幕,而不必局限于小部件抽屉。 苹果已经创建了一些很酷的选项,包括智能堆栈,它使您可以浏览一系列根据您的活动和Siri认为自己喜欢的东西而选择的小部件。 其他开发人员也将能够添加这些新的小部件,但是-在短时间内通知您-您可能需要再等待一些时间。

应用剪辑 (App Clips)

At first I wasn’t sure whether I’d classify App Clips as a productivity tool, but considering that they can save a lot of time, and streamline a variety of processes, I’m coming around. These are a lite version of an app that you don’t have to download.

最初我不确定是否将App Clips归类为生产力工具,但是考虑到它们可以节省大量时间并简化各种流程,所以我来了。 这些是您无需下载的精简版应用程序。

Instead, when you place your phone near Apple’s new QR code, the App Clip loads, making it easy to order food from a vending machine, pay for parking, or rent a bike. All of the things that used to be a little less convenient because you had to download an app and create an account — all of which took time — just became a lot more intuitive and fast.

取而代之的是,当您将手机放在Apple的新QR码附近时,会加载App Clip,从而可以轻松地从自动售货机订购食物,支付停车费或租一辆自行车。 所有以前不太方便的事情,因为您必须下载一个应用程序并创建一个帐户-所有这些都花费了时间-变得更加直观和快捷。

留言内容 (Messages)

Apple’s messages app has always been the best-in-class, at least for mobile messages. Still, it lagged behind dedicated communication tools like Slack because it was limited in the features that matter. Now, Apple has added a few much-appreciated features.

苹果的消息应用程序一直是同类中最好的,至少对于移动消息而言。 但是,它仍然落后于诸如Slack这样的专用通信工具,因为它在重要功能方面受到限制。 现在,苹果增加了一些备受赞赏的功能。

The first is the ability to pin important messages to the top of the app. This is a great way to easily access messages with the contacts you communicate with most often without having to scroll through a long list.

第一个是将重要消息固定到应用程序顶部的功能。 这是一种轻松访问与您最常联系的联系人的消息的好方法,而无需滚动冗长的列表。

The other major area messages has improved is in group chats. You can now tag individual recipients, create threaded replies within a group chat, and set your notifications to only alert you when someone has tagged you. I don’t think it’s likely that Messages is going to replace Slack any time soon, but it definitely got a lot more useful.

小组聊天中其他主要方面的消息有所改善。 现在,您可以标记单个收件人,在群聊中创建主题答复,并将通知设置为仅在有人标记您时提醒您。 我认为Messages不可能很快取代Slack,但是它肯定会有用得多。

AirPods (AirPods)

The beauty of the AirPods is that once you connect them to your iPhone, they are automatically paired, via iCloud, to all of your devices. The problem is, you still had to manually connect them each time you wanted to switch between, say, your iPhone and your Mac.

AirPods的美丽之处在于,一旦将它们连接到iPhone,它们就会通过iCloud自动与所有设备配对。 问题是,每次要在iPhone和Mac之间切换时,仍然必须手动连接它们。

With iOS 14, AirPods get smarter, and are able to automatically switch between devices based on what you’re doing. That way, when you stop listening to a podcast on your iPhone, and instead join a Zoom call on your Mac, the AirPods will automatically switch the audio for you. When you’re done, if you decide to take a break and watch Ted Lasso on your iPad, your AirPods will follow without you having to manually select them on each device.

借助iOS 14,AirPods变得更加智能,并能够根据您的工作状况在设备之间自动切换。 这样,当您停止在iPhone上收听播客,而在Mac上加入Zoom通话时,AirPods将自动为您切换音频。 完成后,如果您决定休息一下并在iPad上观看Ted Lasso ,您的AirPods将随之而来,而无需在每台设备上手动选择它们。

应用程式库 (App Library)

Finally, Apple will also now let you hide apps from your home screens, and instead place them in an App Library. Android has had this basically forever, and it’s long overdue on iOS. In fact, you can even hide entire home screens. This is perfect for apps you’d like to keep on your device because you use them occasionally, but would rather not have take up space on your home screen. IT also helps reduce the distraction of staring at your device with hundreds of apps and folders, each silently begging for your attention.

最后,Apple现在还允许您从主屏幕隐藏应用程序,而是将其放置在应用程序库中。 Android基本上已经永久存在此功能,而iOS早就应该这样做了。 实际上,您甚至可以隐藏整个主屏幕。 这对于您希望保留在设备上的应用程序是完美的,因为您偶尔会使用它们,但不希望在主屏幕上占用空间。 IT还通过数百个应用程序和文件夹帮助减轻盯着设备的注意力,每个应用程序和文件夹都默默地引起您的注意。

If you’re ready for iOS 14, I recommend first backing up your device, either to your Mac, or to iCloud. That’ll protect your data and allow you to restore it in case something does go wrong.

如果您已准备好使用iOS 14,建议您先将设备备份到Mac或iCloud。 这样可以保护您的数据,并允许您在发生问题时进行恢复。

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