

Beyerdynamic’s DT150 headphones have been available for over 50 years, making them one of the oldest continually-produced audio products on the market. They first launched in the late 1960’s, and are an update of the DT100 monitoring headphones, which are also still available and in active use in the recording industry. It takes only one look at their boxy frame and gargantuan headband to see that their design hasn’t changed one bit since their inception, but their long life and legacy are earned through exceptional performance.

B eyerdynamic的DT150耳机已经使用了50多年,使其成为市场上最古老的连续生产的音频产品之一。 它们于1960年代后期首次推出,是DT100监听耳机的更新版本,在录音行业中仍然可以使用并正在使用。 只需看一看他们的方形框架和硕大的头带,便可以看出他们的设计自诞生之日起就没有发生过任何改变,但它们的长寿命和悠久的历史却得益于出色的性能。

In spite of their ancient design and aesthetic, they offer sound reproduction and durability that have stood the test of time and compete well with every other headphone in the professional audio market. Although Beyerdynamic has an official product page for them on their web site here, they’re currently only sold through retail partnerships and pro audio distributors, and cost around $199 dollars. I bought the 250 ohm version from Amazon for about $175. Beyerdynamic sells replacement parts direct through their store, as every single part is user accessible and replaceable…something newer models like the AKG K361 should learn from.

尽管它们具有古老的设计和美学,但它们提供的声音再现性和耐用性经受了时间的考验,并且可以与专业音频市场中的其他耳机竞争良好。 尽管Beyerdynamic 在其网站上为他们提供了官方产品页面,但目前仅通过零售合作伙伴和专业音频分销商出售,售价约为199美元。 我以约175美元的价格从亚马逊购买了250欧姆版本。 Beyerdynamic直接通过他们的商店出售替换零件,因为每个零件都是用户可访问且可更换的……诸如AKG K361等较新的型号应向他们学习。

These might look like a weird movie prop or an outdated plastic nightmare, but their sound performance and build quality are both far better than the age of the design suggests. The sound signature is neutral, pleasant, and accurate, and reminds me of the DT770 but without quite as much harsh bite in the treble. I tested them with both a Schiit Fulla 2 amp and my Dell G5’s on-board output, and they sounded a little better with the amp, but the laptop output was perfectly acceptable at about half volume.

这些可能看起来像是一部奇怪的电影道具或过时的塑料梦m,但它们的声音性能和制造质量都远远超过了设计时代的预期。 声音特征是中性,令人愉悦和准确的,使我想起了DT770,但在高音中没有那么刺耳的声音。 我同时使用Schiit Fulla 2放大器和Dell G5的板载输出对它们进行了测试,它们在使用放大器时听起来要好一些,但笔记本电脑的输出在一半的音量下是完全可以接受的。

Bass extension is good, and the bass has a nice smooth texture to it, but overall bass presence is a bit subdued compared to more modern headphones. Still, it’ll bring the punch when you need it with both more slam and nuance than I was expecting from such an old design.

低音扩展很好,并且低音具有不错的平滑质感,但是与更现代的耳机相比,总体低音表现有些柔和。 不过,当您需要时,它将比我从旧设计获得的更多的冲击力和细微差别带来冲击。

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Photo taken by the author.

As on many other Beyerdynamic models, the midrange is the true star of the show. It has an accurate and natural response with a realistic-sounding timbre. Vocals and acoustic instruments sound very true-to-life, which is exactly what you want out of a monitoring headphone. If you close your eyes you can almost imagine you’re there in the recording studio.

与其他许多拜亚动力模型一样,中频是该节目的真正明星。 它具有逼真的音色,具有准确自然的响应。 人声和声学乐器听起来非常逼真,这正是您想要的监听耳机所想要的。 如果闭上眼睛,您几乎可以想象您在录音室里。

Alas, it’s not quite “perfect,” but then no headphone really is. The treble is just a bit more inconsistent than I’d like with some peaks and dips in its response, sounding brittle and thin on some songs and just fine on others. Still, I think the treble is more pleasant and less likely to upset most users than the aggressive highs found on the DT770 and 990.

las,它不是很“完美”,但实际上没有耳机是真的。 高音与我想要的有些矛盾,在响应中出现了一些高峰和骤降,某些歌曲听起来很脆,很细,而另一些则很好。 不过,我认为,与DT770和990上的激进高点相比,高音更令人愉悦,并且不大可能让大多数用户感到不适。

Although the DT150 was designed exclusively for professional monitoring, its relatively neutral sound makes it more than adequate for general listening use. The more-recent DT250 (see my review here) offers slightly better sound overall, but less air and soundstage, and a fit that’s much more cramped on the head. The 150’s large ear cups and sound signature give it imaging and staging performance that feels closer to an open-backed pair than most closed-back headphones, just like the newer DT770.

尽管DT150专为专业监听而设计,但其相对中性的声音使其足以满足一般收听的需求。 该-更近DT250( 在这里看到我的评论 )报价略好声音的整体,但较少的空气和声场,而这更多的头部局促一个合适的。 150的大耳罩和声音特征使其具有出色的成像和分阶段性能,与大多数封闭式耳机相比,更像开放式耳机,就像新款DT770一样。

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These might have the largest ear pads of any headphone I’ve ever used. Photo taken by the author.
这些耳机可能是我用过的所有耳机​​中最大的。 作者拍摄的照片。

Seal and proper fit are critical to the performance of the DT150. Though my thin glasses fortunately don’t impact the seal or the sound signature very much, I do have to fiddle around with the cups every time I put them on my head to make sure they’re positioned right. The ear cup sliders stay in place with friction, and auto-slide to the right height on your head when you put them on, though they have a tendency to slide too far down.

密封和适当的安装对于DT150的性能至关重要。 尽管幸运的是,我的薄玻璃杯不会对密封或音效产生太大影响,但每次将玻璃杯戴在头上时,我都必须摆弄玻璃杯,以确保正确放置。 耳罩滑杆在摩擦下保持在原位,并在您戴上时自动滑到您的头上适当的高度,尽管它们有滑下的趋势。

The design looks like an old-fashioned telephone receiver, with a particularly gargantuan headband that has some odd angles in it to help press the ear cups into your head correctly. Only the middle third of the headband contacts my head, but it’s pleasantly padded. The ear cups are filled with soft non-memory foam and covered in Beyerdynamic’s “SoftTouch” PVC material, also found on the 32ohm version of the DT770. Much like my experience with that headphone, this material is more comfortable on the head than it looks like it will be. That’s good, because this is a very clampy headphone.

该设计看起来像老式的电话听筒,带有一个特别庞大的头带,其中的某些角度有些奇怪,可以帮助将耳罩正确地压入您的头部。 头带的中间只有三分之二会接触我的头,但它的填充感令人愉悦。 耳罩填充有柔软的非记忆泡沫,并用Beyerdynamic的“ SoftTouch” PVC材料覆盖,该材料在DT770的32ohm版本中也可以找到。 就像我使用该耳机的经验一样,这种材料在头部的舒适度比看起来更舒适。 很好,因为这是一款非常坚固的耳机。

If you need passive isolation, the DT150 delivers it in spades with its aggressive clamp, thick foam, and thick cups. The ear cups themselves are made of the same thick instrument case ABS plastic as the DT770’s, with a rough texture that’s weirdly pleasant in the hands. The detachable cable uses a 6-pin system that’s similar to the 7-pin system on the DT250, though sadly they’re not inter-compatible. Beyerdynamic includes a screw-on 6.3mm adapter in the box, and interestingly on my unit the 3.5mm plug has the same thin threading I first saw on the DT240 Pro, so my cable was made somewhat recently. This thinner threading isn’t compatible with most standard “Unimatch” 6.3mm adapters, so keep that in mind if you lose the adapter.

如果您需要被动隔离,则DT150会以其激进的夹具,浓厚的泡沫和浓密的杯子呈黑色散发。 耳罩本身由与DT770相同的较厚仪器盒ABS塑料制成,质地粗糙,手中的奇异感觉令人愉悦。 可分离的电缆使用类似于DT250上的7针系统的6针系统,尽管遗憾的是它们不兼容。 Beyerdynamic的包装盒中包括一个6.3mm螺纹固定适配器,有趣的是,在我的设备上,该3.5mm插头具有与DT240 Pro首次看到的细螺纹相同的螺纹,因此我的电缆是最近才制成的。 这种较细的螺纹与大多数标准的“ Unimatch” 6.3mm适配器不兼容,因此,如果丢失适配器,请记住这一点。

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Photo taken by the author.

I love everything about the DT 150. It’s a big stupid tank developed in the 1960’s that still manages to be comfortable and produce wonderfully accurate sound and I can happily listen to it for hours on end. I’m sure many will be put off by its bulk and its clamp, both of which are greatly improved on the DT770. But the 770 also has a permanently-attached cable and some undue harshness in the treble.

我喜欢DT 150的一切 。 它是1960年代开发的笨拙的大型水箱,仍然可以舒适地工作并产生极佳的精确声音,我可以愉快地连续听几个小时。 我敢肯定,DT770的体积和夹具将使许多人望而却步。 但是770还具有永久连接的电缆,并在高音中有一些不适当的粗糙度。

The presence of a detachable cable on both the DT150 and the DT250 makes the lack of one on the 770 lineup truly mystifying to me. I know that Beyerdynamic doesn’t like to mess with successful designs, but I wish they’d make an exception. The 6-pin proprietary connector on the DT150 isn’t completely ideal for finding replacements, but it’s still much more user-friendly than having to modify a 770 with your own cable.

DT150和DT250均配有可拆卸的电缆,这使770系列产品中缺少一根电缆确实使我感到迷惑。 我知道Beyerdynamic不喜欢弄乱成功的设计,但我希望他们会例外。 DT150上的6针专有连接器并不是寻找替代品的理想选择,但与必须用自己的电缆修改770相比,它仍然更加用户友好。

I hope that Beyerdynamic decides to make these for another 50 years. The DT150 is proof that good audio engineering can stand the test of time, and if you can get past their outdated visual aesthetic and general hugeness, then you’re in for a great time. The DT250 is a better option if you want this sort of audio performance in a smaller package, and the DT770 is more luxurious and sleek, though at the cost of having a divisive character to the treble and that darn attached cable.

我希望Beyerdynamic决定再制造50年。 DT150证明了良好的音频工程可以经受住时间的考验,如果您可以摆脱它们过时的视觉美感和广阔的空间,那么您将度过一段美好的时光。 如果您希望以较小的包装获得这种音频性能,则DT250是一个更好的选择,而DT770则更豪华,更时尚,但要以高音和分开的电缆为特色。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/beyerdynamic-dt150-professional-headphones-review-c4c08cf7dc17


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