

The coronavirus pandemic has created global shifts in the way people work and the trust they feel they have in their workspaces. Most developers have now tried remote work and many of them have discovered new freedoms they didn’t know they could have. Who needs the office anyway? The pandemic has proven that remote work and freelancing is good enough for the majority of development work.

冠状病毒大流行已经在人们的工作方式以及人们对工作场所的信任方面产生了全球性变化。 现在,大多数开发人员都尝试了远程工作,其中许多人发现了他们不知道可以拥有的新自由。 谁仍然需要办公室? 大流行证明了远程工作和自由职业足以满足大多数开发工作的需要。

As someone who has been a freelancer since a long time before the pandemic started, I would like to share my experiences to help new freelancers.


如何不设置您的小时费率 (How Not to Set Your Hourly Rate)

Many developers fail to choose the right hourly rate for themselves as freelancers. They then feel freelancing is not the right track for them, just because of this wrong choice.

许多开发人员未能为自由职业者选择合适的小时费率。 然后,他们会因为这种错误的选择而感到自由职业对他们来说不是正确的道路。

For example, they might make the following calculation — Salary to hourly: $1200 salary/160 hours per month = $7.5 per hour.


Just calculating your office hourly rate and using that as your freelance rate is a huge mistake. Your hourly rate as an employee is not as simple as that. As a full-time employee, you are paid per hour more than you think.

仅计算您的办公室小时费率并将其用作自由职业者费率是一个巨大的错误。 您作为员工的时薪并非如此简单。 作为全职员工,您每小时得到的报酬比您想象的要多。

全职工作将为您带来什么薪水,而您却没有这份工作? (What Does a Full-Time Job Pay You That Freelancing Won’t?)

假期等 (Vacations and other days off)

As an employee, you have vacations and days-off every year, which you are paid for. As a freelancer, you’re paid only for your working hours.

作为雇员,您每年都有休假和带薪休假,这是有薪的。 作为自由职业者,您需要支付工作时间的薪水。

健康保险 (Health insurance)

Most companies pay for your health insurance. When freelancers are sick, they don’t get money or any kind of coverage.

大多数公司为您支付健康保险。 当自由职业者生病时,他们没有钱或任何形式的保险。

退休计划 (Retirement plans)

Many companies have good retirement plans to make you feel safer — you can’t work forever. As a freelancer, a retirement plan is not covered.

许多公司都有良好的退休计划,使您感到更安全-您不能永远工作。 作为自由职业者,退休计划不包括在内。

产假 (Maternity leave)

Most companies have maternity leave plans, not just for mothers but for fathers too. Freelancers have to plan ahead for that new event in their life that needs more money and more free time as well.

大多数公司都有产假计划,不仅针对母亲,还针对父亲。 自由职业者必须为生活中的新活动提前计划,这需要更多的金钱和更多的空闲时间。

税收 (Taxes)

We usually decide to accept a company based on its net salary, after the deduction of tax. The company also does most of the paperwork for you. As a freelancer you need to do the tax documents yourself and, depending on where you are, taxes might be applied to your hourly rate.

我们通常会根据扣除税款后的净工资来决定接受一家公司。 该公司还为您完成大部分文书工作。 作为自由职业者,您需要自己制作税收文件,并且根据您所在的位置,税率可能会应用于您的小时费率。

工作保障和稳定的收入 (Job security and a stable income)

It is a blessing to know that even if you couldn’t work perfectly, you will still have an income to pay your rent at the end of the month. Freelancers don’t have that security though — what would happen if your client disappeared suddenly? Also, freelancers spend more time managing clients, finding new jobs, and handling billing issues.

很高兴知道,即使您不能完美地工作,在月底您仍然会有收入来支付租金。 自由职业者却没有这种安全性-如果您的客户突然失踪了怎么办? 此外,自由职业者将更多时间用于管理客户,寻找新工作以及处理帐单问题。

工作与生活的平衡 (Work-life balance)

Freelancing can help you have a good work-life balance, but if not applied correctly it can turn you into someone who works 80 hours a week or more! At most companies, it's eight hours and you’re done.

自由职业可以帮助您保持良好的工作与生活平衡,但是如果使用不当,则可以使您变成每周工作80小时或更长时间的人! 在大多数公司,这是八个小时,您已完成。

增进事业 (Enhancing your career)

A company usually helps you in your career path — they pay you to learn new stuff, and share knowledge with others. As a freelancer, in most jobs, you need to plan for your learning time and pay for it.

公司通常会在您的职业道路上为您提供帮助-他们付钱给您学习新知识并与他人共享知识。 作为自由职业者,在大多数工作中,您需要计划学习时间并为此付费。

工作日的非工作时间 (Non-working hours in the work day)

At a company, you are paid for your lunchtime, your social time with teammates, the time when you have headaches, and can’t work, the fun-room time, and even the time you spend at the toilet. Freelancing won’t pay you for any of these!

在一家公司,您的午餐时间,与队友的社交时间,头痛,无法工作的时间,娱乐时间甚至在洗手间的时间都会得到报酬。 自由职业不会为您支付任何费用!

隐藏的付款 (Hidden payments)

A company pays for the office’s rent the employees that are there to help you during work, as well as the software and hardware tools you need in your work. As a freelancer, you work on your laptop and you need to buy your own software tools.

公司支付办公室的租金,以帮助您在工作期间为您提供帮助,以及您在工作中需要的软件和硬件工具。 作为自由职业者,您需要在笔记本电脑上工作,并且需要购买自己的软件工具。

So do you still want to charge just $7.50 per hour when you freelance? As a freelancer, you need to make sure your hourly rate includes all the mentioned points and the time for managing all of this. This means you might need to triple your rate, or even more.

那么,当您自由职业时,您仍然只想每小时收取$ 7.50吗? 作为一名自由职业者,您需要确保您的时薪包括所有上述要点和管理所有这些时间。 这意味着您可能需要将费用提高三倍,甚至更多。

1.地理薪酬差异 (1. Geographic Pay Differentials)

Image for post
Eastern Peak 东峰分享的信息图

Developers are paid differently based on where they live. So even though you might only be paid $7.50 per hour in your country, another developer in the U.S. is paid more than $150 for the same job! So, choosing where your clients are based will help you to set a higher hourly rate. It is a win-win contract, where the clients pay less than what they would pay in their country, and you take a lot more as well.

根据开发人员的居住地,他们获得不同的报酬。 因此,即使您在您所在的国家/地区每小时只能获得$ 7.50的报酬,但在美国,另一位开发商为同一份工作获得的报酬却超过$ 150! 因此,选择客户所在的位置将有助于您设置更高的小时费率。 这是一个双赢的合同,其中客户支付的费用少于他们在本国支付的费用,而您的支付也要多得多。

2.专业客户了解成本 (2. Professional Clients Understand the Cost)

A professional client knows that the real cost of a developer is higher than their numeric salary, so when a job needs a freelancer, he knows their real cost.


3.较低的时薪并没有更高的机会获得工作 (3. A Low Hourly Rate Doesn’t Have a Higher Chance of Getting the Job)

Many freelancers think that the lower their hourly rate, the better their chance of being hired, but this isn’t true. A professional client is looking for a professional developer. So if they post a job and most freelancers are asking for $30–50 and you’re only asking for $5, that won’t encourage them to work with you — it will only make them doubt that you’re even a developer. The hourly rate reflects how professional you are in the freelancing world, even freelancers charging $100 per hour get many contracts.

许多自由职业者认为,时薪越低,被雇用的机会就越大,但是事实并非如此。 专业的客户正在寻找专业的开发人员。 因此,如果他们发布工作并且大多数自由职业者要价$ 30–50,而您只要求$ 5,那将不会鼓励他们与您合作-只会使他们怀疑您甚至是开发人员。 每小时的费率反映出您在自由职业世界中的专业程度,即使每小时收费100美元的自由职业者也能获得许多合同。

4.有一种方法可以知道平均利率 (4. There’s a Way to Know the Average Rate)

Many people explore freelancing by exploring jobs posted on freelancer websites. It’s more powerful to know about the freelancing world by searching for freelancers — open their profiles, check their past history, how much they make per hour, and how frequently they get jobs. Put some effort into finding out how developers like you are freelancing. When in doubt about how much you should be paid, just search for your title and see what the average is out there.

许多人通过浏览自由职业者网站上发布的工作来探索自由职业。 通过搜索自由职业者来了解自由职业者的世界,功能更强大-打开他们的个人资料,查看他们的过去历史,每小时赚多少钱,以及他们获得工作的频率。 努力找出像您这样的开发人员如何自由职业。 如果不确定应该给您多少钱,只需搜索您的书名,然后查看平ASP格。

5.您不必签订全职合同 (5. You Don’t Have to Go For Full-Time Contracts)

When moving from being an employee to freelancing, many people focus on getting a full-time contract with one client. The fact is, you don’t even have to work for 40 hours and a single client doesn’t have to pay you your total monthly income. Let’s say you’re choosing between these opportunities.

从雇员转变为自由职业者时,许多人专注于与一位客户签订全职合同。 事实是,您甚至不必工作40个小时,一个客户也不必支付您的每月总收入。 假设您是在这些机会之间进行选择。

Many $15–$20 per hour opportunities:

每小时$ 15– $ 20的机会:

  • 15/hr for 40 hours of work per week ($600/week)

    15 /小时,每周工作40个小时($ 600 /周)

A few of $30+ opportunities:


  • $30/hr for 15 hours per week ($450/week)

    每周15小时$ 30 /小时(每周$ 450)
  • $50/hr for 5 hours per week ($250/week)

    每周5小时$ 50 /小时(每周$ 250)

Many freelancers choose to work for less than $20 to reach more opportunities and have full-time freelancing work, forgetting that you don’t have to be a full-time freelancer. 20-hour contracts that pay as much as 40-hour contracts work are a win!

许多自由职业者选择以低于20美元的价格工作,以获得更多机会并从事全职自由职业工作,而忘记了您不必成为一名全职自由职业者。 支付多达40小时合同工作的20小时合同就是胜利!

In this article, I have tried to show you why freelancers should have a higher hourly rate than office employees and give you some ideas on how to determine your hourly rate.




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