程序员的职业发展道路_超过9 5,作为程序员的职业道路最适合您


Traditional employment is not the only route you can take as a programmer. Whether you’re looking to add sources of income while keeping your day job or find that 9–5 jobs are just not your cup of tea, you might be wondering what other options are out there.

传统的就业并不是您成为程序员的唯一途径。 无论您是想在保持日常工作的同时增加收入来源,还是发现9–5个工作都不是您的理想之选,您可能想知道还有其他选择吗?

As someone who’s always felt inclined to do more than just a job, I ended up going to Business school after working as an engineer for a few years. In my time there, I learned that the way to essentially build a career is to create value to consumers and to learn to sell it, and if you are planning to do that through coding, your options will typically look like this:

作为一个总是乐于做更多事情而不仅仅是工作的人,我在担任工程师几年后最终进入商学院。 在我那段时间里,我了解到,从根本上建立职业的途径是为消费者创造价值并学习销售它,如果您打算通过编码来实现这一目标,那么您的选择通常如下所示:

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Therefore, outside of traditional employment, you can monetize your programming skills by selling products, services or content. Here’s a breakdown of what each of these entail:

因此,除了传统的工作之外,您还可以通过销售产品,服务或内容来通过编程技能获利。 以下是每个方面的细分:

产品展示 (Products)

Here’s a non-exhaustive list of tech founders who either have a formal CS degree or are self-taught programmers:


  • Jeff Bezos — Founder & CEO, Amazon

    杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)-亚马逊创始人兼首席执行官
  • Mark Zuckerberg — Cofounder & CEO, Facebook

    马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)-Facebook联合创始人兼首席执行官
  • Bill Gates — Cofounder & former CEO, Microsoft

    Bill Gates —微软联合创始人兼前首席执行官
  • Larry Page — Cofounder, Google

    拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)-谷歌联合创始人
  • Sergey Brin — Cofounder, Google

    Sergey Brin-Google联合创始人
  • Steve Wozniak — Cofounder, Apple

    史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)—苹果公司联合创始人
  • Jack Dorsey — Cofounder & CEO, Twitter

    Jack Dorsey-Twitter联合创始人兼首席执行官
  • Reed Hastings — Cofounder & CEO, Netflix

    Reed Hastings — Netflix联合创始人兼首席执行官
  • Marc Benioff — Cofounder & CEO, Salesforce

    Marc Benioff — Salesforce联合创始人兼首席执行官
  • Pierre Omidyar — Founder, eBay

    Pierre Omidyar-eBay创始人
  • Drew Houston — Cofounder & CEO, Dropbox

    Drew Houston — Dropbox联合创始人兼首席执行官
  • James Park — Founder & CEO, Fitbit

    James Park — Fitbit创始人兼首席执行官
  • Jeremy Stoppelman — Cofounder & CEO, Yelp

    Jeremy Stoppelman-Yelp联合创始人兼首席执行官
  • Patrick Collison — Cofounder & CEO, Stripe

    Patrick Collison — Stripe联合创始人兼首席执行官

Clearly, there’s an advantage here if the idea of launching entrepreneurial ventures involving technology interests you.


If you have a business idea, having coding skills will enable you to build the MVP (i.e. Minimum Viable Product) yourself without investing in elaborate production costs. This means reduced barrier to entry and quicker launch. Having a deeper understanding of how software is developed will also help you to make more informed decisions in technical matters and compared to physical products, software distribution is much easier to scale as well.

如果您有商业想法,则具有编码技能将使您能够自己构建MVP(即最低可行产品),而无需花费大量的生产成本。 这意味着减少了进入障碍并加快了发射速度。 对软件开发方式有更深入的了解还将帮助您在技术问题上做出更明智的决策,并且与物理产品相比,软件发行也更容易扩展。

Afterward, you can bootstrap (i.e. optimize business operations to run on low costs without using external resources) or seek funding once your product has gained some traction. For fundraising, the best options are typically Venture Capital, Angel Investors or Friends/Family.

之后,您可以进行引导(即,优化业务运营以在不使用外部资源的情况下以低成本运行)或在产品获得一定吸引力后寻求资金。 对于筹款,最好的选择通常是风险投资,天使投资人或朋友/家人。

If you build a promising product and/or have great traction, you may also get acquired by a bigger company. In fact, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Apple have collectively made 770 acquisitions in the last three decades, with numerous 1B+ acquisitions. If you wish to cash out (and possibly make enough to retire on the way), you can choose this route.

如果您开发出有前途的产品和/或具有强大的吸引力,则也可能会被一家较大的公司收购。 实际上,在过去的三十年中,Facebook,亚马逊,微软,谷歌和苹果公司总共进行了770笔收购 ,其中包括许多1B +收购。 如果您希望兑现(并有可能退休),则可以选择此路线。

Through innovation, you have the ability to change lives and make a real difference in the world.


However, it’s not all rosy. Keep in mind that long hours and a high-stress environment often come with the territory. Some products can also take a high capital to start-off, requiring significant fundraising and then afterward, managing stakeholders and their expectations. You will need solid leadership skills to succeed as a tech entrepreneur.

但是,这并不总是乐观的。 请记住,该地区经常会出现长时间和高压力的环境。 有些产品也可能需要大量资金才能启动,需要大量筹款,然后才需要管理利益相关者及其期望。 您将需要扎实的领导才能,才能成功成为技术企业家。

Ideally: You’re a risk-taker and love to innovate. You can follow-through, as such ventures require a lot of commitment. Maybe, on some level, you desire to make a lasting and meaningful impact on society.

理想情况:您是冒险者,喜欢创新。 您可以继续进行,因为此类企业需要大量的投入。 在某种程度上,也许您希望对社会产生持久而有意义的影响。

服务 (Services)

Often companies have smaller, short-term projects that don’t require a full-time commitment, and choose to hire contractors rather than employees. This is far more cost-effective for companies to do in the long run and as a result, they can pay you higher hourly rates. You will find that freelancing is already very common in the web development space.

公司通常有较小的短期项目,不需要全职承诺,而是选择雇用承包商而不是雇员。 从长远来看,这对于公司而言更具成本效益,因此,他们可以向您支付更高的小时费率。 您会发现,自由职业在Web开发领域已经非常普遍。

Freelancing is similar to a traditional job as you are selling your services to employers in both cases, except you have multiple smaller jobs instead of one.


You’d likely be self-employed and working remotely, providing coding services to businesses on platforms such as Upwork, Toptal or Freelancer. Some advantages of freelancing over traditional jobs is that you get to make your own hours, choose who you want to work with and what kind of projects you‘re interested in. You also set your own hourly rate and get to be your own boss, which appeals to many.

您可能是自雇人士,并且需要远程工作,可以在UpworkToptalFreelancer等平台上为企业提供编码服务。 与传统工作相比,自由职业的一些优点是您可以自己工作,选择与谁一起工作以及您对什么样的项目感兴趣。您还可以设置自己的小时工资并成为自己的老板,这吸引了许多人。

Therefore, as a freelancer, you can potentially earn more while working less than you would in a full-time job. If you’re efficient and work quickly, you will benefit from pricing your work per project rather than hourly. On the downside, you have to build a brand for yourself and in the beginning, you have to be proactive in securing ‘gigs’ to build a positive reputation.

因此,作为一个自由职业者,您可能在工作时所赚取的收入要比全职工作少。 如果您的工作效率高且工作Swift,则可以从每个项目的定价中受益,而不必按小时计费。 不利的一面是,您必须为自己建立一个品牌,一开始,您必须积极主动地争取“演出”以建立良好的声誉。

Over the years, more and more people are choosing to be freelancers, in fact 35% of Americans freelanced in 2019, up 7% since 2013). Especially with COVID-19 and the rise in remote work, it is expected to see major growth in the ‘gig economy,’ since it’s less risky for businesses to hire contractors than full-time employees in times of economic uncertainty.

多年来,越来越多的人选择成为自由职业者,事实上,2019年有35%的美国人是自由职业者,自2013年以来增长了7%) 。 尤其是随着COVID-19和远程工作的增加,预计“零工经济”将出现大幅增长,因为在经济不确定时,企业雇用承包商的风险要比全职员工低。

Note that having industry work experience or a strong portfolio is a major advantage as it helps build credibility and is therefore highly recommended. This path can also eventually lead to growing into a consulting company or an agency, if that is your end goal.

请注意,具有行业工作经验或强大的投资组合是一个主要优势,因为它有助于建立信誉,因此强烈建议使用。 如果这是您的最终目标,那么这条路径最终还可以导致成长为咨询公司或代理机构。

Ideally: You want greater flexibility in choosing your own projects and who you work with. You have solid interpersonal skills, as customer service/sales is often an important aspect of freelancing.

理想情况:您希望在选择自己的项目以及与谁合作时拥有更大的灵活性。 您具有扎实的人际交往能力,因为客户服务/销售通常是自由职业的重要方面。

内容 (Content)

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Kaique Rocha from Pexels的Kaique Rocha Pexels

If you’re a great communicator, social-media savvy and creative, you might want to consider content creation. The content you create may be videos, podcasts, images or writing, depending on the platform you pick. For example, programming content is extremely popular on Youtube, with a wide range of content types you will frequently find:

如果您是一位出色的沟通者,精通社交媒体和富有创造力,那么您可能需要考虑创建内容。 您创建的内容可能是视频,播客,图像或写作,具体取决于您选择的平台。 例如,编程内容在Youtube上非常受欢迎,您会经常发现各种各样的内容类型:

  • Coding tutorials

  • Interview prep tutorials

  • Technology comparison and/or review

  • Streaming live coding

  • Experiential and/or advice vlogs

  • Opinion vlogs


In the world of digital content creation, you typically make money through ads, affiliate marketing or partner programs. However, you have to be fairly consistent and strategic in producing and posting new content to maintain a robust online following, like influencers in any other field. Starting out, you may also need some form of digital marketing to get exposure at first.

在数字内容创作的世界中,您通常会通过广告,会员营销或合作伙伴计划获利。 但是,您必须像制作其他任何领域的影响者一样,在制作和发布新内容时保持一致和战略性,以保持强大的在线关注度。 首先,您可能还需要某种形式的数字营销才能首先获得曝光。

You can also consider selling ebooks, as platforms like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing have made it easier than ever to self-publish your own book. You can also sell your own courses on platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare, Thinkific and Teachable. Selling ebooks and courses are both great options to earn passive income.

您还可以考虑出售电子书,因为像Amazon的Kindle Direct Publishing这样的平台使自出版自己的书比以往更加容易。 您也可以在UdemySkillshareThinkificTeachable等平台上出售自己的课程。 出售电子书和课程都是赚取被动收入的绝佳选择。

Ideally: You’re creative, a great communicator and social media savvy. You can digitally engage with an audience and promote yourself.

理想情况:您很有创造力,是出色的沟通者和社交媒体专家。 您可以与观众进行数字互动并提升自己。

Many pursue these paths while holding full-time jobs as ‘side-hustles’, as they might not be particularly high earning in the very beginning. This is a good idea since starting part-time also gives you a taste of what such a lifestyle is actually like, and whether it’s really right for you.

许多人在从事全职工作的同时走上了这条路,因为他们一开始的收入可能并不特别高。 这是一个好主意,因为开始兼职还可以让您领略这种生活方式的实际状况,以及它是否真的适合您。

If you appreciate the security and community that comes with a traditional job — that’s okay too! We’re all different and best suited to different paths.

如果您喜欢传统工作带来的安全性和社区性,那也可以! 我们都是不同的,最适合不同的道路。

Unlike a traditional job where you get paid a fixed amount, the sky is the limit if you embark on your own path. Mass COVID-19 lay-offs have also made many re-consider if 9–5 jobs are as secure and stable as they seem.

与您获得固定薪水的传统工作不同,如果您走自己的路,那么天空是极限。 如果9–5个工作看起来和现在一样安全和稳定,那么大规模COVID-19裁员也使许多人重新考虑。

Keep in mind that self-employment requires beyond just technical skills — you need decent interpersonal skills to succeed in selling and maintaining business relationships. Embarking on your own path may also be lonelier at times in comparison, and of course, much riskier.

请记住,自营职业不仅需要技术技能-您还需要良好的人际交往能力才能成功销售和维持业务关系。 相比较而言,走自己的路有时可能会更孤独,当然风险更大。

However, as often said: the greater the risk, the greater the reward.


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翻译自: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/beyond-9-5-which-career-path-as-a-programmer-is-right-for-you-ca6189dbb130






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