

Having a web profile is cool, right? It stays online for anyone to see and sharing it with anyone is just so easy. You can share your work or portfolio in just one web address.

拥有个人资料很酷,对吧? 它保持在线状态,任何人都可以看到,并且与任何人共享都非常容易。 您可以在一个网址中共享您的作品或作品集。

You do not have to be a front end developer to make a portfolio!


There are some tips to make a web portfolio without knowing HTML, CSS, or front end development at the end


If you are a machine learning engineer developing cool machine learning and deep learning projects, making it interactive will be a perfect way to show people how powerful your model is.


If you are an entry-level web developer or software developer, you probably are looking for a way to host your codes so that you can express your work better. Otherwise, just reading codes can be boring! Visuals are a more effective way.

如果您是入门级Web开发人员或软件开发人员,则可能正在寻找一种托管代码的方法,以便更好地表达您的工作。 否则,仅阅读代码可能会很无聊! 视觉效果是一种更有效的方法。

If you are a data scientist, data analyst, a freelancer, or planning to start a new business, need a landing page, but in a tight budget, you will appreciate these free resources.


I want to share some cool resources that will help you get a web portfolio for free.




This is the Unlimited free hosting service. It even has a nice c-panel and the regular features of a hosting service such as database, WordPress installation option, and more. You can host as many sites as you want for completely free. Isn’t it amazing!

这是无限的免费托管服务。 它甚至具有不错的c面板和托管服务的常规功能,例如数据库,WordPress安装选项等。 您可以免费托管任意数量的站点。 太神奇了!

I worked as a WordPress developer for a while at the beginning of my tech journey. I needed to make a portfolio to show off my skills to find work. I used this site to host a few dummy websites that I built.

在我的技术之旅之初,我曾担任WordPress开发人员一段时间。 我需要做一个投资组合,以炫耀自己找到工作的技能。 我使用此网站托管了一些我构建的虚拟网站。

You also can use this hosting service for your small business in the beginning.


If you want, you will be able to transfer your site to other hosting services later. Great thing is, you can still keep your same website address or domain.

如果需要,您以后可以将您的网站转移到其他托管服务。 很棒的是,您仍然可以保留相同的网站地址或域名。

So, this can be used as a temporary placeholder or a starting point for you. If you do not like the service, simply transfer your site to a paid hosting service.

因此,它可用作您的临时占位符或起点。 如果您不喜欢该服务,只需将您的网站转移到付费托管服务。

This was the free hosting. What about the domain?

这是免费托管。 域名呢?

You can obtain unlimited free domains as well.




This is the site where you can get an unlimited free domain name as well. It is very unlikely that you will get a .com, .net, or .org domain for free. You have to pay for those high-level domains. Because they are always on demand.

在该站点上,您还可以获取无限的免费域名。 免费获得.com,.net或.org域的可能性很小。 您必须为那些高级域名付费。 因为它们总是按需的。

The domains that are free: .tk, .ml, .ga, .cf, or .gq. So, your website will look like myDomain.tk or mydomain.ml.

免费的域:.tk,.ml,.ga,.cf或.gq。 因此,您的网站将看起来像myDomain.tk或mydomain.ml。

Those may not sound attractive but they served my purpose for hosting my dummy websites and create a portfolio.


If you are looking for a free portfolio, this is great! But if you want a .net, .com, or .org website, you can pay for the domain and still can enjoy free hosting.

如果您正在寻找免费的投资组合,那就太好了! 但是,如果您想要一个.net,.com或.org网站,则可以为该域名付费,但仍然可以享受免费托管。

You will get a domain for one year. And you will be able to renew after one year for free again. If you decide to change the domain name, you will be able to transfer as well.

您将获得一年的域名。 一年后,您将可以免费续订。 如果您决定更改域名,则也可以转让。

Now, learn to make your own portfolio without learning HTML, CSS!




If you have a hosting and a domain, you can install WordPress for free. This is an amazing resource. If you are not a front end developer, building a web portfolio can be scary. Simply use WordPress.

如果您拥有主机和域,则可以免费安装WordPress。 这是一个了不起的资源。 如果您不是前端开发人员,则构建Web投资组合可能会让人感到恐惧。 只需使用WordPress。

It has hundreds of themes. Choose one with your requirement. Hundreds of youtube tutorials are out there. It may take a day or two or even more finding a suitable theme and a suitable tutorial that is good for you.

它具有数百个主题。 根据需要选择一个。 数百个YouTube教程都在那里。 可能需要一两天甚至更长的时间才能找到适合您的主题和教程。

I simply used a theme called Ocean-wp and a page builder Elementor. Free version is good enough to build a great portfolio. It’s just a simple drag and drop method.

我只是使用了一个名为Ocean-wp的主题和一个页面构建器Elementor。 免费版足以建立一个强大的产品组合。 这只是一种简单的拖放方法。

There are other page builders as well. I talked about Elementor because that’s what I used. Most conveniently there are so many tutorials on youtube that show how to use it.

还有其他页面构建器。 我谈论Elementor是因为这就是我使用的。 最方便的是,YouTube上有很多教程展示了如何使用它。

Here is my blog that I built with ocean wp theme and Elementor:

这是我用ocean wp主题和Elementor构建的博客:

If you can learn how to use a good page builder you can build something really cool with any theme!


结论 (Conclusion)

I am writing this because I had to spend a lot of time to search for some free hosting and domain where I could host my codes. It took me a while to find them. These types of free resources can be very useful for beginners or even a start-up. I hope it will help you. Please do not hesitate to share in the comment section, if you do something cool with them.

我之所以写这篇文章,是因为我不得不花费大量时间搜索可以托管代码的免费托管和域名。 我花了一段时间才找到他们。 这些类型的免费资源对于初学者甚至是初创企业都非常有用。 希望对您有帮助。 如果您对他们有帮助,请随时在评论部分中分享。

Reading Recommendations:


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/unlimited-free-hosting-and-domain-5998e14f7bfe


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