
In this article, you will learn


  1. The Pomodoro technique

  2. How to model the Pomodoro technique using python

  3. How to create a dynamic timer in the command line

  4. How to play sound with python


番茄技术介绍 (Introduction to the Pomodoro Technique)

The Pomodoro technique is used to break down work into intervals with short breaks in between. It was created by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s and in the last 40 years it has had a great amount of success for those wanting to increase the ability to study effectively for hours on end without significant fatigue.

Pomodoro技术用于将工作分解为间隔,中间有短暂的中断。 它是由Francesco Cirillo在1980年代后期创建的,在过去的40年中,它对于那些希望提高持续学习数小时而又不会造成明显疲劳的人来说,已经取得了巨大的成功。

The key to this technique is an interval is not so large to cause fatigue but not too short so that deep work can be done. Traditionally the interval of work is 25 minutes with a 5-minute break afterwards. Cycles of these intervals and breaks are done until a task is complete.

该技术的关键是间隔不会太大而不会引起疲劳,但又不能太短,以便可以进行更深入的工作。 传统上,工作间隔为25分钟,之后休息5分钟。 这些间隔和休息的周期会完成,直到任务完成。

The aims of the technique to alleviate anxiety about becoming, to enhance your focus and improve your work/study process.


For more information, please see the document here from Francesco.


In this article, we are going to implement a Pomodoro timer using python. We won’t have to wind clocks or reset timers. We can change the intervals to suit our own individual needs. Let’s get to it!

在本文中,我们将使用python实现Pomodoro计时器。 我们不必缠绕时钟或重置计时器。 我们可以更改间隔以适合我们自己的个人需求。 让我们开始吧!

规划阶段 (The Planning Stage)

Let's take that information about the technique and start to plan the program we want to create.


This is what we need:


  1. A timer that counts down

  2. Preferably the timer should be dynamic. That is it changes on the screen rather than the program printing new lines for every second of the count down

    优选地,计时器应该是动态的。 也就是说,它在屏幕上发生了变化,而不是程序在倒数每一秒时打印新行
  3. The ability to play sounds to correspond to study time and break time so we know when to get back to studying

  4. To be able to specify the study time interval, break duration and the number of Pomodoro sessions we intend to do.


进口 (The imports)

import time
import sysfrom playsound import playsound

Let's break these down one at a time.


The time module is a built-in python module with time-related functions, we will be using it to suspend the execution of our program.


The sys module is another built-in python module to do with the python interpreter. This case we will be using it to create the dynamic part of our timer, to continually update the command line.

sys模块是另一个与python解释器一起使用的内置python模块。 在这种情况下,我们将使用它来创建计时器的动态部分,以不断更新命令行。

The last import is the package play sound. This is a 3rd-party module that allows us to use python to direct playing a specific sound file at our choosing.

最后导入的是包播放声音。 这是一个第三方模块,允许我们选择使用python来直接播放特定的声音文件。

Now we have a full understanding of the modules we will be using and we understand what is required to start breaking down the code.


指定学习和休息的时间间隔 (Specifying the intervals for study and breaks)

The start of most programs is initialising variables. This is no different, the first step is to specify the length of the interval, break and total time we want the program to run. Python has the input function, which allows us to store user input into variables.

大多数程序的开始是初始化变量。 这没什么不同,第一步是指定间隔的长度,中断时间和希望程序运行的总时间。 Python具有输入功能,该功能使我们可以将用户输入存储到变量中。

interval = int(input('Please Enter duration (mins) of interval: '))break_duration = int(input('Please Enter break duration(mins) of interval: '))total_duration = int(input('Please enter number of sessions: '))



  1. We specify the interval , break_duration, total_duration


  2. Using int() we convert the user input into a number


计时器 (The Timer)

We want to be able to specify counting down minutes and seconds using python. We can easily count down seconds using a for loop. But what about counting down both minutes and seconds? For this, we need a nested for loop.

我们希望能够使用python指定倒数分钟和秒。 我们可以使用for循环轻松地倒数秒。 但是,如何倒数分钟和秒呢? 为此,我们需要一个嵌套的for循环。

A good analogy for this is a clock. The second's hand of a clock moves 60 times in a minute. For every 60 moves, the minute hand changes once. This is exactly what a nested for loop does. The inner loop iterates completely, for every one iteration of the outer looper. Let's see how this looks in code.

一个很好的类比就是时钟。 时钟的秒针在一分钟内移动60次。 分针每60步移动一次。 这正是嵌套的for循环所做的。 对于外循环程序的每次迭代,内循环都将完全迭代。 让我们看看它在代码中的外观。

interval = 5
for i in range(interval,-1,-1): for j in range(59,-1,-1):



  1. We specify a study interval of 5 minutes for illustrative purposes.


Inside loop:


2. The inner loop we use the rangefunction to iterate from 60 seconds down to 0.


3. range(59,-1,-1) The 1st(start) argument starts at 59 but confusingly the 2nd(stop) argument is the upper limit, in this case, -1, it doesn’t include this number and therefore i stops at 0. The last argument is called the step argument, and we want 59 to decrease down by 1 hence -1. This all means that i counts down from 59 down to 0.

3. range(59,-1,-1)第一个(开始)参数从59开始,但是令人困惑的第二个(停止)参数是上限,在这种情况下为-1,它不包含该数字,因此我在0处停止。最后一个参数称为step参数,我们希望59减少1,即-1。 这一切都意味着i从59倒数到0。

4. The time.sleep the function suspends execution for one second. Before the next for loop iteration.

4. time.sleep函数将执行暂停一秒钟。 在下一个for循环迭代之前。

Outside loop:


5. For a completed loop of seconds, we specify our outer loop range(interval,-1,-1) Here we take the interval we specified and therefore the iteration will start at 5 to end at 0 as we wanted.


The piece of code will count down the seconds of every minute, starting at 5 minutes down to 0. Awesome! Now let's make this appear on the terminal output, changing every second.

这段代码将倒计时每分钟的秒数,从5分钟开始减少到0。太棒了! 现在,让它出现在终端输出中,每秒更改一次。

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@veri_ivanova Unsplash @veri_ivanova未飞溅

使计时器动态化 (Making the timer dynamic)

So far we have talked about nested loops to count down seconds and minutes. But we haven’t displayed any of that in the command line and this is where we can leverage the build-in modules of python to make our timer count down on the screen. But importantly we specified we did NOT want a new line created for every second being counted down, we want the terminal output to appear on the same line and change every second.

到目前为止,我们已经讨论了嵌套循环以减少秒数和分钟数。 但是我们没有在命令行中显示任何内容,这是我们可以利用python的内置模块在屏幕上递减计时器的地方。 但是重要的是,我们指定我们不希望每秒钟倒数创建一条新行,我们希望终端输出出现在同一行并每秒钟更改一次。

To do this we use the sys.stdout.write function. This prints out a terminal output, but unlike the print function, we can clear the output without changing to a new line.

为此,我们使用sys.stdout.write函数。 这将打印出终端输出,但是与打印功能不同,我们可以清除输出而无需更改到新行。

Let’s modify the code above to do this


for i in range(interval,-1,-1):
for i in range(59,-1,-1):
sys.stdout.write(f'\rDuration: Minutes {j} Seconds {i} to go')



  1. We have the same nested for loop as before but with some modifications

  2. The sys.stdout.write() function is another way to print information on a terminal screen, but with a twist. We can change the information on the screen without going to a new line, unlike the print function. This is key to our program!

    sys.stdout.write()函数是在终端屏幕上打印信息的另一种方法,但要有所不同。 与打印功能不同,我们可以在屏幕上更改信息而无需换行。 这是我们计划的关键!

  3. We are using f-strings to print out a string but what f-strings allows us to do is change the string based on the values of i and j .


  4. Notice in our write function,\r . This is an escape character that resets the output to the start of a line. This is necessary to keep the string we print out on the same part of the terminal line, this is part of how we make our timer dynamic. The only parts of the string that are changing are the values for i and j, which correspond to our minutes and seconds.

    注意我们的写函数\r 。 这是一个转义字符,可将输出重置为行的开头。 为了使我们在终端行的同一部分上打印出字符串,这是必需的,这是使计时器动态化的一部分。 字符串中唯一更改的部分是i和j的值,它们分别对应我们的分钟和秒。

  5. The sys.stdout.flush() clears the line printed before ready for another statement to be printed. This means we can change the timer dynamically, for every second on the screen, we flush it as soon as one second of time has passed.

    sys.stdout.flush()在准备打印另一条语句之前清除打印的行。 这意味着我们可以动态更改计时器,对于屏幕上的每一秒,只要经过一秒钟的时间,便会刷新它。

There we have it! We now have a way to create a command-line timer that changes dynamically for every second.

到了! 现在,我们可以创建一种命令行计时器,该计时器每秒钟动态变化。

Python和声音文件 (Python and sound files)

Python has many modules to play sound. One of the easiest is a 3rd party module called playsound . Using the playsound function allows us to specify a file to play.

Python有许多播放声音的模块。 最简单的方法之一是称为playsound第三方模块。 使用playsound函数可以让我们指定要播放的文件。




  1. We are playing one of the standard Windows sound files here. Notice we are using r this is called a raw string, as we want the \ to be included in the string. Normally \ doesn’t get included in the string output as its called an escape character which can be used for printing newlines eg \n inside a string amongst other things.

    我们在这里播放标准Windows声音文件之一。 请注意,由于我们希望将\包含在字符串中,因此我们将r称为原始字符串。 通常\不会包含在字符串输出中,因为它称为转义字符,可用于在字符串中打印换行符,例如\n等。

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@feelfarbig Unsplash @feelfarbig Unsplash

设置程序 (Setting up the Program)

When writing a script, it is good practice to think in terms of functions or classes if appropriate. We have almost all the pieces of creating this script. But we need to coordinate all the potential functions and sounds we want to add.

编写脚本时,最好在函数或类方面进行思考。 我们几乎拥有创建此脚本的所有步骤。 但是我们需要协调所有可能要添加的功能和声音。

Let's create these functions one at a time. If you’re unfamiliar with functions see this detailed article here.

让我们一次创建一个这些函数。 如果您不熟悉函数,请在此处查看此详细文章。

功能设定时间 (Function to set up times)

def user_input():
interval = int(input('Please Enter duration (mins) of interval: ')) break_duration = int(input('Please Enter break duration(mins) of interval: ')) total_duration = int(input('Please enter number of sessions: '))
return interval, duration, break_session

Here we set up the user input for making the Pomodoro timer. We’ve seen the code for this in a simpler format.

在这里,我们设置了用于设置Pomodoro计时器的用户输入。 我们已经以更简单的格式看到了此代码。

倒计时器 (Countdown timer)

def countdown(interval):
for i in range(interval,-1,-1):
for j in range(59,-1,-1):
sys.stdout.write(f'\rDuration: \
Minutes {j} Seconds {i} to go')

This is the code we’ve seen in a section above, but the difference begin we’ve encapsulated into a function!


建立 (Setup)

The last part of this script is coordinating these functions. We want to set up a way to print what session we’re currently on and when to stop. So setting up these and using a while loop to continue going till a condition is satisfied is how we can keep the timer running continuously.

该脚本的最后一部分是协调这些功能。 我们想建立一种打印当前正在进行的会话以及何时停止的方法。 因此,设置这些并使用while循环继续运行直到满足条件是我们如何使计时器连续运行的方法。

if __name__ == "__main__":    session_count = 0    interval, total_duration, break_duration = user_input()    while session_count < total_duration:        playsound(r'c:\windows\media\alarm02.wav')        countdown(interval)        playsound(r'c:\windows\media\alarm02.wav')        print('\nBreak time!')        countdown(break_duration)        session_count += 1        print('\nsession number: ',session_count)    print('\nEnd of Session!')



  1. If you’re not familiar with if __name__ = "__main__" please see here. It is a way of maintaining that code is run only within this script.

    如果您不熟悉if __name__ = "__main__"请参阅此处 。 这是保持代码仅在此脚本中运行的一种方式。

  2. We set up the initial value of session_count, which will change on each iteration of the while loop


  3. We allow the user to define the lengths of the interval, break and how many pomodoro sessions we want to do

  4. We play the sound at the start and end of the interval

  5. We then go increase the session_count by one per iteration of the while loop. The += is shorthand for session_count + 1it’s called the augmented operator. We then print session_count so we can see which session we’re up to.

    然后,我们在while循环的每个迭代中将session_count增加一。 +=session_count + 1简写形式,称为增强运算符。 然后,我们打印session_count这样我们就可以看到session_count会话。

  6. When the session count is greater than the duration the while loop is complete and we print that the session has ended.


轻微修改 (Slight Modification)

On testing this script, there’s a slight problem with the text that appears in the terminal when the count down switches from 10 seconds down to 9 seconds.


At 10 seconds the terminal output looks like this


Duration: Minute 1 Seconds 10 to go

At 9 seconds the terminal output looks like this


Duration: Minute 1 seconds 9 seconds to goo

This is because we are constantly refreshing the terminal output on the same line. But the number of characters on the screen has changed. There is one less character when going down to 9 seconds. So although most of the characters refresh, the last character from the output at 10 seconds (In this case ‘o’) stays on the terminal output.

这是因为我们不断刷新同一行上的终端输出。 但是屏幕上的字符数已更改。 下降到9秒时少一个字符。 因此,尽管大多数字符都会刷新,但10秒后输出中的最后一个字符(在本例中为“ o”)将保留在终端输出中。

To fix this we have to change the timer slightly for when the timer counts down to 9 seconds or less.


def countdown(interval):
for j in range(interval-1,-1,-1):
for i in range(59,-1,-1):
if i <= 9:
sys.stdout.write \
(f'\rDuration: Minutes {j} Seconds 0{i} to go') else:
sys.stdout.write \
(f'\rDuration: Minutes {j} Seconds {i} to go')

We have included an if statement when i is less than or equal to 9, we change the terminal output of the seconds counts down from 9 seconds to 09 seconds. For each loop iteration, the terminal output has the same amount of characters as the terminal output at the count down at 10 seconds.

当i小于或等于9时,我们包含了一条if语句,我们将秒计数的终端输出从9秒更改为09秒。 对于每次循环迭代,终端输出具有与终端输出相同的字符数(在10秒钟递减计数时)。

For full code please see here


摘要 (Summary)

We have created a productivity hack that is automated in python! We have learned how to create a dynamic timer in the terminal and how to start to think about structuring scripts before coding.

我们创建了一个使用python自动化的生产力黑客! 我们已经学习了如何在终端中创建动态计时器,以及如何开始考虑在编码之前构造脚本。

Hopefully, this will help with your studying and keeping you on track using the Pomodoro technique!


其他文章 (Other Articles)

关于作者 (About the Author)

I’m a practising medical physician and educationalist as well as being a web developer.


Please see here for further details about what I’m up to project-wise on my blog and other posts. For more tech/coding related content please sign up to my newsletter here

在此处查看有关我在博客和其他帖子上的最新计划的详细信息。 有关更多与技术/编码相关的内容,请在此处注册我的时事通讯

I’d be grateful for any comments or if you want to collaborate or need help with python please do get in touch. If you want to get in contact with me, please do so here asmith53@ed.ac.uk or on twitter.

如果有任何意见,我将不胜感激;如果您想与python合作或需要帮助,请与我们取得联系。 如果您想与我联系,请在这里asmith53@ed.ac.uk或在twitter上进行联系

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/pomodoro-command-line-timer-439b1b07161f

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