rails api ws_Rails API和序列化器如何发送更好的数据

rails api ws

In rails, a serializer allows you to customize data instead of having a default render.


In this article, we’ll look at a step by step guide to using the serializer in your application.


Rails API的问题 (The problem with the Rails API)

Rails is a great way to be used as an API with the render json method. However, the JSON data is often full of things you don’t want and doesn’t offer many options for customization.

Rails是一种与render json方法一起用作API的好方法。 但是,JSON数据通常充满了您不想要的东西,并且没有提供许多自定义选项。

Let’s say you want to query a list of dogs and their owners from your database. We’ll define the two models and routes:

假设您要从数据库中查询狗及其主人的列表。 我们将定义两个模型和路线:

rails g model Person
rails g model Dog
Person and Dog models

Let’s define our routes and controllers


rails g controller Dogs 
rails g controller People

Now our PeopleController will look like this:


We seed our database with a list of people and dogs. In your seeds.rb file, you can have:

我们用一个人和狗的列表来填充数据库。 在您的seed.rb文件中,您可以具有:

https://gist.github.com/MouhaDiouf/2b016d7a7e2a7c8753fade0dafbae3f0 https://gist.github.com/MouhaDiouf/2b016d7a7e2a7c8753fade0dafbae3f0

Then run the command


rails db:seed

This command will help you seed your database with new data. That way, you can make API calls to retrieve them.

该命令将帮助您为数据库添加新数据。 这样,您可以进行API调用来检索它们。

Now let’s define our routes :


These routes will help us query all the dogs in the database as well as the people.


Here are the two routes I am creating with the GET method:


GET http://localhost:3000/dogs 
GET http://localhost:3000/dogs/:id

We’ll be more interested in querying the dog's endpoint.


在没有序列化器的情况下查询数据 (Querying data without a serializer)

After defining our routes, controllers, and seeding our database, we can use the available routes to query a list of dogs.


To do that, we’ll use Postman. Postman is a software development tool that helps you make API calls and test them. If you haven’t already, I recommend you install it. Not only will it help you in this tutorial, but as well in your daily work.

为此,我们将使用邮递员。 Postman是一种软件开发工具,可帮助您进行API调用并进行测试。 如果尚未安装,建议您安装它。 它不仅对本教程有帮助,而且对您的日常工作也有帮助。

Download Postman here


With Postman installed, let’s start our Rails server using the default port with the command:


rails server ou simply rails s

Next step, open Postman:


Image for post
Postman interface

Let’s say you want to query a list of all the dogs available in the database, using the normal routes we previously said. With Postman, we can make a GET request to handle it. Make sure you start your Rails server and copy the routes into Postman (for a GET request)

假设您要使用我们之前所说的常规路由查询数据库中所有可用狗的列表。 使用Postman,我们可以发出GET请求来处理它。 确保启动Rails服务器并将路由复制到Postman(用于GET请求)

The default data will give you :


[{"id": 1,"name": "Lisa","breed": "German shepherd","age": 3,"created_at": "2020-08-28T07:55:40.579Z","updated_at": "2020-08-28T07:55:40.579Z","person_id": 1},{"id": 2,"name": "Buddy","breed": "Labrador Retriever","age": 1,"created_at": "2020-08-28T07:55:40.602Z","updated_at": "2020-08-28T07:55:40.602Z","person_id": 1},{"id": 3,"name": "Rocky","breed": "Husky","age": 4,"created_at": "2020-08-28T07:55:40.625Z","updated_at": "2020-08-28T07:55:40.625Z","person_id": 1}]

In this case, we are getting a list of dogs with the name, breed, person_id, etc.


But do you need all this information? Is there anything else you would like to know about each of those dogs? For example, each dog has its owner. But in this data, we only get a “user_id”. Not that intuitive…

但是,您是否需要所有这些信息? 您还想了解这些狗中的每条狗吗? 例如,每只狗都有其主人。 但是在此数据中,我们仅获得一个“ user_id”。 不太直观...

As well, I don’t need to know when data was created or updated. This includes some customization when the app renders. And you can do this with a serializer!

同样,我不需要知道何时创建或更新数据。 当应用渲染时,这包括一些自定义。 您可以使用序列化器来完成!

使用序列化器gem (Using the serializer gem)

The active_model_serializer gem allows you to customize the JSON file you render. Here’s the same JSON file as before, but with a serializer.

active_model_serializer gem允许您自定义呈现的JSON文件。 这是与以前相同的JSON文件,但带有序列化器。

{"id": 1,"name": "Lisa","age": 3,"breed": "German shepherd",  "person": {    "id": 7,    "name": "John Doe"}

Do you see the difference? Now, we have an owner and removed the created_at and updated_at keys. Let’s see how we can do it step by step.

你看得到差别吗? 现在,我们有了一个所有者,并删除了created_at和Updated_at键。 让我们看看我们如何逐步做到这一点。

First, let’s install our serializer. For that, we use the gem active_model_serializer. So add this line in your gemfile.

首先,让我们安装序列化程序。 为此,我们使用gem active_model_serializer。 因此,将此行添加到您的gemfile中。

gem ‘active_model_serializer’

In your Rails app, run:


bundle install 

创建您的第一个序列化器 (Creating your first serializer)

The next step is to create a serializer for a model you want to query data from. Let’s follow our example and decide to serialize our Dog model.

下一步是为要从中查询数据的模型创建序列化器。 让我们按照我们的示例并决定序列化我们的Dog模型。

In your terminal, run:


rails generate serializer Dog

This command creates a new folder called serializers (in your ‘app’ folder) and a new file called dog_serializer.rb like this:

此命令将创建一个名为serializers的新文件夹(在您的“ app”文件夹中)和一个名为dog_serializer.rb的新文件,如下所示:

Dog serializer file

The default attribute is :id . This means when we make a new call to our dog index endpoint, the serializer will take care of the render and return what is in the attributes (hence only id here)

默认属性是:id。 这意味着当我们对狗索引端点进行新的调用时,序列化程序将处理渲染并返回属性中的内容(因此此处仅包含id)

If we make a new request, we get:


[{"id": 1},{"id": 2},{"id": 3}]

That’s it! Now we are taking control of the rendering of our JSON file! We can add as many elements to our attributes and it will show in our rendering.

而已! 现在,我们可以控制JSON文件的呈现了! 我们可以在属性中添加尽可能多的元素,它会显示在渲染中。

Let’s say we want to only show the id, name, breed, and age of the dog. We can add all these attributes to our serializer:

假设我们只想显示狗的ID,名称,品种和年龄。 我们可以将所有这些属性添加到序列化器中:

Dog serializer with custom attributes
[{"id": 1,"name": "Lisa","age": 3,"breed": "German shepherd"},{"id": 2,"name": "Buddy","age": 1,"breed": "Labrador Retriever"},{"id": 3,"name": "Rocky","age": 4,"breed": "Husky"}]

And you can put(or omit) whatever attribute of dog you want to render. This includes as well as pictures or the owner of each dog. Let’s see now how we can render the owner for each dog:

您可以放置​​(或忽略)要渲染的狗的任何属性。 其中包括图片或每只狗的主人。 现在让我们看看如何渲染每只狗的主人:

For that, we’ll add the following line to the DogsSerializer class:


belongs_to: :person

This line adds the owner (person) while rendering the data like this:


[{"id": 1,"name": "Lisa","age": 3,"breed": "German shepherd",  "person": {    "id": 7,    "name": "John Doe",    "age": 36,    "created_at": "2020-08-29T16:54:32.605Z",    "updated_at": "2020-08-29T16:54:32.605Z"    },
... Rest of data ...]

You can even customize the “person” data by creating a serializer for the Person model:

您甚至可以通过为Person模型创建序列化器来自定义“ person”数据:

rails g serializer person

Then in person_serializer.rb :


person_serializer.rb file

This returns our customized data with only the name and id of that person:


[{"id": 1,"name": "Lisa","age": 3,"breed": "German shepherd","person": {"id": 7,"name": "John Doe",},
... Rest of data ...]

That’s it! Now you understand how to use a serializer in Ruby on Rails.

而已! 现在,您了解了如何在Ruby on Rails中使用序列化器。

Using serializer is a great way to customize the data you render. Not only this, but you can also attach a picture(link) associated with the model and send its link in your JSON file as well. In this case, you’ll need to use Active Storage.

使用序列化器是自定义呈现数据的好方法。 不仅如此,您还可以附加与模型关联的图片(链接),并将其链接也发送到JSON文件中。 在这种情况下,您将需要使用Active Storage

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/rails-api-and-serializers-how-to-send-better-data-58063645a276

rails api ws

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