pm ux ui_ui与ux回顾2020年前端设计方面与重要性之间的差异

pm ux ui

Why? Because people use the terms UI and UX so interchangeably that I believe it is about time someone talks about the thin line that separates the two. Sure, talking about UI UX designs does make one look cool (promise I am not aiming for that!), but perhaps we need to revisit the two of the most important aspects of frontend development.

为什么? 因为人们对UI和UX的使用如此互换,以至于我相信现在是时候谈论将两者分开的细线了。 当然,谈论UI UX设计确实使人看起来很酷(我不打算这样做!),但是也许我们需要重新审视前端开发的两个最重要方面。

User experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are two of the most important elements of a front end design. Why do I say that? Have you heard of the following quote?

ûSER经验(UX)和用户界面(UI)是两个前端设计的最重要的元素。 我怎么这么说 您听说以下报价了吗?

“For every dollar, a business spends on UX, they earn $100 from it.”


That means that a business is earning a 9,900% Return on Investment!


As much as the two terms, UI and UX are important, people often confuse them when discussing web design and application. Perhaps these confusing design terminologies are no one’s fault. The surface-level description of the UI/UX design loosely means the same thing. It is only when you scratch the surface when one starts noticing the thin line that separates the two.

尽管UI和UX这两个术语很重要,但是人们在讨论Web设计和应用程序时常常会混淆它们。 这些令人困惑的设计术语也许不是谁的错。 UI / UX设计的表面描述大致上是同一件事。 只有当您刮擦表面时,才开始注意到将两者分开的细线。

This is where I will try to explain (in detail!) what is a user interface and user experience. By the end of this discussion, you will be able to differentiate between the two and have a better understanding of both.

在这里,我将尝试解释(详细!)什么是用户界面和用户体验。 在本讨论结束时,您将能够区分两者,并且对两者有更好的理解。

什么是UI设计? (What is UI Design?)

A user interface (UI) is anything a software user interacts with on their screen while using the online application/tool. By anything, I mean everything; from sound to lights to buttons to forms and screens to pages.

用户界面(UI)是软件用户在使用在线应用程序/工具时在屏幕上与之交互的任何内容 。 无论如何,我的意思是一切。 从声音到灯光再到按钮再到表格再到屏幕再到页面。

UI refers to the visual elements of a digital product and the way the product presents those elements to users. As of January 2020, over 1.2 billion websites exist on the Internet. Moreover, we know that Google’s artificial intelligence also looks a the website’s UI and UX for ranking. So, how did the front-end design become such a huge deal for businesses?

UI是指数字产品的视觉元素,以及产品向用户展示这些元素的方式。 截至2020年1月,互联网上已有超过12亿个网站 。 而且,我们知道Google的人工智能还可以查看网站的UI和UX进行排名。 那么,前端设计如何对企业如此重要?

用户界面的历史 (History of User Interface)

Going back to the 1970s, when computers first came into the market, we had to use the Command Line interface for even a small interaction. This was a simple black screen with white text and A LOT of lengthy commands. The graphical interface was not only unavailable but, the computers could not support them either. A strong know-how of programming language was necessary to run simplest commands.

追溯到1970年代 ,当计算机首次进入市场时,我们甚至不得不使用命令行界面进行很小的交互。 这是一个简单的黑屏,带有白色文本和许多冗长的命令。 图形界面不仅不可用 ,而且计算机也不能支持它们。 要运行最简单的命令,必须具备强大的编程语言专业知识。

Fast forward to the 1980s, Xerox PARC invented a “graphical user interface” (GUI), which allowed users to interact with computers through icons, menus, checkboxes and other buttons. A simple but hugely helpful interface was now present.

快进到1980年代 ,施乐PARC发明了“图形用户界面”(GUI) ,该界面允许用户通过图标,菜单,复选框和其他按钮与计算机进行交互。 现在提供了一个简单但非常有用的界面。

Macintosh Computers by Apple Computer For UX Design
Museums Victoria 维多利亚博物馆

Finally, around the same time, Apple (formerly known as Apple Computer) invented a mouse-system for “point-and-click”. The Macintosh quickly became one of the first computers commercially available for homes and offices.

最终,大约在同一时间 ,Apple(以前称为Apple Computer )发明了一种用于“点击”的鼠标系统。 MacintoshSwift成为首批可用于家庭和办公室的商用计算机之一。

By the mid-1980s, it was clear that UI design was important to grow a digital brand and the Macintosh was a huge example. If the users could not interact easily with computers or any digital (or physical) product, it would not sell. This is how UI web design was born and has progressed into one of the fundamentals of building a great online product.

到1980年代中期,很明显,UI设计对于发展数字品牌非常重要,而Macintosh是一个很好的例子。 如果用户不能轻松地与计算机或任何数字(或物理)产品进行交互,则该产品将不会销售。 UI Web设计就是这样诞生的,并已发展成为构建出色在线产品的基础之一。

Thanks to the incredible progress in IT and software development, UI designers have an almost limitless opportunity to build just about anything for different products. From smart wearable devices to computers, mobile phones and everything on the internet, UI design is a prevailing element.

由于在IT和软件开发方面取得了令人难以置信的进步,UI设计师几乎有无限的机会可以为不同的产品构建几乎任何东西。 从智能可穿戴设备到计算机,移动电话以及互联网上的所有内容,UI设计是一个主要元素。

什么是UX​​设计? (What is UX Design?)

A user experience (UX) is a process that designers use to create meaningful products and provide relevant experience to users. If the UI design is about how a product will look and function, the UX design is about the experience the product will offer. Creating a perfect user experience involves designing the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product with usability, branding, and function.

用户体验(UX)是设计人员用来创建有意义的产品并向用户提供相关体验的过程。 如果UI设计是关于产品外观和功能的,则UX设计是关于产品将提供的体验。 创造完美的用户体验涉及设计具有可用性,品牌和功能的获取和集成产品的整个过程。

Perhaps one can even say that the work of a UX design goes beyond UI design. Specifically, you may even say that the UI is a subset and one of the important aspects of a broader term UX.

也许甚至可以说,UX设计的工作超出了UI设计。 具体来说,您甚至可以说UI是更广泛术语UX的子集和重要方面之一。

Let’s hear it from Donald A. Norman, who is a co-founder and Principal Emeritus of Nielsen Norman Group. He is also a researcher, professor, and director at UCLA, and the author of The Design of Everyday Things:

让我们听听尼尔森·诺曼集团(Nielsen Norman Group)的联合创始人兼首席荣誉总裁唐纳德·诺曼(Donald A. Norman)的话。 他还是UCLA的研究员,教授和总监,并且是《日常事物的设计》的作者:

Nielsen Norman Group 尼尔森·诺曼集团

According to Norman, the first requirement for outstanding user experience is to meet the exact needs of customers in priority. It is about creating a simple-to-use tool and goes beyond giving customers what they say they want.

根据Norman所说 ,出色的用户体验的首要要求是优先满足客户的确切需求。 这是关于创建一个易于使用的工具,而不仅仅是为客户提供他们想要的东西。

研究UX设计技术 (Researching UX Design Techniques)

As far as we have discovered, user experience is about researching the best experience for end-users. It is about putting them at ease, even if it requires making smaller packaging boxes of equipment or making a small handle to easily lift heavy equipment.

据我们发现,用户体验就是为最终用户研究最佳体验。 即使需要将设备包装成更小的包装箱或使手柄轻而易举地举起重型设备,也要使它们放心。

User experience research methods are great for gaining insight and understanding of products or services. When research combines with UX design activities, then the overall product development efforts become more effective and useful. One question that usually comes to mind is:

用户体验研究方法非常适合获得对产品或服务的见识和理解。 当研究与用户体验设计活动结合在一起时,整个产品开发工作将变得更加有效和有用。 通常想到的一个问题是:

“When should I start my UX design research?”


The answer: Right Now!

答案: 现在!

While the method of UX design research for a brilliant UI UX strategy is a complete subject on its own, I am only going to touch it briefly. The earlier the research you begin, the more impact you will create with your product. Hence it is imperative that regardless of the stage of research you are in, you should begin your UX research at that moment.

尽管出色的UI UX策略的UX设计研究方法本身就是一个完整的主题,但我只是简单地谈一谈。 开始研究的越早,对产品的影响就越大。 因此,无论您处于研究阶段,都必须在此时开始进行UX研究。

UX Activities Research and Design Methods
Nielsen Norman Group Nielsen Norman Group

User research is necessary for all stages and there is a useful method to go about it as well. The famous saying “the early bird gets the worm” is true for for UX design research. Luckily for you, there is an incredible ‘cheat sheet’ available that I discovered for myself.

用户研究对于所有阶段都是必要的,并且还有一种有用的方法来解决它。 UX设计研究的名言是“早起的鸟儿有虫吃” 。 幸运的是,我为自己发现了一个令人难以置信的“备忘单”。

The infographic at the left speaks about the major UX research activities and consist of:


  • Discover

  • Explore

  • Test

  • Listen

What is important to note here is that not all stages are exactly as prescribed, and none of them are placed in a rigid step-wise list. The concept here is to start from somewhere and learn more as you proceed. If you are confused about where to start or how to conduct research, then these UX research methods are a great place to start.

这里要注意的重要一点是,并非所有阶段都完全符合规定,并且没有一个阶段被严格地列出。 这里的概念是从某处开始,并在您继续学习时学到更多。 如果您对从哪里开始或如何进行研究感到困惑,那么这些UX研究方法就是一个很好的起点。

You may find some methods more feasible than others, depending on your time limitations, product/service type, or other concerns. This is why I would prefer that you proceed to try different methods at different product/service development stages because all method types are aimed to achieve different goals and insight.

您可能会发现某些方法比其他方法更可行,这取决于您的时间限制,产品/服务类型或其他问题。 这就是为什么我希望您继续在不同的产品/服务开发阶段尝试不同的方法的原因,因为所有方法类型均旨在实现不同的目标和见识。

UI和UX设计之间有什么区别? (What are the Differences Between UI and UX Design?)

If you require the most basic summary, then I would say that UI is simply the elements that users see and interact with while using a product or service. On the other hand, UX is purely about the experience that users get from using a product or service. For example:

如果您需要最基本的摘要,那么我想说UI就是用户在使用产品或服务时看到并与之交互的元素。 另一方面,UX纯粹是关于用户使用产品或服务所获得的体验。 例如:

If UI is about making a curvy ketchup bottle that looks great, then UX is about making the curves of the bottle in such a way so consumers can easily grab it (even with oily hands!).


Google is perhaps the best example. I would call them giants of the UI UX model as well. Consider this:

谷歌也许是最好的例子。 我也称它们为UI UX模型的巨人。 考虑一下:

The famous, white Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) is offering more than just thousands of links to your keyword search. Google knows when you come to their website, you are looking for accurate information. And, you want it instantly!

著名的白色Google 搜索引擎结果页(SERP)提供了超过数千个关键字搜索链接。 Google 知道,当您访问其网站时,您正在寻找准确的信息 。 而且,您立即想要它

Google built its entire environment around delivering accurate results in the shortest possible time. This is why it has dominated the world of Internet search engines. Statista reports that Google enjoyed a worldwide market share of whooping ~87% during July 2020. The rest of 13% divides between Yahoo!, Baidu, Yandex and Bing.

Google建立了整个环境,旨在在最短的时间内提供准确的结果。 这就是为什么它主导了Internet搜索引擎的原因。 Statista报告称,到2020年7月,Google在全球市场中的占有率高达87% 。 其余13%的份额分为Yahoo !、百度,Yandex和Bing。

Google Search Engine Worldwide Market Share Compared To Bing Yahoo And Others
Google’s Huge Market Share Recorded For July 2020. Photo Credits: Statista
Google在2020年7月 创下的巨大市场份额。图片来源: Statista

Imagine Google taking even 5 seconds to give you results. That would be a disastrous day for the multibillion-dollar company!

想象一下,谷歌甚至需要5秒钟才能为您提供结果。 对于这家市值数十亿美元的公司而言,那将是灾难性的一天!

Here is what Ken Norton, who is a partner at Google Ventures and a former Product Manager at Google has to say about the UI UX design:

以下是Google Ventures的合伙人,Google的前产品经理Ken Norton关于UI UX设计的看法:

“Start with a problem we’d like to solve. UX design is focused on anything that affects the user’s journey to solve that problem, positive or negative, both on-screen and off. UI design is focused on how the product’s surfaces look and function. The user interface is only piece of that journey. I like the restaurant analogy I’ve heard others use: UI is the table, chair, plate, glass, and utensils. UX is everything from the food, to the service, parking, lighting and music.”

“首先要解决一个问题。 UX设计的重点是在屏幕上和屏幕上影响用户解决该问题的过程的正面或负面影响。 UI设计着重于产品表面的外观和功能。 用户界面只是整个旅程的一部分。 我喜欢听过别人使用的餐厅类比:UI是桌子,椅子,盘子,玻璃杯和餐具。 从食品到服务,停车,照明和音乐,UX都是应有尽有。”

If you are not into much of a reading mood, then here is a fantastic video to distinguish between UI and UX:


A Quick Look At UI and UX.

职业:UI和UX设计师的工作 (Career: Jobs of UI and UX Designers)

We now know the individual descriptions of UI design and UX design. We also know how the user interface is different from the user experience, and vice versa. Now it is time to analyze how the professionals of these respective fields work.

现在,我们知道了UI设计和UX设计的各个描述。 我们还知道用户界面与用户体验的不同之处,反之亦然。 现在该分析这些领域的专业人员的工作方式了。

Role of UI Designers


UI designers are masters in visual designs. They work on design research and customer analysis. They take care of branding and graphic design. A UI designer will typically engage in user guides and build storylines for their brands. Although building a brand is not the sole responsibility of a UI designer, translating the brand into visuals and interactions certainly is. UI designers do this by:

UI设计师是视觉设计的大师。 他们从事设计研究和客户分析。 他们负责品牌和图形设计。 用户界面设计师通常会参与用户指南并为其品牌建立故事情节。 尽管打造品牌不是UI设计师的唯一责任,但一定要将品牌转化为视觉效果和互动。 UI设计人员可以通过以下方式做到这一点:

  • UI prototyping,

  • Creating interactive features and animations,

  • Creating responsive screens for all display sizes,

  • And building an overall integration with backend development.


Role of UX Designers


A UX designer’s role is more spread out towards several areas. As an overview, UX designers are also concerned with user research to develop the best customer experience. Competitor analysis is prominent along with customer analysis for optimization. Wireframing and prototyping also matter here. These include:

UX设计师的角色更加分散到多个领域。 作为概述,UX设计师还关注用户研究,以开发最佳的客户体验。 竞争者分析与客户分析一起是最优化的。 线框图和原型设计在这里也很重要。 这些包括:

  • Wireframing

  • Testing & Iteration

  • Development plans

  • Prototyping


User experience designers need to have strong coordination with user interface designers. They must coordinate with developers, analyze product performance and track goals.

用户体验设计人员需要与用户界面设计人员进行密切协调。 他们必须与开发人员协调,分析产品性能并跟踪目标。

As you may notice, the UX role is challenging and multifarious. The design of any product has deep roots going into multiple research levels. It is about iterations and refinements until one develops a perfect product for its customers. It is about building a product that accurately represents a company brand and satisfies customer relationships.

您可能会注意到,UX角色具有挑战性且种类繁多。 任何产品的设计都深入到多个研究层次。 它涉及迭代和完善,直到为客户开发出完美的产品为止。 这是关于构建一种能够准确代表公司品牌并满足客户关系的产品。

总结— UI UX很重要! (Wrapping Up — UI UX Matters!)

When aiming for a design of an online product or service, SEO and content are not the only things that matter. This is especially in the case when trying to grab user attention to increase reach of your digital product. Whether you are designing a web application, mobile application, any digital product or even a physical product, design and experience are two of the most important elements to remember. Growing software development companies already realize the importance of a great UI design structure. However, it is paramount that businesses also consider UX designs in the process. A great UI/UX and branding will:

在设计在线产品或服务时,SEO和内容并不是唯一重要的事情。 当试图吸引用户的注意力以扩大数字产品的覆盖范围时,尤其如此。 无论是设计Web应用程序,移动应用程序,任何数字产品,甚至是物理产品,设计和体验都是要记住的两个最重要的要素。 成长中的软件开发公司已经意识到出色的UI设计结构的重要性。 但是,企业在此过程中还要考虑UX设计是至关重要的。 出色的UI / UX和品牌推广将:

  • Encourage user interaction with your platform,

  • Generate customer and brand loyalty,

  • Generate recommendation and referrals,

  • Reduce development costs,

  • Reduce internal costs, and

  • Increase overall profits.

InvoZone InvoZone

In this modern era, where consumers and clients are becoming aware of their rights and values, customer experience matters a lot. Consider the following stats by Forrester, Adobe and Google on the left.

在这个现代时代,消费者和客户逐渐意识到自己的权利和价值,客户体验至关重要。 考虑左边的Forrester,Adobe和Google的以下统计信息。

The field of UI and UX are confusing only because they are relatively new terms in product design. However, people can avoid this unnecessary confusion and this article will provide enough insight to get you going for future.

UI和UX领域之所以令人困惑,仅是因为它们是产品设计中相对较新的术语。 但是,人们可以避免这种不必要的混乱,本文将提供足够的见解,使您迈向未来。

In a nutshell, while the user interface is about how customers will interact with a product, the user experience is about their overall thoughts before, during and after using your product.



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