

Practice makes a man perfect — English Proverb


One must have come across the ancient but famous English proverb many times in their lifetime but who knew until 1960s that this proverb could be true not only for humans but also for the machines. Machine learning (ML), in simple terms means designing an algorithm and asking your machine to work on it repetitively so that accuracy increases.

一定有一生中曾多次遇到过古老而著名的英语谚语,但他知道直到1960年代,这种谚语不仅对人类而且对机器都是正确的。 简单来说,机器学习(ML)意味着设计算法并要求您的机器重复进行处理,以提高准确性。

传统编程与机器学习 (Traditional Programming v/s Machine Learning)

How is traditional programming different from the Machine Learning?
Programming vs Machine Learning Flow Diagram

To be honest, there is a lot of difference between a normal programmer and a machine learning engineer. A traditional programmer writes down a set of instructions showing the machine what is to be done. The machine blindly follows the steps and generates the results. A different program is required for a small alteration of task. However, as seen in the above figure, a Machine Learning engineer has to figure out the result desired and then design a program that works just great.

老实说,普通程序员和机器学习工程师之间有很多区别。 传统的程序员会写下一组指令,以显示机器将要完成的工作。 机器盲目地执行步骤并生成结果。 任务的少量更改需要其他程序。 但是,如上图所示,机器学习工程师必须找出所需的结果,然后设计一个效果很好的程序。

让我们举例说明 (Let’s exemplify)

Let me explain the above flowcharts with a simple example. I want to design an algorithm that can filter spam mails. A few years back, spam could be recognized by looking at words like 4U instead of ‘for you’, Earn $ instead of salary and some grammatical errors.

让我用一个简单的例子解释以上流程图。 我想设计一种可以过滤垃圾邮件的算法。 几年前,通过查看诸如4U而不是“ for you”,赚取$而不是薪水和一些语法错误等词语可以识别垃圾邮件。

A traditional programmer will create a list or a dictionary for the stop words and compare the words in the e-mail. If it matches, the mail is labelled as spam. What if the spammers make a small change and swap 4U with for you! The spam filtering fails. This is where machine learning comes for your help.

传统的程序员会为停用词创建一个列表或字典,并比较电子邮件中的单词。 如果匹配,则邮件被标记为垃圾邮件。 如果垃圾邮件发送者进行了一些小的更改并与您交换4U,该怎么办! 垃圾邮件过滤失败。 这是机器学习为您提供帮助的地方。

A machine learning engineer will create a list of stop words and define a loop to iterate a classification algorithm on spam emails multiple times until the accuracy of the algorithm is increased. This increases the ability of the machine to understand spam words and look for a pattern in the spam mails, helping it to detect similar words even if they are slightly changed.

机器学习工程师将创建一个停用词列表,并定义一个循环,以多次遍历垃圾邮件中的分类算法,直到提高算法的准确性为止。 这提高了机器理解垃圾邮件单词并在垃圾邮件中查找模式的能力,从而帮助其检测相似的单词(即使它们稍有变化)。

您如何学习ML? (How can you learn ML?)

If you are a person without any prior knowledge of coding, you can still manage to get your head around machine learning. For anyone out there wanting to be good at machine learning, this is the list you should follow:

如果您是一个没有任何编码方面先验知识的人,那么您仍然可以设法避免机器学习。 对于那些想要擅长机器学习的人,这是您应该遵循的列表:

  1. Statistics

  2. Probability

  3. TensorFlow

  4. Basic Coding

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Statistics is the root of machine learning. I know that many of us are not math loving people but there is a vast difference between the mathematics that we used to study in schools. Try learning with patience and be good at the concepts of statistics. It is better to focus on WHY rather than HOW. For example, if you want to do a regression, it is okay not to know how it is done but you must know why it is done and what it means. There a lot of libraries and functions available that can perform regression just by writing a simple function.

统计是机器学习的根源。 我知道我们很多人都不是数学爱好者,但是我们过去在学校学习的数学之间存在巨大差异。 尝试耐心学习,并善于掌握统计概念。 最好专注于为什么而不是如何。 例如,如果要进行回归,可以不知道它是如何完成的,但是必须知道为什么要完成及其含义。 有许多可用的库和函数可以通过编写简单的函数来执行回归。

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How fast can probability change?

Probability is the key to prediction analysis. Statistics and Probability together build the world of Machine Learning. Various filtering, classifications and clustering techniques can be understood once you have hold on this concept. For example, when you buy a pair of running shoes from amazon, you get advertisements regarding various gym equipment, sippers or yoga mats. This is done by using a technique called Classification and Clustering. Data analysts try to get an idea from the previous purchases made by the customers who bought the same pair of shoes as you and try to show you various other options in order to bag a purchase.

P robability的关键是预测分析。 统计和概率共同构建了机器学习的世界。 一旦掌握了这一概念,便可以理解各种过滤,分类和聚类技术。 例如,当您从亚马逊购买一双跑鞋时,您会看到有关各种健身器材,吸管或瑜伽垫的广告。 这是通过使用称为分类和聚类的技术来完成的。 数据分析人员试图从与您购买同一双鞋的顾客以前的购买中获得灵感,并尝试向您展示其他各种选择以便进行购买。

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TensorFlow is a part of core machine learning and you might ask, what is this guy thinking, how can a library based on coding be for everyone but TensorFlow is not same as the other machine learning libraries available. A basic knowledge of the statistics and just fitting the correct features enables you to apply a simple algorithm of Neural Networks which is one of the most applied techniques in the world of machine learning. For instance, you can teach your machine to play a simple game of rock, paper and scissors by writing couple of lines of codes and a few iterations to improve the accuracy.

T ensorFlow是核心机器学习的一部分,您可能会问,这个人在想什么,基于编码的库如何适合所有人,但TensorFlow与其他可用的机器学习库不同。 统计信息的基础知识以及仅适合正确的功能,使您可以应用简单的神经网络算法,这是机器学习领域应用最广泛的技术之一。 例如,您可以通过编写几行代码和一些迭代来教您的机器玩石头,纸和剪刀的简单游戏,以提高准确性。

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Coding is an integral part of machine learning, but do not worry. The basic knowledge of python, R or any other programming language is always an asset. However, there are many other softwares which can perform a task with minimal coding requirements or by drag and drop method. This can be a new trend that shifts the focus of Data Science from programmers to the people who have more knowledge of the domain.

çoding是机器学习的一个组成部分,但不要担心。 python,R或任何其他编程语言的基础知识始终是资产。 但是,还有许多其他软件可以以最少的编码要求或通过拖放方法执行任务。 这可能是一个新趋势,它将数据科学的重点从程序员转移到了对领域有更多了解的人们。

摘要 (Summary)

The above points do not mean that the Machine Learning is complicated or fearful field. I would say that it requires a lot of practise, patience and reading. A machine learning engineer has to focus not only on generating the results but also on the reporting. An engineer can understand the code but the result should be such that even a layman can understand the idea by just getting a glimpse of the report.

以上几点并不意味着机器学习是一个复杂或令人恐惧的领域。 我要说,这需要大量的实践,耐心和阅读。 机器学习工程师不仅要专注于生成结果,还要关注报告。 工程师可以理解代码,但结果应该是,即使是外行也可以通过瞥见报告来理解想法。

I will be back next week with an article on TensorFlow and how everyone can use it for ML. Please follow me for updates and feel free to leave a clap or comment.

我将在下周返回有关TensorFlow以及所有人如何将其用于ML的文章。 请关注我以获取更新,并随时鼓掌或发表评论。

You can fine me on twitter and LinkedIn.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@preraktrivedi7/machine-learning-is-for-everyone-38df36bea964


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