离职后 重写的软件 侵权_重写软件产品,请先阅读

离职后 重写的软件 侵权

So you just received the 10th customer complaint over the same issue you thought was fixed three weeks ago.


Your heart has been racing for what feels like months straight, and you can’t even glance at the customer support log without a freight train of anxiety hitting you.


You know your software product is buggy. It seems like your developers are producing more bugs than features, and they insist that the software is just too much of a mess to work with.

您知道您的软件产品有故障。 看来您的开发人员产生的bug多于功能,并且他们坚持认为该软件太混乱了,无法使用。

You’ve come to the very hard decision that a total rewrite is necessary in order for your product, and your sanity, to survive…


But wait! There are different ways to approach a rewrite that doesn’t necessarily entail throwing away the original product. Below are a few suggested questions to ask yourself and actions to take.

可是等等! 有多种方法可以进行重写,而不必重写原始产品。 下面是一些建议的问题,供您问自己和采取的行动。

问自己,为什么需要重写? (Ask Yourself, Why is this Rewrite Necessary?)

You really need a rock solid answer to this. If you can’t articulate this to yourself or a colleague, you aren’t ready to invest in a rebuild of your product.

您确实需要对此做出坚定的回答。 如果您无法向自己或同事阐明这一点,那么您就不准备投资进行产品重建。

It’s easy for the frustrations of customers and complaints from your development team pressure you into blowing up a product and starting new, but it’s important to know the cost / benefit of doing a rewrite before jumping in.


Write down on paper the justification of the rewrite so when you inevitably think “is this really necessary?”, you have a clear reminder of why you’re doing it.


To help you ballpark whether or not a rewrite is necessary, here some common signs it’s time to scrap and rebuild:


  • Small changes result in unexpected bugs in seemingly unrelated places

  • Your development team is often hesitant and / or pushes back on feature work you send their way

  • You want your product to move in a new direction that it wasn’t design or engineered for

  • It takes significantly more time and money to onboard developers than it should

  • Simple bug fixes take far too long to complete


缩小重写的MVP(Narrow Down the MVP of Your Rewrite)

Approach the re-development of your software product as if you’re aiming to build another MVP.


The challenge of re-writing a product is that (usually) you aren’t introducing anything new, you are trying to get back to where your 1.0 product is feature wise.


For example, while working on the new web banking platform at Synchrony Financial, it was decided that rather than completely rebuild every feature of the legacy platform on launch day, we simply linked to old parts of the platform for non-mission-critical features.

例如,在Synchrony Financial开发新的Web银行平台时,我们决定与其在发布之日完全重建旧平台的每个功能,不如将其旧版链接到非关键任务功能。

We omitted the ability to create new banking accounts, since the signup flow was a significant undertaking. Instead we focused on existing customers and their ability to manage their accounts. Editing your profile was delegated to the legacy platform, as well as requesting paper checks, and other things people generally don’t spend much time on.

由于注册流程是一项艰巨的任务,因此我们省略了创建新银行帐户的功能。 相反,我们专注于现有客户及其管理帐户的能力。 编辑个人资料的工作委托给了旧平台,并要求进行纸质检查,而其他事情通常不会花很多时间。

While the end result isn’t a picture perfect experience, for the most critical user paths, it works great. This saved months of development time, and most importantly, saved dollars.

尽管最终结果并非完美的图片体验,但对于最关键的用户路径而言,它的效果很好。 这节省了数月的开发时间,最重要的是,节省了资金。

探索增量重写 (Explore an Incremental Rewrite)

Rather than blow up your product entirely, figure out whether or not you can gradually replace existing components of your software, and do incremental releases. Often times you don’t need to start from zero!

而不是完全破坏您的产品,要弄清楚您是否可以逐步替换软件的现有组件并进行增量发行。 通常,您不需要从零开始!

This isn’t always possible, as the nature of a spaghetti code system is that components are so tightly dependent on one another that it makes it extremely difficult to update any individual component.


Your development team will know best whether or not this is a possible path, but an incremental rewrite can allow stability to reach your customers much faster than a waterfall style rewrite.


购买损坏的东西… (Buy What’s Broken…)

Are there pieces of your software that can simply be bought as a SaaS or PaaS product?


It’s 2020, and software is cheaper than ever. Especially software that helps you build software! There might be a piece of your product that can be “outsourced” to a vendor.

现在是2020年,软件比以往任何时候都便宜。 特别是可以帮助您构建软件的软件! 您的产品可能有一部分可以“外包”给供应商。

Perhaps you have a custom built CMS, or maybe you decided to use open source software because it was free rather than pay a subscription for something premium.


User authentication causing problems? Find an authentication as a service provider.

用户身份验证引起问题吗? 查找作为服务提供商的身份验证。

Nobody likes to increase their monthly bills, but if a $50 / month subscription saves you $5,000 and 140 development hours, it’s a no brainer.


减少开发时间 (Reduce Development Time)

It’s not uncommon for developers to re-invent the wheel for common problems. When going through with a rewrite, you need to find any areas you can save time and money in.

对于常见问题,开发人员重新发明轮子的情况并不少见。 进行重写时,您需要找到可以节省时间和金钱的任何区域。

If you aren’t very technical, this may seem like mumbo jumbo, but if your development team is solid, they should already be thinking about this stuff.


If you have a lot of complex forms in your UI, seek a solid form library.


Rather than build custom UI components, use a library like Material UI or Semantic UI and change the styling.

与其构建自定义UI组件,不如使用Material UI或Semantic UI之类的库并更改样式。

Don’t have the resources to manage a database and API? It’s 2020 dude! Serverless tech is mainstream. See if something like Firebase firestore + authentication + functions fits your needs and save yourself a ton of time.

没有资源来管理数据库和API? 这是2020老兄! 无服务器技术是主流。 查看诸如Firebase firestore +身份验证+功能之类的东西是否满足您的需求,并节省大量时间。

The point is, buy / use other software to ease the development of your own. Try to stick to well supported technologies, otherwise it can be just as bad as rolling out your own solution.

关键是,购买/使用其他软件可以简化您自己的开发。 尝试坚持使用受支持的技术,否则可能与推出自己的解决方案一样糟糕。

Aside from the time & money you will save on development, you will also save a ton of time finding & onboarding developers (if you’re fortunate enough to be able to bring on more devs).


重建前获取专家意见 (Get an Expert Opinion Before Rebuilding)

Maybe you don’t have an in house development team. Perhaps your product was built by an offshore team you hired on Upwork, and now you have one or two developers around to maintain it.

也许您没有内部开发团队。 也许您的产品是由您在Upwork上雇用的离岸团队开发的,现在您有一个或两个开发人员来维护它。

Sometimes you just don’t trust your developers to evaluate the necessity of a rewrite of your product.


Or maybe you don’t feel like you have enough information to come to this decision yourself.


In this case it’s a good idea to invest in a consultant who can spend time to understand your product, your customers, and your current position.


If you happen to have a web product, I can definitely help you determine whether or not it’s time to rebuild your product, as well as recommend any better alternatives.


了解哪里出了问题 (Understand What Went Wrong)

If you and your development team can’t pin down exactly what is wrong with your current product, then you aren’t ready to rebuild it.


A rewrite doesn’t mean throwing the old code out the window and blindly starting new.


The old product bundle of lessons learned, and a rewrite should come after you have understood all the lessons it had to teach.


了解成本 (Understand The Costs)

If you are rebuilding your product, then you should understand by now that there is no substitute for quality.


However, this quality will likely come at a higher cost than the development of your legacy product (not always the case).


It’s important not to commit to a rewrite while prioritizing cost savings over the quality of your product.


Bad developers at a low rate will cost you far more money than good developers at a high rate.


That being said, good developers on a shoe string budget aren’t magicians either.


Make sure you have the resources to sustain a realistic timeline with a scope up work that will set you up for success, not a second failure.


Speaking of scope…


明确定义范围 (Clearly Define the Scope)

Once you get past the dread of having to rebuild your software, what awaits is a world of endless possibilities.


The famous “if you could start over, what would you do differently?” question becomes a reality for you.

著名的“如果你能重新开始,你会做些什么?” 问题对您来说成为现实。

You will want to implement all of the amazing ideas you have that you couldn’t execute before.


Don’t do it. As sad as it is, try to keep a little bit of that dread around, because it will keep you level headed enough to humble the scope of your rewrite.


Often times a bad product is the result of too many ideas executed on too few resources. The last thing you want is for your 2.0 to work as poorly or worse than your 1.0.

通常,劣质产品是在太多资源上执行过多创意的结果。 您想要的最后一件事是使您的2.0的性能低于或低于您的1.0。

As I mentioned in the first point, if you approach rewriting your software as you would an MVP, you will likely steer clear of this issue.


结论 (Conclusion)

If you are in the position where you are debating a rebuild of your software product, I hope the above points have given you plenty to think about!


It’s rarely a cause for celebration when you come to the conclusion that rebuilding your software is necessary, but if done correctly, the end result can take your business to heights not previously possible.


If you have a web based product, and need a software engineer who can help you analyze, plan, and / or execute a rewrite, I’d love to help you out.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/rewriting-your-software-product-read-this-first-4311dcf82ed1

离职后 重写的软件 侵权

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