

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are processes designed to slay the hydra-headed monster that is software development.


Whenever you land on an application as benign-looking as Google’s home page, beneath its veneer of blandness is a roiling ecosystem of interconnected organisms, each spawning their own subsystems fuelled by an insatiable appetite for code and data capable of drowning an ocean liner.


Therefore, the core function of software engineering is to reduce complexity, and the duo processes of CI and CD help accomplish this.


There are several parallels and universal lessons we can draw from these processes to help optimize our lives, based on the following premise:


  • Life, like software development, is messy and complex, with every decision fraught with the peril of unseen second, even third-order effects down the road.

  • Life is about overcoming crap by finding optimal solutions to never-ending problems; likewise, software applications are created to solve problems to enhance our 21st Century standard of living.

    生活就是通过找到永无止境的问题的最佳解决方案来克服垃圾。 同样,创建软件应用程序来解决问题,以提高我们的21世纪生活水平。
  • In life and software development, it is easier to manage small, incremental changes.


Before we get ahead of ourselves, what exactly is Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery? I promise not to bore you with too much technical details.

在我们超越自我之前,持续集成和持续交付到底是什么? 我保证不会给您带来太多技术细节。

什么是CI和CD,为什么要关心? (What are CI and CD, and why should you care?)

  • Continuous Integration: This is the practice of integrating all the code changes from multiple developers into a single project with the use of automated processes.


  • Continuous Delivery: Teams produce software in short cycles to ensure it can be reliably released at any time by building and testing with greater efficiency.


The salient points about CI and CD are that they provide a delivery pipeline in which small code changes from multiple contributors are continuously integrated (safely, with quality checks due to automated testing) into the production system in a streamlined, automated process.


Both Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery evolved from the attempt to deliver software products faster to consumers. There’s an old concept in software development that presents a client with three choices: fast, good, or cheap — pick two.

持续集成和持续交付都源于试图将软件产品更快地交付给消费者的尝试。 在软件开发中,有一个古老的概念可以为客户提供三种选择:快速,良好或便宜-选择两个。

Well, faster isn’t always better. I guess you’ve heard the term move fast and break things, right? Well, we all know how that turned out for Facebook and the rest of us.

好吧,更快并不总是更好。 我想您已经听说过快速移动并破坏事物的说法,对吗? 好吧,我们都知道Facebook和我们其他人的情况如何。

The need to respond to the demands of quickly changing markets and consumer tastes in the digital age required production processes to be fast, yet cheap in order to be sustainable; however, sacrificing quality means that customers aren’t likely to hang around for too long.

为了应对数字时代快速变化的市场和消费者品味的需求,要求生产过程必须快速但廉价才能实现可持续发展; 但是,牺牲质量意味着客户不太可能流连忘返。

The twin duo of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery is an attempt to give IT departments the best of three worlds.


Hence, the important objective is to do deliver high-quality software fast in a painless, sustainable manner.


In the same vein, you need the compass of a CI/CD pipeline to guide you in the following ways:

同样,您需要CI / CD管道的指南针以下列方式指导您:

大处着眼,小处 (Think big, act small)

Most of us have dreams and ambitions that look daunting, even intimidating. For some, the size of their ambitions from the current vantage point looks insurmountable.

我们大多数人的梦想和野心看起来令人生畏,甚至令人生畏。 对于某些人来说,从目前的角度出发,他们的野心规模似乎是无法克服的。

However, the principles of CI and CD encourage us not to jettison our dreams because of their size or our lack of resources. Instead of feeling discouraged, invest the small time and effort you can devote right now and don’t allow the perfect become the enemy of the good.

但是,CI和CD的原则鼓励我们不要放弃梦想,因为梦想的规模或缺乏资源。 不要灰心,要花些时间和精力投入现在可以投入的事情,不要让完美成为商品的敌人。

So, don’t despise the day of little beginnings. Take care of doing the small things that are within your control, patiently allow them to build a forward momentum to accomplish your dreams.

因此,不要轻视开端的日子。 照顾好您控制范围内的小事情,耐心地让他们建立前进的动力,以实现您的梦想。

Whether it is saving for retirement, spending more time with the family, or losing weight, take small steps and watch them compound.


“Don’t worry about too many things at once. Take a handful of simple things to begin with, and then progress to more complex ones. Think about not just tomorrow, but the future. Put a ding in the universe.” — Steve Jobs

“不要一次担心太多事情。 先从几个简单的事情开始,然后发展到更复杂的事情。 不仅要考虑明天,还要考虑未来。 在宇宙中叮叮当当。” —史蒂夫·乔布斯

持续改进胜于推迟完善(Continuous improvement beats postponed perfection)

By continuously integrating small code changes into the main code repository, and frequently deploying those small changes to production, the CI/CD pipeline teaches us the virtue of incremental change and improvement.

通过将小的代码更改连续集成到主代码存储库中,并经常将这些小的更改部署到生产中,CI / CD管道教会了我们进行增量更改和改进的好处。

Unfortunately, our microwave dinner mindset often sabotages us by thinking we can change our lives at the bat of an eyelid.


“Habits don’t change in a day. But 1% a day makes every habit work.” — James Altucher

“生活习惯一天都不会改变。 但是每天1%会使每个习惯都起作用。” -詹姆斯·阿尔图切

However, if you commit to making a 1% daily improvement, you’ll be amazed at how the progress you make will compound over time to transform you into an expert in your field.


Improvement is a gradual process. It is what is practiced continuously as shown by the CI/CD pipeline that creates the razor-thin margin that separates winners from losers.

改善是一个循序渐进的过程。 CI / CD管道显示,正是这种持续实践,创造了将赢家和输家区分开的极薄的余量。

When you’re tempted to get discouraged because of slow pace of progress, remember this old saying:


“How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice.”

“您如何到达卡内基音乐厅? 练习,练习,练习。”

快速稳定的反馈 (Fast and constant feedback)

Making small, increment changes like CI/CD advocates allows an individual to be nimble.

像CI / CD倡导者一样,进行细微的,渐进式的更改可以使个人变得敏捷。

A small sample size allows you to gain quick feedback from clients or your environment, then use this knowledge to iterate and improve your goals, habits, and life much sooner.


Moreover, smaller changes allow you to isolate the source of problems faster, which in turn enables you to more accurately evaluate whether you are on the right track.


降低风险并节省成本 (Decrease risk and save cost)

The support of a CI/CD pipeline encourages developers and software engineers to take risks. This is because they know the impact of their experimentation won’t be catastrophic, since it is easy to isolate errors and even roll back the entire system to the last problem-free build.

CI / CD管道的支持鼓励开发人员和软件工程师冒险。 这是因为他们知道实验的影响不会是灾难性的,因为它很容易隔离错误,甚至可以将整个系统回滚到最后一个无问题的版本。

Following this same philosophy encourages individuals to refine an idea on a small scale through a limited value-proposition such as Minimum Viable Product (MVP) without investing a huge amount of resources to test its feasibility.


So, there it is my friends. Leverage the parallels between life and these software development practices to take a quantum leap to the next level.

所以,这里是我的朋友们。 利用生活与这些软件开发实践之间的相似性,将其带入一个新的水平。

Keep your eye on the prize by sweating the small things that will move you closer and closer to your dreams.


Start now.


翻译自: https://medium.com/cogwheel-of-the-mind/idea-to-start-your-day-continuous-integration-ci-and-continuous-delivery-cd-d544e7b80962


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