qos cbs_我在CBS Interactive担任视频软件工程师实习生的夏天

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CBSi的生活| 视频处理团队 (Life at CBSi | Video Processing Team)

I was extremely excited when I was accepted into the CBS Interactive (CBSi) summer internship program. The program recently secured a place in the WayUp’s Top 100 Internship Programs list for 2020. CBSi is one of the largest pioneers in the world of streaming and video-on-demand services. And, after a successful merger with Viacom, they have made signature brands in the worlds of entertainment and sports accessible through a single shared platform. This article gives insight into my work as a Video Software Engineer Intern at CBSi.

当我被接受了CBS互动(CBSi)夏季实习计划时,我感到非常兴奋。 该计划最近在WayUp的2020年实习计划100强名单中名列前茅。CBSi是流媒体和视频点播服务领域最大的先驱之一。 而且,在与维亚康姆成功合并之后,他们通过一个共享平台就使娱乐和体育界的知名品牌成为现实。 本文深入介绍了我在CBSi担任视频软件工程师实习生的工作。

I was eagerly waiting for my internship to begin when the pandemic struck. Everything was changing, and nothing was certain anymore. Places were closing down, streets were empty, and workplaces abruptly shifted to remote. I was initially nervous after hearing about other colleagues’ internships being canceled, but was thrilled and relieved when CBSi let me know that they were committed to their interns, even if it meant a fully remote experience.

大流行来临时,我急切地等待着我的实习。 一切都在变化,没有什么可以确定的了。 地方被关闭,街道空无一人,工作场所突然转移到偏远地区。 最初我听说其他同事的实习被取消后感到紧张,但当CBSi让我知道他们致力于实习时,我感到既兴奋又放松,即使这意味着完全的远程体验。

Soon after the initial reprieve, I then began worrying about how I would successfully connect, work, and contribute to the team. However, despite the circumstance, interning at CBSi ended up being one of the most rewarding experiences in my career as a developer and as a person.

最初的缓刑后不久,我开始担心如何才能成功地联系,工作并为团队做出贡献。 但是,尽管有这种情况,在CBSi实习还是最终成为我作为一名开发人员和一个人的职业中最有意义的经历之一。

面试过程 (The Interview Process)

I came across the role on the CBSi website. My first thought was that having worked mainly with front end development, this would be an exciting opportunity to work with the back end. I would also be able to apply web development to a field that was completely new to me — Video Engineering.

我在CBSi网站上遇到了这个角色。 我首先想到的是,主要从事前端开发工作,这将是一个与后端合作的令人兴奋的机会。 我也将能够web开发适用于完全新的给我一个领域-电视技术

I applied for the internship, and following a brief waiting period, the interview process began. In my opinion, CBSi handles this far better than other companies. An emphasis was placed on my skills and knowledge as well as on who I was as a person. They also checked to see if I would be a good fit for the company, culturally as well as individually. One thing I really appreciate is that once I had secured the internship, they made sure that I had resources to educate myself on the technologies I would be working with over the summer.

我申请了实习,然后经过短暂的等待,开始了面试过程。 我认为,CBSi在这方面的处理要比其他公司好得多。 重点放在我的技能和知识上,以及我作为一个人的身份。 他们还检查了我是否适合公司,无论在文化上还是个人上。 我真正欣赏的一件事是,一旦我获得了实习机会,他们就会确保我有足够的资源来教育我自己暑假将使用的技术。

第一天之前 (Before the First Day)

Two weeks before the start of my internship, I received a personalized Welcome to the Company Card. It took me completely by surprise, and I remember showing it off to all my friends and family. It made me feel like I was already a valued part of the company, despite not being physically there, and I could not wait to start my internship!

实习开始前两周,我收到了个性化的证书 欢迎使用公司卡。 这让我完全感到惊讶,我记得向所有我的朋友和家人炫耀它。 令我感到自己虽然已经不在公司,但我已经是公司的重要组成部分,而且我迫不及待地开始实习!

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The Swag Bag and Box

与团队会面(Meeting the Team)

I joined the Video Processing Team Live Squad, which is part of a larger Video Technology Group that powers streaming for internal business units of ViacomCBS, such as CBS Sports, All Access, CNET, Giant Bomb, and last.fm. The team aims to build cost-effective video processing services by maximizing efficiency, through the use of advanced technologies and cloud services.

我加入了视频处理团队Live Squad ,该团队隶属于一个较大的视频技术小组,该小组ViacomCBS的内部业务部门(如CBS体育All AccessCNET巨型炸弹last.fm)的流媒体提供动力。 该团队旨在通过使用先进技术和云服务来最大化效率,从而构建具有成本效益的视频处理服务。

My first impression when I met the team was admiration. Despite being a small, newly formed, and diverse team, I was impressed by how efficient and effective the team was in balancing the implementation of new features and maintaining it’s documentation.

当我遇到团队时,我的第一印象就是钦佩。 尽管是一个新成立的小型团队,但团队平衡新功能的实现和维护文档的效率和效率给我留下了深刻的印象。

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The Live Squad

The team incorporates open source-style and is actively committed to standardizing this workflow across the entire organization. I also loved the practice of writing test cases for all the code in production, reviewing all pull requests, and having open discussions on code implementation. I enjoyed how everything in the team was more of a collaborative effort than a solo act. It was nice to see that everyone was aware of what others in the team were working on even though the whole team spanned five time zones.

该团队采用了开源风格,并积极致力于在整个组织中对该工作流程进行标准化。 我还喜欢为生产中的所有代码编写测试用例,查看所有拉取请求以及就代码实现进行公开讨论的做法。 我喜欢团队中的所有事情更多是协作而不是独奏。 很高兴看到即使整个团队跨越五个时区,每个人都知道团队中其他人正在做什么。

Moreover, I loved the internal brown bag tech talk series where CBS employees speak about projects and breakthroughs they had achieved in their fields. It was great to see all the teams come together to discuss and learn new things and review the existing implementations to improve their products’ efficiency.

此外,我喜欢内部的棕色袋子技术讲座系列,在该系列中,CBS员工谈论他们在各自领域所取得的项目和取得的突破。 看到所有团队聚在一起讨论和学习新事物,并审查现有实施以提高其产品效率,真是太好了。

我的角色和责任 (My Role and Responsibilities)

After meeting my team, I was eager to start working and contributing. But before jumping into the code, I took the time to meet with my mentor to set professional and personal goals to accomplish over the summer. We talked about what I wanted to learn and take away from the internship. I appreciated having someone to guide me while I constructed my goals. We then tailored the goals to achieve those expectations.

与团队会面后,我渴望开始工作并做出贡献。 但是在开始编写代码之前,我花了一些时间与导师会面,设定了夏季要完成的专业和个人目标。 我们讨论了我想学习和从实习中获得的东西。 我很高兴有人在我制定目标时为我提供指导。 然后,我们调整了目标以实现这些期望。

I mainly worked on the in-house product that is responsible for creating and maintaining cloud-based services for online streaming linear channels and ad-hoc events. I appreciated being included in the day to day operation of the team. I picked up issues from the Kanban board, discussed them with everyone as needed, implemented the logic, and wrote test cases for the new changes. Finally, I merged the pull request and closed the issue.

我主要从事内部产品的研究,该产品负责为在线流线性渠道和临时事件创建和维护基于云的服务。 我很高兴被纳入团队的日常运作。 我从看板委员会拿起问题,根据需要与所有人讨论,实施了逻辑,并为新更改编写了测试用例。 最后,我合并了拉取请求并解决了问题。

I fixed time-sensitive bugs and added new features as a part of the team, rather than only working on a side project. I worked on all facets of the service, from updating API endpoints to introducing new credentials management strategies to documenting the changes and fixing bugs. I was thrilled that at the end of the day as I could see all my efforts being brought into fruition and used in production.

我修复了对时间敏感的错误,并在团队中添加了新功能,而不是仅在副项目上工作。 从更新API端点到引入新的凭据管理策略,再到记录更改和修复错误,我一直在服务的各个方面进行工作。 最终,我感到很兴奋,因为我看到自己所有的努力都得以实现并投入生产。

Each issue was different and more difficult than the previous one, which presented me with the opportunity to learn something new about the field every day. I was able to learn new technologies and simultaneously apply the knowledge in my code.

每个问题都与前一个问题不同且难度更大,前一个问题使我有机会每天学习有关该领域的新知识。 我能够学习新技术,并同时将这些知识应用到我的代码中。

成长与学习 (Growth and Learning)

Working within a dynamic team environment on real-world issues helped me to learn and develop a lot of skills. I gained the confidence to work with Python, Flask, Marshmallow, and Pytest. I particularly enjoyed learning and implementing test cases for the code, as it was a completely new experience for me.

在充满活力的团队环境中解决现实问题,这帮助我学习和发展了很多技能。 我获得了使用Python,Flask,棉花糖和Pytest的信心。 我特别喜欢学习和实现代码的测试用例,因为这对我来说是一种全新的体验。

I also worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS), mainly interacting with its Media Services components via the python boto3 client. I learned the schematics of video processing and the end-to-end streaming workflow — from receiving the feed from ground encoders to delivering it to the end-users via video players.

我还使用了Amazon Web Services(AWS) ,主要是通过python boto3客户端与其媒体服务组件进行交互。 我了解了视频处理和端到端流工作流程的示意图-从接收地面编码器的提要,到通过视频播放器将其提供给最终用户。

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The Learning Curve

I faced new concepts throughout my internship but my team always gave me plenty of time and resources to familiarize myself with each topic. If I ever hit a wall though, they were always willing to provide more guidance. No matter the issue I was working on, the team encouraged me and put their confidence in me. Thus, working on every task instilled in me a sense of responsibility and self-confidence.

在整个实习期间,我都面临着新概念,但是我的团队总是给我足够的时间和资源来熟悉每个主题。 如果我碰壁,他们总是愿意提供更多指导。 不管我在处理什么问题,团队都鼓励我,并对我充满信心。 因此,从事每一项任务都使我充满责任感和自信。

By the end of the internship, I could see how everything that I learned had provided me with the means to solve new challenging issues. I had started the internship by working on API endpoints and documenting changes, and by the end of summer, was able to traverse my way across AWS Media Services components.

实习结束时,我可以看到我学到的一切如何为我提供了解决新的挑战性问题的方法。 我是通过研究API终端节点并记录更改来开始实习的,并且到夏天结束时,我已经能够在AWS Media Services组件之间进行遍历。

并非所有工作 (Not all Work)

My internship at CBSi wasn’t just work all the time. Besides the team meetings, there were multiple intern events organized by the University Relations Team, including a live music event to welcome the interns, lunch and learns, social events, weekly themed coffee chats, bingo challenges, movie nights, and events focused on personal growth, namely emotional intelligence training.

我在CBSi的实习不仅是一直在工作。 除团队会议外,大学关系团队还组织了多次实习活动,包括现场音乐活动,欢迎实习生,午餐和学习,社交活动,每周主题咖啡聊天,宾果游戏挑战,电影之夜以及针对个人的活动成长,即情商训练。

Despite the limitations of working virtually, the University Relations Team had indeed organized a variety of amazing and unconventional events that I hadn’t anticipated being possible. All these events gave me insights into the company values and culture. I am amazed at how invested ViacomCBS is in keeping its employees at peak mental health. The company also successfully organized a Virtual Community Day, which empowered me to share small joys and pass hope in such unprecedented times.

尽管虚拟工作存在局限性,但大学关系团队确实组织了许多我认为无法实现的令人惊叹的非常规活动。 所有这些事件使我对公司的价值观和文化有了深刻的了解。 我对ViacomCBS在保持员工心理健康方面的投入感到惊讶。 该公司还成功组织了一个虚拟社区日,使我能够在这个前所未有的时代分享小小的快乐并传递希望。

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To summarize, the internship has surpassed my expectations in terms of personal growth and knowledge I would gain. Working at CBSi is a highly rewarding experience for anybody who is inquisitive and loves to work in a challenging environment. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work among people who love discussing new ideas and are constantly inspiring me to do my best.

总而言之,这次实习在个人成长和我将获得的知识方面超出了我的期望。 在CBSi的工作对于任何有好奇心并热爱在充满挑战的环境中工作的人来说都是非常有益的经历。 我很高兴能有机会在热爱讨论新想法并不断激励我努力的人们中工作。

The team continuously supported me in my initiatives, and there was always an environment of camaraderie that fostered personal growth. Moreover, working remotely allowed me to effectively communicate and network using different mediums. CBSi managed to take a difficult situation and turn it into an extremely enriching and rewarding experience. I’m really thankful and happy to continue working with this amazing group of people. They’ve been a constant source of inspiration and I’m looking forward to having new experiences with them.

团队不断为我的计划提供支持,而且总有一个友善的氛围促进个人成长。 此外,远程工作使我可以使用不同的媒体进行有效的通信和联网。 CBSi设法解决了困难的处境,并将其转变为极为丰富和有益的经验。 我非常感谢并很高兴能继续与这一群人合作。 他们一直是灵感的源泉,我期待与他们取得新的经验。

特别提及 (Special Mentions)

Thank you Allison for being such a great mentor, helping and guiding me in this internship. A special shout out to Stephen, Igor, Gowri, Rafael, Krystal and all the amazing people I’ve been working with. Thank you Flávio for starting me on this amazing journey and giving me such a great opportunity.

感谢艾莉森(Allison)如此出色的导师,在我的实习中为我提供了帮助和指导。 特别向Stephen, Igor ,Gowri, Rafael ,Krystal和我一直在与之共事的人们大喊大叫。 感谢Flávio ,让我开始了这一奇妙的旅程,并给了我如此巨大的机会。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/my-summer-as-a-video-software-engineer-intern-at-cbs-interactive-cdfa78e19a0f

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