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翻译 参与活动三角洲湖

Authors: Zhidong Ke, Utsavi Benani, Heng Zhang, Kevin Terusaki, Yifeng Liu, Percy.Mehta, Priyadarshini Mitra, Jayanth Parayil Kumarji作者:Kezhidong Ke,Utsavi Benani,Heng Zhang,Kevin Terusaki,Liu Feng,Pe...

2020-10-12 06:18:34 191

翻译 scrum五个事件_新公司Scrum大师犯的7个错误

scrum五个事件SCRUM(SCRUM)Being a Scrum Master in a corporate environment isn’t as easy as the books make out. Here are seven tips to help you make the grade 在公司环境中成为Scrum Master并不像书中那样容易。 这里有七个技巧可以帮助您提高成...

2020-10-12 06:08:44 473

翻译 机械继电器和固态继电器_角度继电器

机械继电器和固态继电器Hi everyone, today I want to introduce you to relay-angular, an innovative and young library that I consider very stable thanks to the experience I had with Relay in creating react-relay-of...

2020-10-12 05:58:21 290

翻译 测试脚本是用户写还是顾问写_不再写用户服务了

测试脚本是用户写还是顾问写Recently at our semi-regular architecture discussion group, we’ve been looking at the Auth0 service: what it is, how it works and when it might be a good idea to use it.最近,在我们的半常规体系结构讨论小组...

2020-10-12 05:48:03 261

翻译 开发应用多开实现方式_应用三种开发方式来加速您的组织

开发应用多开实现方式DevOps EssentialsDevOps基础介绍(Introduction)The emergence of DevOps has marked a seismic shift in the software world in recent years. The allure is the opportunity it offers to organizations ...

2020-10-12 05:38:55 1171

翻译 解决登陆后数据混乱的问题_停止子优化以解决实际问题,否则您的混乱将永远存在...

解决登陆后数据混乱的问题Suddenly ‘agile’ boomed in the industry. It’s only a few years back that ‘every’ company went agile.突然“敏捷”行业蓬勃发展。 仅仅几年前, “每家”公司都变得敏捷。Or so they said. The companies. Their managers. 或如此,他们...

2020-10-12 05:29:18 186

翻译 印象大使_kubernetes学习大使容器模式

印象大使Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. A pod is the basic building block of kubernetes applic...

2020-10-12 05:19:44 297

翻译 连接到mongodb

In the last post , we created a RESTful API application for simple CRUD functionalities. In this post, we will enrich it:在上一篇文章中,我们为简单的CRUD功能创建了RESTful API应用程序。 在这篇文章中,我们将丰富它:Adding MongoDB support v...

2020-10-12 05:09:49 229

翻译 qos cbs_我在CBS Interactive担任视频软件工程师实习生的夏天

qos cbsCBSi的生活| 视频处理团队(Life at CBSi | Video Processing Team)I was extremely excited when I was accepted into the CBS Interactive (CBSi) summer internship program. The program recently secured a pla...

2020-10-12 04:59:54 175

翻译 terraform_动态创建terraform 0 13的aad用户

terraformLast week Hashicorp released version 0.13 of Terraform which from my opinion ended a journey started in 0.12 with the availability of the ‘for’ expressions.上周,Hashicorp发布了Terraform的0.13版本,以我的...

2020-10-12 04:49:55 95

翻译 简单解释bp神经网络_神经网络的最简单,最直观的解释

简单解释bp神经网络What would you do with an artificial brain? Do your homework? Beat the stock market? Take over the world? The possibilities are endless. What if I told you that humans have already built an ...

2020-09-17 08:43:07 848

翻译 交叉熵 kl 条件熵_交叉熵和kl发散

交叉熵 kl 条件熵 熵 (Entropy)KL divergence has its origin in information theory. But before understanding it we need to understand another important metric in information theory called Entropy. Since this a...

2020-09-17 08:33:36 251

翻译 python nltk 库_使用python和nltk库进行情感分析

python nltk 库 我们将如何做呢? (How are we going to be doing this ?)Python, being Python, apart from its incredible readability, has some remarkable libraries at hand. One of which, is NLTK. NLTK or Natural ...

2020-09-17 08:22:52 1167

翻译 pt搜索网站_搜索pt 1简要介绍

pt搜索网站The ability to search the entire web in less than a second for whatever we fancy knowing is one of the greatest achievements of recent history. But how does it work? What are its building blocks...

2020-09-17 08:12:52 691

翻译 火炬电阻_火炬神经网络的对抗性攻击和防御

火炬电阻The rise of deep learning and neural networks brought various opportunities and applications such as object detection and text-to-speech into the modern society. Yet, despite the seemingly high ac...

2020-09-15 07:28:23 278

翻译 保持简单

I have delved into learning about neural networks at least a dozen times, and learned a bit more each time. This time I want to start off with the simplest datasets and use them to understand network ...

2020-09-15 07:17:59 67

翻译 神经网络 目标跟踪_图神经网络的多目标跟踪

神经网络 目标跟踪Multiple object tracking(MOT) is the task of studying object appearance and movements to analyze their trajectories. For a given input video the algorithm is supposed to output which portions...

2020-09-15 07:08:10 2835

翻译 物联网传感器_基于传感器的物联网预测性维护,为什么必须对机器进行数字信号处理...

物联网传感器The industrial plants consist of several types of assets. Sensor based IoT is employed for asset diagnostics and prognostics. The rotating parts of machine assets are often subjected to mechanic...

2020-09-15 06:57:40 441

翻译 王阳明心学 量子物理_量子物理学论文的文本分类

王阳明心学 量子物理Have you ever been looking for the most recent research findings in machine learning or AI, and found yourself on arxiv.org, perusing the Computer Science section? (If you haven’t you should...

2020-09-15 06:47:37 147

翻译 反向传播算法的直观理解_反向传播算法

反向传播算法的直观理解 定义 (DEFINITIONS)DEFINITION 1. FORWARD PROPAGATION 定义1.向前传播 Normally, when we use a neural network we input some vector x and the network produces an out put y. The input vector goes thro...

2020-09-15 06:37:35 622

翻译 ml 系统_需要保护您的ml系统的5个原因

ml 系统We fuel our ambitions with our hard work and persistence every day to make our lives easier and convenient. That’s how humanity proceeds right! Spiderman is truly a visionary when he says “with g...

2020-09-15 06:27:10 362

翻译 英特尔 ncs2_带有英特尔神经计算棒2 ncs2的图像分类管道

英特尔 ncs2Introduction 介绍 What we’ll cover in this story: 我们将在这个故事中介绍: Installing OpenVINO toolkit for Ubuntu. 为Ubuntu安装OpenVINO工具包。 Data preprocessing and model training with Google Colab. 使用Google C...

2020-09-15 06:16:17 399



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