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翻译 pt1和pt2滤波_pt 1全球环境下的javascript

pt1和pt2滤波As many of us know, the behaviors that JavaScript exhibits can sometimes be a bit, ahem, weird. A while ago I was watching a short comical video by Gary Bernhardt on certain wacky behaviors o...

2020-10-15 14:19:59 1165

翻译 使用react和redux构建可扩展的用户界面

When it comes to scaling on the front end, it could mean different things to different people. In most cases, it simply means writing modular code that can be extended easily. The ability to seamlessl...

2020-10-15 14:10:57 202

翻译 java编写两个自定义异常_编写您的第一个自定义stylelint规则

java编写两个自定义异常At Testim.io we care about code quality and UX. For this reason, we use various tools that make development easier and more accurate. Among others, we use Stylelint to lint our SCSS and C...

2020-10-15 14:01:16 429

翻译 让我们使用chart js将图表添加到我们的网站

If you have ever tried to add a chart to a website, you know what a nightmare it is. Even though we manage to add them, we need to spend hours with CSS, customising it to show our data in detail. Sinc...

2020-10-15 13:51:06 273

翻译 javascript项目中的diy多语言

JAVASCRIPT(JAVASCRIPT)When we are working on a webapp that we want to distribute globally, we must think that many people will not speak our language. If they don’t understand us, we can lose a large...

2020-10-15 13:41:47 258

翻译 如何将Google Vision API与React Native和Expo集成

In order to help you learn how to use the optical character recognition(OCR) API, we will be building a simple bill/receipt scanning application. There are a bunch of technologies out there, such as T...

2020-10-15 13:32:45 202

翻译 小程序获取数据库api_从数据库api获取数据以与useeffect和usestateReact

小程序获取数据库api与componentdidmount(Counterpart to componentdidmount)There are many times where we want to fetch a bunch of data when the component is mounted in React. If you are familiar with class compo...

2020-10-15 13:22:27 175

翻译 案例研究js图片库代码_更干净的代码案例研究

案例研究js图片库代码I recently had a situation at work wherein a coworker tried to modify a JavaScript function that I had written and ended up introducing some bugs. In reviewing their code, it seemed that th...

2020-10-15 13:13:12 131

翻译 js ui_使用下一个js登录ui

js ui什么是Next.js以及为什么要使用它?(What is Next.js & Why to use it?)Next.js is a react based javascript framework for developing SSR(Server side rendering) and static web applications. It came up with all...

2020-10-15 13:02:32 222

翻译 rxjs_如何阅读rxjs大理石图

rxjsTo an experienced RxJS user, marble diagrams are helpful. To someone just starting out with RxJS, they look like a little kid’s drawing in art class.对于经验丰富的RxJS用户,大理石图会有所帮助。 对于刚开始使用RxJS的人来说,它们看起来像...

2020-10-15 12:52:26 345

翻译 javascript_了解JavaScript承诺

javascript什么是诺言?(What is Promise?)Promise represents the result of an asynchronous operation. You can think of it as a placeholder for a result that you’ll eventually receive. 承诺表示异步操作的结果。 您可以将其视为占位符...

2020-10-15 12:42:26 196

翻译 express哪个节点快_用express创建节点js应用程序

express哪个节点快If you are new to Node.js and want to start creating a simple project in Node.js with expressjs, you are landed on the right place.如果您不熟悉Node.js,并且想开始使用expressjs在Node.js中创建一个简单项目,那么您来对地方了。...

2020-10-15 12:32:39 363

翻译 css3颜色变量_使用css3变量和最小香草javascript实现日夜颜色切换

css3颜色变量A recent trend in interface design is the ability to choose between light and dark themes. This improves usability and accessibility for many users, particularly those who view websites at nig...

2020-10-15 12:23:34 629

翻译 通过选择合适的技术堆栈,在一周内建立MVP

On average a person has over 50,000 thoughts a day, Have you come across an idea which you think has the potential to generate revenue? You always have a second thought I wish this could be done in so...

2020-10-15 12:12:42 232

翻译 无比打字与拼英打字_打字稿中的多态性

无比打字与拼英打字It’s not uncommon for people to think of Object-Oriented Programming and Functional Programming as mutually exclusive, and understandably so; any discussion involving the two turns quite ofte...

2020-10-15 12:03:29 93

翻译 用react构建微前端

Do you have an application using an old version of Angular or an HTML templating engine that you want to add React components to?您是否有要使用React组件的旧版本的Angular或HTML模板引擎的应用程序?How about working with multipl...

2020-10-15 11:54:17 1149

翻译 创建react应用程序_让初学者远离创建React应用程序

创建react应用程序If you’re a newbie willing out to implement React in your future projects leaving out the unnecessary stuff that comes packed with create-react-app, then I’m sure that this article will bui...

2020-10-12 02:20:00 150

翻译 javascript错误_控制javascript错误的最佳做法

javascript错误It is important to keep in consideration the different scenarios in which errors could occur while writing your code. They play an integral part in your web application because you can avo...

2020-10-12 02:09:22 196

翻译 如何安装svelte_如何使用svelte和express js配置页面路由

如何安装svelteThis tutorial is for anyone who creates single-page-apps and wants to know how to configure routing properly on the server side. It will use Svelte as the framework, but the techniques here ...

2020-10-12 01:59:39 554

翻译 docker vs开发环境_在vs代码中docker化您的开发环境

docker vs开发环境A problem I had within our teams in my last gig was running projects consistently across multiple operating systems. I spent a few weeks trying to hack around Docker files that would give...

2020-10-12 01:48:57 1063

翻译 vue导出js中的函数_js中的函数

vue导出js中的函数In JavaScript, we have got four major things to do:-在JavaScript中,我们要做四件事:To Store values. 存储值。To Store a series of steps. 存储一系列步骤。To make decisions. 做出决定。To Repeat the steps. (loops) 要重...

2020-10-12 01:38:40 2392

翻译 如何使用图形API在您的Facebook页面上发布

Let’s start with an overview of the app we’re going to build. We’ll use React and the Facebook’s Graph API to create a web app for publishing content on a Facebook page.让我们从将要构建的应用程序的概述开始。 我们将使用React和...

2020-10-12 01:28:21 587

翻译 react重新渲染_使用香草钩子React渲染和重新渲染故障

react重新渲染Anyone who’s worked on react long enough will realize that the cost of rendering the virtual DOM on seemingly unrelated components adds up. So the question is, when do you need to optimize, a...

2020-10-12 01:17:59 340

翻译 node.js轻量级_轻量级Node.js Windows容器Nano服务器

node.js轻量级While working on a project recently, I had to containerize a NodeJs Windows application. I was surprised to find that there was no single official image for the NodeJs Windows container on D...

2020-10-12 01:08:37 282

翻译 有用的javascript数学函数

When working with large amounts of data, there are times when you will come across an array of numbers, which you would then have to manipulate to gather and analyze information from. The great thing ...

2020-10-12 00:58:23 128

翻译 我们如何使用Firestore和Firetable构建虚拟实时事件平台

As in-person events continue to be held online amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, many events are finding new ways to connect with their audiences and deliver more personal, engaging experiences. It’...

2020-10-12 00:47:38 316

翻译 我对香烟计算器产生了怀疑

On September 10th I left my bedroom and the safety of my air purifier to have lunch with my housemates. An hour later I was having my first asthma attack in years. That night the AQI in Portland dippe...

2020-10-12 00:38:35 181

翻译 js魔术字符串_用下一个js代理代理魔术

js魔术字符串Recently I’ve been working with Next.js to create a teaching tool for elementary school music classrooms. This is the first time I’ve used Next’s parent company, Vercel (formerly Zeit.co), for ...

2020-10-12 00:28:37 147

翻译 高德地图打字界面_打字稿界面综合指南

高德地图打字界面There are many reasons to like TypesScript because of the many advantages it has over JavaScript. The primary benefit for most developers is the advantage of type safety. Type safety is accomp...

2020-10-12 00:18:04 543

翻译 graphql和rest_不知道如何开始使用graphql做rest api的包装

graphql和restCirca 2012 Facebook needed a data-fetching API that would keep up with developing needs of its mobile applications. This problem birthed GraphQL, a powerful query language and runtime envi...

2020-10-12 00:08:13 255

翻译 正则表达式系列是什么

介绍(Introduction)I really enjoy regular expressions and I find that for a lot of the algorithm challenges on leetcode or codewars, you can come up with some interesting solutions for problems using re...

2020-10-11 23:59:06 51

翻译 我应该使用redux吗

Starting a new application means drawing out a blueprint of what you want it to look like, and thinking about how you are going to implement whatever you are going to do before you even write any code...

2020-10-11 23:48:44 49

翻译 javascript 符号_掌握javascript es6符号

javascript 符号JavaScript is one of the cores of web development. JavaScript, also known as ECMAScript was standardized in 1997. Since then, the below primitive values were present in the language.JavaS...

2020-10-11 23:39:42 376

翻译 django 模板调用js_将下一个js预呈现的html页面作为Django模板提供

django 模板调用jsI’ve been building a site that uses a React frontend and Django backend, and I’ve finally gotten around to thinking about how to improve the marketing pages (i.e. landing page, etc.). How...

2020-10-11 23:30:40 877

翻译 pdf打字机功能_您可能尚未使用的重要打字稿功能

pdf打字机功能TypeScript extends JavaScript with types, enabling you to catch errors before they occur. Setting types on primitives and on simple objects is usually straight-forward, but it might become tri...

2020-10-11 23:20:23 110

翻译 如何测试与测试库的路由器重定向React

React testing-library is very convenient to test React components rendering from props, fire events and check DOM elements. react-router uses a <Redirect> component to trigger a redirect, but ho...

2020-10-11 23:11:19 158

翻译 对编写的代码进行单元测试_用单元测试编写更好的代码

对编写的代码进行单元测试There are probably hundreds of dos and don’ts for writing good code. This list might vary for different languages or frameworks, and some of these guidelines may conflict with each other. ...

2020-10-11 23:02:08 383

翻译 无题

I finally reconstructed the base functionality of the video player web app I’ve been trying to build, formerly in React, now in Svelte.最后,我重新构建了我一直试图构建的视频播放器Web应用程序的基本功能,该应用程序以前是在React中,现在是在Svelte中。I...

2020-10-11 22:52:15 85

翻译 当我意识到角管的魔力

While working with expressions in templates, pipes helped a lot to ease the effort to manipulate data.在使用模板中的表达式时,管道在很大程度上减轻了操纵数据的工作。Pipe is an object that interlinks two different points, and delive...

2020-10-11 22:43:02 81

翻译 离子React使用RESTful API进行登录身份验证

In this tutorial, I'm going to help you get started with Ionic-React framework by building a simple Login Authentication app. The video below shows the application we'll be developing together.在本教程中,我...

2020-10-11 22:32:42 271



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