

I’ve spent almost 15 years designing portfolios. For myself, for the design studios I’ve founded, for the creative agencies I’ve designed for and the creative teams I’ve worked as part of. There is always a presentation of work to put together at some point along the road.

我花了将近15年的时间来设计作品集。 对于我自己,对于我建立的设计工作室,对于我为之设计的创意机构,以及我所参与的创意团队而言。 路上总是会出现一些汇整的作品。

I’ve also spent the last 6–8 months working into my latest portfolio site, which has informed some of thinking in this article.


How you put together a successful portfolio is amongst the single most important skills inside a designer’s locker. It’s all well and good knowing how to do something, but if you can’t talk, show or write about it effectively, then you’re making things significantly more difficult for yourself in the long run. It’s also all well and good seeking out those amazing opportunities, but if you have to scramble at the eleventh hour to put *something* together to show your skills and expertise, then you’re risking that opportunity slipping away. Which brings me to my first point:

如何组合成功的投资组合是设计师储物柜内最重要的技能之一。 知道如何做是一件非常好的事,但是,如果您不能有效地谈论,展示或写作,那么从长远来看,您会使自己变得更加困难。 寻找这些惊人的机会也是一件好事,但是,如果您必须在第11个小时内奋力拼搏*某些东西*来展示您的技能和专业知识,那么您就冒着机会错失的风险。 这使我想到了第一点:

1.做好准备 (1. Be prepared)

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”, as Benny Franklin said. I love a good quote, and this is one that we can all relate to. Sometimes, leaving things until the last minute is exciting; it’s where the best ideas often come to light, or when we tend to have the best travel-related experiences, for instance. Never underestimate the positive value of spontaneity in your life.

正如本尼·富兰克林(Benny Franklin)所说,“如果没有做好准备,您就准备失败”。 我喜欢一个很好的报价,这是我们所有人都可以引用的。 有时候,把事情留到最后一刻是令人兴奋的。 例如,在这里经常会出现最好的主意,或者当我们倾向于拥有最好的与旅行相关的经验时。 永远不要低估自发生活的积极价值。

However, life has a funny way of throwing the unexpected at you in a negative way — and when the kind of stuff happens that affects your means of living, any joy in the spontaneous quickly dissipates. I know people who were happy at work one day, and couldn’t wait to leave the next. Or people who have been made unceremoniously redundant or fired without notice.

但是,生活有一种有趣的方式,以消极的方式向您投掷意外的东西-当发生影响您的生活方式的事情时,自发的快乐会很快消散。 我知道有些人一天的工作很快乐,等不及要离开第二天。 或被毫不客气地裁员或被解雇的人员,恕不另行通知。

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Be prepared. Update that portfolio. Which, in turn brings me to point no. 2:

做好准备 更新该投资组合。 反过来,这又使我指出了要点。 2:

2.随时更新 (2. Update as you go)

Expenses. What a nightmare. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that all this food, travel and accommodation is covered by the company I work for. But pulling out a folder full of receipts after a two-week stint in Shanghai doesn’t inspire me to sit for three hours and try and remember what they were all for. Especially when they’re all in Chinese. Slightly off topic, but it does relate. The big revelation that makes this monotonous task easy, is that by uploading the receipt to Expensify at the time of paying (or at least on the same day), the reason for the expense is freshly in mind and works to break a large task to a granular level. Groundbreaking.

花费。 什么样的恶梦。 不要误会我的意思,我所工作的公司为所有这些食物,旅行和住宿提供了极大的帮助。 但是在上海待了两周之后,拿出一个装满收据的文件夹并没有激发我坐三个小时来尝试并记住它们的全部用途。 尤其是当他们都是中文的时候。 稍微偏离主题,但确实相关。 使这项单调的任务变得容易的最大启示是,通过在付款时(或至少在同一天)将收据上载到Expensify,花销的原因就在脑海中了,并试图将一项繁重的任务分解为粒度级别。 开创性的。

Taking the same approach with the projects you’re working on makes for better case studies. The work is fresh in your mind; you know why you did what, who said

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Lingo是一种商业数学建模语言,它可以用于线性规划、整数规划、非线性规划、动态规划等多种数学建模问题。以下是一个简单的投资组合模型Lingo代码示例: ``` max = 0; min = 10000; sets: STOCKS /AAPL, AMZN, GOOG, MSFT, TSLA/; YEARS /2018, 2019, 2020/; parameters: mean(STOCKS) mean return var(STOCKS) variance cov(STOCKS, STOCKS) covariance price(STOCKS, YEARS) stock price budget budget limit variables: x(STOCKS) investment amount objective objective function equations: mean_return(STOCKS): sum(i in STOCKS) mean(i) * x(i) >= objective; variance(STOCKS): sum(i in STOCKS, j in STOCKS) cov(i,j) * x(i) * x(j) <= 0.1*0.1*objective*objective; budget_limit: sum(i in STOCKS) price(i, 2018) * x(i) <= budget; model: objective = sum(i in STOCKS) mean(i) * x(i); solve; display x, objective; end; ``` 在这个模型中,我们假设有五个股票(AAPL, AMZN, GOOG, MSFT, TSLA),并有三个年份(2018, 2019, 2020)。我们使用mean、var和cov参数来获取每个股票的平均收益、方差和协方差。我们还使用price参数获取每个股票在每个年份的价格。我们使用budget参数来设置投资组合的预算限制。 我们使用变量x来表示每个股票的投资金额,并使用objective变量来表示投资组合的目标函数。我们使用mean_return和variance方程来约束平均收益和方差。我们使用budget_limit方程来限制投资组合的预算。 在模型中,我们使用了简单的线性规划求解器来求解我们的投资组合问题,并使用display命令来输出最终的投资金额和目标函数值。


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