

I have had a UI/UX internship experience in a software development company. It was an educative opportunity because I learned so many design techniques which made my process for designing easier and better. Yet, the experience also changed my career as a designer. I realized the necessity of design.

我曾在一家软件开发公司进行过UI / UX实习。 这是一个教育性的机会,因为我学到了很多设计技术,这使我的设计过程变得更加轻松和完善。 但是,这种经历也改变了我作为设计师的职业。 我意识到设计的必要性。

We solve human problems with Design. It’s having a clear purpose to change our world a better place, and we shouldn’t design any other applications just for design purposes. Beautiful interfaces may look awesome but sometimes they might not solve any human problem at all. That makes them worthless. Each design should solve a problem or two.

我们通过设计解决人为问题。 它的明确目标是将我们的世界改变为一个更好的地方,我们不应该仅出于设计目的而设计任何其他应用程序。 漂亮的界面看起来很棒,但有时它们可​​能根本解决不了任何人类问题 。 这使他们一文不值。 每个设计都应解决一个或两个问题。

Companies are often more interested in the design process and the road to the solution than the final result shown in the portfolio. Internships can help you to understand the importance of having a design process. But what else can internships teach designers?

与投资组合中显示的最终结果相比,公司通常对设计过程和解决方案的路径更感兴趣。 实习可以帮助您了解设计过程的重要性。 但是,实习还能教设计师什么呢?

#1-指导常常有价值 (#1 — Guidance often has value)

I was learning Design at home, on my own. However, getting the internship experience was necessary for graduating, and I saw an opportunity to learn from senior designers.

我自己在家学习设计。 但是,获得实习经验是毕业所必需的,我看到了向高级设计师学习的机会。

In the first few weeks, I was learning about the company’s work culture, and how other designers are getting their work done. I did learn some principles that were helping me to get the upcoming project done faster but keep the quality of work on the same level.

在最初的几周里,我正在学习公司的工作文化 ,以及其他设计师如何完成他们的工作。 我确实学到了一些原则,这些原则可以帮助我更快地完成即将到来的项目,但可以将工作质量保持在同一水平上。

You usually have one or more people to ask questions from, e.g. the Project Manager or Senior Designers. They are helping to get a project done and share feedback with you. But, you also have to ask questions because that’s how you master your design skills.

通常,您有一个或多个人来询问问题,例如项目经理或高级设计师。 他们正在帮助完成一个项目并与您分享反馈。 但是,您还必须提出问题,因为这是您掌握设计技能的方式

I was getting the guidance from the Project Manager and one Senior Designer during a design project. Both of them knew more of the design project than I did, and also have worked more in that company than me. It’s amazing to say: I learned much from them.

在设计项目期间,我从项目经理和一位高级设计师那里得到指导。 他们俩比我对设计项目了解更多,并且在该公司的工作也比我更多。 令人惊讶的是:我从他们那里学到了很多东西。

#2-决策很难 (#2 — Decision-making is hard)

During the internship, I was working on an interesting design project which influenced users of an application. Now, I understand: each decision I make may influence a user. Each user is different and perceives content differently. It made me think of making any content more accessible through numerous accessibility guidelines, e.g. WCAG.

在实习期间,我正在从事一个有趣的设计项目,该项目影响了应用程序的用户。 现在,我明白了:我做出的每个决定都可能影响用户。 每个用户都是不同的, 对内容的理解也不同 。 它使我想到了通过众多可访问性指南(例如WCAG)来使任何内容更易于访问。

Your decisions will matter.


Sooner or later, you have to work on many projects alone. You become responsible for the design decisions you make and have to explain them to other designers. You might become a participant of different tests, and you don’t even know it, e.g. stress tests that show Project Managers how much stress an intern could handle, can they handle many projects at the same time or what response they have for changing things many times.

迟早,您必须单独处理许多项目。 您将对自己做出的设计决策负责,并且必须向其他设计师解释这些决策。 您可能会参加各种测试,甚至都不知道,例如压力测试,向项目经理显示实习生可以承受多大的压力,他们可以同时处理多个项目或者他们对更改事情有何React很多次。

At the beginning of an internship, you may feel like a lion cub who has been thrown in front of the lion pride. You have to prove if you could handle difficult situations or may have any skills that others might not know. You don’t have much experience yet. You’ll be afraid of making decisions sometimes. It might affect the business in a negative way. But, it’s all part of learning and becoming a better decision-maker and designer too. We might get used to these things the more we do them.

在实习开始时,您可能会觉得自己像是被扔在傲慢狮子面前的幼狮。 您必须证明自己是否能够处理困难的情况,或者是否拥有其他人可能不知道的任何技能。 您还没有太多经验。 您有时会害怕做出决定。 这可能会对业务产生负面影响。 但是,这都是学习并成为更好的决策者和设计师的全部内容。 我们做得更多,我们可能会习惯这些事情。

When I was having the internship, I had to talk to numerous clients through messages and calls. Of course, I was afraid of making mistakes when I was having a call with one client because I did it for the first time. But the more I talked to many clients, the more I felt confident next time. The same applies when making different design decisions.

在实习期间,我不得不通过短信和电话与众多客户交谈。 当然,当我与一个客户打个电话时,我害怕犯错误,因为我是第一次这样做。 但是,我与许多客户交流的越多,下一次我就越有信心。 做出不同的设计决策时,同样适用。

Nowadays, many design schools encourage their students to apply for an internship. It helps students to see how many companies are working and learn about work culture. They are also gaining valuable experience.

如今,许多设计学校都鼓励学生申请实习 。 它可以帮助学生了解有多少公司在工作,并了解工作文化。 他们也获得了宝贵的经验。

Multiple businesses value experience more than a degree in Design while others don’t. This debate has been around quite long. I’ll recommend you listen to your heart. Is the internship experience more important than a degree in Design for you? Let me know.

多个企业重视经验,而不仅仅是设计学位,而其他企业则没有。 这场辩论已经持续了很长时间。 我建议你听听你的内心。 对您来说,实习经历比设计学位重要吗? 让我知道。

But, when you’ll enter the work world, the internship experience is the advantage you have in the pocket. You’ve worked already.

但是,当您进入工作环境时,实习经验就是您的口袋里的优势。 您已经工作了。

Take it as an investment in yourself.


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/what-can-designers-learn-from-design-internships-d69969f398a4


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