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翻译 figma下载_搬到Figma对我意味着什么

A couple of years ago, amidst the boom of new design and prototyping software, I was pretty reluctant to fight on the Figma/Sketch cold war. I was working on a relatively small design team and, after ...

2020-09-12 19:56:30 576

翻译 mongodb 群集图_群集和重叠条形图

mongodb 群集图 为什么和如何 (Why & How)1.- Clustered Bar Charts 1.- 集群条形图 AKA: grouped, side-by-side, multiset [bar charts, bar graphs, column charts] AKA :分组,并排,多组[条形图,条形图,柱形图] Why: Clustered Bar Chart...

2020-09-12 19:47:24 1461

翻译 如何在UI设计中制作完美阴影

重点 (Top highlight)Shadows are everywhere in modern UI Designs. They are one of the most essential part of the UI elements right behind the fill, stroke, and cornder radius. ???? 现代UI设计中到处都有阴影。 它们是UI元素中最...

2020-09-12 19:37:03 1339

翻译 设计 色彩 构图 创意_我们可以从时尚的创意方向中学到色彩

设计 色彩 构图 创意The application of fashion as a form of aesthetic expression is a notion familiar to many. Every day, we curate ourselves with inspiration from rising trends, a perception of our personal p...

2020-09-12 19:27:21 641

翻译 c++编写托管dll_教程:如何编写简单的网站并免费托管

c++编写托管dll 本教程适用于谁? (Who is this tutorial for?)This tutorial assumes no prior knowledge and is suitable for complete beginners as a first project 本教程假定您没有先验知识,并且适合初学者作为第一个项目 您将需要什么 (What you will ne...

2020-09-12 19:17:34 369

翻译 pb 插入报列在此处不_获取有关[在此处插入问题]的事实

pb 插入报列在此处不Twitter’s recent move to put notices on tweets themselves is one of the most controversial social media features during our times. As a design technologist, I can’t help but wonder the deci...

2020-09-12 19:07:06 137

翻译 视觉感知_产品设计中的视觉感知

视觉感知The role of the UX designer has evolved immensely over time, but at its core, it remains the same- to deliver information to users in an effective manner. If we truly want to empathize with users,...

2020-09-12 18:57:41 796

翻译 latex 插图 上下放_专辑插图中上下文中的文本

latex 插图 上下放Especially if, like me, you’re not properly educated in the world of visual design, typography, and all those other things that a formal education can bring. We’re kind of playing around u...

2020-09-12 18:46:46 693

翻译 figma设计_一种在Figma中跟踪设计迭代的简单方法

figma设计As designers, telling a good story is always part of the job. A great story engages the client with the journey of decision making; it shows your team the breadth and depth of the exploration; ...

2020-09-12 18:36:47 1151

翻译 axure下拉列表框单选框_如何在Axure中创建下拉菜单和组合框

axure下拉列表框单选框First, let’s clarify what exactly is a dropdown menu, and what is a combo box, aren’t they the same? Well … no, not really, let me explain. 首先,让我们弄清楚什么是下拉菜单,什么是组合框,不是吗? 好吧……不,不是真的,让我解释一下。...

2020-09-12 18:25:57 2518

翻译 根据图片获得配色方案_配色系列(1)—从图片中获得配色灵感

根据图片获得配色方案 前言 (Foreword)When we start designing mobile web pages, we always need to determine the color scheme of the web page first. Well, at this time, unless the customer proposes a color scheme, ...

2020-09-12 18:16:26 2405

翻译 ux设计师薪水_公司与 设计机构:UX设计师的津贴和陷阱

ux设计师薪水Written by Yegor Tsynkevich 由Yegor Tsynkevich撰写 The more companies understand the power of a great user experience design and its impact on customer loyalty, the more they are willing to have ...

2020-09-12 18:07:17 182

翻译 设计师更高效_要成为更好的设计师,我们需要更多的时间进行游戏

设计师更高效 重点 (Top highlight)I’m a busy designer. I’m fortunate to be booked out months in advance. My freelance career has proven more stable than other’s “jobs”. I don’t wear busy as a badge of honour. ...

2020-09-12 17:56:52 230

翻译 陌生人社会_陌生人之旅

The Last of Us Part II is a game that is deeply invested in the minutiae of its characters. The pain they cause, the things that drive them, and the particularities of their self-destruction and salva...

2020-09-12 17:47:11 216

翻译 wwdc2019_WWDC 2020 iOS设计亮点

Years ago in high school, I walked into the WWDC conference lobby in Moscone West just out of curiosity. I spent a lot of my free time in downtown San Francisco, and thought I’d might as well check it...

2020-09-12 17:37:32 185

翻译 产品设计的Kawaiization

重点 (Top highlight) 在过去的一两年中,我注意到品牌和产品设计中出现了某种风格。 (Over the last year or two, I’ve noticed a certain style emerge in brand and product design.)(this article originally appeared on DESK magazine) (本文最...

2020-09-12 17:27:30 137

翻译 人物肖像速写_肖像学的基础

人物肖像速写More in the iconography series:• 7 Principles of Icon Design• 5 Ways to Create a Settings Icon• Icon Grids & Keylines Demystified• Pixel-Snapping in Icon Design• 3 Classic Icon FamiliesAn ic...

2020-09-12 17:17:24 360

翻译 信息保真度准则_设计保真度的新的非科学公式

信息保真度准则As designers, our audience is more than just our users. We keep our user’s needs top of mind while designing for their jobs-to-be-done, but sometimes we need to illustrate the problem and artic...

2020-09-12 17:07:03 1080

翻译 软件设计师中级 百度知道_设计师应该知道什么

软件设计师中级 百度知道… and no, it doesn’t have to be how to code. ……而且,不必一定要编码。 Here are a few points that have helped me assess what technical knowledge is necessary for designers to be successful. 以下几点帮助我评估...

2020-09-12 16:56:54 223

翻译 idea重要插件代码颜色_颜色在您的网站上的重要性和品牌形象

idea重要插件代码颜色Choosing the right colors for a website or a logo can be a perplexing and time-consuming task, unless you have the right knowledge of colors. Colors play a pivotal role in the success of s...

2020-09-12 16:46:46 1363

翻译 ux设计_UX设计101:

ux设计 这是什么? (What is this?)This session is part of a learning curriculum that I designed to incrementally skill up and empower a team of Designers and Researchers whose skillset and ways of working ne...

2020-09-12 16:26:21 1784

翻译 登录,注册,登录,登录..?

.net mvc注册登录Last year I found myself in an interesting conversation about which copy to use for a website’s sign up journey. And it wasn’t the first time. Often this devolves into an opinion-based dis...

2020-09-12 16:16:08 483

翻译 shields 徽标_到处都有平面徽标

shields 徽标 重点 (Top highlight)Companies invest a lot of time, money and energy trying to make audiences remember their logos and associate higher value with it. The end goal is to make customers pick t...

2020-09-12 16:05:46 181

翻译 优衣库不雅_Uniqlo主页-用户体验案例研究

优衣库不雅I am a big fan of Uniqlo because they sell innovative clothing that is great quality at great prices. So when all their stores closed during the “Covid-19 Circuit Breaker” in Singapore, I turned ...

2020-09-12 15:56:20 535

翻译 软件项目开发 学校自行开发_自行开发游戏

Making a game is not easy. Quite the contrary; it’s an incredibly difficult and daunting task. Game development typically takes teams of people, thousands of hours worth of labor, and hundreds of thou...

2020-09-12 15:46:41 357

翻译 模态和非模态代码_我们如何使模态可用和可访问?

什么是模态? (What are modals?)A modal, or modal dialog, is an overlay window that opens on top of the current primary content or screen. It places focus on itself, usually making the background inactive ...

2020-09-12 15:37:27 1088

翻译 远程控制工具_不要让您的工具控制您

When to Use Optical Alignment — You’re the Designer. You Know What’s Best. 何时使用光学对准—您是设计师。 你知道什么是最好的。 Let’s talk about the tools the vast majority of us use on a day to day basis… These tools are Inc...

2020-09-12 15:27:52 194

翻译 keynote使用手册_如何使用Keynote和智能手机为AR创建原型

keynote使用手册Designing for AR is perhaps one of the most interesting applications of UX. As this incredible technology is being put to use for unique applications, UX Designers are tasked with creating ...

2020-09-12 15:18:05 409

翻译 vista下载_Vista和视图在游戏设计中的功能

vista下载Views in video games are observation points used to highlight a lot of objects into one frame or shot using a special camera move. Vistas are special types of views that show distant objects, m...

2020-09-12 15:07:25 291

翻译 做事用人 用人做事_做事:构建我的第一个Web应用程序的经验教训

做事用人 用人做事On the 5th of June, 2020, after almost two weeks of (re)learning javascript, fixing bugs, creating new ones and of course, lots of testing, I launched Writty on ProductHunt. An open-source te...

2020-09-12 14:58:09 187

翻译 mac photoshop_我讨厌Photoshop…

mac photoshopIt probably sounds odd to hear a visual designer say they hate Photoshop. It’s sort of like hearing a writer say they hate Word. It’s sort of a given that Photoshop is the medium within w...

2020-09-12 14:48:47 198

翻译 术语解释_术语

术语解释Colour has a great impact in the world around us and this is no different in User Interfaces (UI). However, it’s not always given the importance it deserves. Sometimes colour is understood as a pu...

2020-09-12 14:38:07 1613

翻译 figma 安装插件_我制作Figma插件的经验

figma 安装插件Since Figma released the Figma Community (Beta), I’ve been working on Figma plugins in my free time while I study the code. With the help of an engineer friend of mine, I’ve developed four s...

2020-09-12 14:28:34 2719

翻译 饥饿的盛世读后感_满足任何设计师饥饿感的原型制作工具

饥饿的盛世读后感Tell me if this story sounds familiar to you. You just wrapped up a design in Sketch -a design that took you hours, and now you want to bring it to life. Sketch’s built-in prototyping tool doe...

2020-09-12 14:17:35 472

翻译 生活的电视真相:鲁道夫·莫德利(Rudolf Modley)在1938年至1945年的美国报纸中的同种型

While Otto Neurath invented the Isotype in Vienna in 1925 and guided its evolution to international acclaim, he was not successful in the United States. Unfortunately, his method of pictorial statisti...

2020-09-12 13:57:09 1951

翻译 名词解释:对等知识互联网_网站设计理论:比较和对等

名词解释:对等知识互联网Equivalence and contrast, connection and distinction, categorization and non-categorization are all ways to distinguish the same or different elements. Based on the information they carry,...

2020-09-12 13:46:50 807

翻译 怎么让qt发声_第3部分:添加网络字体-让我们的单词发声

怎么让qt发声This is a big week for the project. While it was an important step last week to establish some basic responsiveness, we couldn’t really nail down the typography until we added the typeface. Too...

2020-09-12 13:37:00 211

翻译 效果图底图 线框图_5分钟的线框图教程

效果图底图 线框图 为什么使用线框? (Why wireframe?)Simply put, wireframes provide a structure and layout for content and assets. 简而言之,线框提供了内容和资产的结构和布局。 You can wireframe just about any kind of presentation, from po...

2020-09-12 13:27:41 629

翻译 什么字体字母和数字大小一样_字母和字体如何适应我们的屏幕

什么字体字母和数字大小一样Writing went through many iterations before it became what is today. Times New Roman wasn’t the default script for ancient Egyptians, in fact, paper didn’t even exist when the first words...

2020-09-12 13:17:36 1135

翻译 游戏用户体验指标_电子游戏如何超越游戏化的用户体验

游戏用户体验指标 游戏UX (GAMES UX)During a time when the time spent on video games has reached record breaking heights, due to excessive time indoors, gamification has more of a place now than ever before. d u...

2020-09-12 13:08:30 300



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