

Formatting tricks will never cover up poor sharing. But poor formatting can ruin the listener's experience, no matter how good your sharing is.

格式化技巧绝不会掩盖不良的分享。 但是,无论您的共享水平如何,格式不佳都会破坏听众的体验。

At CakeResume, we have been inviting inspiring speakers to share their stories. Throughout these sharings and based on the audience's preference, I have brought together seven useful tips that will make your presentation look appealing and interesting to watch.

在CakeResume ,我们一直邀请鼓舞人心的人分享他们的故事。 在这些共享过程中,并根据观众的喜好,我收集了七个有用的提示,这些提示将使您的演示文稿看起来既有吸引力又有趣。

Although this article will primarily be giving tips on how to make your presentation look professional, still keep in mind one rule: content first, design second. Before you think about designing anything, you’ve got to finalize the content you want to display on each slide first.

尽管本文将主要为您提供有关如何使您的演示文稿看起来专业的提示,但请记住一个规则: 内容优先,设计第二。 在考虑设计任何东西之前,您必须先确定要在每张幻灯片上显示的内容。

1.好好选择字体 (1. Choose Your Fonts Well)

Fonts communicate subtle messages in and of themselves, which is why you should choose fonts deliberately. Make sure your font matches the tone, purpose, and content of your presentation.

字体本身传达了一些微妙的信息,这就是为什么您应该故意选择字体的原因。 确保您的字体与演示文稿的基调,目的和内容相匹配。

Follow these tips to have a better idea of how to use fonts:


  • Use the same font set throughout your entire slide presentation, and use no more than two complementary fonts.

  • Traditionally, serif fonts (Times New Roman, Garamond, Bookman) are best for printed pages, and sans serif fonts (Helvetica, Tahoma, Verdana) are easier to read on screens. These are always safe choices.

    传统上,衬线字体(Times New Roman,Garamond,Bookman)最适合打印页面,而无衬线字体( Helvetica,Tahoma,Verdana)更易于在屏幕上阅读。 这些始终是安全的选择。

  • If you’d like to add some more typographic personality and modern touch to your presentation, try exploring Google Fonts. The open-source collection is free, and you can download from more than 900 font families.

    如果您想为演示文稿添加更多的印刷个性和现代感,请尝试探索Google字体 。 开源集合是免费的,您可以从900多个字体家族中下载。

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外观新颖的Google字体的精选 (My top picks for modern-looking Google Fonts)

Headlines or headings


Body text


2.坚持使用40pt或更大的字体 (2. Stick to 40pt Font or Larger)

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Many experts agree that your font size should be at least 40pt. Not only does it ensure that your text is readable, but it also forces you to include only the most important points of your message and explain it efficiently, since space is limited.

许多专家都同意您的字体大小应至少为40pt。 由于空间有限,它不仅可以确保您的文本可读性,还可以迫使您仅包含消息中最重要的部分并有效地进行解释。

3.保持颜色简单 (3. Keep the Colors Simple)

If you are not an expert with colors, stick to simple light and dark colors. Exceptionally bright text can cause eye fatigue, so use those colors sparingly.

如果您不是色彩专家,请坚持简单的浅色和深色。 文本过亮会导致眼睛疲劳,因此请谨慎使用这些颜色。

White color text on a black background or black color text on a white background will work well.


If you are presenting on behalf of your brand, check what your company’s brand guidelines are. Companies often have a primary brand color and a secondary brand color, and it’s a good idea to use them in your presentation to align with your company’s brand identity and style.

如果您代表自己的品牌参加展览,请检查您公司的品牌指南。 公司通常具有主要的品牌颜色和次要的品牌颜色,在您的演示文稿中使用它们以符合公司的品牌标识和样式是一个好主意。

Here are a few no-brainers if you want a bit of a personal touch without learning the color theory. Check out these websites:

如果您想在不学习色彩理论的情况下有所作为,可以参考以下内容。 查看以下网站:

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Once you get these colors (Hex), here are a few ways to make them actually show up on your slides.


对于Google幻灯片 (For Google Slides)

Background → Color → Custom → Enter Hex Color


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对于苹果主题演讲 (For Apple Keynote)

Background → Palette Icon → Color Sliders → Hex Color


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对于Microsoft PowerPoint (For Microsoft PowerPoint)

Design → Format background → Color → More Color → 🖋 (not sure what this is called) → Use this pen and choose the color you want


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4.每张幻灯片一个故事或数据点 (4. One Story or Data Point per Slide)

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In most cases, you can’t avoid meaningful statistics that provide the evidence for your pitch or proposal. But you shouldn’t overwhelm your audience with a barrage of data and numbers when they’re watching your presentation.

在大多数情况下,您无法避免提供有意义的统计数据来为您的建议或提案提供证据。 但是,当观众观看您的演示文稿时,您不应用大量的数据和数字淹没观众。

As a speaker, what could you do?


Here’s the simple hack: Stick to one number per slide.


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One data point per slide, if it’s visually interesting, is sure to be memorable.


5.当您希望焦点对准自己时,请使用深色和浅色背景 (5. Use a Dark and Plain Background When You Want the Focus to Be on You)

Use this technique when you want the audience to take their eyes off your presentation and have their focus shift towards you. It doesn’t have to be used at the very beginning of your talk. You could also apply it in the middle of your slides when you want to say something really personal or important.

当您希望观众将视线从演示文稿上移开并将焦点转移到您身上时,请使用此技术。 在您的谈话开始时不必使用它。 当您想说些真正个人或重要的内容时,也可以在幻灯片的中间应用它。

Take a look at the first 40 seconds of this presentation and see how Steve Jobs masters this technique.


This easy technique draws all the attention to you, creating a very strong tension in the room. When used well in the middle of the presentation, it could really implant an idea in the audience's mind.

这种简单的技术将所有的注意力吸引到您身上,从而在房间内产生非常强烈的张力。 当在演示过程中很好地使用时,它确实可以将一个想法植入观众的脑海。

6.只使用图片 (6. Just Use a Picture)

You don’t have to pack your presentation with charts, numbers, words, etc. One of the easiest ways to tell a story is to just fill a slide with an entire picture. It could be a picture of team members you worked with or a photo of where your overseas working experience started.

您不必在演示文稿中包含图表,数字,单词等。讲故事的最简单方法之一就是将一张幻灯片装满整个图片。 可能是与您一起工作的团队成员的照片,也可能是您的海外工作经验开始的照片。

Pro-Tip: Use images of people in your slides. Photography of people tends to help the audience connect with the slide on a more emotional level.

专家提示:使用幻灯片中人物的图像。 人像摄影往往可以帮助观众在更感动的水平上与幻灯片保持联系。

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Websites like Unsplash, Pexels, Burst, The Stocks, Pixabay offer you beautiful and high-resolution photos for free.


Another Pro-Tip: If you don’t want to resize your photo to fit the screen, just add a black background to it like this:


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When this shows up on your presentation, no one will notice the black background, everyone’s eye will be focusing on the picture itself, a much better way than using a white background.


7.如果没有帮助,请不要使用图标 (7. Don’t Use Icons if They Don’t Help)

Icons are considered one of the key components that can spice up your presentation. However, please don’t use them if they don’t help your presentation. Your goal is to deliver an idea that’s worth sharing, not to impress the audience by filling up your slides with eye-catching but meaningless icons.

图标被认为是可以为您的演示文稿增光添彩的关键组件之一。 但是,如果它们对您的演示文稿没有帮助,请不要使用它们。 您的目标是提出一个值得分享的想法,而不是通过在幻灯片上填充醒目的但无意义的图标来打动听众。

For example, the second slide below is much better than the first.


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Keep in mind, less is more.


公开演讲的秘诀 (The Secret to Great Public Speaking)

In the end, there’s no single formula for a great talk, but there is a secret ingredient that all the best ones have in common. TED Curator Chris Anderson shares this secret — along with four ways to make it work for you.

最终,没有一个好的演讲方式,但是所有最好的选手都有一个共同的秘密要素。 TED策展人克里斯·安德森(Chris Anderson)分享了这个秘密-并提供了四种使之为您服务的方法。

  • Limit your talk to just one major idea, and make it the through-line of your entire talk.

  • Give your listeners a reason to care. Stir your audience's curiosity. Use intriguing, provocative questions to identify why something doesn’t make sense and needs explaining.

    给您的听众关心的理由。 激发观众的好奇心。 使用有趣的,挑衅性的问题来确定为什么有些事情没有意义并且需要解释。
  • Build your idea with familiar concepts. Speakers often forget that many of the terms and concepts they live with are completely unfamiliar to their audiences. Metaphors can play a crucial role in showing how the pieces fit together.

    用熟悉的概念建立您的想法。 演讲者常常会忘记,他们所生活的许多术语和概念完全是听众所不熟悉的。 隐喻在展示各部分如何组合方面可以发挥关键作用。
  • Make your idea worth sharing. If you believe that the idea has the potential to brighten up someone else’s day or to inspire someone, then you have the core ingredient to a truly great talk.

    让您的想法值得分享。 如果您认为这个想法有可能照亮别人的生活或激发别人的灵感,那么您就有了进行真正精彩谈话的核心要素。

“Remember your number one task as a speaker is to transfer into your listener’s mind an extraordinary gift, a strange and beautiful object we call an idea.”


— Chris Anderson


作者 (Author)

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-marketing/7-tips-that-will-bring-your-presentation-to-the-next-level-688033e55b9a


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