

There are interactive experiences that simply blow you away. You know it’s been a positive experience but you just can’t put your finger on the reason why. Do you know why that is? It’s because a multitude of factors came together to make the experience unforgettable. It’s not just a singular thing, but a combination of elements which satisfied you on multiple levels. Some of these hit you on a conscious level like the correct placement of buttons or the graceful flow of data on screen. Yet others are more subtle and get you on a subconscious level like the well balanced negative space or the tasteful typographic combination.

Ť 这是一些互动的经验,只会让您大吃一惊。 您知道这是一次积极的经历,但您无法确定原因。 你知道那是为什么吗? 这是因为多种因素共同作用,使体验令人难忘。 这不仅是一个单一的问题,而且是满足您多个层次的要素的组合。 其中某些功能会在意识层面上打到您,例如按钮的正确放置或屏幕上数据的优美流动。 还有一些则更加微妙,可以使您处于潜意识水平,例如平衡良好的负空间或雅致的印刷组合。

As product designers we are constantly striving to reach this sweet spot of delightful experience and objective fulfillment. To create interactions that not only look and feel great, but also work extremely well. In order to achieve this UX holy grail, solving problems and making design decisions based purely on objective analysis is not enough. Sure, we must inform our work on hard data and evidence. Yes, we must iterate and test our designs in the real world. But we must push much further and apply an artisans touch to everything we do as well. The details make the difference. And finding this balance is the key to making digital products that stand out and are truly remarkable.

作为产品设计师,我们不断努力达到令人愉悦的体验和客观实现的最佳效果。 创建不仅外观和感觉都很好,而且效果也很好的交互。 为了实现UX的圣杯,仅基于客观分析来解决问题并做出设计决策是不够的。 当然,我们必须告知我们有关硬数据和证据的工作。 是的,我们必须在现实世界中迭代和测试我们的设计。 但是,我们必须进一步努力,并在我们所做的所有事情中都运用精湛的技艺。 细节有所作为。 找到这种平衡是使数字产品脱颖而出,真正出众的关键。

Just think of any app that has ever caught the public’s attention: it could be airbnb, instagram, slack, spotify, netflix, uber, snapchat… What do you notice in these apps? They go above and beyond… their iconography and illustrations are fresh and crisp… their interactions are spot on… their performance has zero lag… these companies value artistry as well as performance, and it shows.

试想一下曾经引起公众注意的任何应用程序:它可能是airbnb,instagram,slack,spotify,netflix,uber,snapchat ...在这些应用程序中您注意到了什么? 他们超越了……他们的形象和插图新鲜而明快……他们的互动点点出现……他们的表现具有零滞后性……这些公司重视艺术性和表现,并且表现出来。

A long time ago I read an excellent article by Eric Fisher about design, but more specifically about user experience design. It explains the difference between art and design, sometimes not very clear since the lines are continually blurred by both artists and designers. But the central tenet behind this article suggests something that I’ve understood from the very beginning of my design career and most designers do as well. It explains that the discipline of user experience design is an objective design process at its core, not subjective. So I’ll add to this idea by making some basic distinctions.

很久以前,我读了Eric Fisher的精彩文章 ,内容涉及设计,但更具体地说,涉及用户体验设计。 它解释了艺术与设计之间的区别,有时并不太清楚,因为线条被艺术家和设计师不断模糊。 但是,本文的中心宗旨是我从设计生涯的一开始就理解了一些东西,大多数设计师也这样做。 它解释说,用户体验设计的学科是一个客观的设计过程,而不是主观的。 因此,我将通过做一些基本的区分来补充这个想法。

“Everything in nature is the way it is by design; evolution has no aesthetic or personal opinion. Like art, some people find bugs to be quite beautiful while others cringe at the sight of them. But like them or not, their design is the way it is because of their environment and the obstacles they face trying to survive. In other words, it doesn’t matter what you think; it has to work, or they die.”- Eric Fisher

“自然界的一切都是设计使然; 进化没有美学或个人见解。 像艺术一样,有些人发现虫子很漂亮,而另一些人则看到它们。 但是不管他们是否喜欢,他们的设计之所以如此,是因为他们的环境以及他们试图生存所面临的障碍。 换句话说,您的想法无关紧要。 它必须起作用,否则它们就会死。”-埃里克·费舍尔(Eric Fisher)

形式与功能 (Form and function)

I agree with Fisher for the most part. UX Design is an objective discipline and it must be scientific and evidence based because we want to test hypotheses to define outcomes. Unfortunately it’s not that simple, humans are very complex creatures (due to natural selection) and thankfully we’re not cut and dried. We’re a work in progress, and making something simply work is not the end of it. There’s always something that can be improved and refined on all levels. User centric design utilizes objective proceses and methodologies to create solutions and to guide users to a defined outcome. Art and aesthetic appeal don’t have a strict need for efficiency and logic, but deal with more subjective matters. Nonetheless, both factors must work in conjunction for an experience to be completely effective. All design that has true and lasting impact counts both. Start with function but finish with form. Which begs us to question and reframe the value of art and beauty in everyday life.

我在大多数情况下同意费舍尔的观点。 UX设计是一门客观的学科,它必须基于科学和证据,因为我们要检验假设以定义结果。 不幸的是,事情并不是那么简单,人类是非常复杂的生物(由于自然选择),而且幸运的是我们没有被砍干。 我们正在进行中,只是简单地做某事并不是结束。 总有一些东西可以在各个层面上进行改进和完善。 以用户为中心的设计利用客观的过程和方法来创建解决方案并指导用户达到定义的结果。 艺术和美学吸引力对效率和逻辑并没有严格的要求,但是可以处理更多的主观问题。 尽管如此,这两个因素必须协同工作才能使体验完全有效。 具有真实和持久影响的所有设计都兼顾两者。 从功能开始,但以形式结束。 这就使我们不得不质疑和重构艺术和美丽在日常生活中的价值。

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Ian Williams on 伊恩·威廉姆斯 ( Unsplash Unan Splash)摄影

什么是艺术? (What is Art?)

Art is a singular act of personal expression produced for the world to see. Since the product of art is personal in nature, it’s usually very subjective. And its appeal is also very subjective because it depends on the psychology of the receiver. This is why art is so profound and complex at the same time. Art can take many forms and produce diverse reactions. One piece of music, or film, or literature, can have completely different emotional responses in different people. Art’s aim is to grab a person’s attention, engage with that person, and evoke an emotional response. Take Da Vinci’s Monalisa for instance. Some people love it, other’s hate it, and that’s OK. Art impacts our senses and compels us to feel or see life in a different and much richer way. It interprets an artists’ personal vision, and sometimes internal chaos, and put’s it on display for the whole world. And chaos can be a beautiful thing too.

艺术是一种独特的个人表达方式,为世界所见。 由于艺术作品本质上是个人化的,因此通常是非常主观的。 而且它的吸引力也很主观,因为它取决于接收者的心理。 这就是为什么艺术同时具有如此深刻和复杂性的原因。 艺术可以采取多种形式并产生多种React。 音乐,电影或文学作品中的一部,在不同的人中可能会有完全不同的情感React。 Art的目的是吸引一个人的注意力,与这个人交往,并引起一种情感React。 以达芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》为例。 有些人喜欢它,另一些人讨厌它,没关系。 艺术会影响我们的感官,并迫使我们以不同且丰富得多的方式来感受或看到生活。 它诠释了艺术家的个人见解,有时甚至是内部的混乱,并将其展示给全世界。 混乱也可以是一件美丽的事情。

设计不是艺术 (Design is not Art)

Design, unlike art, is about arranging objects, ideas or concepts in some sort of logical order. It’s about making sense of the chaos around us to navigate the world more effectively. In this way design has a definite purpose, its aim is to solve everyday human problems, or reduce chaos in the world. Graphic design solves human communication problems in the visual realm. Industrial design solves everyday human problems by combining physical materials effectively. Architecture solves human habitat problems by arranging environments and physical spaces. And UX Design solves human problems in the realm of technology by facilitating access to information, products, and services effectively.

与艺术不同,设计是按照某种逻辑顺序排列对象,思想或概念。 这是为了了解我们周围的混乱状况,以便更有效地环游世界。 这样,设计就具有明确的目的,其目的是解决日常人类的问题,或减少世界上的混乱。 图形设计解决了视觉领域的人类交流问题。 工业设计通过有效地结合物理材料来解决人类的日常问题。 建筑通过安排环境和物理空间解决了人类居住环境的问题。 UX Design通过促进对信息,产品和服务的有效访问来解决技术领域的人为问题。

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Photo by Michael Jasmund on Unsplash
Michael JasmundUnsplash拍摄的照片

设计是人的 (To Design is Human)

Notice that the word HUMAN is central to all design disciplines. We design for the betterment of humanity. Humans have been designing since the dawn of time. The wheel was the first product of industrial design. Ever heard of Stonehenge? Or the great pyramids of Egypt? A couple of the oldest testaments of architecture. Our capacity for imagining a better future or a different way of doing something is what enables design. Every time we look at something in a new arrangement we are designing in our minds. And this is why design is utilitarian, because it serves a definite purpose or aim: to facilitate human activity. But there is more to design...

注意,“人类”一词对于所有设计学科都是至关重要的。 我们为人类的改善而设计。 从时间的曙光开始,人类一直在进行设计。 车轮是工业设计的第一个产品。 听说过巨石阵吗? 还是埃及的大金字塔? 几个最古老的建筑遗嘱。 我们有能力想象更好的未来或做事的不同方式,这才使设计成为可能。 每次我们以新的方式看待事物时,都会在脑海中进行设计。 这就是设计之所以实用的原因,因为它有明确的目的或目的:促进人类活动。 但是还有更多的设计...

艺术与设计重叠之处 (Where Art and Design Overlap)

Because we’re designing for human beings, not robots, we need to factor in the emotional component of design. This is where psychology comes into play. This is also where design bleeds into art, because we’re looking to trigger some sort of emotional response and appeal to the human senses. Art is a very personal endeavor by nature, and by applying it in our work we inject a little personality into our design, thus making it more human, more unique, more engaging. You can work out all the logical steps to your user flow, but if you don’t include an emotional payoff or a personal connection that ultimately leads to a rush of endorphins somewhere along the line, you might as well kiss your users goodbye.

因为我们是为人类而不是机器人设计的,所以我们需要考虑设计的情感成分。 这就是心理学的作用。 这也是设计渗入艺术的地方 ,因为我们希望触发某种情感React并吸引人的感官。 艺术本质上是一项非常个人化的工作,通过将其应用到我们的作品中,我们在设计中注入了一点个性,从而使其更具人性化,更加独特,更具吸引力。 您可以计算出用户流程的所有逻辑步骤,但是如果您不包括情感上的回报或个人联系,最终导致沿线的内啡肽大量涌入,您最好与用户道别。

This is why the next step in design is emotional design. This is also why gamification works very well. Yes, we need design to get us someplace objectively, but nowadays getting there is not enough. It’s the journey, not the destination. And the journey is all about how people feel along the way. The visual sensations as well as the internal emotions.

这就是为什么设计的下一步是情感设计。 这也是游戏化运作良好的原因。 是的,我们需要设计使我们客观地到达某个地方,但是如今到达那里并不够。 这是旅程,而不是目的地。 旅程就是人们在旅途中的感受。 视觉和内在情感。

It’s the journey, not the destination. And the journey is all about how people feel along the way.

这是旅程,而不是目的地。 旅程就是人们在旅途中的感受。

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Photo by Sarah Wolfe on Unsplash
莎拉·沃尔夫 ( Sarah Wolfe)Unsplash拍摄的照片

情感设计 (Emotional Design)

Don Norman wrote an excellent book titled Emotional Design. Within its pages he describes the subconscious elements that give a product distinct appeal. These are things that are not as quantifiable as onboarding completion rates, but are more subjective and deal with the perceptions of a person. Following is an excerpt from the book.

唐诺曼(Don Norman)写了一本很棒的书,题为“ 情感设计” 。 在其页面中,他描述了赋予产品独特吸引力的潜意识元素。 这些是无法像入职完成率那样量化的,而是更加主观的,可以处理人的感知。 以下是该书的摘录。

Did you ever wonder why cheap wine tastes better in fancy glasses? Why sales of Macintosh computers soared when Apple introduced the colorful iMac? Research on emotion and cognition has shown that attractive things really do work better. Emotional Design articulates the profound influence of the feelings that objects evoke, from our willingness to spend thousands of dollars on Gucci bags and Rolex watches, to the impact of emotion on the everyday objects of tomorrow.

您是否曾经想过为什么廉价葡萄酒在精美的眼镜中味道更好? 当苹果推出色彩鲜艳的iMac时,为什么Macintosh计算机的销量猛增? 对情绪和认知的研究表明,吸引人的事情确实更好地起作用。 情感设计阐明了对象唤起的情感的深远影响,从我们愿意在Gucci手提包和劳力士手表上花费数千美元的意愿,到情感对明天日常物品的影响。

Emotions play a central role in the human ability to understand and learn about the world. Positive experiences kindle our curiosity, and negative ones protect us from repeating mistakes. Humans form emotional connections with objects on three levels: the visceral, behavioral, and reflective levels. A designer should address the human cognitive ability at each level — to elicit appropriate emotions so as to provide a positive experience. A positive experience may include positive emotions (e.g., pleasure, trust) or negative ones (e.g., fear, anxiety), depending on the context (for example, a horror-themed computer game).

情感在人类了解和了解世界的能力中起着核心作用。 积极的经历会激发我们的好奇心,而消极的经历会保护我们避免重复犯错。 人类与物体在三个层面上形成情感联系: 内脏行为反思层面。 设计师应该在每个层次上解决人类的认知能力-引起适当的情绪,以提供积极的体验。 积极的经历可能包括积极的情绪(例如,快乐,信任)或消极的情绪(例如,恐惧,焦虑),具体取决于上下文(例如,以恐怖为主题的计算机游戏)。

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Ice Pop & Gelato Recipes by Yoga Perdana制作的 Yoga Perdana Ice Pop和Gelato食谱

用户体验设计的艺术与科学 (The Art and Science of UX Design)

As you’ve come to understand UX design deals with both hemispheres of the brain. You need the logical and analytical muscles to calculate, measure, build and prioritize steps and objectives in your designs. But you also need the softer skills like creativity, empathy, emotional intelligence, and the visual sensitivity to give your work the artisans touch that will engage with users.

当您了解UX设计涉及大脑的两个半球时。 您需要逻辑和分析能力来计算,度量,构建和确定设计中的步骤和目标的优先级。 但是,您还需要更柔和的技能,例如创造力,同理心,情绪智力和视觉敏感性,以使您的工匠手感与用户互动。

The value of beautiful interfaces and interactions can’t be understated. Let’s not reduce everything to data and numbers at the expense of delight and beauty. As stated in this excellent article by Fabricio Teixeira a lot of UX designers are leaving visual work for others and sticking solely to the research and strategy. This hard nosed focus on the bare bones of design leaves some things out of the equation, placing all the attention on the macro level and very little on the finer details and polish. So let’s not forget form and the more visceral and subconscious parts of design. To become a true UX craftsman you have to consider all aspects of design.

漂亮的界面和交互的价值不可低估。 让我们不要以愉悦和美丽为代价将所有内容简化为数据和数字。 正如Fabricio Teixeira在这篇出色的文章中所述,许多UX设计师将视觉工作留给其他人,而完全坚持研究和策略。 这种对设计裸露骨头的刻板印象使某些事情脱离了方程式,使所有注意力都集中在宏观层面,而很少关注更精细的细节和修饰。 因此,我们不要忘记形式以及设计中更内在和潜意识的部分。 要成为一名真正的UX工匠,您必须考虑设计的各个方面。

Today, the UX industry has come full circle and is recognizing the value of artistic appeal. Art without function has no utility. Function without appeal becomes boorish. Both artistic appeal and functional prowess need to be present for a design experience to satisfy on all levels. As the tech industry continues to mature and users become more sophisticated, the expectations will only continue to get higher. And the only way to stand out is by factoring in all elements that make an experience truly remarkable. Consider the objective and subjective elements of design. To summarize, you must solve problems, but you must also make things pretty.

如今,UX行业已经全面发展,并且正在意识到艺术吸引力的价值。 没有功能的艺术没有效用。 没有吸引力的功能变得乏味。 为了使设计体验在各个层面上都得到满足,需要同时具有艺术魅力和功能能力。 随着科技行业的不断成熟和用户的日益成熟,期望只会越来越高。 脱颖而出的唯一方法是将使体验真正卓越的所有因素都考虑在内。 考虑设计的客观和主观要素。 总而言之,您必须解决问题,但也必须使事情变得漂亮。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-fine-art-of-ux-design-5159574257fe


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