

At night, I read a book to my three-year-old daughter until she sleeps, but I stay some more minutes in the dark, next to her. I have to be sure that she is deeply sleeping before I leave.

到了晚上,我读了一本书给我的三个岁的女儿,直到她睡觉,但我在黑暗中停留更几分钟,她的旁边。 我必须确保她在我离开之前已经沉睡了。

If she wakes up just minutes after getting sleep, we have to start over the bed routine.


What would any reasonable person do in these circumstances? Get out the cellphone and open an app, of course.

在这种情况下,有理智的人会做什么? 当然,拿出手机并打开一个应用程序。

This is the problem: if the app doesn’t have dark mode implemented and is mostly white or light-colored, it can be like lighting the room with a lamp and my daughter can wake up.


This is not a readability problem. It’s a usability problem.

这不是可读性问题。 这是一个可用性问题。

And it's not just for parents like me. The same happens when you are in a dark place like a theater or cinema and you want to be discreet when opening your cellphone.

这不仅仅适合像我这样的父母。 当您在剧院或电影院等昏暗的地方,并且在打开手机时要谨慎时,也会发生同样的情况。

背景 (Background)

steven hoober has written a very extensive article with 2020 updates to the subject that is a very good starting point for any designer interested (just the notes on contrast worth it, besides the dark mode topic).

史蒂文·霍伯(steven hoober )写了一篇非常广泛的文章 ,对该主题进行了2020年更新,对于任何感兴趣的设计师来说都是一个很好的起点(只是对比的注释值得一看,除了暗模式主题外)。

The two main reasons in favor of a dark mode option for an app or website are readability and battery saving.


Apple highlights the readability benefit:


Dark Mode puts the focus on the content areas of your interface, allowing that content to stand out while the surrounding UI recedes into the background.—Apple Human Interface Guidelines

深色模式将重点放在界面的内容区域上,从而在周围的UI退回到背景中时突出显示该内容。— Apple人机界面指南

Google, besides readability, highlights battery saving.


Dark themes reduce the luminance emitted by device screens, while still meeting minimum color contrast ratios. They help improve visual ergonomics by reducing eye strain, adjusting brightness to current lighting conditions, and facilitating screen use in dark environments — all while conserving battery power.—Google Material Design

深色主题降低了设备屏幕发出的亮度,同时仍然达到了最低的颜色对比度。 他们通过减少眼睛疲劳,调节亮度,以目前的照明条件,并促进在黑暗的环境屏使用提高视觉人体工学-同时节省电池power.- 谷歌材料设计

For success, the readability depends on the kind of content—text, video, photo, font sizes, etc.—and the way the color palette is implemented—contrast is crucial, as Steven Hoover points out.

如要获得成功,可读性取决于内容的类型(文本,视频,照片,字体大小等)以及实现调色板的方式,正如史蒂文·胡佛 ( Steven Hoover)指出的那样 ,对比度至关重要。

A photo gallery, for example, doesn't make much difference because the photos use most of the space on the display and they are not going to change in dark mode.


The success of the battery saving can be very relative if not it’s measured properly. It only works with OLED displays. When the original app is mostly white, like most news sites, battery-saving could be significant. Otherwise, like a gray vs true black UI, not so much.

如果测量不当,节省电池的成功与否可能是非常相关的。 它仅适用于OLED显示器 。 与大多数新闻站点一样,当原始应用大部分为白色时,节电可能非常重要。 否则,就像一个灰色VS真正的黑色UI, 没有这么多

The research is poor in this field and the variety of situations versus the very different kind of apps is overwhelming.


Anyway, the few applicable research studies I’ve found indicate that dark mode is not quite as readable in the dark as one would expect, relative to light mode. Now, this is very narrow research, so didn’t account for screens being in outdoor-brightness mode and so on. It also involved a fairly standard test of readability, with text as the content being consumed.—Steven Hoober

无论如何,我发现的一些适用研究表明,相对于亮模式,暗模式在黑暗中的可读性不如人们期望的那样。 现在,这是一项非常狭窄的研究,因此没有考虑屏幕处于室外亮度模式等情况。 它还涉及对可读性的相当标准的测试,其中文本作为消费的内容。— Steven Hoober

There are several articles that have covered this from the design point of view (What is wrong with the dark mode UX?, Turn the lights off — designing for dark mode, The past, present, and future of Dark Mode, just to mention a few).

从设计的角度来看,有几篇文章涵盖了这一点( 黑暗模式UX有什么问题?关闭灯光-为黑暗模式设计,黑暗模式 的过去,现在和未来 ,仅提及少数)。

Here, I just want to talk about two situations on opposite sides of the experience.


黑暗模式让我入睡 (Dark mode makes me sleep)

Like we said above, dark mode is good for better focus attention when reading, according to some.


Maybe, but I have noticed that this focus enhancement lasts just a couple of minutes before I get sleepy.


Low or dim light is good to get sleep. In fact, its use is a recommended practice to overcome insomnia. So, I guess—no research for this—this is the reason that I get sleepy when reading in dark mode.

光线微弱或昏暗有利于睡眠。 实际上,推荐使用它来克服失眠。 因此,我猜(对此没有研究),这就是为什么我在黑暗模式下阅读时会困倦的原因。

Image for post
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash
Sasha FreemindUnsplash拍摄的照片

The absence of light is a cue to my brain to go to sleep.


I can read more on a paper book or a Kindle, for example—using a bed lamp and avoiding the temptation of depending just in de display’s backlight in the case of the Kindle.


Here, the light in the room is the cue to my brain to keep it awake.


This is very important because in too many situations you want the user to be awake. Or at least stay alert.

这非常重要,因为在很多情况下您都希望用户保持清醒状态。 或至少保持警惕。

Imagine that you have done an attractive interface that makes the user stay in the app, but as soon the night comes and automatically turns to dark mode, the interface becomes unattractive. That’s probably not what you want.

想象一下,您已经完成了一个吸引人的界面,该界面使用户留在应用程序中,但是当夜幕降临并自动变为黑暗模式时,该界面将变得不那么吸引人。 那可能不是您想要的。

蓝光研究难以忍受的亮度 (The unbearable lightness of blue light studies)

This “sleepy effect” could be contradictory to the famous blue light that comes from the display in computers and smartphones.


The dark mode isn’t black. Blue light is the principal light in all the spectrum emitted by a modern display. We use to thing in black as the absence of color because of our use of indirect light. But in smartphones, tablets, and computers, you evidently can distinguish between a screen turned off and a black interface.

暗模式不是黑色。 蓝光是现代显示器发射的所有光谱中的主要光。 由于使用间接光,我们习惯将黑色的东西用作没有颜色的东西。 但是,在智能手机,平板电脑和计算机中,您显然可以区分屏幕关闭和黑色界面。

Recently, some inconclusive studies pointed to late-night use of devices as the cause of sleep problems, and even retinal cell damage with high-intensity exposure.

最近,一些不确定的研究指出, 深夜使用设备会导致睡眠问题 ,甚至是高强度暴露引起的视网膜细胞损伤。

But a very recent study, published in December 2019, showed different results that contradicted the previous:


Contrary to common belief, blue light may not be as disruptive to our sleep patterns as originally thought — according to scientists. According to the team, using dim, cooler, lights in the evening and bright warmer lights in the day may be more beneficial to our health.—Science Daily

科学家认为,与普遍的看法相反,蓝光可能不会像我们最初想象的那样破坏我们的睡眠方式。 据球队,在当天使用昏暗,凉爽,在晚上的灯光,明亮的灯光温暖的可能是我们的health.-更有利于科学日报

But both studies were done in mice, anyway, and it looks like the human eye is a little different than the mice’s.


Image for post
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash
桑迪·米勒 ( Sandy Millar)Unsplash拍摄的照片

On the other hand, sunny daylight is 100,000 times brighter than a computer display, so it’s difficult to think that the display of a cellphone can change our behavior so much.

另一方面, 晴朗的日光比计算机的显示屏亮十万倍 ,因此很难想象手机的显示屏可以改变我们的行为。

So, the conclusion is that there is no conclusion yet for dark mode effectiveness, nither for blue light effect.

因此,得出的结论是,对于暗模式效果尚无结论, 对于蓝光效果则没有结论。

在体验的反面 (On the opposite sides of the experience)

Dark mode requires research yet. Scientific research, yes, but especially, UX research.

暗模式需要研究。 是的,是科学研究,尤其是UX研究。

Every app or website has particular characteristics, it’s used in different situations, and has different kind of users—or indirect users, like my daughter or the people at the theater.


Dark mode can be good for readability but not for engagement. Dark mode can be good for being discreet using an app but not necessarily for battery saving.

暗模式可能有助于提高可读性,但不利于参与。 暗模式可以很好地使用应用,但不一定可以节省电池。

And don’t forget that when doubt exists, leave the user to test and choose. I prefer dark mode when getting my daughter to bed, but I prefer light mode to read and not getting sleep.

并且不要忘记,如果存在疑问,请让用户进行测试和选择。 当我让女儿上床睡觉时,我更喜欢深色模式,但我更喜欢浅色模式以阅读而不睡觉。







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