干碳纤维 湿碳纤维_纤维状网站故障不是一种选择

干碳纤维 湿碳纤维

— What are the people in Mission Control really like? Weren’t there times when everybody, or at least a few people, just panicked?

—任务控制部的人员真正喜欢什么? 难道没有时候所有人或至少几个人都感到惊慌吗?

— No, when bad things happened, we just calmly laid out all the options, and failure was not one of them.


1.宣言。 (1. The manifesto.)

It is hard to find a balance between things that predictably work and a fresh approach. Modern marketing has all facilities to increase conversion and kill creativity. People get tired of the same landing pages, but the familiar structure, beautiful illustrations, simple phrases, and imperative verbs do their dirty work. They work. At least, according to Google Analytics.

很难在可以预期起作用的事物和新方法之间找到平衡。 现代营销具有所有可提高转化率和扼杀创造力的设施。 人们已经厌倦了相同的登录页面,但是熟悉的结构,精美的插图,简单的短语和命令性动词会做他们的肮脏工作。 他们工作。 至少,根据Google Analytics(分析)。

How to invent something that still works but won’t be perceived as yet another landing page?


I stumbled upon to the Bret Victor’s quote from the Magic Ink

我偶然发现了魔术墨水中 Bret Victor的报价

I don’t know the solution to cultivating a culture of good taste, but I believe lessons can be learned from the emergence of industrial design, about seventy years ago.


At a time when many products competed on ornamentation, the simplified, functional creations of industrial designers were too untraditional to sell on looks alone. The salesman made inroads by directly touting the tangible benefits of good design, such as comfort and safety. He would demonstrate to a homemaker how his vacuum cleaner or iron was designed to reduce fatigue and cramping. He would demonstrate to a farmer how his machinery was designed to eliminate the finger-severing accidents that were, to that point, distressingly common.

在许多产品在装饰上展开竞争的时候,工业设计师的简化,功能化的创作过于传统,无法单单出售。 推销员通过直接宣传良好设计的实际好处(例如舒适性和安全性)而取得了进展。 他将向家庭主妇展示他的吸尘器或熨斗是如何设计的,以减轻疲劳和抽筋 。 他将向农民展示他的机器是如何设计的,以消除当时令人痛苦的常见的断指事故

Explicitly informed of the benefits, people gradually came to demand, then expect, such conscientious design in their everyday products.Today, software consumers demand technological features because software marketing presents features. Consumers ignore design because marketing ignores design. The cycle is vicious, but perhaps vulnerable too — some brilliant new software with engineering, design, and marketing all in sync may raise the bar for everyone.

人们清楚地了解到这些好处后,便逐渐对需求进行需求,然后期望在日常产品中进行这种认真的设计。如今,软件消费者需要技术功能,因为软件营销具有功能。 消费者不理会设计,因为营销不理会设计。 周期是恶性的,但也可能是脆弱的-某些工程,设计和营销同步的出色新软件可能会提高每个人的门槛

This was my main concern — people perceive software products as a bunch of features because we presented them in this way. What if we explain why this product was invented, and what quality it can bring to life. What if we illustrate these ideas with pure abstract animations.

这是我主要关心的问题-人们将软件产品视为一堆功能,因为我们以这种方式展示了它们。 如果我们能解释为什么发明该产品,以及它能带来什么样的质量,该怎么办? 如果我们用纯抽象动画来说明这些想法怎么办。

The very first prototype was raw with poor copy and low-quality graphics. It resembled a manifest or long read, not a product page.

最初的原型是原始的,具有差的复制和低质量的图形。 它类似于清单或长期阅读,而不是产品页面。

The very first concept of the Fibery website — 1

There were many doubts about the number of screenshots and the amount of text. It was not bad but might seem rather boring than unusual.

对于屏幕截图的数量和文本的数量有很多疑问。 这还不错,但看起来很无聊而不是异常。

The very first concept of the Fibery website — 2

2.多样性 (2. Diversity)

I continued working and remembered my old idea of site constructor for the Fibery private beta campaign. Fibery is a tool that adapts to teams and companies like Lego, and the website could become the same. At that time, guys decided to make a simple text page.

我继续工作,并想起了我以前为Fibery私人Beta版广告系列创建网站的构想。 Fibery是一种工具,可适应诸如Lego之类的团队和公司,并且网站可能会保持不变。 当时,人们决定制作一个简单的文本页面。

The initial idea was to assemble the page from random blocks so that the user would get the unique solution each time. That would be fun to take the interactive beyond the browser with the main interactive element — Refresh Button. There was one problem with this concept — people wouldn’t be able to find a specific block if they wanted to. So it could become annoying and unpredictable.

最初的想法是从随机块组装页面,以便用户每次都能获得唯一的解决方案。 通过主要的交互元素“刷新按钮”使交互超出浏览器将是很有趣的。 这个概念存在一个问题-如果人们愿意,他们将无法找到特定的障碍物。 因此,它可能会变得令人讨厌且不可预测。

I transformed this concept into the four stable, separated versions that should be loaded randomly. The logo and branding with different colors supported this idea.

我将这个概念转换为应该随机加载的四个稳定的,分离的版本。 带有不同颜色的徽标和商标支持了这个想法。

The second concept
The first prototype

插图 (Illustrations)

Abstract animation showed values of the product. “Build” animation illustrates custom domain creation.

抽象动画显示了产品的价值。 “构建”动画说明了自定义域的创建。

Create App animation
Create App storyboard

“Use” animation illustrates unique transforming flows.


“Use” animation

“Grow” was adopted from Kandinsky’s original drawing “Free Curve To The Point“ and grows like the workspace in Fibery.


Kandinsky’s original drawing “Free Curve To The Point” and Fibery domain
“Grow” animation

Screenshots should’ve supplemented animations and become a picture of how these abstract intentions are converted into concrete decisions. But in reality, it was difficult to perceive changes in several places simultaneously, so I rejected this idea.

屏幕截图应该是动画的补充,并成为这些抽象意图如何转化为具体决策的图片。 但是实际上,很难同时感知多个地方的变化,因此我拒绝了这个想法。

Screenshots prototype

One additional animation showed how Fibery could adapt and transform. An attentive observer can find a reference to the Feynman diagrams.

另一个动画展示了Fibery如何适应和转换。 细心的观察者可以找到对费曼图的参考。

Fibery adaptation

The team took this concept coldly. There was a lot of doubt — will people understand what fibery is? Is this design too elegant for our crazy self-ironic team? There were no jokes. The color seemed not vivid enough. The website didn’t resemble the product style. It was a failure; no one believed it would work.

团队冷漠地接受了这个概念。 有很多疑问-人们会理解纤维是什么吗? 对于我们疯狂的自我讽刺团队来说,这种设计是否过于优雅? 没有笑话。 颜色似乎不够鲜艳。 该网站与产品样式不同。 这是一个失败; 没有人相信它会起作用。

3.建立 (3. Build)

After several days of anxious thoughts and sleepless nights, I came up with the “I don’t get it. Explain differently” button. Every time the visitor pushes this button, we will explain all product ideas differently. If she still doesn’t get anything after several versions, we just show her the crazy version and describe everything literally without marketing efforts. I’ve converted negative feedback into the concept.

经过几天的焦虑思考和不眠之夜,我想到了“ 我不明白。 解释不同的 “按钮。 每次访客按下此按钮时,我们将以不同的方式解释所有产品创意。 如果她在几个版本后仍然没有得到任何回报,我们只需向她展示疯狂版本,并在不进行市场营销工作的情况下从字面上描述所有内容。 我已经将负面反馈转化为概念。

Evolution of an eye
Evolution of an eye illustrates evolution of the Fibery concept

We split serious versions between Michael Dubakov, Anton Iokov and me, and explained Fibery in our own way. This decision saved from tedious disputes and brought the sweet spirit of freedom. The Build version told about the benefits and functionality, Connect — about the profit that users will receive, and Freedom — about the values.

我们在迈克尔·杜巴科夫 ( Michael Dubakov)安东 ·伊科夫 ( Anton Iokov)和我之间划分了一些严肃的版本,并以自己的方式解释了Fibery。 这一决定免除了繁琐的争执,并带来了自由的甜美精神。 Build版本介绍了好处和功能, Connect –用户将获得的利润以及Freedom —关于值。

In the end, with God willing and Anton’s help my Freedom turned into a manifesto ✊🏻, so I’ve accomplished initial intention and closed gestalt.


Final concept

CPU之争 (CPU struggle)

I found a beautiful Voronoi diagram based on d3 voronoi.delaunay library. Volodya helped me create a background based on it. It turned out interactive and beautiful, with white circles.

我基于d3 voronoi.delaunay库找到了一个漂亮的Voronoi图Volodya帮助我创建了基于此的背景。 原来,互动和美观,带有白色圆圈。

Background for the Build version
Voronoi Voronoi构建bg

But it extremely overloaded CPU, so we were forced to refuse circles and left only polygons. In fact, we still have some problems with CPU due to the simultaneous video and canvas rendering, and still in search of the right solution.

但是它极大地超载了CPU,因此我们被迫拒绝圆形,只剩下多边形。 实际上,由于同时进行视频和画布渲染,我们在CPU方面仍然存在一些问题,并且仍在寻找正确的解决方案。

I created an interactive background on p5.js. I have long dreamed of using generative graphics in a commercial project 😌.

我在p5.js上创建了一个交互式背景。 我一直梦想着在商业项目中使用生成图形graphics。

Background for the Anxiety version
clickable. 可点击的
Background for the Connect version
Connect bg 连接bg
Background for the Freedom version
Freedom bg 自由bg

CSS和JS实验 (CSS and JS experiments)

Dasha created neat CSS animations of the abstract figures. My husband helped me to create parallax on scroll. Everything was in full swing.

Dasha创建了抽象人物的简洁CSS动画。 我丈夫帮助我制作了滚动视差。 一切都如火如荼。

4.焦虑+乐趣=有趣的焦虑 (4. Anxiety + Fun = Funny Anxiety)

Anton writes his genius copy
Anton writes his genius copy

I intended to change the marketing phrase with a literal description of each picture with unexpected jokes. But guys came up with something funnier — honestly tell about all product problems with screenshots of bugs, infinite loaders, and bad testimonials.

我打算用每张图片的字面描述来更改营销用语,并带有意外的笑话。 但是伙计们想出了一些有趣的东西-诚实地用错误,无限加载程序和不良推荐的屏幕快照讲述所有产品问题。

Image for post

It was wild and bold; we laughed like crazy. It was definitely needed to try.

那是疯狂而大胆的; 我们笑得发疯。 绝对需要尝试。

5.发射 (5. Launch)

The madness started on Twitter.


A big wave was coming from the hacker news.


Post on Hacker News

Come back to Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, and it is still spreading.


I just watched, read tweets, and wondered how the project considered a failure one month ago spread around the world.


Visitors location from Google Analytics

It was not a failure; it was an option. We just proceeded to make decisions and got the project done. Everything can turn out in the right way if you listen to the surrounding, trust your gut, and work with cool people.

这不是失败; 这是一个选择。 我们只是开始做决定并完成了项目。 如果您聆听周围的环境,相信自己的直觉,并与冷静的人一起工作,那么一切都会以正确的方式出现。

Happy New Year!


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/fibery-web-site-failure-is-not-an-option-8081e08fc870

干碳纤维 湿碳纤维





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