

很久以前,在一个遥远的童年.. (Long ago, in a childhood far away..)

Being the typical 90s kid who tried to sneak in too much TV time, I grew up with a lot of pop culture around me. That golden pre-Netflix age of content binging where we had to really work to find and watch good content. Tom & Jerry, Dragonball Z, Back to the Future, Star Wars, Lion King, Toy Story, Mr. India, Shaktimaan, Captain frickin Planet… you get it.

作为一个典型的90年代孩子,他试图在电视上偷偷摸摸地玩,所以我长大了很多流行文化。 Netflix黄金时代的内容时代已经到来,我们必须真正努力寻找和观看优质内容。 汤姆和杰瑞(Tom&Jerry),《龙珠Z》,《回到未来》,《星球大战》,《狮子王》,《玩具总动员》,印度先生,沙基蒂安,弗里金星球船长……你明白了。

The Disney wave hit so strong that my dad and I still burst into random fits of Hakuna Matata sing alongs.

迪斯尼的浪潮如此猛烈,以至于我和我父亲仍然突然散发出Hakuna Matata唱歌的声音。

Growing up I started drawing a lot and developed a real interest in animation and film. I realised that these stories and fictitious worlds were a really big motivator and possibly a viable career. I loved that bubble very briefly. :D

长大后,我开始大量绘画,并对动画和电影产生了浓厚的兴趣。 我意识到这些故事和虚拟世界是一个很大的动力,甚至可能是一个可行的职业。 我非常短暂地喜欢上那个泡沫。 :D

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欢迎来到设计学院…buh —再见皮克斯! (Welcome to Design School… buh — bye Pixar!)

With design school and a gruelling foundation year, I realised that I was nowhere near as good or disciplined to even think of a life in animation. I somehow started developing a liking towards graphic design. I also discovered the world of Adobe and ‘vectors’.

在设计学校学习并经历了艰苦的基础学业后,我意识到自己甚至还没有想到动画生活的能力和纪律性。 我以某种方式开始对平面设计产生兴趣。 我还发现了Adobe和“向量”的世界。

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I suddenly had a new outlet and medium for continuing my obsession with pop culture. It helped that we were in college and had a lot of free time to watch too many movies too. We had nobody except life and grades judging us for rewatching Star Wars for the 13,457th time. :D

我突然有了新的出路和媒介,继续迷恋流行文化。 我们上大学并有大量的空闲时间看太多电影也有帮助。 除了生活和成绩,我们没有人评判我们第13457次重新观看《星球大战》。 :D

So along with specialising in Brand and Graphic Design I found myself making a lot of art for fun again. Mostly revolved around pop culture again. By the time I left college, I had way too much poster art.

因此,除了专攻品牌和图形设计外,我发现自己又重新创作了很多艺术品。 大多再次围绕流行文化。 当我离开大学时,我的海报艺术已经太多了。

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实习 (Funternship..)

I was surprisingly able to squeeze in a lot of pop culture influence with my Graduation Thesis project as well. I did this while interning with a fun brand agency in Hyderabad, India called 17dnorth. We worked with an architecture firm in executing an environment design project for Google Hyderabad’s new office.

令人惊讶的是,我的毕业论文项目也吸引了很多流行文化的影响。 我是在印度海得拉巴一家有趣的品牌代理商(称为17dnorth)实习时做的 。 我们与一家建筑公司合作,为Google海得拉巴的新办公室执行了一个环境设计项目。

Google being Google, loved and entertained the idea of a lot of fun in their space. So my love for pop culture found some more validation there.

Google是Google,热爱并娱乐着他们在自己的空间中获得很多乐趣的想法。 因此,我对流行文化的热爱在那里找到了更多的验证。

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I even got a chance to go crazy with my obsession for movies and food.


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输入品牌设计@ Housing.com (Enter Brand Design @Housing.com)

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Straight out of college, I ended up in what I thought was the last place for pop culture references to thrive. A real estate portal called Housing.com.

刚从大学毕业后,我就进入了我认为是流行文化繁荣兴盛的最后一个地方。 一个名为Housing.com的房地产门户网站。

A Brand Designer role here in my mind was going to be talking about houses and properties. But luckily enough they were a very energetic company and knew how to have fun with their brand every now and then.

我脑海中的品牌设计师角色是谈论房屋和物业。 但幸运的是,他们是一家充满活力的公司,并且知道如何时不时地与自己的品牌一起玩乐。

So I was allowed to not grow up just yet.


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I kept doing pet projects on the side. While at it, I stumbled upon some happy realisations:

我一直在做宠物项目。 在此期间,我偶然发现了一些快乐的实现:

  • This work reminded me of why I got into this field.

  • I got to set my own rules.. that also meant my own benchmarks on these projects (It helped to set it high :)

  • I honed and picked up new skills.

  • I realised the value of owning a project. (This helps a lot at work)

    我意识到拥有一个项目的价值。 (这对工作很有帮助)
  • I got better at story telling & felt more invested in delighting a user.


A brief stint at unemployment gave me enough time to make entire case studies of some projects like Litesaber & Mashemup


  • So yeah, it helped bust stress too. :D

    是的,它也有助于消除压力。 :D
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产品设计...请接受我的朋友的要求 (Product Design... Please accept my friend request)

After about a year in Housing, I occasionally saw the intriguing world of product design and saw opportunity in actually building great products and having a different kind of impact as a designer. It kept eating at my head to build something people engage with beyond communication collateral.

在Housing呆了大约一年后,我偶尔会看到有趣的产品设计世界,看到了机会,他们可以实际制作出优质的产品,并作为设计师产生不同的影响。 它一直在我的头上吃东西,以建立人们可以交流之外的东西。

The catch?


Brand Design was ALL I knew at that point. I had nothing to show with regards to work in the product space. I took a break from my Brand Design role at Housing and decided to really give this a shot.

我当时只知道品牌设计。 关于在产品领域的工作,我没有什么可展示的。 我离开了在Housing的品牌设计职位,决定真正尝试一下。

Unemployment is mainly LinkedIN, binging and a lot of free time. :D

失业主要是LinkedIN,暴躁和大量的空闲时间。 :D

设计小说 (Design Fiction)

This led me to a funny idea which I ended up exploring. SuperIN started with a simple premise around some really pointless questions.

这使我想到了一个有趣的主意,最终我进行了探索。 SuperIN从围绕一些真正毫无意义的问题的简单前提开始。

  • How do super villains hire henchmen?

  • Does Batman ever need software developers?

  • Did the empire need to go on a hiring drive to get more stormtroopers?

  • Will I get out of my parent’s house again? :D

    我会再次离开父母的家吗? :D
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好啦 (Ola!)

I always swear by this project now. SuperIN got me my first role in the amazing product design team at Ola, India’s biggest cab aggregator. Thank god I was hired by a boss who had a sense of humour about this. :) So the risk paid off.

我现在总是对这个项目发誓。 SuperIN让我在印度最大的出租车聚合商Ola的出色产品设计团队中担任第一职。 谢天谢地,我被一位对此颇有幽默感的老板雇用。 :)因此,风险得到了回报。

A few months of fast tracked deep dive into Product Design with a very passionate team got me to Ola Play. We launched a very successful product that scaled to millions and I finally got a taste of that impact I was hunting for.

几个月来,一支非常热情的团队对产品设计进行了深入研究,使我进入了Ola Play 。 我们推出了一款非常成功的产品,可扩展到数百万种,我终于体会到了我一直在寻找的那种影响。

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电影,用户喜好和业务 (Movies, User Delight & Business)

Soon after launching an MVP, we got busy exploring how we could take this product further. As a company, we took a call on making Ola Play a content driven platform.

推出MVP后不久,我们就忙于探索如何进一步推广该产品。 作为一家公司,我们呼吁使Ola Play成为内容驱动的平台。

So with V2 I had a very weird idea which I ended up exploring.. courtesy of Marvel addiction :)


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An average cab ride in India is 60 minutes long. An average movie release has a buzz period of 2 months. This made think ‘business’ for the first time.

印度的平均出租车车程为60分钟。 电影上映的平均时间为2个月。 这使人们第一次想到“生意”。

Our business teams then took this idea to production houses and eventually Paramount Pictures took a shot at exploring this with the new Transformers Movie. Thanks to that team, I finally got to do right by Optimus Prime :) 10 year old me would have been so proud.

然后,我们的业务团队将这个想法带入了制作公司,最终派拉蒙影业(Paramount Pictures)通过新的《变形金刚电影》(Transformers Movie)探索了这一点。 多亏了那个团队,我终于在Optimus Prime的帮助下完成了工作:) 10岁的我会感到非常自豪。

This Transformers partnership ‘rolled out’ in full swing to thousands of cars with Ola Play and we had a new line of business which we could drive with movie and content partnerships. The best of this was that we weren’t selling ad space like a conventional fossil. We were building experiences around these movies. So happy commuters, happy builders and happy business.

借助Transformers的合作伙伴关系,Ola Play全面推出了数千辆汽车,我们拥有了新的业务范围,可以通过电影和内容合作关系来推动这一业务。 最好的是,我们没有像传统的化石那样出售广告空间。 我们正在围绕这些电影积累经验。 非常高兴的通勤者,愉快的建设者和愉快的生意。

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wi 流行文化与人的参与 (Swiggy. Pop culture and people engagement)

Since February 2018, I have been a UX Design Lead at Swiggy, India’s biggest food delivery platform. I look at driving some of the user loyalty, growth & retention products on our consumer app. I also get to dabble on product positioning and other delightful frameworks here.

自2018年2月以来,我一直担任印度最大的食品配送平台Swiggy的UX设计负责人。 我希望在我们的消费者应用程序中推动一些用户忠诚度,增长和保留产品。 在这里,我还将涉足产品定位和其他令人愉悦的框架。

The best thing about the food business is that people love food and driving conversations and engagement around food is a lot of fun.


Swiggy as a company obsesses with delighting and engaging with users… constantly.


So yeah, they tolerate some of the weirdest scribbles I have made to explain my product thought through pop culture references.


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We use pop culture nods for a variety of purposes now.


To explain product features, user gratification, in our user nudge framework, push notifications, product positioning and even just to delight and empathise with user ratings.


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滚动会有趣吗? (Can a scroll be fun?)

I even got to mess around with how we end our restaurant listings. We jammed and are looking at many ways to hide easter eggs within the app now :)

我什至搞砸了我们如何结束餐厅清单。 我们遇到了麻烦,现在正在寻找许多方法来在应用程序中隐藏复活节彩蛋:)

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流行职场文化 (Pop Workplace Culture)

Somewhere along the line, we went crazy and my boss actually let me take my puns offline too. All our office rooms now have a pop culture and food twist that is finally very true to who we are as a brand… fun and delightful. :)

沿线的某个地方,我们疯了,而我的老板实际上也让我的双关语脱机了。 现在,我们所有的办公室都具有流行文化和美食特色,这对于我们作为品牌的人来说是非常真实的……有趣而令人愉悦。 :)

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So yeah, looking back it still surprises me how much these movies and worlds have influenced and help me chart my career as a designer. Some Jim Morrison posters led to an online merchandise store. Pulp Fiction rewatches led me to an amazing internship. A Marvel addiction helped me setup a new business line for a cab aggregator that serves millions. A ridiculous pun obsession keeps me going and helps me engage users for India’s biggest delivery company.

所以是的,回想起来仍然让我感到惊讶,这些电影和世界对我的影响有多大,并帮助我规划了自己的设计师生涯。 一些吉姆·莫里森的海报导致了一家在线商品商店。 低俗小说的重新观看使我进入了一个了不起的实习岗位。 惊奇的成瘾帮助我为可为数百万服务的出租车聚合器建立了新的业务线。 双关语的可笑使我无法自拔,并帮助我吸引了印度最大的快递公司的用户。

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^ I just hope I don’t have to hear this anytime soon. :D

^我只是希望我不必很快听到这个消息。 :D

Hope this was a fun read!


For more of my work, do check out Behance, Dribbble, TwitterAlways welcoming more feedback! Cheers!

对于我的更多工作,请查看 Behance Dribbble Twitter 一直欢迎更多反馈! 干杯!

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-pop-culture-helps-me-design-7cbbee0605f4






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