

Image for post

SVG or Scalable Vector Graphics is a format capable of many great things: from building blazing-fast sites, to enabling a better user experience. I like to think of SVG as a party where JavaScript is the event coordinator (“event,” get it?). You’ll soon get a “fill” of what I’m talking about. Okay, enough dad jokes, and onto the party!

SVG或可伸缩矢量图形是一种具有许多出色功能的格式:从构建快速的网站到提供更好的用户体验。 我喜欢将SVG视为一个聚会,其中JavaScript是事件协调器(“ event”,懂吗?)。 您很快就会对我在说的内容有所了解。 好吧,足够多的父亲开玩笑,然后参加聚会!

什么是SVG? (What is SVG?)

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation.


A side-by-side comparison of two 48x48 pixel images. One is an infinitely scalable SVG while the other is a blurry PNG image.
Icons8 Icons8

On the left-hand side, we have a crisp and clear SVG image, while on the right-hand side, we have a slightly blurred PNG image.


Although we could add more data to the PNG to make it crisp, we’d be adding more data, which affects performance.


We refer to rasters like PNGs, JPEGs, etc., as bitmaps, which plot blocks or pieces on a map. A bitmap is essentially a representation in which each item corresponds to one or more bits of information.

我们将诸如PNG,JPEG等的栅格称为位图,这些位图在地图上绘制块或块。 位图本质上是一种表示,其中每个项目对应于一个或多个信息位。

Here’s a crude example of bitmap-depiction of the letter “A”:

这是字母“ A”的位图描述的粗略示例:

Bitmap-depiction of the letter “A” on a 5x7 grid.

As opposed to bitmaps, vectors like SVGs are made with coordinate points. If you’ve played Battleship as a kid, it’s the same concept. For example, “A2 B3” and so forth.

与位图相反,像SVG这样的矢量是由坐标点组成的。 如果您小时候玩过《战舰》,那是相同的概念。 例如,“ A2 B3”等等。

And, here’s an example of vector depiction over bitmap-depiction of the letter “A”:

并且,这是一个在字母“ A”的位图描述上进行矢量描绘的示例:

The vector-depiction of the letter “A” overlaying the bitmap-depiction of the letter “A” on a 5x7 grid.

DOM与SVG DOM (The DOM Versus the SVG DOM)

There are a couple of differences between the DOM and the SVG DOM.

DOM和SVG DOM之间有一些区别。

For the regular DOM that we’re used to seeing across the Web, we use background and border-color as follows:


For the traditional DOM, we use the background and border-color properties to style the circle shown in the image.

For SVG graphics, we tend to use fill and stroke as follows:


For the SVG DOM, we use the fill and stroke properties to style the circle shown in the image.

Sketch comes in handy when dealing with vectors since you can easily copy both the CSS attributes and the SVG code:


A GIF showcasing how to copy the CSS attributes of a vector in Sketch.
A GIF showcasing how to copy the SVG code of a vector in Sketch.

People usually shy away from SVGs because they want to avoid dealing with a complicated-looking DOM that visually makes no sense.


As we saw above, the shape produces the following SVG code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="450px" height="450px" viewBox="0 0 450 450" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 61.2 (89653) - -->
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-2" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="Artboard-Copy-4" transform="translate(-148.000000, -397.000000)" fill="#44D7B6" stroke="#0091FF" stroke-width="14">
<g id="Group" transform="translate(162.000000, 411.000000)">
<circle id="Oval" cx="211" cy="211" r="218"></circle>

Trust me. I too was intimidated at first, but I slowly learned that it’s not as scary as I might think.

相信我。 起初我也被吓到了,但我慢慢了解到它并不像我想的那样可怕。

Let’s attempt to analyze a piece of SVG code that highlights many of its useful properties. For example, this code

让我们尝试分析一段SVG代码,突出显示其许多有用的属性。 例如,这段代码

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 250">
<g stroke-width="2" fill="transparent">
<rect id="Rectangle" stroke="#2A0AB4" x="5" y="0" width="30" height="30"></rect>
<rect id="Rectangle" stroke="#9939E2" x="80" y="0" width="30" height="30" rx="10"></rect>
<circle id="Oval" stroke="#6DD400" cx="20" cy="65" r="20"></circle>
<ellipse id="Oval" stroke="#0AA916" cx="95" cy="65" rx="20" ry="5"></ellipse>
<polygon id="Path" stroke="#0091FF" points="20 100 25 115 40 115 30 125 35 140 20 130 5 140 10 125 0 115 15 115"></polygon>
<path d="M60,120.5 C73.3333333,103.833333 83.3333333,103.833333 90,120.5 C96.6666667,137.166667 110,137.166667 130,120.5" id="Path" stroke="#44D7B6"></path>

produces the following SVG:


Simple shapes like a square, circle, ellipse, star, a curved line, etc., produced using a few lines of code.

We see this <g> tag, which is similar to a <div>. It stands for “group” and its primary goal is to group objects. In the above example, I’ve used inline styling, but you can apply styles and classes by referencing your selectors in CSS.

我们看到了这个<g>标签,它类似于<div> 。 它代表“分组”,其主要目标是对对象进行分组。 在上面的示例中,我使用了内联样式,但是您可以通过在CSS中引用选择器来应用样式和类。

As you can see, anything I apply to a group will automatically apply to its children; this is similar to children inheriting attributes from their parents in HTML/CSS.

如您所见,我应用于群组的所有内容都会自动应用于其子级; 这类似于孩子在HTML / CSS中从父母那里继承属性。

The fascinating thing is that we were able to create all these graphics using a tiny amount of code, which is not even a byte in filesize!


A screenshot showing the size of the SVG we produced using code. The vector image is only 768 bytes.

For all of the shapes we’ve created, we’re simply finding the coordinates, most of which are X and Y coordinates, in the DOM. For example, if we look at this element,

对于我们创建的所有形状,我们只是在DOM中找到坐标,其中大多数是X和Y坐标。 例如,如果我们看一下这个元素,

<rect id="Rectangle" stroke="#2A0AB4" x="5" y="0" width="30" height="30"></rect>

the code is placing it within the coordinate system (0 pixels from the top and 5 pixels from the left).


The coordinate system for the SVG DOM. The upper-left corner of the canvas has the coordinates (0,0).

Taking the example of the circle,


<circle id="Oval" stroke="#6DD400" cx="20" cy="65" r="20"></circle>

cx and cy find the center point and the code plots a circle with a radius (indicated by r) of 20.


So far, we’ve looked at simple shapes, but SVG supports curved commands that allow you to do all sorts of things.


A complex Bézier curve along with its many control points.

The above shape is a complex Bézier curve along with its many control points.


贝塞尔曲线 (Bézier Curves)

Bézier curves are pretty cool. These curves are related to the Bernstein polynomial and named after Pierre Bézier. Pierre Bézier used this in the 60s to design curves for the bodywork of Renault cars.

贝塞尔曲线非常酷。 这些曲线与Bernstein多项式有关,并以PierreBézier命名。 皮埃尔·贝济耶(PierreBézier)在60年代就用它来设计雷诺汽车车身的曲线。

He found a way of succinctly describing curves mathematically. This had interesting implications since curves could be shared with others, programmed into machines to match those created by designers, and much more.

他找到了一种数学上简洁地描述曲线的方法。 这具有有趣的含义,因为曲线可以与其他人共享,可以编程到机器中以匹配设计者创建的曲线,等等。

Let me give you a high-level overview of Bézier curves.


I’ll illustrate the concept using the simplest Bézier curves, which are quadratic curves.


A quadratic Bézier curve, which has three control points. The true control point allows us to influence the curve.

Quadratic Bézier curves have three control points. The first point is where the curve begins, the second point is to control the curve itself, and the third point is where the curve ends.

二次贝塞尔曲线具有三个控制点。 第一点是曲线的起点,第二点是曲线本身的控制点,第三点是曲线的终点。

A Cubic-Bézier spline in Figma.

Vector-based graphics software today is based on Cubic-Bézier splines. These are curves that have two extra points called control handles, which are positioned away from the curve and control how much it bends.

如今,基于矢量的图形软件基于Cubic-Bézier样条曲线。 这些曲线具有两个额外的点,称为控制手柄,其远离曲线放置并控制其弯曲程度。

A GIF showcasing how to bend a Cubic-Bézier spline by dragging the control points off in space in Figma.

Think about these control points as a magnet that’s bending a wire towards it. As a result, to change the curve’s shape, you’d drag the control handle instead of directly dragging the curve.

可以将这些控制点看作是使电线弯曲的磁铁。 因此,要更改曲线的形状,请拖动控件手柄,而不是直接拖动曲线。 has a great demo that lets you click and drag control points to change the curve. Below is how a cubic Bézier changes when you drag its control points in different directions:

Demofox.org有一个很棒的演示 ,可让您单击并拖动控制点以更改曲线。 以下是三次贝塞尔曲线向不同方向拖动时的变化方式:’s interactive tutorial that lets us click and drag control points to change the cubic Bézier curve.

路径 (Paths)

A path is a chain of lines and curves that go from one endpoint to the other. When I think about SVGs, I think of drawing on a graph paper without lifting the pencil. Put the pen down, drag it around, and lift it up. Simple.

路径是从一个端点到另一端点的一系列直线和曲线。 当我想到SVG时,我想到的是在不抬笔的情况下在方格纸上绘图。 将笔放下,向四周拖动,然后将其提起。 简单。

With Figma, however, you can lift the pencil all you want thanks to its powerful vector network.

但是,借助Figma,得益于其强大的矢量网络 ,您可以随意抬起铅笔。

Anyway, I take a pencil and go from point (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y2). At (X2, Y2), I’ll get this Bézier handle, whose (X_B1, Y_B2) I can pull around to make a curve.

无论如何,我拿着铅笔从(X1, Y1)转到(X2, Y2) 。 在(X2, Y2) ,我将获得此Bézier手柄,可以将其拉动(X_B1, Y_B2)(X_B1, Y_B2)曲线。

A complex Bézier handle created in Figma, showcasing its six control points as XY coordinates.

That’s what you’re doing when you write a piece of SVG code. You’re telling the computer about a few coordinates and it draws a curve. You have to admit, that’s pretty cool!

这就是编写一段SVG代码时要做的事情。 您要告诉计算机一些坐标,它会绘制一条曲线。 您必须承认,这太酷了!

Many will often refer to vectors as paths since the computer draws them from one point to the other, creating a path as it traverses along. Consequently, there’s always a starting point and an endpoint; vectors have a direction to the path.

由于计算机将矢量从一个点绘制到另一点,从而在遍历时创建一条路径,因此许多人通常将它们称为路径。 因此,总会有一个起点和一个终点。 向量具有指向路径的方向。

This becomes evident in Sketch once you select the End type for your open shape or path:


Visually demonstrating how vectors always have a start and endpoint, and a direction to the path.

Below is the SVG code that Sketch was kind enough to generate for us:


<svg width="369px" height="206px" viewBox="0 0 369 206" ...>
<g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" ...>
<g ...>
<path d="M499.805287,140.897465 L504.102535,148.805287 L496.194713,153.102535 L494.284,149.587 L145.168909,339.304775 C146.02402,341.400254 145.183502,343.848123 143.148624,344.953911 C140.964939,346.140564 138.232741,345.332309 137.046089,343.148624 C135.859436,340.964939 136.667691,338.232741 138.851376,337.046089 C140.88645,335.940194 143.397921,336.566919 144.690825,338.424851 L493.807,148.709 L491.897465,145.194713 L499.805287,140.897465 Z M139.328848,337.924736 C137.630426,338.847687 137.001784,340.97273 137.924736,342.671152 C138.847687,344.369574 140.97273,344.998216 142.671152,344.075264 C144.369574,343.152313 144.998216,341.02727 144.075264,339.328848 C143.152313,337.630426 141.02727,337.001784 139.328848,337.924736 Z"></path>

If this is your first time dealing with SVGs, you might have noticed some extra jargon (in bold) within the <path> element such as the characters d, M, L, and Z, along with random numbers.


Each <path> element comprises a d attribute, which tells the renderer to move to a particular point. The M indicates a moveto, the Ls indicate linetos, and the Z indicates a closepath. These attributes instruct the renderer to start a line, draw a Bézier curve to another point, etc.

每个<path>元素都包含一个d属性,该属性告诉渲染器移动到特定点。 的M表示通过MoveTo,L表示小号了lineTo s,并且Z表示一closepath。 这些属性指示渲染器开始一条线,将Bézier曲线绘制到另一个点,等等。

Let’s consider a crude example to understand what’s going on. Say we have the following path:

让我们考虑一个粗略的例子,了解正在发生的事情。 说我们有以下路径:

<path d="M100,100 L300,100 L200,300 Z">

Going back to our analogy of drawing on a graph paper without lifting the pencil, here’s how a computer would understand the code:


  • Mark the virtual pencil at the coordinates (X = 100, Y = 100)

    中号平底船虚拟铅笔在坐标(X = 100,Y = 100)

  • Draw a Line to coordinates (X = 300, Y = 100)

    画A L INE至坐标(X = 300,Y = 100)

  • Draw a Line to coordinates (X = 200, Y = 300)

    画A L INE至坐标(X = 200,Y = 300)

  • Close or end (Z) the path by connecting back to the starting point

    通过回到起点来闭合或终止( Z )路径

Visually demonstrating how a computer will interpret the SVG code to draw a simple, inverted triangle.

Vectors are extremely basic under the hood. The computer attempts to emulate our motor skills when drawing shapes.

向量在引擎盖下是极其基本的。 计算机在绘制形状时会尝试模仿我们的运动技能。

It’s practically impossible to draw two shapes that don’t intersect without lifting the pencil. This may seem like a trivial fact but has some interesting effects, especially when you attempt to flatten shapes.

在不提起铅笔的情况下绘制两个不相交的形状几乎是不可能的。 这看似微不足道的事实,但有一些有趣的效果,尤其是当您尝试展平形状时。

If you try to flatten shapes that don’t intersect at least once, Sketch will throw an error because that’s going against how SVGs work in the first place:


An attempt to flatten two circles that don’t intersect. We get an error since Sketch can’t flatten the shape into one path.

If you combine the shapes below, however, Sketch will flatten them for you:


A combined shape (or union) of two vectors in Sketch. The combined shape resembles the outline of a snowman.
A combined shape (or union) of two vectors that we successfully flattened in Sketch.

And, here’s the resulting shape that’s flattened:


The resulting shape that’s flattened. Note that we were able to flatten the combined shape since it results in a single path.

This is similar to the sequence of instructions that a pen plotter might follow as well.


Photograph of a pen plotter by Matt Deslauriers. The image shows a pen plotter drawing interesting patterns with triangles.
Matt Deslauriers Matt Deslauriers摄影

但是,SVG将如何拯救我们? (But, how will SVGs save us?)

The Web is filled with raster graphics, especially PNGs. What surprises me is that the main culprits of PNGs seem to be icons and logos. Unless you’re utilizing raster images as a fallback for the ancient IE, I’d say that your time is up.

Web充满了光栅图形,尤其是PNG。 令我惊讶的是,PNG的罪魁祸首似乎是图标和徽标。 除非您将光栅图像用作旧版IE的备用,否则我会说您的时间已经过去。

Now that we understand how SVG works under the hood, let’s take a look at the reasons for using SVGs.


速度 (Speed)

They say “time is money.” To me, that translates to “speed is money.” You know…because physics taught us that speed is inversely proportional to time (yes, I’ve been told that I’m a huge nerd).

他们说“时间就是金钱”。 对我来说,这意味着“速度就是金钱”。 您知道……因为物理学告诉我们速度与时间成反比(是的,有人告诉我我是个大书呆子)。

PNGs usually have fairly large file sizes, especially when rendered on HDPI displays. One common use case for using PNGs is transparency (i.e. a transparent background so that the image and can take the effect of others behind it). Transparency in images result in ludicrous file sizes and a slower load time since browsers take longer to render/load large files.

PNG通常具有相当大的文件大小,尤其是在HDPI显示器上呈现时。 使用PNG的一种常见用例是透明性(即透明背景,以便图像可以在其后产生其他效果)。 图像的透明度会导致文件大小混乱,并且加载时间变慢,因为浏览器需要更长的时间来渲染/加载大文件。

SVG helps with frontend optimization by:


  • Reducing the payload of HTTP requests

  • Reducing the number of HTTP requests


Each time your browser wants to render an asset, it needs to make an HTTP request to the server. The more images you have on your webpage, the more HTTP requests it needs to make, slowing down the site.

每次您的浏览器要呈现资产时,它都需要向服务器发出HTTP请求。 网页上的图像越多,需要发出的HTTP请求就越多,这会使网站速度变慢。

SVGs are not only smaller in size but also more flexible in that we can embed SVG code inline to our HTML, eliminating any HTTP requests. As we saw earlier, SVG is code, which empowers us to insert it within the DOM.

SVG不仅尺寸更小,而且更加灵活,因为我们可以将SVG代码内联到HTML中,从而消除了任何HTTP请求。 如前所述,SVG是代码,它使我们能够将其插入DOM。

I, myself, made use of inline SVG for my personal website as a hero image:


The hero image for my personal website, which is an animated SVG. The image is a sphere that’s rippling in space.

And, you can also see that it doesn’t affect my site’s performance at all:


A snapshot of my website’s performance from Google’s Lighthouse. My website scored a 100 in all buckets.

Another issue with raster images is that for responsive design, we might end up using multiple images for different screen sizes.


With SVGs, however, there’s just one piece of code to rule them all.


<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="20" />

I know it’s hard to believe that the piece of code above is a graphical item, which is much less than even a byte! And, it’s directly in the HTML, which we will cover in Accessibility and SEO.

我知道很难相信上面的代码是图形项,甚至不到一个字节! 而且,它直接存在于HTML中,我们将在辅助功能和SEO中进行介绍。

辅助功能和SEO (Accessibility and SEO)

Another upside of SVGs is that search engines can index them! We can make SVGs accessible with just a couple of steps.

SVG的另一个优点是搜索引擎可以将它们编入索引! 我们只需几个步骤就可以访问SVG。

Say that you have the following SVG markup:


viewBox="0 0 752 126"
class="lines"><path class="el" d="M1.96265 123.989H25.4776V90.8846C28.8932 97.7158 36.3812 102.576 46.7593 102.576C62.9176 102.576 75.9231 90.7533 75.9231 67.107V66.056C75.9231 42.5411 62.9176 30.4552 46.8906 30.4552C36.5125 30.4552 29.4187 35.9726 25.4776 42.5411V32.2943H1.96265V123.989ZM38.4831 84.579C29.9441 84.579 24.8208 78.6674 24.8208 66.9756V65.9246C24.8208 54.3642 29.9441 48.1899 38.4831 48.1899C46.7593 48.1899 52.014 53.9701 52.014 66.056V67.107C52.014 78.4046 47.2848 84.579 38.4831 84.579Z" />...

Here’s how you can make this accessible for screen readers:


viewBox="0 0 752 126"
> <title id="super-cool-svg" lang="en">This is a super cool SVG!</title><g
class="lines"><path class="el" d="M1.96265 123.989H25.4776V90.8846C28.8932 97.7158 36.3812 102.576 46.7593 102.576C62.9176 102.576 75.9231 90.7533 75.9231 67.107V66.056C75.9231 42.5411 62.9176 30.4552 46.8906 30.4552C36.5125 30.4552 29.4187 35.9726 25.4776 42.5411V32.2943H1.96265V123.989ZM38.4831 84.579C29.9441 84.579 24.8208 78.6674 24.8208 66.9756V65.9246C24.8208 54.3642 29.9441 48.1899 38.4831 48.1899C46.7593 48.1899 52.014 53.9701 52.014 66.056V67.107C52.014 78.4046 47.2848 84.579 38.4831 84.579Z" />...

And, voilà! Do note that this is just the bare minimum that I’ve showcased. There’s a lot more to accessibility and SVGs. For example, you can also identify things by group (i.e. aria-labelledby={`group_id`}). This is useful in case you’re dealing with graphs, bar charts, etc. to have the screen reader read out each group.

而且,瞧! 请注意,这只是我所展示的最低要求。 可访问性和SVG还有很多。 例如,您还可以按组标识事物(即aria-labelledby={`group_id`} )。 如果您要处理图形,条形图等以使屏幕阅读器读出每个组,这将很有用。

Regardless of whether your SVG content is in a standalone file or embedded into your code, search engines will index them.


动画制作 (Animations)

We can easily apply transitions and animations to SVGs. Because SVG has a navigable DOM, the same concepts of the traditional web-based DOM apply to it. We can then attach things to different pieces of our SVG and animate it.

我们可以轻松地将过渡和动画应用于SVG。 由于SVG具有可导航的DOM,因此传统的基于Web的DOM的概念也适用于它。 然后,我们可以将事物附加到SVG的不同片段上并对其进行动画处理。

What’s really sweet is line animations, which make it seem like an SVG path is drawing itself. The legend, Jake Archibald pioneered the technique in 2013 and has written an interactive blog post on how to achieve the same. Codrops’s experiment is one of the best I’ve come across.

真正有趣的是线条动画,使它看起来像是SVG路径在绘制自身。 传奇人物杰克·阿奇博尔德(Jake Archibald)于2013年率先采用了该技术,并撰写了一篇有关如何实现该技术的互动博客Codrops的实验是我遇到的最好的实验之一。

Let me try explaining this concept in a way that makes the most sense to me. Here goes…

让我尝试以对我来说最有意义的方式来解释这个概念。 开始…

We have an SVG shape that has a stroke. What I didn’t mention before is that strokes can be dashed. We can achieve dashed strokes via a design tool like Sketch/Figma or pure CSS.

我们有一个带有笔触的SVG形状。 我之前没有提到的是笔触可以破折号。 我们可以通过设计工具(如Sketch / Figma或纯CSS)来实现虚线描边。

In my article, “11 advanced Sketch techniques you may not know about,” I illustrated how to create Apple Watch rings using this technique. You can use the Dash option under Borders in Sketch to achieve dashed strokes:

在我的文章“ 您可能不知道的11种高级Sketch技术 ”中,我说明了如何使用该技术创建Apple Watch戒指。 您可以在“草图”中的“ 边框 ”下使用“ 划线”选项来实现虚线笔划:

A GIF showcasing how to achieve dashed strokes in Sketch.

Alternatively, you can achieve the same feat in CSS with the following snippet:


----------index.html----------<svg ...>
<path class="path" stroke="#000000" ... >
</svg>----------index.css----------.path {
stroke-dasharray: 20;

This gives us dashes that are 20 pixels in length:


A path with dashed curves, each of which is 20 pixels in length.

We can also apply an offset to our stroke that changes the position of the dashes. Sketch doesn’t allow us to offset the stroke unless you use something like Keyshape or SVGator.

我们还可以对笔划应用偏移,以更改破折号的位置。 Sketch不允许我们偏移笔划,除非您使用KeyshapeSVGator之类的东西。

Here’s how to do this in CSS:


----------index.css----------.path {   
stroke-dasharray: 200;
animation: dash 0.8s linear;
}@keyframes dash {
to {
stroke-dashoffset: 2000;

If the value of your dash (or stroke-dasharray) is reasonably larger than the length of your path, it will cover the entire shape. It’s as if the entire shape weren’t dashed at all:

如果破折号(或stroke-dasharray )的值比路径的长度大,则它将覆盖整个形状。 好像整个形状都没有破折号:

Visually showcasing in Sketch how the dash covers the entire path if it’s larger than the path’s length.

What Jake discovered was that increasing both the stroke-dasharray and the stroke-dashoffset to their maximum, and then slowly decreasing the stroke-dashoffset, makes the line draw itself!

杰克发现的是,将stroke-dasharraystroke-dashoffset增加到最大,然后慢慢减小stroke-dashoffset ,使线条画起来了!

Visually showcasing the final result of the SVG drawing itself.

In CSS, you’ll want to set the animation-fill-mode attribute to forwards so that the animation retains its final state.


----------index.css----------.path {
stroke-dasharray: 2000;
stroke-dashoffset: 2000;
animation: dash 0.8s linear forwards;
}@keyframes dash {
to {
stroke-dashoffset: 0;

精度和分辨率 (Accuracy and Resolution)

Let me be clear: it’s not that raster images are bad; raster and vector are both good for different things.

让我清楚一点:并不是说光栅图像很差; 栅格和矢量对不同的事物都有好处。

Of course, vectors are undoubtedly better than raster graphics in terms of resolution since vectors offer an infinite resolution. If you’re using PNGs, you’re bound by pixels and that’s so 2001…

当然,在分辨率方面,矢量无疑比光栅图形好,因为矢量提供了无限的分辨率。 如果您使用的是PNG,则受像素限制,所以2001年…

A side-by-side comparison of raster and vector resolution at 1x and 4x.

Where SVGs really shine is when they’re used as logos, icons, and simple animations. The beauty of SVGs is that you can define a single asset without worrying about its size, color, resolution, or load time.

SVG真正闪耀的地方是用作徽标,图标和简单动画时。 SVG的优点在于,您可以定义单个资产而不必担心其大小,颜色,分辨率或加载时间。

As a result, SVGs are good for icons, logos, illustrations, charts, animations while rasters are good for photos:


A side-by-side comparison of raster and vector resolution at 1x and 4x along with the best possible use cases for each.

Now you know why websites charge a premium for exporting icons in vector format, along with some other useful things.


Inertia exists all around us. But, it’s important to remember that true innovation lies at the heart of embracing change for the better and taking a leap of faith. SVGs are here to stay, and they’ve already made a huge dent in the digital era.

惯性存在于我们周围。 但是,重要的是要记住,真正的创新是拥抱变革变得更好并信仰飞跃的核心。 SVG将继续存在,并且它们已经在数字时代产生了巨大影响。



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