

As changes in the world pick up speed, machine learning pioneers steer new technological innovations forward, making better computing and recognition possible. Inevitably — more and more jobs will be automated. If you’re a sci-fi fan, this new world begins to look less idyllic and more dystopian, where robots replace humans, overtake our jobs and ultimately reduce people to have fewer employment opportunities. This transition looks rough and uncertain.

随着世界变化的加快,机器学习的先驱者引领着新技术的创新,从而使更好的计算和识别成为可能。 不可避免-越来越多的工作将被自动化。 如果您是科幻爱好者,那么这个新世界将变得越来越不那么田园诗,而更加反乌托邦了,在那里机器人代替了人类,取代了我们的工作,并最终使人们失去了更少的就业机会。 这种过渡看起来很艰难且不确定。

Or perhaps that’s too pessimistic. Could new systems help us save time at work? Offer a hand when we get stuck? Give us the freedom for more passion projects and less grunt work? Create entirely new markets (and thus, new employment avenues)?

也许那太悲观了。 新系统能否帮助我们节省工作时间? 当我们陷入困境时伸出援手? 给我们更多的激情项目和更少的精力自由吗? 创建全新的市场(从而创造新的就业渠道)?

To be honest, the benefits don’t look good. I’m more prone to worry about employers taking the cost cutting machine-who-doesn’t-need-health-benefits option over hiring another person.

老实说,好处看起来并不好。 我更容易担心雇主会选择削减成本的机器(不需要健康福利选项)来雇用其他人。

As a designer, I’ve wondered whether my job will be taken by AI/ML, or some kind of multi-faceted design software that can generate a mind-boggling amount of iterations based on unknown but data-driven calculations, all while requiring no sleep. Those are the kinds of odd questions that keep me up at night (ex. when do I start onboarding and training my robot replacement?).

作为设计师,我想知道我的工作将由AI / ML还是某种多方面的设计软件完成,该软件可以基于未知但由数据驱动的计算来生成令人难以置信的迭代次数,而所有这些都需要不睡觉 这些奇怪的问题使我彻夜难眠(例如,我什么时候开始入职和培训更换机器人的工作?)。

The big questions are: What is the role of the design in the future? Will design be automated?

最大的问题是:未来设计的作用是什么? 设计会自动化吗?

Short answer? No-ish.

简短的答案? 无味

Design is fundamentally about translating human experience into craft through organization, problem solving and other formats, all while balancing an uncertain amount of trade-offs. Because a machine will never be fully “human”, good design cannot be executed to its highest degree by a machine.

设计从根本上讲就是要通过组织,问题解决和其他形式将人类经验转化为Craft.io,同时还要权衡不确定的取舍。 由于一台机器永远不会完全是“人类”,因此一台机器无法最大限度地执行良好的设计。

However, that doesn’t mean certain design tasks will remain opportunities in the future, which may end up reducing the need to hire a designer. Things like creating options for UI or layout, building assets and content, and personalization are already available, and perhaps it’s only a matter of time before they are used as a way to circumvent hiring any designer at all.

但是,这并不意味着某些设计任务将来仍会存在,这可能最终会减少雇用设计师的需求。 创建UI或布局选项,构建资产和内容以及个性化之类的东西已经可用 ,也许将它们用作规避雇用任何设计师的方式只是时间问题。

Large parts of the process could be improved with the aid of machines and emerging technology (an example being this custom website builder).

借助机器和新兴技术可以改善流程的大部分内容(例如,此自定义网站构建器 )。

However, one thing remains. I believe central to the role of the designer is to be human and share that meaning with users.

然而,一件事仍然存在。 我相信设计师角色的核心是要人性化,并与用户分享这种意义

任何系统都应该真正实现自动化吗? (Should any system truly be automated?)

To be human means to feel pain — a common design process approach is to seek out pain points. While it could be programmed to recognize certain things are pain points, the intricacies of experiencing suffering and frustration is unique to living beings.

成为人类意味着感到痛苦-一种常见的设计过程方法是找出痛苦点。 尽管可以通过编程来识别某些事物是痛点,但经历苦难和挫折的错综复杂是生物所独有的。

Even with human designers, we encounter all sorts of ways that our intended systems fail to meet to the needs of its users.


How can we allow more agency for automated systems when existing systems are already so error prone? Not only that, will we willfully omit the aspects of morality that go into determining whether a system is fair? Our morality stems from our social nature. The experience and interactions with other people in daily life is one that guides the underlying principles of difficult choices, during unfortunate circumstances or extraordinary cases.

在现有系统已经很容易出错的情况下,我们如何允许更多机构代理自动化系统? 不仅如此,我们是否会故意遗漏确定制度是否公平的道德方面? 我们的道德源于我们的社会本性。 在不幸的情况下或特殊情况下,日常生活中与他人的经验和互动是指导困难选择的基本原则的一种。

Humans have compassion to feel toward the vulnerable and natural outrage and shame over injustices.


How can a machine, that feels no such pain, empathy, frustration, or anything similar, address these same feelings in its users?


Image for post
Edi Libendinsky Edi Libendinsky

Adding to that, life for humankind is build upon a collective memory, with nuanced layers of culture, customs and values, formed over centuries.

除此之外,人类的生活建立在集体记忆的基础上 ,数百年来形成了细微的文化,习俗和价值观。

Another central role of design, is to add meaning and remove clutter. Meaning and purpose are values that inherently subjective. Again, I doubt a machine can reflect existentially and discover its meaning (though I don’t want to speak too soon, as this may be a project that someone, somewhere, is working on at this precise moment).

设计的另一个主要作用是增加含义并消除混乱。 意义和目的是内在主观的价值观。 再一次,我怀疑一台机器能否真实地反映出它的含义并发现它的含义(尽管我不想讲得太早,因为这可能是某个人正在某个特定时刻正在从事的项目)。

Lastly, if you believe one day a client can summarize their expectations succinctly for a machine…good luck. Good, consistent communication is key for a successful outcome (and lack of it has stressed out millions of designers past and present).

最后,如果您相信有一天,客户可以简要总结他们对一台机器的期望……祝您好运。 良好,一致的沟通是取得成功的关键(而缺乏沟通则使过去和现在的数百万设计师感到压力 )。

Francisco Franchi, a designer, author and journalist, put it best when he said:

设计师,作家兼新闻记者弗朗西斯科·弗朗西 ( Francisco Franchi)表示:

A design capability proceeds from a fusion of skills, knowledge, understanding, and imagination; consolidated by experience.

设计能力来自技能,知识,理解和想象力的融合; 通过经验巩固。

A good project is often the result of a compromise, equilibrium between points of view, a negotiation between the designer’s technical solutions and the client’s wishes.


It is by this dialectic between technical considerations and intentions that the project’s uniqueness is determined. If the intention changes, but not the planner, the project will no longer be the same.

正是基于技术考虑和意图之间的这种辩证关系 ,才确定了项目的独特性。 如果意图改变了,但计划者没有改变,那么项目将不再相同。

A person is constantly evolving, learning and growing. They have the ability to listen to a client, even beyond what is said, creating new opportunities where they didn’t exist before.

一个人不断发展,学习和成长。 他们有能力倾听客户的意见,甚至超出了他们所说的,在以前从未存在的地方创造了新的机会。

A machine can only rehash what is known (and possibly get updates). Fingers crossed we stay ahead of this next wave of change.

机器只能重新哈希已知的内容(并可能获取更新)。 我们十指交叉,在下一波变革中保持领先。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/q-a-will-design-become-automated-697755d60b7b


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