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There’s a demo tomorrow. You’ve just pulled an all-nighter. You’ve been working on these designs for weeks, and you’ve put a lot of effort into every decision that’s been made, to deliver an immensely smooth user experience.

明天有一个演示。 您刚刚睡了一个通宵。 您已经在这些设计上工作了几周,并且在做出的每个决定中都付出了很大的努力,以提供极其流畅的用户体验。

And yet, when you finally start to present your magnificent concept, you find your audience hung up on trivial things like button colours, alignments or microcopy. Congratulations, your presentation has been completely derailed.

但是,当您最终开始展示自己的宏伟概念时, 您会发现听众迷上了琐碎的事情,例如按钮颜色,对齐方式或缩影 。 恭喜,您的演示文稿已完全退出。

Perhaps in an ideal world, these things won’t matter. People will look at exactly what you want to show them. But right now, things are far from ideal — and as designers, we need to prepare for the worst.

也许在理想的世界中,这些事情都没有关系。 人们会准确地查看您想要显示给他们的东西。 但是现在,事情还远未达到理想状态-作为设计师,我们需要为最坏的情况做准备

So, here are a few points for UX designers to check off before presenting their designs to non-design stakeholders:


1.编织一个故事 (1. Weave a tale)

Engage with your audience, capture their attention. Gain their empathy through your users’ journeys — their motivations, pain points and goals. It shouldn’t just be a bunch of screens. Tell them a story.

与观众互动,吸引他们的注意力。 通过用户的旅程获得他们的同理心–他们的动机,痛点和目标。 它不应该只是一堆屏幕。 告诉他们一个故事。

2.连续抓鸭 (2. Get your ducks in a row)

Make sure your elements are perfectly aligned. Using a grid always help. Grids also come in handy when you need to move around elements or introduce new components into the design

确保您的元素完美对齐。 使用网格总是有帮助的。 当您需要在元素周围移动或在设计中引入新组件时,网格也很方便

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3. Lorem Ipsum是邪恶的 (3. Lorem Ipsum is evil)

I know how tempted you are to wrap things up with a bunch of “Lorem ipsum” pasted on the screen — trust me, don’t do it. Take the time to fill in meaningful copy — this leaves a good impression on your audience. It means you weren’t lazy, and you’ve thought through all possible use cases.

我知道您会多么想用一堆粘贴在屏幕上的“ Lorem ipsum”来包装东西-相信我,不要这样做。 花时间填写有意义的副本-这会给您的听众留下良好的印象。 这意味着您并不懒惰,并且已经考虑了所有可能的用例。

4.增加图像种类 (4. Add variety in imagery)

If you are creating cards, or using tiles, don’t use repeat imagery. Good images bring variety and richness to your design. Use tools like Unsplash Plugin, or create and import folders of content.

如果您要创建卡片或使用图块,请不要使用重复图像。 好的图像为您的设计带来多样性和丰富性。 使用Unsplash Plugin之类的工具,或者创建和导入内容文件夹。

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Adding relevant copy gives a realistic feel to the design

5.颜色和样式 (5. Colour and style)

If you’re working on a fresh project which doesn’t follow a style guide, try to make a rough one yourself, and stick to it during your presentation. Colour is deeply linked to emotion — dissonant colours distract your audience, leaving a bad taste. Tip: Find inspiration in nature for pleasing colour palettes.

如果您正在从事的新项目没有遵循样式指南,请尝试自己制作一个粗糙的项目,并在演示过程中坚持执行。 颜色与情感息息相关-不协调的颜色分散了您的听众的注意力,留下了不良的品味。 提示:在自然界中寻找灵感,以获得令人愉悦的调色板。

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6.预期问题 (6. Anticipate questions)

There will always be some questions which you can expect — so why not answer them ahead of time. Eg. If you have a button on the screen, your audience will want to know what happens when it’s clicked. Include these flows in your design and save time.

您总会遇到一些问题,所以为什么不提前回答。 例如。 如果屏幕上有一个按钮,那么您的观众将想知道单击它时会发生什么。 将这些流程包括在您的设计中,以节省时间。

7.每个人都喜欢微​​互动 (7. Everyone loves micro-interactions)

Don’t leave transitions and interactions to the imagination. Prototype, prototype, prototype! The move from one screen to the next should be as smooth as fine whiskey. Every small motion counts towards the best experience.

不要将过渡和互动留给想象力。 原型,原型,原型! 从一个屏幕到另一个屏幕的移动应该像威士忌一样平稳。 每一个小动作都会带给您最佳体验。

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结论 (Conclusion)

Aesthetically pleasing design creates a positive response in people’s brains, and leads them to believe the design actually works better.

美观的设计会在人们的大脑中产生积极的React, 并让他们相信该设计实际上会更好。

And going that extra mile will make you stand out from the crowd. So like it or not, the devil really is in the details. Happy presenting, and good luck!

再加倍努力会使您与众不同。 因此,不管喜欢与否,细节决定成败。 祝您演讲愉快,万事如意!

与合作 (In Collaboration with)

Mohana Das, who helped out with the content 😘

Mohana Das ,帮助了内容😘

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-present-ux-designs-flawlessly-5456acce6768






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