

My first personal computer was an Osborne 1. It came with not only a CP/M operating system, but copies of SuperCalc, WordStar and two versions of the BASIC programming language: both CBASIC and MBASIC.

我的第一台个人计算机是Osborne 1 。 它不仅带有CP / M操作系统,还带有SuperCalc,WordStar和两个BASIC编程语言版本的副本:CBASIC和MBASIC。

I even convinced my Dad to buy one of these things, and he happily used both SuperCalc and WordStar for years to put together spreadsheets and documents for his real estate business.


While these devices seem ancient and massively underwhelming by today’s standards, the acquisition of a computer such as this arguably represented the single greatest leap forward in the history of personal computing. It’s hard to picture today, but before this individuals had to put together spreadsheets by hand, and add up columns of numbers using a calculator, and produce letters and other documents using a typewriter.

尽管这些设备似乎已经过时,并且不符合当今的标准,但是购买这样的计算机无疑是个人计算史上最大的一次飞跃。 今天很难想象,但是在此之前,人们必须手工将电子表格放在一起,并使用计算器将数字累加起来,并使用打字机生成字母和其他文档。

The Osborne 1 was released in 1981. It would be nine years later before Steve Jobs would conclude that a computer is like a bicycle for the mind. And it would be midway through the 1990’s before Donald Norman would popularize the phrase “user experience,” leading to the idea of UX design, and the role of UX designer, and the eventual enshrinement of the notion that users need to have their experiences with computers designed for them by cadres of highly trained specialists.

Osborne 1于1981年发布。九年后, 史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)得出结论,计算机就像大脑一样 。 到了1990年代中期,Donald Norman才开始普及“用户体验”一词,从而导致UX设计的理念,UX设计者的角色,并最终体现了用户需要获得使用经验的观念。由训练有素的专家干部为他们设计的计算机

Looking back on all these events from our modern perspective, the overall arc may seem natural and even preordained, with each achievement along the personal computing timeline smoothly leading to the next.


The problem, though, is that we’ve had something valuable stolen from us along the way. And the whole modern notion of UX design is one of the thieves that has robbed us.

但是,问题在于,我们在此过程中盗取了一些有价值的东西。 UX设计的整个现代概念是抢劫我们的小偷之一。

Let’s go back to the core of what Steve Jobs was saying back in 1990.


1) Tool building is an intrinsic part of what makes us human, what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.


2) The computer is the greatest tool that humans have ever invented.


And implicit here, I think, is another statement:


3) Tools are used to build things, including other tools.


And yet, if we look around us today in 2019 and see what computers are being used for, how much of that activity could be considered building? I mean, it’s wonderful that Apple’s holiday ad captures an epic snowball fight filmed completely with an iPhone 11, but how many of the iPhones around you are being used for similarly creative tasks?

然而,如果我们看今天我们周围在2019年和查看正在使用,怎么说活动太多,可考虑建设什么样的电脑? 我的意思是, Apple的假日广告捕捉到一部完全用iPhone 11拍摄的史诗般的打雪仗真是太好了,但是您周围有多少部iPhone被用于类似的创意任务?

Back in 1990, Jobs pointed out that what a human needed to beat a condor in a race was a bicycle; today, the human might have a better chance if he gave the condor an iPhone and downloaded a few apps for him — the condor would never even make it off the couch.

早在1990年,乔布斯就指出,人类在比赛中击败神鹰所需要的是一辆自行车; 如今,如果人类为秃鹰提供iPhone并为他下载了一些应用程序,那么人类可能会有更好的机会-秃鹰甚至都不会把它从沙发上拿下来。

And so, if our modern computing devices are not being used for purposes fit for humanity at its height, then what went wrong?


Consider that, in the quotation from Jobs, there is no mention of a user. Instead he casts all humans as tool builders, and presents the personal computer as the ultimate tool.

考虑到乔布斯的报价中没有提到用户 。 取而代之的是,他将所有人都当作工具制造者 ,并将个人计算机作为最终工具。

Contrast this with the summary definition of User Experience found on the website for the Nielsen Norman Group:

将其与Nielsen Norman Group网站上的“用户体验”简要定义进行对比:

User Experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products.


Notice now that most humans are no longer tool builders, but are end-users. The use of the term end in this context is especially revealing, because it implies that a whole chain of building has preceded the delivery of a company’s products and services, but that the focus of UX design is on the user who sits at the very end of the line. In other words, whatever this recipient will be doing with these products and services, s/he certainly won’t be building anything new that will then be passed on to others.

现在注意,大多数人不再是工具构建者,而是最终用户 。 在这种情况下,术语“ 结束 ”的使用特别具有启发性,因为这意味着在公司产品和服务的交付之前,整个建筑链都已建立,但是UX设计的重点在于最终用户的线。 换句话说,不管接收者将如何使用这些产品和服务,他/他当然都不会构建任何新的东西,然后再将其传递给其他人。

Notice also that the focus is now on designing an “experience” for the end-user. How precious. It now seems that our users need not do anything useful with the computers they’ve been allowed to access; instead the focus is on providing them with a high-quality experience that has been precisely designed to go “far beyond giving customers what they say they want….” And so our poor computer-using humans, considered the “crown of creation” in Jobs’ words, have now been reduced to the point where they cannot even be trusted to reliably express what it is they want from their interactions with a computer. No, their experience must be designed for them by “the seamless merging of multiple disciplines, including engineering, marketing, graphical and industrial design, and interface design.” And oh what a joy that is bound to be.

还请注意,现在的重点是为最终用户设计“体验”。 真珍贵 现在看来,我们的用户不需要对允许访问的计算机做任何有用的事情; 相反,重点是为他们提供高质量的体验,而这些体验的设计恰恰是“远远超出了向客户提供他们想要的……”。 因此,用乔布斯的话来说,贫穷的计算机使用人员被认为是“创造的皇冠”,如今,他们甚至无法信任他们通过与计算机的交互来可靠地表达他们想要的东西。 不,他们的经验必须通过“将工程,市场营销,图形和工业设计以及界面设计等多个学科无缝融合来为他们设计。” 哦,这注定是一种喜悦。

Consider also that our modern definition of user experience is inextricably tied to the products and services offered by a company. So it is no longer humans building tools, and using those tools to build things for one another, but rather companies building things that they can sell to customers.

也考虑到我们现代的用户体验的定义是密不可分由公司提供的产品和服务。 因此,不再是人类构建工具,并使用这些工具为彼此构建事物,而是公司构建可以出售给客户的事物。

And then, finally, removing the last shred of humanity from our definition of UX design, those doing the creating are not even accorded the status of artists, who might be allowed to create objects of wonder and beauty (and also some ugly, unpopular flops along the way — for, after all, they are only human, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder), but instead are positioned as professionals: one can imagine them wearing white coats, working in their labs, with their UX degrees and certificates on their walls, seamlessly laboring together to produce high-quality user experiences according to the arcane and demanding precepts of their craft.


And then of course this whole conception of mysterious UX wizards working behind the curtain in service to their corporate masters to deliver experiences to customers who don’t even know what they want leads quite naturally to modern tech giants such as Facebook, Google and Amazon who are quite happy to provide their users with never-ending experiences of engagement, information-gathering, political expression, shopping and consuming, while never once giving them space to stop and question just who is building what for whom, and why? And what might they want to build, for themselves and their friends, if only they were given the tools?

然后,当然,神秘的UX向导的整个概念在为企业主服务的幕后工作,以向甚至不知道自己想要什么的客户提供体验,从而自然而然地吸引了诸如Facebook,Google和Amazon之类的现代科技巨头。我们很高兴为用户提供永无止境的互动,信息收集,政治表达,购物和消费体验,同时再也没有给他们提供停留的空间并质疑谁为谁而建,为什么? 如果只给了他们工具,他们会为自己和朋友建立什么?

And so, I think, we must begin to question the inevitability of the sort of progress we have suffered over the last years and decades; we must begin to reclaim our rights as active builders, rather than passive users; we must allow ourselves the open-ended, ill-defined joys and frustrations that come from tinkering with tools; and we must return to the very human feelings that come from using our tools to build things for ourselves and each other, according to whatever whims and fancies take us, and then being proud to claim them as our own.

因此,我认为,我们必须开始质疑过去几十年和几十年来所经历的那种进展的必然性; 我们必须开始收回我们作为主动建设者而不是被动用户的权利; 我们必须让自己因修补工具而产生无限的,不确定的喜悦和挫败感。 我们必须回归到人类所产生的感觉,即使用我们的工具根据对我们的任何异想和幻想,为自己和彼此构建​​事物,然后自豪地宣称它们是我们自己。

After all, life should be a series of discoveries and adventures, not a series of experiences that have been carefully curated for us.


And if computers are to be parts of our lives, and extensions of our humanity, then they too must live up to these expectations.


And so now, rather than finish with some tidy guidance that might provide you, my reader, with a carefully crafted media consumption experience, let me instead offer up, for your further adventures and exploration, some examples of the sorts of builders who have inspired me over the years.


  • The character played by actor Donald Meek in the Capra film You Can’t Take It With You, along with all the other basement tinkerers featured in this fine adaptation of the Kaufman and Hart play.

    考夫曼(Kaufman)和哈特(Hart)剧本的出色改编中,演员唐纳德·米克(Donald Meek)在卡普拉(Capra)电影《 你不能随身带走 》( You Ca n't Take It With You)中扮演的角色,以及所有其他地下修补匠。

  • My friend Richard Glatzer, with whom I watched dozens of films over our undergraduate careers at Michigan, and who went off to Hollywood to make his own movies.

    我的朋友理查德·格拉泽 ( Richard Glatzer )和我一起在密歇根大学看了几十部电影,他们一起去好莱坞拍了自己的电影。

  • Tom and Ray Magliozzi, affectionately known as “Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers,” who spent decades of their lives talking every Saturday to callers with questions about their cars, convincing all of us, not only that we could fix and modify our own vehicles, and that tool acquisition and use was a fundamental human trait, but also that something wonderful and new could be built each weekend using nothing more than a phone line, a few random callers, and the vagaries of the English language.

    汤姆和雷·马格里奥齐 ( Tom and Ray Magliozzi )亲切地称为“挺臂兄弟(Click and Clack),塔珀兄弟(Tappet Brothers)”,他们花了数十年的生命,每个星期六都与来电者讨论有关自己的汽车的问题,这使我们所有人都信服,不仅是我们可以修理和修改自己的汽车车辆,以及工具的购置和使用是人类的基本特征,而且每个周末都可以使用电话线,几个随机呼叫者和英语的多变来构建一些奇妙而新颖的东西。

  • The men and women of Boeing who, despite occasional missteps by their management, show up at work daily to build amazing flying machines that help to preserve the peace and to whisk us around the world in ways that were barely imaginable a short time ago.

  • Ron Avitzur and Greg Robbins, who created the original Graphing Calculator app for the Mac.

    Ron Avitzur和Greg Robbins ,他们为Mac创建了原始的Graphing Calculator应用程序。

  • Tim Berners-Lee, who cooked up the World Wide Web, creating HTML and the first web browser, thus paving the way for everyone and everything that followed.

    蒂姆·伯纳斯·李 ( Tim Berners-Lee )精心设计了万维网,创建了HTML和第一个网络浏览器,从而为所有人及其后的一切铺平了道路。

  • John Gruber, inventor of Markdown, a tool that allows anyone to learn a simple, straightforward syntax for writing in plain text, and then converts that text to the HTML that can be read by a Web browser.

    Markdown的发明者John Gruber ,该工具使任何人都可以学习简单明了的语法来编写纯文本,然后将其转换为Web浏览器可以读取HTML。

  • Brent Simmons, who is now busily working with a team of passionate volunteers to create a modern, open-source version of his classic Mac app, NetNewsWire — just for the love of it.

    布伦特·西蒙斯 ( Brent Simmons )现在正与一群热情的志愿者一起忙于创建其经典Mac应用程序NetNewsWire的现代,开源版本—正是出于对它的热爱。

底线 (The Bottom Line)

It’s time to start paying more attention to the ways our computers are using us, and to start rediscovering the ways in which we might truly want to use them. As Jackson Browne points out, we need to understand “the way the hammer shapes the hand.”

是时候开始更多地关注我们的计算机使用我们的方式,并开始重新发现我们可能真正想要使用它们的方式了。 正如杰克逊·布朗(Jackson Browne)指出的那样 ,我们需要了解“锤子塑造手的方式”。

May you all find tools that are worthy of you.








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