ai修复 超分辨率_AI如何为您的产品提供超能力

ai修复 超分辨率

“ Deep Learning is a superpower. With it you can make a computer see, synthesise novel art, translate languages, render a medical diagnosis, or build pieces of a car that can drive itself. If that isn’t a superpower, I don’t know what is. “

“深度学习是超级大国。 有了它,您就可以使计算机看到,合成新颖的艺术作品,翻译语言,进行医学诊断或制造可以自行驾驶的汽车。 如果那不是超级大国,我不知道这是什么。

- Andrew Ng, Founder of and Coursera

-deeplearning.ai和Coursera的创始人Andrew Ng

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a popular buzzword in recent years. Amid the media hype and high profile debate between Elon Musk and Jack Ma on whether we’re in for an AI utopia or apocalypse, there’s broad consensus that AI will have a profound impact on business and society in the not so distant future.

近年来,人工智能(AI)已成为流行的流行语。 在媒体大肆宣传以及埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)和马云(Jack Ma)之间关于我们是否将要成为人工智能乌托邦还是启示录的争论中,人们普遍认为,人工智能将在不远的将来对商业和社会产生深远的影响。

AI technology is poised to transform every industry, just as electricity did 100 years ago. By 2030, it’s expected to create an estimated $13 trillion of GDP growth. While it has already added tremendous value in leading tech companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook, experts say much of the additional waves of AI value creation will go beyond the software sector.

就像100年前的电力一样,人工智能技术有望改变每个行业。 到2030年,预计将创造13万亿美元的GDP增长。 尽管它已经为领先的科技公司(例如Google,亚马逊,微软和Facebook)增加了巨大的价值,但专家表示,人工智能创造价值的更多浪潮将超出软件领域

AI采用的麻烦 (The trouble with AI adoption)

According to Accenture, over 80% of the world’s largest companies know that they must scale AI in the next five years or risk going out of business. Yet most still struggle with large scale AI adoption. Many companies either don’t understand what AI can do for their business (often described as ‘a solution seeking a problem challenge’) or, when they do experiment with AI, can’t easily scale the technology beyond siloed pilot projects.

根据埃森哲的数据,全球80%以上的大公司都知道他们必须在未来五年内扩展AI或冒倒闭的风险。 然而,大多数人仍在为大规模采用AI奋斗。 许多公司要么不了解AI可以为他们的业务做些什么(通常被描述为“解决问题的解决方案”),要么当他们尝试AI时,就无法轻易将技术扩展到孤立的试点项目之外。

A recent O’Reilly global survey on the state of AI adoption in 2020 found that 85% of companies are shifting deployment from prototype to production and more than 50% of global organisations identify themselves as ‘mature’ AI adopters. However, almost 25% of respondents cite cultural problems, like lack of institutional/C-level support as the biggest obstacle to broader AI adoption, closely followed by lack of skill sets and talent shortages.

奥莱利(O'Reilly)最近对2020年采用AI状态进行的全球调查发现,有85%的公司正在将部署从原型转移到生产,并且超过50%的全球组织将自己视为“成熟的” AI采用者。 但是,将近25%的受访者提到文化问题,例如缺乏机构/ C级支持是广泛采用AI的最大障碍,紧随其后的是缺乏技能人才短缺

Meanwhile, companies that are already strategically scaling AI, report nearly three times the return from AI investments, compared to companies pursuing siloed proof of concepts.


人工智能的超级大国 (AI’s superpowers)

Plenty of well known companies are already innovating in unprecedented ways, leveraging AI’s “superpowers” to reach, engage, convert and retain customers through smart content curation, voice and image search, analytics, ad targeting, chatbots and hyper personalisation, optimise operations and improve their products and services:


  • Netflix — uses machine learning to improve streaming quality and power its content recommendation and personalisation engine.


  • LinkedIn — uses AI for its recruiter and jobs recommendations engine.


  • Novartis — utilises AI to accelerate drug discovery and healthcare delivery.


  • AT&T, Verizon, Comcast as well as just about every other large-scale telco use AI for enhanced customer service as well as network optimisation and predictive maintenance.


  • Sephora’s — launched an AI powered chatbot to let customers book makeup appointments, increasing bookings by 11%.

    丝芙兰(Sephora )推出了一款基于AI的聊天机器人,可让客户预订化妆预约,使预订量增加了11%。

  • Unilever — used AI-powered marketing tools to create Ben & Jerry’s new line of cereal flavoured ice cream.

    联合利华(Unilever) -使用基于AI的营销工具来创建Ben&Jerry的谷物味冰淇淋新系列。

  • Nike — uses AI to let customers to design their own shoes in-store and create custom sneakers in under two hours.

    耐克(Nike) -使用AI让客户在店内设计自己的鞋子并在两个小时内制作出定制运动鞋。

  • Alibaba — launched a “FashionAI” concept store using intelligent garment tags, smart mirrors and a virtual wardrobe feature in its app to help customers uncover product information, get fashion recommendations and build entire looks in-store or at home.

    阿里巴巴—在其应用中使用智能服装标签,智能镜子和虚拟衣橱功能开设了“ FashionAI”概念店,以帮助客户发现产品信息,获得时尚推荐并在店内或家中打造整体外观。

  • Chase Bank — embraced AI tools for its ads when trials showed machine-written copy outperformed humans.

    大通银行( Chase Bank) —当试验显示机器复制的表现优于人类时,其广告就采用了AI工具。

  • BMW — introduced an AI-enabled personal assistant into their cars.


Which begs the question — how do some companies successfully launch, scale and generate major ROI from AI? What are they doing differently?

哪个提出了问题-一些公司如何从AI成功启动,扩展和产生主要的ROI? 他们在做什么不同?

什么才是真正的AI公司 (What makes a true AI company)

Full disclosure: having been a technology lawyer for many years, and then an e-commerce entrepreneur, I’ve crossed paths with artificial intelligence and machine learning along the way. I’ve always found it fascinating but never had the opportunity to dive deeper. So I recently took “AI For Everyone“ — an online course on Coursera taught by AI guru, Dr. Andrew Ng, a world-renowned AI technology leader, founding lead of Google Brain and a prominent AI educator.

全面披露:我曾担任技术律师多年,然后是电子商务企业家,在此过程中,我走过了人工智能和机器学习的道路。 我一直觉得它很有趣,但从未有机会更深入。 因此,我最近参加了由AI专家,世界著名AI技术负责人,Google Brain的创始负责人,著名AI教育家Andrew Ng教授在Coursera上开设的在线课程“ AI For Everyone ”。

The course demystifies basic AI concepts for non-engineers, and skilfully explains a few complex ideas underlying machine learning. It also breaks down the practicalities of the AI product workflow and explains how to spot AI growth opportunities in your company.

本课程揭开了非工程师的基本AI概念的神秘面纱,并巧妙地解释了机器学习背后的一些复杂思想。 它还打破了AI产品工作流程的实用性,并说明了如何在公司中发现AI增长机会。

Andrew Ng makes a simple yet profound observation: that simply trying to bolt AI technologies onto a typical company, won’t make it a true “AI company”. Just as in the internet era, simply having a website doesn’t make a company a true “internet company” (so, for example, a shopping mall + a website doesn’t equal Amazon).

吴安德(Andrew Ng)提出了一个简单而深刻的观察:仅仅将AI技术连接到一家典型的公司,并不会使其成为真正的“ AI公司” 就像在互联网时代一样,仅仅拥有一个网站并不能使一家公司成为真正的“互联网公司”(例如,一个购物中心和一个网站并不等同于亚马逊)。

Today, it’s common knowledge that a true internet company optimises for things that the internet does really well, such as:


  • using A/B testing to trial new website features/pages;

    使用A / B测试来试用新的网站功能/页面;

  • having short iteration times so it can release products and test the market fast;


  • making data-driven strategic decisions based on advanced analytics to analyse and improve digital metrics such as customer conversion, satisfaction, engagement and retention; and

    根据高级分析制定数据驱动的战略决策,以分析和改善数字指标,例如客户转化,满意度,参与度和保留率; 和

  • using technology to deliver a better end-to-end customer experience.


Also, a true internet company organises itself with digitally focused roles (product managers, UX designers and software engineers), each with respective responsibilities and workflows that map back to digital goals and KPIs. Similarly, argues Ng, for your company to become great at AI, it’ll need to be organised to do the things that AI lets you do really well:

此外,一家真正的互联网公司以数字化角色(产品经理,UX设计人员和软件工程师)进行组织,每个角色都有各自的职责和工作流程,这些职责和工作流程可以映射回数字目标和KPI 。 Ng认为,同样,要使您的公司在AI方面变得出色,就需要组织它来做AI可以让您真正做好的事情:

  • Sufficient understanding of AI: There should be general understanding of AI, with appropriate processes in place to systematically identify and select valuable AI projects to work on. It’s important to have the right people with the right skills in place to be able to analyse what AI can or cannot do for your business and identify and execute the highest value projects.

    对AI足够的了解:应该对AI有基本的了解,并有适当的流程来系统地识别和选择有价值的AI项目进行工作。 重要的是要有合适的人选并配备适当的技能,以能够分析AI可以为您的业务做或不能做的事情,并识别和执行最高价值的项目。

  • Strategic direction: In true AI companies, the company’s strategy is broadly aligned to succeed in an AI-powered future. Ng recommends devising a thoughtful AI strategy after (not before) you’ve experienced working with AI: “Once teams start to see the success of the initial AI projects and form a deeper understanding of AI, you will be able to identify the places where AI can create the most value and focus resources on those areas.”

    战略方向:在真正的AI公司中,公司的战略大致与在AI驱动的未来中取得成功保持一致。 Ng建议您在接触过AI的经历(而不是之前)设计一个周到的AI策略:“一旦团队开始看到最初的AI项目的成功并加深了对AI的了解,您将能够确定哪些地方人工智能可以创造最大的价值,并将资源集中在这些领域。”

  • Allocate financial and human resources to systematically execute on multiple valuable AI projects: true AI companies have the outsourced and/or in-house technology and talent to systematically execute on multiple AI projects that deliver direct value to the business. AI projects involve intensive data collection, model training and iteration, deployment to test users and further iteration and maintenance to keep the model accurate and useful. While AI can give your product or service superpowers, it’s not a magic bullet and requires commitment, investment and plenty of trial and error to validate assumptions and get to the right solutions.

    分配财务和人力资源以系统地执行多个有价值的AI项目:真正的AI公司拥有外包和/或内部技术和人才,可以系统地执行为业务带来直接价值的多个AI项目。 AI项目涉及密集的数据收集,模型训练和迭代,部署以测试用户以及进一步的迭代和维护,以保持模型的准确性和实用性。 虽然AI可以赋予您产品或服务以超能力,但这并不是万能的,它需要投入,投入以及大量的反复试验来验证假设并获得正确的解决方案。

人工智能转型计划的5个关键要素 (5 key elements of an AI transformation plan)

“The important thing is to get the flywheel spinning so that your AI team can gain momentum.”Andrew Ng

“重要的是使飞轮旋转,以便您的AI团队获得动力。” 吴彦祖

Andrew Ng’s AI Transformation Playbook sets out a simple, practical roadmap for leading your company into the AI era. The key point is that AI technologies aren’t just for companies like Google, Netflix and Amazon. As with the internet, everyone can — and should — make use of AI’s superpowers, no matter what sector you’re in.

吴安德(Andrew Ng)的《人工智能转型手册》 ( AI Transformation Playbook)为引导您的公司进入AI时代提出了一个简单而实用的路线图。 关键是AI技术不仅适用于Google,Netflix和Amazon等公司。 与互联网一样,无论您身处哪个部门,每个人都可以并且应该利用人工智能的超能力。

The 5 key steps in a successful AI transformation plan according to Andrew Ng’s AI Transformation Playbook are:

根据吴安德( Andrew Ng)的《 AI转型手册》,成功完成AI转型计划的5个关键步骤是:

1. Execute pilot projects to gain momentum


  • Choose the right problem to solve — Your first few AI projects don’t have to be large or deliver huge business value — they should be meaningful enough to help your company gain familiarity with AI and convince others in the company to invest in further AI projects (but they should not be so small that others would consider it trivial).


  • Think about the biggest AI opportunity (i.e. not necessarily the biggest problem the business is facing) — consider current AI technologies (e.g. speech recognition, image recognition, natural language processing) and how they might be used to improve your product or service.

    想想最大的AI机会(即不一定是业务面临的最大的问题) -考虑当前的AI技术(如语音识别,图像识别,自然语言处理),以及他们如何可以用来提高你的产品或服务。

  • Aim for short term success — Build AI solutions that start showing traction within 6–12 months. Don’t aim for projects that will take years to show results as that would impede your momentum.

    争取短期成功的目标-构建AI解决方案,并在6到12个月内开始表现出吸引力。 不要针对可能需要数年才能显示结果的项目,因为这会阻碍您的发展动力。

  • Check feasibility — Get a trusted AI team to do due diligence on a project before kickoff to confirm feasibility (i.e. can AI technology do what you think it can do within your time frame and other constraints?).


  • Set measurable goals and clear metrics — have a clearly defined and measurable objective that creates business value (but, again, it doesn’t have to relate to the main revenue generating aspect of your company; it might be easier to tackle a less important feature/service first, gain confidence in the technology and move on to bigger goals).


2. Build an in-house AI team


  • Outsourcing to AI experts might help you get faster results for your pilot project BUT you should look to form a centralised, multidisciplinary AI team that can help the whole company accelerate its AI competitive advantage. This AI team could sit under the CTO, CIO, or CDO function or be led by a dedicated CAIO (Chief AI Officer).

    外包给AI专家可能会帮助您在试点项目中获得更快的结果,但是您应该组建一个集中的,多学科的AI团队,以帮助整个公司加速AI竞争优势。 该AI团队可以坐在CTO,CIO或CDO的职权下,或者由专门的CAIO(首席AI官员)领导。

  • The new AI team will execute an initial sequence of cross-functional projects to support different divisions/business units with AI projects and move on to deliver larger and more valuable AI projects down the line.


  • In conjunction with hiring for an AI team, you’ll want to develop company-wide platforms and standards (e.g. unified data warehousing and data governance frameworks) that are useful to multiple divisions/business units and essential for a successful AI strategy.


  • An effective AI team would include the following new roles: a Machine Learning Engineer, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, and AI Product Manager — those are different to digital teams from the pre-AI era.


3. Provide broad AI training & education


There are many misconceptions out there about what AI is — many fear mass job losses and don’t fully understand AI’s true potential to improve their ability to perform their jobs, and how it can positively impact the company’s success and bottom line. It’s vital to educate people across all lines of business (not just in the exec or tech teams) about the power, benefits and potential risks of AI.

关于AI是什么,存在许多误解–许多人担心大量失业,并且不完全了解AI能够提高其执行工作能力的真正潜力,以及它如何对公司的成功和底线产生积极影响。 对所有业务领域的人员(不仅仅是执行人员或技术团队中的人员)进行教育,以了解AI的功能,优势和潜在风险至关重要。

  • Online courses taught by AI experts such as on Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, Data Camp, A Cloud Guru, Amazon and others make it is accessible, easy and cost effective (especially in the current remote working era) to train up large numbers of employees in new skills such as AI, machine learning, data science and programming. This can also be combined with on-site expert training.

    由AI专家教授的在线课程,例如Coursera,Udacity,Udemy,Data Camp,A Cloud Guru,Amazon等,使它易于访问,轻松且具有成本效益(尤其是在当前的远程工作时代)来培训大量员工掌握AI,机器学习,数据科学和编程等新技能。 这也可以与现场专家培训相结合。

  • Executives and leaders should understand AI concepts, how to craft an AI strategy and what AI-skills their employees might need in the future.


  • Set up a wider “AI PR” initiative — how might you increase your non-technical staff’s general awareness of AI in order to drive a wider understanding and adoption of AI technology across the company.

    建立更广泛的“ AI PR ”计划-如何提高非技术人员AI的一般认识,以推动整个公司对AI技术的更广泛理解和采用。

4. Develop an AI strategy


  • Once teams start to see the success of the pilot AI projects and form a deeper understanding of AI, identify where AI can create the most value for the business and focus resources on those areas with the goal of using AI to build your competitive moat.


  • A good place to start is to leverage AI to create an advantage specific to your industry sector (rather than trying to compete with Amazon or Google) and to build several AI assets that would be tricky for your competitors to easily copy.


  • Align your strategy with the “virtuous circle of AI” — a positive-feedback loop which makes it harder for competitors to break into: a better product leads to more users which lead to more data which results in a better product and so on.


  • Establish a forward-looking data strategy, including acquiring data strategically (i.e. think about what data is valuable and how you can monetise it), set up unified data lakes/warehouses and identify what data is and isn’t valuable.


5. Develop internal and external communications


Communicating with the outside world and within your company about your AI strategy, AI product and AI vision is key — think about your messaging and positioning to investors, government relationships, the press, customers/users, partners and talent/recruitment.


AI will likely bring significant benefits to your customers, so make sure the appropriate marketing and product roadmap messages are disseminated.


- AI Transformation Playbook, How to Lead Your Company Into the AI Era by Andrew Ng

- AI转型剧本,如何带领你的公司发展成AI时代安德鲁·吴

战略扩展(Strategic scaling)

It’s clear that to achieve AI success at scale and speed, it’s key for companies to do 3 things well:


1. Intentionally drive AI strategy — successful AI companies have a clear AI strategic plan and instil the right capabilities and mindset within the organisation, regardless of the company’s size. This involves having a clear enterprise vision, accountability, metrics, and governance to break down silos.

1.有意推动AI战略-成功的AI公司制定了清晰的AI战略计划,并在组织内部注入了正确的能力和思维方式,而不论公司的规模如何。 这涉及到拥有清晰的企业愿景,责任制,指标和治理来打破孤岛。

2. Tune out “the noise” surrounding data — recognise the importance of business-critical data and identify financial, marketing and customer data as priority domains. The more adept you are at structuring and managing data, the more likely you’ll be to wield a larger, more accurate data set which, in turn, will lead to better AI product performance.

2.调整周围数据的“噪音” -认识到业务关键数据的重要性,并将财务,市场和客户数据确定为优先领域。 您在结构化和管理数据方面越熟练就越有可能使用更大,更准确的数据集,从而可以提高AI产品的性能。

3. Treat AI as a team sport — AI strategy should be championed by the CEO (not just the CIO or IT or data teams) who must make clear that AI is a priority for the organisation. This can be achieved by embedding multi-disciplinary “AI teams” throughout the organisation which have clear sponsorship from the top to ensure alignment with the C-suite vision. These teams are most often headed by the Chief AI, Data or Analytics Officer and comprised of data scientists; machine learning, data and AI engineers; AI product managers, data governance and other specialists. This enables faster cultural and behavioural changes to take place and signals your AI leadership goals both internally and externally.

3.将AI视为一项团队运动-AI战略应由首席执行官(不仅是CIO,IT或数据团队)拥护,他们必须清楚AI是组织的优先事项。 这可以通过在整个组织中嵌入多学科的“ AI团队”来实现,这些团队从高层得到明确的赞助,以确保与最高管理层的愿景保持一致。 这些团队通常由首席AI,数据或分析官领导,由数据科学家组成; 机器学习,数据和AI工程师; AI产品经理,数据治理和其他专家。 这样可以更快地进行文化和行为改变,并在内部和外部向您传达AI领导力目标。

One thing is certain — companies that wait to adopt AI may never catch up. The AI Transformation Playbook would be a good place to start.

可以肯定的是,等待采用AI的公司可能永远追赶不上。 AI转型手册将是一个不错的起点。

更多阅读 (More reading)

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