

Finding the best cloud solution for your business can seem challenging. There’s a lot of information out there, and countless options, it seems. What works best for your business today may differ significantly from what will work better tomorrow.

为您的业务寻找最佳的云解决方案似乎具有挑战性。 看来,这里有很多信息,还有无数种选择。 今天对您的业务最有效的方法可能与明天将更好的方法有很大的不同。

Needs change.


That’s why it’s a good idea to get a basic understanding of what the cloud is, what your options are, what will best fit your needs.


什么是云? (What is the cloud?)

At its most basic, the cloud is a remote server or set of servers that stores data that can be accessed via the Internet. It can include many services — some of the most popular being:

从根本上讲,云是一个远程服务器或一组服务器,用于存储可以通过Internet访问的数据。 它可以包括许多服务,其中一些最受欢迎:

  • Data storage

  • Systems and data backup

  • Software as a Service (i.e., cloud-based applications)

  • Data and software hosting.


Depending on your company’s needs and size, you may want to use all of these features, or just a few.


为什么要使用云? (Why use the cloud?)

92% of small businesses are using the cloud for one reason or another, and all signs point to even greater participation. The cloud has quickly become a fixture in the business world and will likely be so for a long time to come.

92%的小型企业出于某种原因而使用云 ,所有迹象都表明参与度更高。 云已经Swift成为商业世界中的固定装置,并且很可能在很长一段时间内也会如此。



For one thing, taking advantage of the cloud is a lot cheaper than housing and managing massive onsite servers that take up space and resources. It’s also easier for businesses to store, access, and share data. Companies can allow employees safe access to the information they need at a relatively low cost — anytime and anywhere, so long as they have a reliable Internet connection.

一方面,利用云计算要比容纳和管理占用空间和资源的大型现场服务器便宜得多。 企业也可以更轻松地存储,访问和共享数据。 公司可以允许员工以相对较低的成本安全地访问他们所需的信息,并且可以随时随地访问,只要他们具有可靠的Internet连接即可。

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Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash
Daria NepriakhinaUnsplash拍摄的照片

Benefits of adopting the cloud-based include:


即时可扩展 (Instantly scalable)

The cloud is not going to outgrow your company, not vice versa. Whether you are facing periods of rapid growth or experiencing a temporary downturn, the cloud’s scalable nature means always having exactly the right resources needed to keep business running smoothly.

云将不会超出公司的规模,反之亦然。 无论您是面对快速增长的时期还是经历暂时的低迷时期,云的可扩展性都意味着始终拥有保持业务平稳运行所需的正确资源。

When you subscribe to a cloud service, you’re only paying for the service level you need. You can scale up or down as desired and only pay for what you need.

订阅云服务时,您只需要支付所需的服务级别。 您可以根据需要扩大或缩小规模,并且只为需要的东西付费。

改善创新和沟通 (Improved innovation and communication)

The cloud also encourages innovation at a faster pace. Because information is simultaneously available to multiple departments, it can be disseminated quickly. The roadblocks one typically associates with interdepartmental communication and collaboration overall can now be managed more effectively.

云还鼓励更快地创新。 由于信息可同时提供给多个部门,因此可以快速传播。 通常与部门间沟通相关联的障碍,现在可以更有效地管理整个协作。

更有效地分析传入数据 (More efficient analysis of incoming data)

With accessibility to the cloud for storage and onsite apps, the cloud allows users to view and analyze collected data is it comes in. By examining incoming information regularly, businesses can obtain insight into your customer behavior and provide those same customers with a better overall experience.


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Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash
高清照片由 Science 拍摄Unsplash

云服务的类型 (Types of cloud services)

Cloud services come in a variety of forms, depending on your business’s specific needs. Many small businesses don’t need too many bells and whistles. They just need dedicated storage space and, perhaps, some online apps they can access anywhere.

云服务有多种形式,具体取决于您企业的特定需求。 许多小型企业不需要太多的麻烦。 他们只需要专用的存储空间,也许还可以访问一些在线应用程序。

As businesses grow in size, or as their needs evolve, there are available options for them.


公共云服务 (Public cloud services)

This is what most people think when they think of the cloud. The public cloud uses a shared infrastructure, which means anyone can access their data or cloud-based apps from any computer or device so long as they have a reliable Internet connection. Security is an aspect of the public cloud. Still, because it’s more often used by the general public as opposed to businesses with regulatory compliance or other high-risk cybersecurity concerns, it isn’t as vigorously protected as you might expect for private or hybrid clouds.

这就是大多数人在想到云时的想法。 公共云使用共享的基础结构,这意味着任何人只要拥有可靠的Internet连接,就可以从任何计算机或设备访问其数据或基于云的应用程序。 安全性是公共云的一个方面。 但是,由于它是普通大众而不是法规遵从性或其他高风险网络安全问题的企业,因此它的保护程度不如您期望的私有云或混合云强。

Just the same, it’s accessibility, relatively low cost, and scalability make it an excellent choice for many small businesses. While security might be more limited compared to other cloud options, there are simple, affordable steps small businesses can take, such as encryption and virtual firewalls, to add additional security levels for protecting sensitive data.

同样,它的可访问性,相对较低的成本和可伸缩性使其成为许多小型企业的绝佳选择。 尽管与其他云选项相比,安全性可能受到更大的限制,但是小型企业可以采取简单,价格合理的步骤,例如加密和虚拟防火墙,以添加附加的安全级别来保护敏感数据。

私有云服务 (Private cloud services)

If your business handles a large amount of customer data, you may wish to explore private cloud services. The structure is essentially the same as the public cloud, but there is greater control regarding who can access a private cloud account and from where.

如果您的企业处理大量客户数据,则您可能希望探索私有云服务。 其结构与公共云基本相同,但是对于谁可以从何处访问私有云帐户具有更大的控制权。

Private cloud services only provide access and information to those within a specified business or organization. That and security protocols are more restricted. The overall service is considered more stable, and private cloud service providers add redundancies to limit downtime.

私有云服务仅提供对指定企业或组织内的访问和信息。 安全协议和安全协议受到更多限制。 整体服务被认为更稳定,私有云服务提供商增加了冗余以限制停机时间。

In addition, where a public cloud service may experience slow-down during times of high use and demand to shared servers, a private cloud does not as the only people accessing your organization’s private cloud servers are your own people.


混合云服务 (Hybrid cloud services)

Some people find aspects of the public cloud and aspects of a private cloud both attractive. In that case, hybrid cloud services may be the best answer. Offering the ease of the public cloud, but leveraging the private cloud’s security features, hybrid cloud services provide the best of both services.

有些人发现公共云和私有云的各个方面都具有吸引力。 在这种情况下,混合云服务可能是最佳答案。 混合云服务提供公共云的便利性,但利用私有云的安全功能,可提供这两种服务中的最佳功能。

This allows an organization to stay nimble and adjust to changing needs as they occur. The hybrid cloud features the flexibility needed to adjust as conditions change. Businesses can grow easily without having to invest in expensive equipment or add-ons. Hybrid cloud services also allow users to move between whatever level of privacy is required based on the data’s sensitivity.

这使组织可以保持敏捷,并在发生变化时适应不断变化的需求。 混合云具有适应条件变化所需的灵活性。 企业可以轻松成长,而无需投资购买昂贵的设备或附加组件。 混合云服务还允许用户根据数据的敏感性在所需的任何隐私级别之间切换。

寻找最适合您的东西 (Finding what works best for you)

To determine which service works best for you, you need to decide what options will encourage your business to operate efficiently at a rate you can afford. That means auditing your needs and deciding what solution will work both today and tomorrow — but also realizing the cloud’s scalability allows you to adjust at any time.

为了确定哪种服务最适合您,您需要确定哪些选择可以鼓励您的企业以您可以负担的价格有效地运营。 这意味着审核您的需求并决定哪种解决方案现在和将来都可以使用-而且意识到云的可扩展性允许您随时进行调整。

Then shop around. Many of the more well-known cloud services, such as those owned by Amazon, IBM, Google, and Microsoft, also offer private and hybrid solutions. Or you may want to check any of the dozens of new cloud service providers, each offering unique features that could be of use to you.

然后货比三家。 许多更著名的云服务,例如亚马逊,IBM,谷歌和微软拥有的云服务,也提供私有和混合解决方案。 或者,您可能要检查数十个新的云服务提供商中的任何一家,每个提供商都可能会为您提供独特的功能。

Take advantage of cloud services to help sustain and grow your business no matter its size today or its size in years to come.


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感谢您的阅读。 我希望通过 每隔一个星期日发送给订阅者 的双周词综述 新闻稿 与您分享更多信息 它将包含新闻,生产力提示,生活技巧以及指向互联网上的热门故事的链接。 您可以随时取消订阅。

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/what-cloud-solutions-are-best-for-your-business-abf37e5419b4


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