

The world is entering a digital renaissance. This new age is characterized by new technologies that empower us to immerse ourselves deeply into digital life. The internet, smartphones, and other technologies are converging to create new methods of self-expression and ways of interacting digitally. As a result, the Information Age has started to come alive, forming a robust and globalized digital economy.

世界正在进入数字复兴。 这个新时代以新技术为特征,这些新技术使我们能够沉浸于数字生活中。 互联网,智能手机和其他技术正在融合,以创建新的自我表达方法和数字交互方式。 结果,信息时代开始活跃起来,形成了强大的全球化数字经济。

Here are 11 important and emerging principles of the digital economy and how they will impact your life.


1.内容为王,影响为力量 (1. Content Is King, Influence is Power)

It’s rare to interact online these days without interacting with a social media platform. These platforms are elaborate systems that leverage network effects to connect large groups of people. Ie: they grow in value as more people join the network. Understanding the power of network effects is an essential part of the global digital renaissance.

如今,很少有在线互动而无需与社交媒体平台互动的情况。 这些平台是精心设计的系统,可以利用网络效应来连接大批人员。 即:随着更多人加入网络,他们的价值不断增长。 了解网络效应的力量是全球数字复兴的重要组成部分。

Social platforms and their network effects are moving the digital universe towards a model of User-Generated Content(UGC). Users add content to the internet in hopes of attracting an audience, gaining influence, and monetizing the entire process. There is a lot of money and influence to be gained from content creation.

社交平台及其网络效应使数字世界朝着用户生成内容 (UGC)的模型发展。 用户向互联网添加内容,以期吸引观众,获得影响力并从整个过程中获利。 内容创建会带来很多金钱和影响。

A recent study indicated that top TikTok influencers make as much as $20,000 per video. In addition to money, content creation gives a person an ability to influence large groups of people. This can be used for many different things but in general, it’s associated with a changeover in power dynamics from traditional elites to a new set of digital elites.

最近的一项研究表明,顶尖的TikTok影响者每个视频可赚取20,000美元 。 除了金钱之外,内容创作还使一个人具有影响大批人的能力。 这可以用于许多不同的事物,但总的来说,它与动力动力学从传统精英到新的数字精英的转变相关。

But creating content isn’t restricted to social media on the modern internet.


We are also in a transition from the current form of internet to an immersive Metaverse. In this digital universe, the content will overwhelmingly be created from users crafting their fantasies and visions of the future powered by No-Code worldbuilding software. These immersive experiences are used as a form of escapism.

从当前的互联网形式到沉浸式的Metaverse,我们也在过渡。 在这个数字世界中,内容将由用户以No-Code worldbuilding软件为基础,精心制作自己的幻想和对未来的愿景而创建。 这些沉浸式体验被用作逃避现实的形式。

No-Code is becoming accessible to the masses and as a result, we can expect to see more individuals participating in content creation. As users cultivate content on the internet, they begin to create a reputation and generate influence.

No-Code变得越来越容易被大众使用,因此,我们可以期待看到更多的人参与内容创作。 随着用户在Internet上培养内容,他们开始建立声誉并产生影响。

In the Information Age, influence becomes the new form of capital.


Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.


-Bill Gates, 1996

- 比尔·盖茨(1996)

2.数字资产对每个人都将变得重要 (2. Digital Assets Will Become Important to Everyone)

Money such as shells, beads, coins, and paper currency, were created by humans to eliminate the need to barter their assets. In short, money was used as a representation of value in order to exchange one asset for another.

人们创造了诸如贝壳,珠子,硬币和纸币之类的货币, 以消除以物易物的需要 。 简而言之,金钱被用来表示价值,以便将一种资产交换为另一种资产。

In the digital economy, money is becoming synonymous with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Although Bitcoin may play an important role in the future of the digital economy, digital assets are much more than cryptocurrencies designed as money.

在数字经济中,金钱已成为比特币等加密货币的代名词。 尽管比特币可能在数字经济的未来中发挥重要作用,但数字资产远不只是设计为货币的加密货币。

Digital Assets include things like unique digital content, smart contracts, web domains, avatars, intellectual property, code, data, email addresses, photos, videos, art, and other digitally native possessions that can have an assigned value.


As more economic activity takes place online we can expect digital assets to take on increasing value and importance within the digital economy and the coming Metaverse.


The more assets created in the digital economy, the more people will seek to exchange these digital assets with one another. Secondary markets will be established to evaluate dissimilar assets and digital money will be adopted as units of exchange. A robust economy will form around digital assets.

在数字经济中创造的资产越多,就会有越来越多的人寻求彼此交换这些数字资产。 将建立二级市场以评估不同的资产,并将采用数字货币作为交换单位。 数字资产将形成强劲的经济。

3.累积优势,先行者优势 (3. Cumulative Advantage, The First Mover Advantage)

As a result of Normalcy Bias, most people will ignore the societal level changes that are already underway until they can’t avoid them anymore. The individuals that react first and build themselves digital-first businesses and accumulate digital assets will stand to capture a cumulative advantage.

由于Normalcy Bias的影响 ,大多数人将忽略已经在进行的社会等级变化,直到他们无法避免为止。 做出第一React并建立自己的数字第一业务并积累数字资产的个人将有资格获得累积优势。

What we know about cumulative advantage, sometimes referred to as the Matthew Effect, is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Ie: gaining an early advantage or disadvantage matters a lot in the long run. Early wins compound over time creating a massive advantage for the early adopters. We can expect this to be true of the digital economy as well.

我们对累积优势(有时也称为马修效应 )的了解是,富人越来越富,穷人越来越穷。 即:从长远来看,获得早期优势或劣势很重要。 随着时间的流逝,早期获胜者不断增加,为早期采用者创造了巨大的优势。 我们可以预期,数字经济也是如此。

If you assume that life is becoming more digital (not less) and that a disproportionate amount of our time and wealth will be spent “online”, then fortune favors the digital-first movers.


Early influencers, digital advocates, and businesses that are positioning themselves for the future stand to gain a runaway compound advantage over everyone else.


4.稀缺问题 (4. Scarcity Matters)

The internet and the forthcoming Metaverse are characterized by limitless size and scope. There are no bounds to what can be created. Within this limitless environment, scarcity will become an increasingly important attribute for high-value digital assets and skills.

互联网和即将到来的Metaverse具有无限的规模和范围。 没有什么可以创建的范围。 在这种无限的环境中,稀缺性将成为高价值数字资产和技能日益重要的属性。

Many recent virtual game economies act as guides for what to expect in the broader digital economy. In online gaming communities such as Fortnite, there are rare and highly sought after accessories that perform various functions. In addition to their utility, some provide value to players and communities as status symbols. The more rare the items are, the more highly valued they become, providing important market-making forces. These factors are true for all digital assets.

最近的许多虚拟游戏经济体都将指导人们在更广泛的数字经济中期待什么。 在诸如Fortnite之类的在线游戏社区中,稀有且备受追捧的可执行各种功能的配件。 除了它们的效用外,还有一些作为状态符号为玩家和社区提供价值。 这些物品越稀有,它们就变得越有价值 ,从而提供了重要的做市力量。 这些因素对于所有数字资产都是正确的。

Individuals and organizations that are capable of creating or acquiring scarce digital assets stand to benefit greatly from this market dynamic.


Anything scarce will ultimately be tokenized because the benefits of digitization and increased liquidity are so great. -Balaji Srinivasan

稀缺性最终将被标记化,因为数字化和增加流动性的好处是如此之大。 -巴拉吉·斯里尼瓦桑(Balaji Srinivasan)

5.通货膨胀使信息资产贬值 (5. Inflation Devalues Information Assets)

As more people create content to gain influence and cultivate digital assets we can expect inflation. In short, the more information and digital assets created, the less valuable they will become. It’s the opposite of scarcity.

随着越来越多的人创造内容来获得影响力并培养数字资产,我们可以预期通胀。 简而言之,创建的信息和数字资产越多,它们将变得越有价值。 与稀缺性相反。

Once again, we can look to online gaming for an idea of what to expect from inflation on the digital economy. In the popular game, World of Warcraft, the runaway costs of inflation of digital assets such as in-game currency and basic items alters the competitive dynamic of markets. This aids a minority group of elite and entrenched individuals at the cost of the majority. Ultimately, runaway inflation of assets harms the entire economic system.

再一次,我们可以借助在线游戏来了解数字经济的通胀预期。 在流行的魔兽世界游戏中, 数字资产(例如游戏中的货币和基本物品) 的通货膨胀失控成本改变了市场的竞争动力。 这以少数人的利益为少数群体的精英和根深蒂固的人提供了帮助。 最终,资产失控的通货膨胀会损害整个经济体系。

As society becomes more immersed in the digital economy, self-governed, and restrictive assets such as Bitcoin become essential. One of Bitcoin’s fundamental elements is that it was created with a maximum supply as a method for restricting inflation.

随着社会越来越融入数字经济,自治和限制性资产(如比特币)变得至关重要。 比特币的基本要素之一是,它被创建为具有最大供应量,以此来限制通货膨胀。

We can expect the digital economy to evolve to incorporate inflation restrictive governance mechanisms.


6.由于远程工作,您可以住在任何地方 (6. Because of Remote Work, You Can Live Anywhere)

What society has learned from COVID-19 is that companies are becoming more comfortable with their workers conducting business remotely. With most modern work, you can travel the world and conduct business from anywhere there is an internet connection.

社会从COVID-19中学到的是,公司对他们的员工进行远程业务变得越来越自在。 使用大多数现代作品,您可以环游世界并在任何有互联网连接的地方开展业务。

As a short term consequence, workers may find they are able to collect a salary in dollars while residing in a country where the dollar is highly valued. Profiting from the reduced costs of living. Because companies are allowing more remote work and it represents a new value proposition to workers, we can expect a significant worker migration.

短期的结果是,工人可能会发现他们居住在一个美元价值很高的国家时,可以以美元收取工资。 从降低的生活成本中获利。 因为公司允许进行更多的远程工作,并且这对工人来说是一个新的价值主张,所以我们可以预期会有大量的工人迁移。

7.劳动套利 (7. Labor Arbitrage)

The internet is also creating a great equalization of access to opportunities that improve quality of life. As of 2020, nearly half the world still does not have stable internet access. But as less developed areas of the world gain access, developing world citizens will enter the digital economy job market.

互联网也在创造机会平等的机会,从而改善生活质量。 截至2020年, 全球将近一半的地区仍无法稳定访问互联网 。 但是,随着世界上欠发达地区的进入,发展中世界的公民将进入数字经济就业市场。

We can expect these new workers to charge wages that undercut developed world laborers because of their reduced cost of living in their developing world jurisdictions.


Consequently, a great labor arbitrage will take place throughout the world.


Companies will become more globalized as they seek out information age labor at more affordable rates around the world. Developed world job markets will suffer as job salaries are reduced to the global market rates. At a high level, it creates a great equalization of labor throughout the world which is a boon to business.

随着公司在全球范围内以负担得起的价格寻找信息时代的劳动力,它们将变得更加全球化。 发达的世界就业市场将受到损害,因为工作薪金将降低至全球市场水平。 从高层次看,它在全世界创造了极大的劳动均等化,这对商业是一个福音。

8.公民开发人员的工作将变得普遍 (8. Citizen Developer Jobs Will Become Common)

A digital transformation is underway as more initiatives such as Starlink bring internet to the entire world. One major change is that we have shifted from a consumption-driven economy to a niche producer model with a new hunger for software-driven growth.

随着诸如Starlink之类的更多倡议将互联网推向整个世界,数字化转型正在进行中。 一个重大变化是,我们已经从消费驱动型经济转变为利基生产商模式,对软件驱动型增长产生了新的渴望。

My own theory is that we are in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies are poised to take over large swathes of the economy. — Marc Andreeson

我自己的理论是,我们正处在巨大的技术和经济变革的中间,软件公司已准备好接管大范围的经济。 —马克·安德森(Marc Andreeson)

Through these digital developments, it is now increasingly common for individuals to produce unique digital content, products, and services for sale to a global and connected digital economy.


User-Generated Content (UGC) is a primary driver of this modern commerce. Not only are individuals now creating content but non-technical enterprise workers are also empowered to create software to solve problems that scale globally. These enterprise-level content creators are referred to as Citizen Developers.

用户生成的内容(UGC)是这种现代商业的主要驱动力。 现在,不仅个人可以创建内容,而且非技术型企业员工也可以创建软件来解决在全球范围内扩展的问题。 这些企业级内容创建者称为Citizen Developers

9.无代码将推动新的软件复兴 (9. No-Code Will Fuel a New Software Renaissance)

The demand for SaaS products is growing larger than the supply of skilled programmers to design and build new software. As a result, there is a growing desire for software that is highly customizable known as No-code & Low-code.

对SaaS产品的需求正在增长,而超过了熟练的程序员来设计和构建新软件的需求。 结果,人们越来越需要一种高度可定制的软件,即无代码和低代码。

No-code is a software as a service designed for users with little to no coding expertise to customize their own digital products. Think of it as highly customizable boilerplate software for non-technical people. No-code platforms create flexible and easy to understand design spaces for different purposes.

No-code是一种软件即服务,专为几乎没有编码专业知识的用户定制其自己的数字产品而设计。 可以将其视为非技术人员的高度可定制的样板软件。 无代码平台可为不同目的创建灵活且易于理解的设计空间。

It’s a prefabricated set of drag and drop features that users can select in order to customize their products. At the core of the no-code movement is User-Generated Content (UGC). If we give people the tools to build what they want, then we can expect unprecedented growth in software serving the needs of the Information Age.

这是一组预制的拖放功能,用户可以选择这些功能来定制其产品。 无代码移动的核心是用户生成的内容(UGC)。 如果我们为人们提供构建所需内容的工具,那么可以预期,满足信息时代需求的软件将出现前所未有的增长。

As more of the global population gain internet access and conducts business online, no-code solutions will provide a means for creative and productive expression.


10.隐私,头像和偏爱伪造 (10. Privacy, Avatars, and Preference Falsification)

People can create and extract value in an exclusively digital world. As such, there will be a growing resistance to paying tax on income generated within digital settings.

人们可以在完全数字化的世界中创造和提取价值。 因此,对数字环境中产生的收入缴税的阻力将越来越大。

This paradigm shift will give rise to Digital Citizenship. Self-sufficient individuals that are capable of building a life for themselves anywhere on the planet who seek to freely express themselves in any way they desire. These individuals will increase in number as more opportunities to immerse in digital life become available.

这种范式的转变将引发数字公民身份。 能在地球上任何地方为自己建立生活的自给自足的人,他们试图以他们想要的任何方式自由地表达自己。 随着越来越多的人沉浸在数字生活中,这些人的数量将会增加。

As a direct consequence, the creation of privacy-oriented avatars will be important to maintaining residency within the restrictive tax environments. Avatars are unique digital identities that will shield a person's physical identity from retroactive taxation from local governments.

作为直接的结果,面向隐私的化身的创建对于在限制性税收环境中维持居住权至关重要。 化身是独特的数字身份,可以保护一个人的身体身份免遭地方政府的追溯税。

We can expect this separation of digital identity from the physical self to also create an increase in preference falsification. Ie: people may lie about their digital personas until mainstream adoption of the Metaverse is underway.

我们可以预期,数字身份与身体自我的这种分离也会导致偏好伪造的增加。 即:人们可能会对其数字角色撒谎,直到Metaverse的主流采用开始。

11.赋予数字业务权力的国家将从中获利 (11. Nations Empowering Digital Business will Profit)

As the value of the internet and coming Metaverse grows, some forward-thinking Nations will redesign their laws to attract Digital Citizens.


Tax and citizenship laws will be structured to attract digital-oriented professionals looking to capitalize on the early cost of living arbitrage opportunities. As a consequence, slower-moving and less forward-thinking nations will start to see a migration of their populations.

将制定税收和公民法,以吸引希望利用早期套利机会成本的数字化专业人士。 结果,行动缓慢和前瞻性较低的国家将开始看到其人口的迁移。

Restrictive policies such as border controls, taxation, and educational visa freezes will lead to digital workers seeking new nations to reside in and add value to.


The future will be a more immersive digital experience. Some people will benefit greatly while some feel disenfranchised by these changes. The 11 principles covered in this article are some of the fundamental attributes shaping a bright and interesting digital economy. The people that embrace these principles and the cultural changes they bring will benefit greatly. Those that are slow to adapt may find themselves struggling to keep pace. Regardless of where you may fall, the world is transitioning to an immersive digital renaissance.

未来将是更加身临其境的数字体验。 有些人将从中受益匪浅,而另一些人则感到被这些变化剥夺了权利。 本文涵盖的11条原则是塑造明亮而有趣的数字经济的一些基本属性。 遵循这些原则的人民及其带来的文化变革将大大受益。 那些适应迟缓的人可能会发现自己难以跟上步伐。 无论您身在何处,世界都在过渡到沉浸式数字复兴。

Sure, in this age of continuous updates and always-on technologies, hitting refresh may sound quaint, but still when it’s done right, when people and cultures re-create and refresh, a renaissance can be the result.― Satya Nadella, Hit Refresh

当然,在这个不断更新和始终在线的技术时代,实现刷新听起来可能很古朴,但是如果操作正确,当人们和文化重新创建和刷新时,就可以实现文艺复兴。- Satya Nadella, Hit Refresh

翻译自: https://medium.com/memos-of-the-future/11-emerging-principles-of-the-digital-economy-99fa241806f9


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