
Well… Here we are. Just a few years after Bill Gates started warning us about the impending crises facing the human race, and the globe is walloped by the Coronavirus. Thankfully, Bill doesn’t seem like the “I told you so” type and I’m sure he’d be happy to know that we’re about to engage in civil discourse about the issues. To that end, I’m interested in exploring the role that technology has played in the unfolding events of 2020. Specifically, a global pandemic accompanied by misinformation and fear; a revived civil rights movement that is long overdue; and a wave of technology propelled by cloud computing, big data, and the democratization of user experience. Furthermore, I pose a human-centered design approach to address these opportunities because it is true that conflict breeds creativity, but it is clear that our entrenched ways of problem-solving will not let that creativity flourish.

好吧...我们到了。 在比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)开始警告我们有关人类即将面临的危机之后的仅仅几年,地球就被冠状病毒所破坏。 值得庆幸的是,比尔似乎不像“我告诉过你”那样,我相信他很高兴知道我们即将就此问题进行民间讨论。 为此,我有兴趣探索技术在2020年不断发展的事件中所扮演的角色。特别是,伴随着错误信息和恐惧的全球大流行; 早就该复兴的民权运动; 云计算,大数据和用户体验的民主化推动了技术浪潮。 此外,我提出了以人为中心的设计方法来应对这些机会,因为冲突确实会孕育创造力,但是很显然,我们根深蒂固的解决问题的方法不会让创造力蓬勃发展。

Let’s be honest, the national response to coronavirus and general social unrest has been mixed at best and sickening at worst — I know, bad pun. Now, more than ever, it is important for us to reflect on the current state of the world and ask ourselves a question. Are we going to continue with the ways of the past, or are we going to lean into the future? Because I’ve got news for you… This is only the beginning.

老实说,全国对冠状病毒和一般性社会动荡的React好坏参半,最坏的情况令人恶心- 我知道,糟糕的双关语 。 现在,比以往任何时候都重要的是,反思世界的现状并问自己一个问题。 我们要继续过去的方式,还是要向未来倾斜? 因为我有消息要给您……这仅仅是开始。

I’ll discuss three emerging trends of 2020 and the foreseeable future:


1. The migration of in-person activities to remote engagement


2. The push to accelerate the adoption of emerging technologies


And most importantly…


3. The widening inequality gap driven by flawed systems design


远程参与 (Remote Engagement)

COVID-19 is a virus unlike anything that the 21st century has ever seen. It forced the evacuation of offices and schools and thrusted us into remote work and distance learning. It’s somewhat similar to the impact that e-commerce had on shopping malls and department stores, as technology disrupted the traditional shopping experience. The major difference being that this time, the driving force is a global pandemic, not the Internet Boom. Retailers needed to reimagine the role that in-person shopping played in the lives of their customers. Now, due to the coronavirus, companies will need to rethink the role that their offices play in their business operations. Similarly, educational institutions will need to take a long, hard look at the service they provide, the manner in which they do so, and the price that they charge as student & parent sentiment toward education continues to drift away from conventional methods. I suspect that in both cases — commercial real estate & education institutions — we will see an increase in hybrid business operations models and creative collaboration technology.

COVID-19是一种病毒,与21世纪从未见过的任何病毒一样。 它迫使办公室和学校撤离 ,迫使我们进行远程工作和远程学习。 这有点类似于电子商务对购物中心和百货商店的影响,因为技术破坏了传统的购物体验。 主要区别在于,这次的驱动力是全球大流行,而不是互联网繁荣。 零售商需要重新构想亲自购物在客户生活中扮演的角色。 现在,由于冠状病毒,公司将需要重新考虑其办公室在其业务运营中所扮演的角色。 同样,教育机构将需要认真,认真地研究其提供的服务,其提供方式以及作为学生和家长对教育的情感所收取的价格,将继续偏离传统方法。 我怀疑在这两种情况下-商业房地产和教育机构-我们都会看到混合业务运营模型和创造性协作技术的增长。

We know that remote work has its own spectrum of efficiency, as some professions are more conducive to it than others. A study conducted by researchers at the University of California-Irvine found that workers in the field of product design and user experience fall into four mutually exclusive clusters in terms of their response to remote work. The majority fall into two clusters that are defined as resilient and empathetic. They’ve quickly adapted to the new normal, are comfortable with remote work, and feel worse for their colleagues than themselves. The bottom two clusters identify as being unfulfilled by remote work and have taken a severe morale hit following the shift. There are significant differences between workers in the same field, now imagine the differences in experiences across the multitude of industries impacted. Hybrid operations could be structured to address the pain-points and accentuate the benefits that each cluster has with remote work. For instance…

我们知道,远程工作有其自己的效率范围,因为某些职业比其他职业更有利于工作。 加利福尼亚大学欧文分校的研究人员进行的一项研究发现,在产品设计和用户体验方面,工作人员对远程工作的React可分为四个相互排斥的集群。 大多数人分为两个集群,被定义为具有弹性 善解人意 。 他们Swift适应了新的常态,对远程工作感到满意,并且对同事的感觉比对他们还差。 最下面的两个集群被认为是远程工作无法满足的,并且在转移之后受到了严重的士气打击 。 同一领域的工人之间存在显着差异,现在想象一下在受影响的众多行业中经验的差异。 可以构造混合操作来解决痛点,并强调每个集群在远程工作中所具有的收益。 例如…

· Rotational assignment: all job functions have remote days and on-site days, but they rotate to limit unnecessary physical contact

· 轮换工作:所有工作职能都有远程工作日和现场工作日,但它们轮换以限制不必要的身体接触

· Role-specific assignment: certain job functions designated to work on-site or remotely based on role-criticality

· 特定于角色的分配:根据角色的关键性,指定某些工作职能可在现场或远程进行

Those are two quick ideas that could be fleshed out. Ideally, there’d be an element of randomization involved so that people can extend their networks to other areas of the company and build the weak ties on which creative organizations thrive.

这是两个可以充实的快速构想。 理想情况下,将涉及随机因素,以便人们可以将他们的网络扩展到公司的其他领域,并建立起创新组织赖以生存的薄弱联系。

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“weak ties are the bridges which allow us to disseminate and get access to information that we might not otherwise have access to.” — Mark Granovetter, sociologist
“弱纽带是使我们能够传播和获取我们原本无法获得的信息的桥梁。” —社会学家Mark Granovetter

We also know that distance learning is not a complete substitute for in-person learning, especially for young students with shorter attention spans. Aside from the technological issues in getting kids set up with their devices, there is the issue of engagement. Class sizes on average are large enough as is. Now remove the one thing that teachers had going for them — a single classroom to manage. Not only have they been tasked with creating stimulating curriculum, they now need to manage between 25–35 individual bedrooms and living rooms at a time. In short, teachers and parents need more support from schools and technology providers to create more stimulating educational environments for their children. Two big benefits of in-person learning are social skill development and the organic discussion between teachers and pupils. Video calls will suffice for the latter, but I believe tech providers should explore more immersive methods than the standard video call to accomplish the former. Video conferencing does not provide sufficient visual cues or environmental stimuli to prime students to engage with long-form content. It also does not facilitate natural social interaction and can leave quieter people feeling unheard due to the one-voice-at-a-time constraint. These are significant user experience opportunities that are ripe for innovation.

我们还知道,远程学习并不能完全替代面对面学习,特别是对于注意力较短的年轻学生。 除了让孩子们为他们的设备设置技术方面的问题外,还有参与性的问题。 平均而言,班级规模足够大。 现在,删除老师要为他们准备的一件事-由一个教室来管理。 他们不仅要负责制定令人振奋的课程,而且现在还需要一次管理25至35个单独的卧室和客厅。 简而言之,教师和家长需要学校和技术提供商的更多支持,以为其子女创造更刺激的教育环境。 面对面学习的两个主要好处是社交技能的发展以及师生之间的有机讨论。 视频通话足以满足后者的需求,但我相信技术提供商应该比标准视频通话探索更多沉浸式方法来完成前者。 视频会议无法提供足够的视觉提示或环境刺激,无法吸引学生学习长篇内容。 它也不利于自然的社交互动,并且由于一次一声的约束而使安静的人感到闻所未闻。 这些都是重要的用户体验机会,已经为创新做好了准备。

I’ll propose this progressive distance learning technology model:


· Mornings: VR-powered lecture series. Transports the traditional classroom experience wherever you are. Students can consume long-form content in an interactive and immersive way.

· 早晨:由 VR驱动的讲座系列。 无论您身在何处,都能获得传统的课堂体验。 学生可以以互动和身临其境的方式使用长篇内容。

· Mid-day: Video chat enabled office hours. Personalized feedback and mentorship sessions that capitalizes on the advantages of video tools while minimizing the negatives.

· 中午:启用视频聊天的办公时间。 个性化的反馈和指导会议,可利用视频工具的优势,同时最大程度地减少负面影响。

· Afternoon: RPG-style study hours. Provides a stimulating online arena for organized gathering to collaborate on projects and assignments.

· 下午:RPG风格的学习时间。 提供一个令人兴奋的在线竞技场,供组织聚会以就项目和任务进行协作。

Most will say that this sort of system is unnecessary because things will go back to normal at some point and it is cost-prohibitive. I certainly hope that the first point is true. To the second point, I’d argue that businesses should view it as an opportunity to invest in our future and policymakers need to incentivize that line of thought.

大多数人会说这种系统是不必要的,因为在某些时候情况会恢复正常,而且成本过高。 我当然希望第一点是正确的。 第二点,我认为企业应该将其视为投资于我们未来的机会,而政策制定者需要激励这种思路。

技术采用 (Technology Adoption)

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NBA fans in attend games virtually in partnership with Michelob Ultra (official beer sponsor) powered by Microsoft Teams NBA球迷实际上是与Microsoft Teams支持的Michelob Ultra(官方啤酒赞助商)合作参加比赛的

2020 has also accelerated the adoption of some existing technologies more than others. We’ve seen professional sports leagues and political conventions lean into live-streaming as they’re unable to host fans and supporters safely. We’ve seen real estate brokers and car dealers promoting virtual walkthroughs to avoid physical customer contact. We’ve observed retailers adopting augmented reality solutions to turn shoppers’ living rooms into showrooms. And we’ve seen fitness and mental health apps flood the market as wellness-on-demand gains more mainstream popularity. What do all of these tech offerings have in common? Yes, they offer social utility in the form of entertainment, commerce, and health services. But they also offer clear paths to monetization and shareholder value.

2020年还将比其他技术更快地采用某些现有技术。 我们已经看到职业体育联盟和政治会议倾向于直播,因为它们无法安全地接待粉丝和支持者。 我们已经看到房地产经纪人和汽车经销商推广虚拟演练,以避免与客户实际接触。 我们已经观察到零售商采用增强现实解决方案将购物者的客厅变成陈列室。 随着按需保健越来越流行,我们已经看到健身和心理保健应用程序充斥市场。 所有这些技术产品有什么共同点? 是的,他们以娱乐,商业和健康服务的形式提供社会效用。 但是,它们也为货币化和股东价值提供了清晰的途径。

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Software Asset Managers give some employees the perception that they are being watched 软件资产经理使一些员工有被监视的感觉

Speaking of shareholder value, large enterprises have had to adjust their policies and implement new technologies and procedures to maintain productivity and profitability. Software asset management tools are gaining popularity to help companies optimize their operational expenses by showing who is using certain software and who isn’t. It is a means to increase efficiency by making sure that the right people have the tools they need to do their jobs. However, some firms, like Barclays, are already seeing backlash from their employees who feel that their privacy has been breached. At best, these systems enable companies to achieve their key business outcomes more efficiently, thus increasing their ROI on their software licenses. At worst, they enable a dystopian Big Brother reality where employees do not feel safe to get up from their desks for fear of disciplinary action. Businesses will need to address these privacy concerns head-on by leaning into the user experience design principles of user choice and transparency. Otherwise, they run the risk of driving their workforces into the arms of other, more ethical employers.

说到股东价值,大型企业不得不调整其政策并实施新技术和程序以维持生产率和利润率。 软件资产管理工具正变得越来越流行,可以通过显示谁在使用某些软件以及哪些人没有使用软件来帮助公司优化运营支出。 通过确保合适的人拥有完成工作所需的工具,这是提高效率的一种手段。 但是,像巴克莱这样的公司已经开始受到员工的强烈反对,他们认为自己的隐私受到了侵犯。 这些系统充其量只能使公司更有效地实现关键业务成果,从而提高其软件许可证的投资回报率。 在最坏的情况下,它们使反乌托邦的“老大哥”现实成为现实,在这种现实中,员工由于担心受到纪律处分而无法安全起床。 企业将需要通过遵循用户选择和透明性的用户体验设计原则来正面解决这些隐私问题。 否则,他们冒着将其劳动力逼入其他更道德的雇主的怀抱的风险。

Now let’s turn our attention to a technology that should be gaining widespread popularity in these trying times but hasn’t been able to do so. Yes, I’m looking at you, contact tracing apps. By contrast with the aforementioned technologies gaining traction in the market, contact tracing apps offer significant societal value but lack a clear path to revenue. That is a tough business case for even the most altruistic executive to want to invest in. To make matters harder, contact tracing apps require network effects to provide any meaningful value to users. Some estimate that for them to stop a contagion, adoption would need to be at least 60%. There are two major hurdles to clear before that could happen: consumer privacy concerns and go-to-market strategy. Developers have the difficult task of balancing user privacy protection and tool effectiveness. While marketers need to focus their launches on small target audiences, capture broad adoption within these groups, drive engagement and usage, build a critical mass, and then scale outward. This is a much more hands-on approach than a mass market release or a federal nationwide mandate, both of which are like casting a wide net that is full of gaping holes. The best way to ensure that your platform ends up delivering the value you envisioned is to add value on day one and nurture relationships for the long-term. Existing technologies had a head start on contact tracing apps, but it is not too late for them to adjust strategy and right the ship.

现在,让我们将注意力转移到在这些艰难的时期应该获得广泛普及但尚未能够实现的技术。 是的,我在找你,联系跟踪应用程序 。 与前面提到的技术在市场上获得关注相比,联系人跟踪应用程序提供了巨大的社会价值,但缺乏明确的收入途径。 即使是最无私的高管也要投资,这是一个艰难的商业案例。更麻烦的是,联系人跟踪应用程序需要网络效应才能为用户提供任何有意义的价值。 有人估计,要使他们停止传染病,收养率至少需要达到60%。 在此之前要解决的主要障碍有两个:消费者隐私问题和上市策略。 开发人员很难平衡用户隐私保护和工具有效性。 尽管营销人员需要将发布的重点放在较小的目标受众上,但要在这些群体中获得广泛的采用,提高参与度和使用率,建立起一定的规模,然后向外扩展。 与大众市场发布或全国性的联邦授权相比,这是一种更为实际的方法,这两者都像铸造一个充满漏洞的宽网。 确保平台最终交付您所期望的价值的最佳方法是在第一天就增加价值,并建立长期的合作关系。 现有技术在联系追踪应用程序上起步较早,但是对于他们来说,调整策略和正确定位还为时不晚。

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At least 60% of the population would need to adopt contact tracing technology for it to be effective 至少有60%的人口需要采用接触者追踪技术才能有效

设计不平等 (Inequality by Design)

Some media pundits refer to inequality as “Class Warfare”. Some think it’s just plain made up. Some have even stated that they’d like to see more of it because they believe it is the driving force of an economy. Well, they’d be wrong, very wrong. In actuality, it is the middle class that drives the spending that fuels our economy. Disagree? Consumer spending makes up as much of 70% of the US economy and there are way more 99%ers than 1%ers, so you do the math. Don’t worry, you don’t have to, because the point is clear that the middle class is the beating heart of a healthy economy. But this article isn’t necessarily about what is happening in terms of the distribution of income and wealth — there is plenty of literature and research around that, and frankly I don’t have enough time to unpack that subject. The truth is that some inequality is inevitable based on how incentive structures are designed and how capitalism works. The question is really, how much can we tolerate as a society?

一些媒体专家称不平等为“阶级战争”。 有人认为这只是简单的组成。 有些人甚至表示,他们希望看到更多信息,因为他们认为这是经济的驱动力。 好吧,他们会错的,非常错的。 实际上,中产阶级推动了推动我们经济发展的支出。 不同意? 消费者支出占美国经济总量的70%,而且99%的消费者比1%的消费者更多,因此您可以算一下。 不用担心,您不必这样做,因为很明显,中产阶级是健康经济的跳动心脏。 但是,本文不一定涉及收入和财富分配方面正在发生的事情—关于这一点有很多文献和研究,坦率地说,我没有足够的时间来探讨这个问题。 事实是,基于激励机制的设计方式和资本主义的运作方式,某些不平等是不可避免的。 问题是, 作为一个社会,我们可以容忍多少?

In 1978, the typical male worker earned $48,000 while the 1% was making $390,000. As of 2010, the typical male worker made $15,000 less than they did before, while the 1% increased their take-home to $1,100,000. Today, the richest 400 Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined! Let that sink in while we ponder what this means in 2020 and “the new normal”. People with office jobs, who can do their jobs remotely, will likely continue to work from home for the foreseeable future. Those who cannot work remotely have either lost their job or will return to a drastically slimmed-down operation. Self-starters have realized that they need to up-skill in order to make themselves more employable. That takes discretionary income, which we already know has been evaporating from the middle class for the past several decades. Additionally, some underprivileged and rural communities still lack broadband connectivity. So, even if they had the funds to up-skill, they’d still lack the requisite technologies to work remotely. We have to collectively understand the rules of the game that we’ve inherited so that we can change it. A rising tide will lift all boats. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a yacht or a rowboat, we’ll all be better off.

1978年,典型的男性工人的收入为$ 48,000,而1%的收入为$ 390,000。 截至2010年,典型的男性工人的收入比以前减少了15,000美元,而1%的家庭收入却增加到了110万美元。 如今,最富有的400名美国人的财富超过了底层1.5亿美国人的总和! 让我们沉浸在思考这意味着2020年和“新常态”的时候。 可以在远程工作的有办公室工作的人可能会在可预见的将来继续在家工作。 那些无法远程工作的人要么丢了工作,要么将彻底App.svelte。 自我入门者已经意识到,他们需要掌握技能才能使自己更具就业能力。 这需要可自由支配的收入,我们已经知道,过去几十年来,这种收入一直在从中产阶级中消失。 此外,一些贫困和农村社区仍然缺乏宽带连接。 因此,即使他们有能力提高技能,他们仍然缺少远程工作所需的技术。 我们必须共同理解我们继承的游戏规则,以便我们可以对其进行更改。 涨潮将抬高所有船只。 无论您是乘坐游艇还是划艇,我们都会过得更好。

What does this mean from a technological standpoint?


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People from lower socioeconomic groups would benefit from more support to help them learn [technology] effectively and partake in the digital age 来自较低社会经济群体的人们将受益于更多的支持,以帮助他们有效地学习[技术]并参与数字时代

The truth is that technology is a key driver of economic growth due to the massive productivity gains it enables. At the same time, it is a driver of income inequality because of the skills-bias it fosters — meaning that skilled labor becomes disproportionately better off than unskilled labor because their tools have improved to enhance their productivity, rather than replace their entire employment. Ultimately, technology does not cause income disparity, but it certainly exacerbates the gap. Think about it, for the most part, we live in a globalized capitalist economy. Which means that those with capital invest their money where they expect to see the highest returns. Unfortunately, that rarely ever means investing into local communities that need economic stimulation. To top it off, what do you need in order to partake in a global economy? Connectivity to information, markets, credit, etc. Without which it is impossible to partake in any form of upward mobility.

事实是,由于技术带来了巨大的生产力提高,它是经济增长的关键驱动力。 同时,由于它促进了技能偏见,这也是收入不平等的驱动力,这意味着熟练工人比不熟练工人的状况要好得多,这是因为改进了他们的工具以提高生产率,而不是取代他们的整个就业。 最终,技术不会造成收入差距,但无疑会加剧差距。 想一想,在大多数情况下,我们生活在全球化的资本主义经济中。 这意味着那些有资本的人将钱投资在期望获得最高回报的地方。 不幸的是,这很少意味着要投资于需要经济刺激的地方社区。 最重要的是,您需要什么才能参与全球经济? 与信息,市场,信贷等的连通性。没有它们,就不可能参与任何形式的向上移动。

So, in my humble opinion, we cannot blame everyone who has prospered under these rules. They’ve simply been playing the game as it has been written. Where I take issue, is the lack of empathy, self-awareness, and general wokeness to the fact that social and economic wellbeing are not a zero-sum game. We need to realize that systemic injustice isn’t just about police brutality against black people. It is an entire structure that was designed to keep the “haves” at the top and push the “have nots” even further to the bottom.

因此,以我的拙见,我们不能责怪在这些规则下繁荣昌盛的每个人。 他们只是按照编写的方式玩游戏。 当我走的问题,就是缺乏同情,自我意识,和一般wokeness的一个事实,即社会和经济福利是不是一个零和游戏。 我们需要认识到,系统性的不公正不仅仅是警察对黑人的残酷对待。 它是一个整体结构,旨在将“拥有”保持在顶部,将“拥有”保持在最下方。

The transformation that I’m calling for will require a human-centered design approach to solving these man-made problems of inequity. I propose the following methodology for grassroots activists:

我要求的转型将需要以人为本的设计方法来解决这些人为的不平等问题。 我为基层活动家提出以下方法:

I. Frame the opportunity appropriately. This is a massive problem space, so it is of the utmost importance that the area you’re addressing is well-scoped. Just like in golf, most research mistakes are made before you’ve even swung the club.

I.适当安排机会。 这是一个巨大的问题空间,因此,最重要的是要解决的区域范围广。 就像高尔夫一样,大多数研究错误都是在您挥杆之前就犯了。

II. Research the problem space strategically. This is traditionally one of the hardest parts of design. There are so many tools in the toolbox, but which one should I use? In my experience, the best way to decide is to back-solve into it. Imagine, at a high-level, what is it that you want to learn about this subject. Once you’ve gotten that lay of the land, layer on some contingencies to make the subject more dynamic. Oftentimes I find my contingencies serve as guideposts so that I do not stray too far from the central point of the research.

二。 有策略地研究问题空间。 传统上,这是设计中最困难的部分之一。 工具箱中有很多工具,但是我应该使用哪一个? 根据我的经验,最好的决策方法是重新解决问题。 从更高的层次上想象一下,您想学习该主题是什么。 掌握了这方面的知识后,请对某些突发事件进行分层,以使主题更加生动。 通常,我发现自己的偶然性可以作为指导,因此我离研究的中心点不会偏离太多。

III. Synthesize your research analytically. The data you collect is tied to the type of research you conduct. In my experience, if the study was calibrated properly, there is almost always a logical framework that can be applied to make sense of seemingly disparate data. To quickly summarize, qualitative data must be cleaned (data hygiene), coded (data attribution), and clustered (data affinity). Whereas quantitative data must be cleaned (more hygiene), segmented (cut by demographic/psychographic parameters), and correlated (assess variable impacts).

三, 分析性地综合您的研究。 您收集的数据与您进行的研究类型有关。 以我的经验,如果对研究进行了正确的校准,则几乎总是可以使用一个逻辑框架来理解看似完全不同的数据。 为了快速总结,必须清除定性数据(数据卫生),编码(数据归因)和聚类(数据亲和力)。 定量数据必须清理(更卫生),分段(按人口统计/心理参数削减)并关联(评估可变影响)。

IV. Ideate concepts to effectively address pain-points you’ve uncovered. This can either be the most enjoyable or the most frustrating part of the HCD process, and I’ve found that it typically relates to the people you collaborate with and the platform you use. At this point, it can be helpful to return to your initial framing to reground yourself in the opportunity.

IV。 通过构思概念有效解决您发现的痛点。 这可能是HCD流程中最令人愉悦或最令人沮丧的部分,我发现它通常与您与之合作的人员以及所使用的平台有关。 在这一点上,返回到初始框架以使自己重新适应机会可能会有所帮助。

V. Build a prototypical concept to the minimum level of fidelity necessary to evaluate its efficacy. At this stage, it can be very tempting to invest a lot of time and energy in building something beautiful to get people excited about the idea. In some cases, like working for a large company where executive attention is sparse and development resources potentially even sparser, this may be necessary. For purposes of this discussion, this prototype will likely be more of an algorithmic set of rules and incentives, than a clickable set of screens or physical artifact.

V.建立一个原型概念,以评估其功效所需的最低保真度。 在这个阶段,可能会非常愿意花费大量时间和精力来构建漂亮的东西,以使人们对这个想法感到兴奋。 在某些情况下,例如在一家大型公司工作时,执行人员的注意力很少,而开发资源甚至可能稀疏,这可能是必要的。 为了便于讨论,该原型可能更多是一组算法规则和激励措施,而不是一组可单击的屏幕或物理伪像。

VI. Pilot the prototype objectively. To me, this is both the most exciting and frightening part of the process. It is where rubber meets road, and you begin to get real, unfiltered feedback on the concept. It is essentially the evolution of your research phase, so much so that some folks refer to it as concept validation. Think of the pilot phase as a barometer for how much work is left to be done. You may end up with stellar results that indicate you should move forward with development. Or, you could end up with abysmal results that indicates you should revisit your research analysis or perhaps reframe your project scope altogether. If you’ve followed this process to the best of your abilities, the most likely case is that you’ll land somewhere in the middle. Meaning that you’re on the right track but still have some kinks to iron out. That is a great place to be, because it provides proof of concept and highlights where there is opportunity to enhance the experience down the line.

VI。 客观地试制原型。 对我来说,这是该过程中最令人兴奋和最令人恐惧的部分。 这是橡胶与道路相遇的地方,您开始获得有关该概念的真实,未经过滤的反馈。 从本质上讲,这是您研究阶段的演变,以至于有些人将其称为概念验证。 可以将试点阶段视为剩余要做的工作的晴雨表。 您最终可能会获得出色的结果,表明您应该继续前进。 或者,您可能会得到令人沮丧的结果,表明您应该重新研究研究或完全重新设计项目范围。 如果您已尽力执行了此过程,则最有可能的情况是您将降落在中间位置。 这意味着您处在正确的轨道上,但仍有一些缺陷需要解决。 那是一个很棒的地方,因为它提供了概念验证并突出了哪里有机会增强线下体验。

I believe this up-and-coming generation of disruptive thinkers possess the courage to eschew the status quo and attack these problems with the gusto they need to be solved. I’ve proposed one design thinking methodology for objectively addressing modern challenges. There are others that may fit your needs or style better. The point is that I’ve taken it as my job, as a practitioner of economic theory and human-centered design, to identify inefficiency and rout it out with good design and technology. I call upon you, as an intellectual individual to ask hard questions and be a force for positive change, in whatever way makes sense for you.

我相信,这个新兴的颠覆性思想家们有勇气回避现状,并以无情的态度来解决这些问题。 我提出了一种设计思维方法论,以客观地解决现代挑战。 还有其他一些可能更适合您的需求或风格。 关键是我作为经济学理论和以人为本设计的从业人员,将其视为自己的工作,以找出效率低下的问题,并通过良好的设计和技术将其淘汰出去。 我呼吁您,作为一个知识分子,以任何您认为有意义的方式提出棘手的问题并成为积极变革的力量。

We have gone through a one-way door in our experience dealing with the Coronavirus and systemic inequality. We must seize this moment in time to ensure that it is a positive inflection point for society. I’ll leave you with a few parting thoughts based on the picture I’ve painted…

我们在处理冠状病毒和系统性不平等方面的经验走了一条单向门。 我们必须及时抓住这一时刻,确保它成为社会的积极拐点。 根据我所画的图片,我会给您一些分开的想法……

1. Organizations must continue to evaluate the role that their physical locations play in their operational model, e.g. offices, retail stores, and schools.


2. Tech providers must strive to find the optimal balance between user privacy and data analytics to protect personal security and improve user experiences.


3. Policymakers must recognize that redesigning the system does not mean that we’ve eroded our history, it means we’ve sewn the seeds for our future growth.


We must take it upon ourselves to be the catalysts for innovation!


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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-top-3-socio-technical-impacts-of-the-pandemic-era-dcdb86f4579





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