命令su 对不起_对不起,如果其他声明都不好

命令su 对不起

Recently, I came across a programming piece that put forth a rather controversial stance against the use of a basic if-else control flow.


I’m specifically going to respond to the article “Stop Using If-Else Statements,” which offered some misleading programming advice right from its (clickbait) title.

我将特别回应文章“ 停止使用If-Else语句 ”,该文章从其(clickbait)标题中提供了一些误导性编程建议。

Subsequently, I’ll walk you through a few common mistakes that developers make when using if-else statements and how to fix them.


那篇文章有什么问题? (What Was Wrong About That Article?)

  • The piece made sweeping claims by calling if-else statements evil. It went on to show awfully wrong use cases of the most basic programming control flow.

    该作品通过将if-else声明称为邪恶而大肆宣传。 它继续显示了最基本的编程控制流程的严重用例。

  • The complex if-else clauses the author wrote not only did way too much work but were also laughably wrong. Adding throw statements in every if condition and putting an unnecessary else block at the end made no sense.

    作者编写的复杂的if-else条款不仅做得太多,而且还可以笑得很错。 在每个if条件中添加throw语句,并在末尾放置不必要的else块是没有意义的。

  • To add to the misery, the bloated solution suggested creating a class for every single state condition (with confusing naming conventions), thereby adding unnecessary abstraction.

  • Introducing more than 200 lines of code for a mere ten lines of conditional logic defies the basic coding principle: Keep it simple and stupid.

  • Ultimately, the final solution of the article contradicted its own title. It simply delayed the use of if-else conditions by not placing it at the top level of the code. Despite being a good practice, this was not even mentioned in the whole story.

    最终,本文的最终解决方案与其标题冲突。 它只是通过将if-else条件置于代码的最顶层来延迟使用它。 尽管是一种很好的做法,但整个故事中甚至都没有提到。

The sad part is such misleading titles can build misconceptions in the heads of junior programmers. Yes, a rare few readers who praised the article were the ones who’d just started out programming or were about to.

可悲的是,这样的误导性标题可能会在初级程序员的脑海中产生误解。 是的,很少有人赞扬这篇文章的读者是刚开始编程或将要开始编程的人。

In summary, the article was like a code with obvious bugs. Instead of fixing the root cause of the problem, it put the blame on the whole if-else paradigm, showed a replacement that wasn’t like-for-like, and recommended using that for all programming solutions.

总而言之,本文就像是带有明显错误的代码。 它没有解决问题的根本原因,而是将责任归咎于整个if-else范式,展示了一个并非“按样”的替代品,并建议在所有编程解决方案中使用该替代品。

如何优雅地使用if-else语句? (How to Use if-else Statements Elegantly?)

I’d like to declare that if-else statements aren’t bad. It’s the way that you use (or misuse) them that could lead to messy code.

我想声明if-else语句还不错。 使用(或滥用)它们的方式可能会导致凌乱的代码。

There are no one-size-fits-all solutions in programming. Similarly, there aren’t any bad practices when using if-else or else-if conditions.

编程中没有万能的解决方案。 同样,使用if-elseelse-if条件时也没有任何不良做法。

Of course, using else statements should be done carefully, as it's difficult to predict the scope of it. If any condition besides the if clause goes into else, that might not be what you actually want.

当然,应谨慎使用else语句,因为很难预测其范围。 如果除了if子句之外还有其他条件进入else ,则可能不是您真正想要的。

If you force yourself to look for workarounds for the basic if-else flow, you’ll only get bogged down with unnecessary boilerplate code and abstraction.


Yet, there are some instances where I’ve seen and used if-else statements in the wrong fashion across different languages.


给变量赋值时避免if-else (Avoid if-else When Assigning Value to a Variable)

Once upon a time, I did write something like this in Java (though I’m using Swift in the examples below for the sake of brevity):


var num : Int!if someCondition{    
num = 10
num = 20

While it might not seem bad, you could easily end up inverting or tweaking the conditional logic to give a whole new meaning. The branching logic also brings a little code duplication, as we’re assigning the variable num in multiple blocks, which is not necessary.

尽管它看起来似乎还不错,但是您可以轻松地反转或调整条件逻辑以给出全新的含义。 分支逻辑还带来一些代码重复,因为我们在多个块中分配了变量num ,这是不必要的。

Thankfully, we can use the ternary operator, which is like an if-else statement in a single line:


num = isCondition ? 10 : 20

Alternatively, for some use cases, you could also set default values at variable declaration time to remove the use of else.


As a dynamically typed language, Python requires you to assign values during declaration. So, using the scenarios above is rather obvious there:

作为一种动态类型化的语言,Python要求您在声明期间分配值。 因此,在上面使用上述方案非常明显:

num = 10 if isCondition else 20

添加提早退出条件以避免其他情况 (Add Early Exit Conditions to Avoid else Part)

Often, the use of else in blocks with multiple ifs and else-ifs is to handle default scenarios and deal with errors.


We all must have written blocks like the following:


if someBoolean {
// ...
} else {
throw Exception("xxxx")

The else part is like a fail condition that we can easily put at the start of the control flow:


if !someBoolean{
throw MyException()

No wonder Swift provides us with a guard let statement to add an early fail condition in case anything is wrong. This is really handy with nested if conditionals.

难怪Swift会为我们提供一个guard let语句,以在发生任何错误时添加早期失败条件。 if有条件的if使用嵌套非常方便。

将长条件提取到函数中 (Extract Long Conditionals Into Functions)

When you’re dealing with if-else blocks, conditional statements that involve binary operators are needed at times. && and || operators are useful for addressing specific conditions and reducing the amount of nested if blocks.

在处理if-else块时,有时需要涉及二进制运算符的条件语句。 &&|| 运算符可用于解决特定条件并减少嵌套if块的数量。

But it can easily get out of hand and turn into a long, unreadable if condition.


Here’s a look at what happens:


if a > 0 && isEnabled && b > 10 

You can shorten the code above to your liking:


  • For one, if you’re using multiple booleans that aren’t mutually exclusive, replace them with enums.

  • You can extract the condition into a separate function, thereby making things more comprehensible.

func customCondition() -> Bool{
return a > 0 && isEnabled && b > 10

Now, simply pass on the function above in the if condition:


if customCondition()

结论 (Conclusion)

Remember, if-else statements aren’t bad and you cannot ever eliminate them from your codebase.

请记住, if-else语句还不错,并且您永远无法从代码库中删除它们。

But you can make your life easier by ensuring that there’s no code duplication and keeping the if-else blocks interrelated (not mutually independent conditions).


That’s it for this one. Thanks for reading.

这就是它了。 谢谢阅读。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/sorry-if-else-statements-arent-bad-at-all-472c9841eea

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