

Serverless architectures are becoming very popular nowadays and NodeJS runtime is an interesting option on AWS Lambda. However, an asynchronous runtime is not always a suitable solution. So, understanding promises in Javascript is essential to determine when to use NodeJS Lambda Functions on AWS.

如今,无服务器架构变得非常流行,NodeJS运行时是AWS Lambda上的一个有趣选项。 但是,异步运行时并不总是合适的解决方案。 因此,了解Java语言中的承诺对于确定何时在AWS上使用NodeJS Lambda函数至关重要。

In this article, we are going to wall through the characteristics of javascript in chronological order. As the title says, it won’t be long so bear with me!

在本文中,我们将按时间顺序介绍javascript的特性。 如标题所示,时间不长,请耐心等待!



首先,不可阻塞。 (First things first, non-blocking.)

It is a huge topic and can be considered a subject for another article. However is essential to keep in mind that NodeJS is a non-blocking language and uses a single Thread to run your operations.

这是一个巨大的主题,可以视为另一篇文章的主题。 但是,请记住,NodeJS是一种非阻塞语言,并且使用单个线程来运行您的操作,这一点至关重要。

What do you expect before running this snippet NodeJS code? Most people would expect something like this:

在运行此片段NodeJS代码之前,您期望什么? 大多数人会期望这样的事情:

1.Starting up
2.Two seconds!
3.Zero seconds!
4.Finishing up

But, remember that NodeJS is asynchronous by default so the result of this code is going to be this:


1.Starting up
4.Finishing up
3.Zero seconds!
2.Two seconds!

Please notice that everything happens at the same time, go ahead and execute this code in your terminal, start to play around. You will start to understand what happens under the hood or optionally you can stay tuned a new article about Single Thread in details is coming soon. 👍

请注意,所有事情都同时发生,继续并在您的终端中执行此代码,然后开始玩。 您将开始了解幕后发生的事情,或者可以选择继续关注有关单线程的新文章,有关详细信息即将发布。 👍

回调就像承诺的祖先一样 (Callbacks are like promises’ ancestors)

So, we had Callbacks before that are the foundation of NodeJS, using it you have the feeling that things are happening in sequence.


A callback is a function called at the completion of a given task, this prevents any blocking, and allows other code to be run in the meantime.


To illustrate callbacks let’s use the following example creating “doWorkCallback” function. This function simply waits 2 seconds and return either an error message or an array, so you can run in your terminal and alternate the return to see both results displayed in your display.

为了说明回调,我们使用以下示例创建“ doWorkCallback ”函数。 该函数只需等待2秒钟,然后返回错误消息或数组,因此您可以在终端中运行并交替返回以查看显示在显示屏上的两个结果。

If you are not familiar with this ES6 syntax, using arrow functions. I also created this snippet with a simpler code with the same functions:

如果您不熟悉此ES6语法,请使用箭头功能。 我还使用具有相同功能的简单代码创建了此代码段:

Here we can clearly see that the “synchronous” feeling is generated by the callback that is the functions passed to our myFunction as an argument.




让我们去看看诺言的正式定义 (Let’s go to the official definition of promise)

The Promise object represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation, and its resulting value.


When you have an asynchronous runtime by default, fetching operations will eventually require you to know the result of an operation to determine the next events in your application or script. It is one example where using promise is a suitable approach, so let’s move forward and investigate its origins.

默认情况下,当您具有异步运行时时,访存操作最终将需要您知道操作的结果,以确定应用程序或脚本中的下一个事件。 这是一个使用诺言是一种合适方法的示例,因此让我们继续研究它的起源。

This need for knowing the result of an asynchronous operation is not new and has appeared since the beginning. They are designed to manage asynchronous code, like callbacks enhancement.

从一开始就已经出现了这种了解异步操作结果的需求。 它们旨在管理异步代码,例如回调增强。

Here is an example:


Using the same example before, but now using promises we can see their 3 states that are pending, fulfilled and rejected. So, you can monitor and take actions in your application or script based on those states.

之前使用相同的示例,但是现在使用promise,我们可以看到它们的三个状态分别处于待处理,已实现和已拒绝。 因此,您可以根据这些状态监视应用程序或脚本中的行为并采取相应措施。

Don’t be shy, go ahead and run this code on your computer! :)

别害羞,继续在您的计算机上运行此代码! :)

I said it would not be long, so I am stopping here but we could extend this subject to callback hell, promise chaining and async-await topics. But the aim of this text is to explain promise in its pure form. It is essential to know the problem that these technologies solves and consider these aspects when choosing your AWS Lambda runtime.

我说不会太久,所以我在这里停止,但是我们可以将此主题扩展到回调地狱,承诺链接和异步等待主题。 但是本文的目的是要以纯形式解释诺言。 在选择AWS Lambda运行时时,必须了解这些技术可以解决的问题并考虑这些方面。

Stay tuned for more content!


At DNX Solutions, we work to bring a better cloud and application experience for digital-native startups in Australia.

DNX Solutions ,我们致力于为澳大利亚的数字原生创业公司带来更好的云和应用程序体验。

Our current focus areas are AWS, Well-Architected Solutions, Containers, ECS, Kubernetes, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery and Service Mesh and Data Solutions (movement, transformation, lakes, warehouses and analytics).


We are constantly hiring cloud engineers for our Sydney office, focusing on cloud-native concepts.


Check our open-source projects at https://github.com/DNXLabs and follow us on our Linkedin.

https://github.com/DNXLabs上 检查我们的开源项目, 并在 Linkedin 上关注我们

翻译自: https://medium.com/dnx-labs/lets-talk-about-nodejs-promises-i-promise-it-wont-be-long-dcd145b1b544


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Beginning Node.js is your step-by-step guide to learning all the aspects of creating maintainable Node.js applications. You will see how Node.js is focused on creating high-performing, highly-scalable websites, and how easy it is to get started. Many front-end devs regularly work with HTML, CSS, PHP, even WordPress, but haven't yet got started with Node.js. This book explains everything for you from a beginner level, enabling you to start using Node.js in your projects right away. Using this book you will learn important Node.js concepts for server-side programming. You will begin with an easy-to-follow pure JavaScript primer, which you can skip if you're confident of your JS skills. You'll then delve into Node.js concepts such as streams and events, and the technology involved in building full-stack Node.js applications. You'll also learn how to test your Node.js code, and deploy your Node.js applications on the internet. Node.js is a great and simple platform to work with. It is lightweight, easy to deploy and manage. You will see how using Node.js can be a fun and rewarding experience - start today with Beginning Node.js. What you’ll learn • Learn how JavaScript can help you be highly productive as a full-stack developer • How to set up an end to end Node.js development environment • Learn how to create reusable and maintainable Node.js modules • Patterns for sharing code between the server and the client • Create Node.js restful web services and websites • Store and retrieve your data using Document Databases • How to test your Node.js applications • How to deploy your applications on the internet Who this book is for Beginning Node.js is great for front-end developers looking to use Node.js in their websites. If you understand the basics of programming this book will teach you how you can leverage JavaScript to create full stack web-apps using Node.js. Node.js allows you to write code that runs both on the client and server. This allows you to reuse more code and deliver applications faster. From this book you will learn how to write maintainable server-side JavaScript using Node.js, how to test your code and deploy it on the internet. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Setting up for Node.js Development Chapter 2: Understanding Node.js Chapter 3: Core Node.js Chapter 4: Node.js Packages Chapter 5: Events and Streams Chapter 6: Getting Started with HTTP Chapter 7: Introducing Express Chapter 8: Persisting Data Chapter 9: Front-End Basics Chapter 10: Simplifying Callbacks Chapter 11: Debugging Chapter 12: Testing Chapter 13: Deployment and Scalability




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