


Installing R and RStudio on your personal computer is super easy. I hope this helps others who are starting their Data Science journey with R programming.

在您的个人计算机上安装R和RStudio非常容易。 我希望这对其他使用R编程开始数据科学之旅的人有所帮助。

R is a great programming language for data analysis and data visualization. Please follow these steps to install it.

R是用于数据分析和数据可视化的出色编程语言。 请按照以下步骤进行安装。

Step 1: Google The Comprehensive R Archive Network. This is called CRAN for short.

步骤1 :Google全面的R存档网络。 简称为CRAN。

Step 2: Once you arrive at the homepage, click one of the first three links. I use Windows so I selected the the third link — Download R for Windows. This will take you to a new screen. The process is similar for Mac.

步骤2 :到达首页后,请点击前三个链接之一。 我使用Windows,所以选择了第三个链接-Windows版R。 这将带您进入新屏幕。 对于Mac,此过程类似。

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Step 3: Next you will select the first link labeled base. This option only downloads the basic packages for R. You can always add additional packages later.

步骤3 :接下来,您将选择第一个标记为base的链接。 此选项仅下载R的基本软件包。您以后可以随时添加其他软件包。

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Step 4: After clicking base, you will click the top link to download the most recent version of R. I clicked Download R 4.0.2 for Windows. Please take note that I took the below screenshot in September 2020. You may have a different version depending on when you are following this article.

步骤4 :单击base之后,您将单击顶部链接以下载R的最新版本。我单击了Download R 4.0.2 for Windows。 请注意,我在2020年9月拍摄了以下屏幕截图。根据您何时关注本文,您可能会使用其他版本。

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Step 5: After clicking the download link, the installer file will download within your browser. Once complete, click on the file to start the installation process.

步骤5 :点击下载链接后,安装程序文件将在您的浏览器中下载。 完成后,单击文件以开始安装过程。

Step 6: I recommend maintaining all the defaults throughout the installation process. The only option I would change is adding a desktop shortcut if desired.

步骤6 :我建议在整个安装过程中保持所有默认设置。 我需要更改的唯一选项是根据需要添加桌面快捷方式。

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Nice! You should now have R successfully installed.

真好! 您现在应该已经成功安装了R。

We will now go over installing RStudio. RStudio is an IDE built with R programming in mind. You can use other IDEs for R, but I recommend RStudio.

现在,我们将结束安装RStudio的工作。 RStudio是一个考虑了R编程的IDE。 您可以将其他IDE用于R,但我建议使用RStudio。

Step 1: Google RStudio.

步骤1 :Google RStudio

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Step 2: Click the Download tab at the top right of the RStudio homepage.


Step 3: Scroll down until you see the below versions. RStudio has multiple options, but most people only need the RStudio Desktop version. Luckily this is free! Click the Free Download button for RStudio Desktop.

步骤3 :向下滚动,直到看到以下版本。 RStudio有多个选项,但是大多数人只需要RStudio桌面版本。 幸运的是,这是免费的! 单击RStudio桌面的“免费下载”按钮。

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Step 4: You will then be taken to a new page where you must select an operating system. RStudio will give a recommendation on this page. However, you should make sure you are selecting the correct one. If you are like me and use Windows 10, select the Windows 10/8/7 RStudio-1.3.1073.exe option.

步骤4 :然后将带您进入一个新页面,您必须在其中选择一个操作系统。 RStudio将在此页面上给出建议。 但是,您应确保选择正确的一个。 如果您像我一样使用Windows 10,请选择Windows 10/8/7 RStudio-1.3.1073.exe选项。

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Step 5: After clicking the download link, the installer file will download within your browser. Once complete, click on the file to start the installation process.

步骤5 :点击下载链接后,安装程序文件将在您的浏览器中下载。 完成后,单击文件以开始安装过程。

Step 6: I recommend maintaining all the defaults throughout the installation process.

步骤6 :我建议在整个安装过程中保持所有默认设置。

Step 7: Search your applications for RStudio to open it.

步骤7 :在您的应用程序中搜索RStudio以将其打开。

Double nice! You should now have RStudio successfully installed.

双好! 现在,您应该已经成功安装了RStudio。

I hope this little tutorial helped. I plan to produce additional R and other related articles soon. My journey with R started by enrolling in the online course offered by Harvard University. This course can be completed for free through edx.org. You can find the link for the Professional Certificate in Data Science here. This course was really fun and it was the reason I was inspired to write about R.

我希望这个小教程对您有所帮助。 我计划尽快制作其他R和其他相关文章。 我的R之旅始于参加哈佛大学提供的在线课程。 您可以通过edx.org免费完成本课程。 您可以在此处找到数据科学专业证书的链接。 这门课程真的很有趣,这就是我受启发写R的原因。



翻译自: https://medium.com/@bcooked/how-to-install-r-and-rstudio-in-2020-230225027857


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