iphone 手机尺寸_iPhone是新的黑莓手机

iphone 手机尺寸

Writer and philosopher George Santayana once said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. This quote has been reworked in popular culture to the very famous saying “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. This has been a statement assigned to many world leaders to avoid repeating the sins of their predecessors. However, I feel that it can also be applied in everyday life and also in business. A knowledge of what worked and did not work in the past is crucial to success in the present and the future.

作家兼哲学家乔治·桑塔亚娜(George Santayana)曾经说过:“那些不记得过去的人会被谴责以重蹈覆辙”。 这句话在流行文化中已被改写为非常著名的谚语:“那些不向历史学习的人注定要重蹈覆辙”。 这是分配给许多世界领导人的声明,以避免重复其前任的罪行。 但是,我认为它也可以应用于日常生活和商业中。 了解过去有效和无效的知识对于现在和将来的成功至关重要。

I was reminded of this a few weeks ago when a report came out that another company was taking a stab at revitalizing the BlackBerry brand. Like many tech enthusiasts, I have very fond memories of BlackBerry in its golden age but also vividly remember how a string of arrogance and bad decisions from their leadership began to lead to their downfall. As I survey the current smartphone landscape I can’t help but see parallels between BlackBerry and Apple. This brought up a question to me, is the iPhone the next BlackBerry? And more importantly, has Apple learned enough from BlackBerry’s mistakes to avoid the same fate?

几周前,有报道称另一家公司正在振兴黑莓品牌,这让我想起了这一点。 像许多技术爱好者一样,我对BlackBerry的黄金时代充满了美好的回忆,但也生动地记得BlackBerry领导层的一连串傲慢和错误决定是如何导致其垮台的。 当我调查当前的智能手机市场时,我不禁看到黑莓和苹果之间的相似之处。 这给我提出了一个问题,iPhone是下一代的BlackBerry吗? 更重要的是,苹果是否已从黑莓的失误中学到了足够多的知识来避免同样的命运?

北美冠军 (Champions of North America)

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Scarlet Ellis via Unsplash Scarlet Ellis通过Unsplash

The smartphone space is one that is dominated by East Asia, especially recently. Almost all of the manufacturing of components and assembly of the modern smartphone occurs in China or the surrounding regions. In recent years, Chinese companies like Oppo, Vivo, Huawei, and Xiaomi have come to prominence. Samsung and LG are two Korean giants that dominate market share across the globe as well. So for consumers in Europe, the United States, and Canada there is a certain appeal that comes with supporting a homegrown brand.

智能手机领域是东亚(尤其是最近)主导的领域。 现代智能手机的几乎所有部件制造和组装都发生在中国或周边地区。 近年来,像Oppo,Vivo,华为和小米这样的中国公司开始崭露头角。 三星和LG是两家韩国巨人,它们也主导着全球市场份额。 因此,对于欧洲,美国和加拿大的消费者来说,支持本土品牌具有一定的吸引力。

For years, Motorola was beloved for this. Despite having its phones manufactured in China the company in the US was renowned for its midwestern Chicago roots and was championed as an American phone brand. Nokia saw similar success in the early days of cell phones as the champion of Europe along with Ericsson. And in the early days of the smartphone, BlackBerry became the champion of Canada.

多年来,摩托罗拉一直为此而深爱。 尽管其手机在中国制造,但在美国的该公司仍以其在芝加哥中西部的根源而闻名,并被誉为美国手机品牌。 诺基亚在早期的手机领域也取得了与爱立信一样的欧洲冠军,获得了类似的成功。 在智能手机的早期,黑莓成为了加拿大的冠军。

Based in Waterloo, Canada, BlackBerry became the default phone choice for many Canadians in the late 2000s. In fact, in 2009 BlackBerry accounted for over 50% of the Canadian smartphone market share. There was a certain level of national pride for Canadians that BlackBerry was their company that was taking on the Asian giants of the age. BlackBerry became a symbol of some level of national pride

BlackBerry总部位于加拿大滑铁卢,在2000年代后期成为许多加拿大人的默认电话选择。 实际上,2009年,黑莓就占据了加拿大智能手机市场50%以上的份额。 对于黑莓来说,加拿大人在某种程度上具有民族自豪感,而黑莓就是他们的公司,正与那个时代的亚洲巨人抗衡。 黑莓成为某种程度上民族自豪感的象征

Similarly, Apple has become this same symbol of American technological innovation. An American company with its operating system taking on the many foreign companies that use Android. There is a perceived quality from buying Apple when in reality other companies make equally impressive devices. There seems to be a certain refinement aspect to Apple that other companies do not seem to have, which by itself feels more like an American idea. Where other companies will attempt and feature radical new ideas and mechanisms, Apple is content with using a formula that works. A device design philosophy that speaks to many Americans that are less interested in the way new things will be accomplished as opposed to simply getting them done.

同样,苹果已经成为美国技术创新的同一象征。 一家美国公司,其操作系统取代了许多使用Android的外国公司。 实际上,其他公司生产的设备同样令人印象深刻时,购买Apple的质量就很高。 苹果似乎在某些方面有所改进,而其他公司似乎没有,这本身就更像是美国的想法。 在其他公司尝试并采用激进的新思想和新机制的地方,苹果公司对使用有效的公式感到满意。 一种设备设计理念,与许多对新事物的实现方式不感兴趣的美国人说话,而不是简单地将它们完成。

There is a practicality to both Apple and BlackBerry. An air that these companies design products for the end-user as opposed to making something innovative for the sake of being innovative. This is an approach that many American and Canadian consumers appreciate as it is just enough innovation to be current but not so much that they become beta testers for the latest and greatest ideas coming from the tech world.

苹果和黑莓都有实用性。 这些公司为最终用户设计产品的氛围,而不是为了创新而进行创新。 这是许多美国和加拿大消费者所欣赏的一种方法,因为这仅仅是足够的创新,而不是那么多,以至于他们成为来自技术界的最新,最伟大想法的Beta测试人员。

消息统治 (Messaging Domination)

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Jason Leung via Unsplash Jason Leung通过Unsplash

The smartphone era defined a shift in the way that we as human beings communicate with one another. Where the phone call was replaced by the text message and eventually the instant message. The two services that pioneered this shift were BlackBerry Messenger and iMessage. Each platform’s dominance created an exclusivity to using a BlackBerry or an iPhone. An almost cult-like following that drove users to BlackBerry OS and iOS respectfully.

智能手机时代定义了我们人类之间交流的方式的转变。 短信和最终即时消息取代了电话。 引领这一转变的两项服务是BlackBerry Messenger和iMessage。 每个平台的主导地位都使它成为使用BlackBerry或iPhone的独家代理。 几乎像邪教一样的追随者将用户吸引到了BlackBerry OS和iOS。

At the height of BlackBerry as a consumer product, there were two main draws of the product: device security and a proprietary messaging client. BlackBerry Messenger was the killer app of the late 2000s. There was an exclusivity to being a BlackBerry user because of BBM. Everyone had their profile code and people were sending one another these profile codes as a sort of exclusive club of superior messaging.

在BlackBerry作为消费产品的鼎盛时期,该产品有两个主要吸引力:设备安全性和专有消息客户端。 BlackBerry Messenger是2000年代后期的杀手级应用程序。 由于拥有BBM,成为BlackBerry用户具有排他性。 每个人都有他们的个人资料代码,人们互相发送这些个人资料代码,作为一种高级消息传递的独家俱乐部。

BBM made BlackBerry an icon. Celebrities were seen using their Bolds and Curves on the strength of BBM communication. As the company has faded and Apple has become the dominant smartphone player in North America, BBM has become iMessage but the dynamic is still the same as it ever was.

BBM使BlackBerry成为图标。 借助名人的粗体和曲线,可以看到名人在BBM交流方面的实力。 随着公司的衰落以及苹果已成为北美地区智能手机的主要参与者,BBM成为了iMessage,但其动态仍然与以往一样。

iMessage is the killer app of the iPhone. Some may say it is FaceTime or even AirDrop, but the reality is that when people use the iPhone they become addicted to iMessage. So much so that leaving iOS for Android is a complete nonstarter because of this messaging platform that has become so much more than just messaging. iMessage has evolved into having in-app games and becoming a social media platform with dedicated profiles for iMessage users.

iMessage是iPhone的杀手级应用。 有人可能说它是FaceTime甚至是AirDrop,但事实是,当人们使用iPhone时,他们会沉迷于iMessage。 如此之多,以至于将iOS移交给Android完全是一个入门者,因为该消息传递平台已不仅仅是消息传递。 iMessage已发展成为拥有应用程序内游戏,并已成为具有专用于iMessage用户的配置文件的社交媒体平台。

This is where Apple has realized what BlackBerry never did. Messaging is simply not enough, there must be a lock-in for the user outside of only communication. Apple has made iMessage as addictive and nearly irreplaceable as Twitter or Snapchat. The mere suggestion of leaving the iPhone to use Android stops when iMessage goes away. The product is not only efficient but also a staple of the entire iPhone experience.

这就是苹果公司意识到黑莓从未做过的事情。 消息传递还远远不够,仅在通信之外,用户就必须具有锁定功能。 苹果已经使iMessage像Twitter或Snapchat一样令人着迷,几乎无法替代。 当iMessage消失时,停止让iPhone使用Android的建议就停止了。 该产品不仅效率高,而且是整个iPhone体验的重要组成部分。

Many have attributed the fall of BlackBerry to several things. One of the most mentioned errors though is the Canadian company not opening up BlackBerry Messenger to other platforms sooner than it did. BlackBerry banked on the exclusivity appeal of their messaging platform as their operating system continued to nosedive. This bullishness showed a lack of vision and accountability. Apple now must avoid making the same mistake with their beloved messaging platform.

许多人将BlackBerry的衰落归因于几件事。 不过,最常被提及的错误之一是这家加拿大公司没有比其他国家更快地向其他平台开放BlackBerry Messenger。 随着操作系统的不断发展,黑莓在其消息传递平台的独家吸引力上获得了成功。 这种乐观表示缺乏远见和责任心。 苹果现在必须避免在他们钟爱的消息传递平台上犯同样的错误。

Many believe that iMessage will never come to Android or the web. After all, Apple keeps almost all of its services within its hardware (except for Apple Music). Yet at the same time, Apple is also starting to pivot to a more service-based model with an emphasis on iCloud and Apple Card. A future where iMessage on an Android is a subscription-based app may not as far-fetched as once thought. At a point in time where many feel that iMessage is the draw of iOS, avoiding the mistakes of BlackBerry is crucial.

许多人认为iMessage永远不会出现在Android或网络上。 毕竟,Apple将几乎所有服务保留在其硬件中(Apple Music除外)。 但是与此同时,Apple也开始转向基于服务的模式,重点是iCloud和Apple Card。 在Android上将iMessage用作基于订阅的应用程序的未来可能不如从前那样牵强。 在许多人认为iMessage是iOS吸引人的时刻,避免BlackBerry的错误至关重要。

安全平台 (The Secure Platform)

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John Salvino via Unsplash John Salvino通过Unsplash

A term in the smartphone world that is often thrown around without much context is security. Every company that makes a phone has some stance on security, on the ability of its phones being immune to hacks and malware. Google mentions its monthly security patch updates for Pixel phones and Samsung has its proprietary Knox security system. Apple has taken this idea and made it a selling point for the iPhone. Apple’s current ads revolve around the iPhone being the most secure smartphone on the planet. Another case of history repeating itself, as BlackBerry made the same type of claims about its phones years ago.

在智能手机世界中,经常在没有太多上下文的情况下经常使用的术语是安全性。 每家生产手机的公司都对安全性,手机不受黑客和恶意软件攻击的能力有一定的立场。 Google提到了Pixel手机每月的安全补丁更新,三星拥有专有的Knox安全系统。 苹果公司采纳了这个想法,并将其作为iPhone的卖点。 苹果目前的广告围绕着iPhone,它是地球上最安全的智能手机。 黑莓手机在几年前也曾提出过类似的说法,这也是历史重演的另一例。

For years, BlackBerry has touted its security as the reason to buy its phones. It is this reputation of security and privacy that gained the company countless government and enterprise contracts for employee issued smartphones. In the modern era of BYOD smartphone solutions with companies, Apple has taken the mantle as the privacy-focused company. Every update that the operating system implements seem to have a focus on consumer privacy and non-invasive data collection. In many ways, the anti-Google.

多年来,黑莓一直吹捧其安全性作为购买手机的理由。 正是这种安全和隐私的声誉赢得了公司与员工签发的智能手机的无数政府和企业合同。 在与公司合作的BYOD智能手机解决方案的现代时代,苹果公司将其作为关注隐私的公司。 操作系统实施的每个更新似乎都集中在消费者隐私和非侵入性数据收集上。 在许多方面,反Google。

But why is this so important to companies like BlackBerry and Apple? An argument can be made that a focus on privacy is somewhat fruitless in the era of the smartphone. That long ago, we as a collective of human beings decided to sacrifice privacy for convenience. What Apple and BlackBerry have done in this time is an attempt to strike a balance. That all of your favorite apps can still be used and enjoyed without the snooping and tracking that companies like Facebook implement.

但是,为什么这对于像BlackBerry和Apple这样的公司如此重要? 可以争论的是,在智能手机时代,关注隐私在某种程度上是徒劳的。 不久之前,我们作为人类的集体决定为了方便而牺牲隐私。 苹果和黑莓在这段时间内所做的是试图保持平衡。 您所有喜欢的应用程序仍然可以使用和享受,而无需监听和跟踪Facebook之类的公司。

There is not a huge rush by Chinese companies such as Huawei or Oppo to implement such security features to limit tracking. Why is this so important to North American companies? The answer lies somewhere in a cultural difference. Here in the US and Canada, there is a mentality of government skepticism. Where we question the upper crust of society and are disapproving of their motivations. We assume that people in power will always exploit the common man and this translates into how the people running our technology companies will approach designing a product that millions of people use every day. Americans enjoy the comfort of something safe and secure. The same reason that innovations take a while to catch on here is the same reason why Apple and BlackBerry have profited off of creating a smartphone that is considered safe.

华为或Oppo等中国公司并不急于实施此类安全功能以限制跟踪。 为什么这对北美公司如此重要? 答案在于文化差异。 在美国和加拿大,人们对政府持怀疑态度。 我们在哪里质疑社会的上层外壳,并且不赞成他们的动机。 我们假设掌权者将永远利用普通人,这转化为经营我们的技术公司的人们将如何设计每天有数百万人使用的产品。 美国人享受安全有保障的舒适。 创新需要一段时间才能赶上潮流的原因与苹果和黑莓从创造安全的智能手机中获利的原因相同。

It is this emphasis on security and privacy that has created a reputation of toxicity for Android and all the companies that make Android phones. The lazy notion that all Android phones get malware stems from this effective marketing, where the fears of people are tapped into creating allegiances. Apple and BlackBerry being situated in North America have a unique understanding of this cultural phenomenon in ways that LG and Samsung never could. And they have used this knowledge to create an aura of safety around the names of their products.

正是这种对安全性和隐私的重视,为Android和所有制造Android手机的公司带来了恶名。 懒惰的说法是所有Android手机都会感染恶意软件,这源于这种有效的营销方式,在这种营销方式中,人们担心会产生效忠。 位于北美的苹果和黑莓以LG和三星无法做到的方式对这种文化现象有独特的理解。 他们利用这些知识在产品名称周围创造了安全光环。

过去的罪恶 (Sins of the Past)

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Engin Akyurt via Unsplash Engin Akyurt通过Unsplash

With so much in common, the question must be asked: will Apple suffer the same fate as BlackBerry? Will another titan of North American tech fade into obscurity for not adapting to the times? The answer is a complicated one. Apple and BlackBerry are not directly analogous in a few respects. Apple has a full product portfolio and is much more consumer-facing that BlackBerry ever was. Apple has its toes in the smartphone, tablet, smartwatch, laptop, desktop, and personal audio market. BlackBerry at the height of its popularity was only a phone company.

有这么多共同点,必须提出一个问题:苹果会遭受与黑莓相同的命运吗? 北美技术的另一巨头是否会因不适应时代而变得晦涩难懂? 答案很复杂。 苹果和黑莓在某些方面并不直接相似。 苹果拥有完整的产品组合,并且比黑莓更具面向消费者的能力。 苹果在智能手机,平板电脑,智能手表,笔记本电脑,台式机和个人音频市场上颇有建树。 黑莓在其鼎盛时期只是一家电话公司。

Apple has tailored its experience around consumers while BlackBerry focused on businesspeople and the enterprise more than anything else. However, there are similarities here. Both companies took a more measured approach to adopt innovations. BlackBerry stuck by not having a proper touch screen in response to the iPhone and refused to see the appeal of a cross-platform messenger when solutions like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger became popular. Apple is notorious for waiting before implementing a feature, such as waiting to include wireless charging in the iPhone. The current trend of smartphones is leaning towards high refresh rates and folding/dual displays. Two trends that Apple has not leaned into at all.

苹果为消费者量身定制了体验,而黑莓则更侧重于商人和企业。 但是,这里有相似之处。 两家公司都采用了更严格的方法来采用创新。 当诸如WhatsApp和Facebook Messenger之类的解决方案变得流行时,黑莓坚持没有合适的触摸屏来响应iPhone,并拒绝看到跨平台Messenger的吸引力。 苹果因等待功能实现而臭名昭著,例如等待在iPhone中包含无线充电功能。 智能手机的当前趋势倾向于高刷新率和折叠/双屏显示。 苹果公司根本没有倾向的两个趋势。

The conventional wisdom seems to be that Apple does not need to be on the bleeding edge of consumer tech because its user base does not need these features. A phone for the everyman does not need to have the latest and greatest tech, instead, a focus on usability makes more sense. This is a similar thought process to BlackBerry sticking to a hardware keyboard instead of a large touch screen. That businesspeople did not need a big screen because a keyboard that handles email well is the real advantage. Of course, BlackBerry was mistaken and has paid the price. Will Apple pay the same toll?

传统的观点似乎是,Apple不需要处于消费技术的前沿,因为其用户群不需要这些功能。 面向每个人的电话并不需要拥有最新,最先进的技术,而是更加注重可用性。 这与BlackBerry坚持使用硬件键盘而不是大型触摸屏的过程类似。 那个商人不需要大屏幕,因为能够很好地处理电子邮件的键盘才是真正的优势。 当然,黑莓是错误的,并为此付出了代价。 苹果会支付相同的通行费吗?

If folding screen phones become the standard, Apple may regret waiting as long as they have. The companies pivot into services in my opinion is the right one. Hardware is starting to plateau, which is why so many companies have started to experiment with new form factors. Apple has decided that hardware is dead and software is the ultimate endgame. It has made a pivot in that regard that BlackBerry never made. While on the surface it seems that Apple is being rigid and conventional in comparison to the wackiness of LG and experimentation of Samsung, they are making slight adjustments to make their offering more appealing. In that regard, they have learned from BlackBerry’s mistakes. There is no question that Apple is the reincarnation of BlackBerry, iPhones have the same addictive quality that BlackBerry’s had all those years ago. But Apple is a 2.0 of BlackBerry, an evolution as opposed to a carbon copy; and that should be enough to escape the same fate.

如果折叠屏手机成为标准配置,苹果可能会后悔只要有那么久。 我认为,将公司作为服务中心是正确的选择。 硬件开始趋于平稳,这就是为什么这么多公司开始尝试新的外形尺寸的原因。 苹果已经决定,硬件已经死了,软件是最终的终结。 在这方面,黑莓从未做到过。 从表面上看,与LG的笨拙和三星的试验相比,苹果似乎是僵化和常规的,但他们正在进行一些小的调整以使其产品更具吸引力。 在这方面,他们从黑莓的错误中学到了东西。 毫无疑问,苹果是黑莓的转世,iPhone具有与黑莓几年前一样的吸引力。 但是Apple是BlackBerry的2.0版,是黑胶版本的演变。 这足以逃脱同样的命运。

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感谢您的阅读! 我希望您喜欢这篇文章,如果您想查看我的更多帖子和评论,请在MediumTwitter上关注我。 再次感谢您的阅读,非常感谢您的支持!

翻译自: https://medium.com/an-idea/iphone-is-the-new-blackberry-a19daee87471

iphone 手机尺寸





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