

I’m going to keep this review rather generic to Pixel and iPhone instead of models like the Pixel 3 or 4 or iPhone XS, 11Pro, etc. I’ve had time with just about all of them and where the big differences are, is in hardware; specifically camera. Given that I’m more about work than taking pictures or capturing videos, I look at things a bit differently.

我将使该评论对Pixel和iPhone相当通用,而不是对Pixel 3或4或iPhone XS,11Pro等型号通用。我已经花了很多时间来研究它们,其中最大的区别是在硬件上 特别是相机。 鉴于我比拍照或捕获视频更注重工作,因此我对事物的看法有所不同。

This review is more about the productivity piece. The everyday uses and more common practices many people do with a mobile device. While this review is a little bit skewed to the business user, much of it can apply to the individual user as well. I’ve always said there are two uses for technology… as a toy or as a tool. It’s up to the user to choose which one.

这篇评论更多关于生产力的部分。 许多人使用移动设备进行日常使用和更常见的做法。 虽然此评论对业务用户而言有点偏斜,但其中很多内容也可以应用于个人用户。 我一直说技术有两种用途:作为玩具或工具。 由用户选择哪个。

I am going to discuss pros and cons to the iPhone and Google Pixel. Anything else running Android is garbage in my opinion. If you want Android, stock Android is the way to go. These Samsung, Motorola, and other devices which contain their own independent bloatware are useless as a tool.

我将讨论iPhone和Google Pixel的利弊。 在我看来,其他任何运行Android的东西都是垃圾。 如果您想要Android,那么购买库存型Android是您的最佳选择。 这些三星,摩托罗拉和其他包含自己独立的膨胀软件的设备无济于事。

Right away one would think if you’re using G-Suite for business then the Google phone, or Android, must be where it’s all at. Not so fast. That is not necessarily true. There are some Google iOS apps that are, in my opinion, better on iOS than Android. For example, the Google Chrome mobile browser app. The iOS version is actually better. It displays different pages as “cards” and therefore easier to see what browser windows you have open. Also, there’s actually a back button. Android Chrome is trying to get fancy with their gesture-based features and there is, believe it or not, no back button on the Chrome browser. If gestures worked flawlessly it might not be an issue. Let’s just say Google has a ways to go before that is the case.

马上,人们就会想到,如果您正在使用G-Suite进行商务活动,那么Google手机(或Android)必定是您的最佳选择。 没那么快。 不一定是真的。 我认为有些Google iOS应用在iOS上比Android更好。 例如,谷歌浏览器移动浏览器应用程序。 iOS版本实际上更好。 它显示不同的页面作为“卡片” ,因此更容易查看您打开的浏览器窗口。 此外,实际上还有一个后退按钮。 Android Chrome试图通过其基于手势的功能来吸引人,无论您是否相信,Chrome浏览器上都没有后退按钮。 如果手势可以正常工作,则可能不是问题。 可以说,在这种情况发生之前,Google还有路要走。

Just about all of the G-Suite apps one would use are available for iOS so you’re missing out on very little actually. While Safari is still the default browser on an iPhone, it’s not a total deal-breaker given you can not change this yet on iOS like you can on Mac OS.

一个人将要使用的几乎所有G-Suite应用程序都可用于iOS,因此实际上您很少错过。 尽管Safari仍然是iPhone上的默认浏览器,但由于您无法像在Mac OS上那样在iOS上进行更改,因此这并不是一个总的选择。

Here’s the overall result in my opinion: iPhone is a better phone with nicer apps but Android, (again specifically Pixel), are the smarter devices.


The majority of my productivity apps for email, chat, project management, and so on are better on iOS. We are heavy users of Front and the iOS app is far better than the Android version — same goes for Basecamp. I can remember using Zendesk at my previous start-up and, again, the iOS app was better than the Android.

我大多数用于电子邮件,聊天,项目管理等的生产力应用程序在iOS上都更好。 我们是Front的重度用户,iOS应用程序比Android版本要好得多-Basecamp也是如此 。 我记得在以前的初创公司中使用过Zendesk,同样,iOS应用程序比Android更好。

However, Apple does not have a productivity pack, as I call it, like Google or Microsoft. Yes, they have Pages, Keynote, and Numbers as well as their own Mail but they do not compare to others. Actually, one of the more highly rated email apps for iOS is Outlook. Which brings me to my main point on iOS — you typically need to download or subscribe to 3rd party apps on iOS for a better UI/UX.

但是,正如我所说的,Apple没有像Google或Microsoft这样的生产力包 。 是的,他们有Pages,Keynote和Numbers以及自己的Mail,但它们不能与他人进行比较。 实际上,Outlook中评级最高的电子邮件应用程序之一是Outlook。 这使我了解了iOS的主要重点-您通常需要下载或订阅iOS上的第三方应用程序才能获得更好的UI / UX。

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For mail, I used Newton or Spark for personal email, (and work before we discovered Front). Calendar I used Fantastical. For tasks, I was using Things3, although, the newer version of Apple Reminders is a much better design and UI/UX than before. I had been on Things3 for some time though and was not interested in changing.

对于邮件,我使用NewtonSpark来发送个人电子邮件(并且在发现Front之前可以工作)。 我使用的日历太棒了 。 对于任务,我使用的是Things3 ,但是较新版本的Apple Reminders是比以前更好的设计和UI / UX。 我已经在Things3上工作了一段时间,对更改没有兴趣。

Whether your G-Suite or Office 365 users, you’d have to then download those productivity apps as well such as, with Google, Docs, Sheets, and Slides. If using G-Suite probably Drive — Office 365 likely OneDrive, or possibly Dropbox because, again, iCloud is not the greatest option out there.

无论您是G-Suite还是Office 365用户,您都必须同时下载那些生产力应用程序,例如Google,文档,表格和幻灯片。 如果使用G-Suite可能是Drive-Office 365可能是OneDrive,或者可能是Dropbox,因为iCloud并不是最好的选择。

You absolutely can use all of the aforementioned apps on Android as well, however, the native apps for these uses are all made by Google… and they’re really damn popular on iOS as well. Gmail, Google Calendar, Keep, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Chrome, Google Maps, YouTube, Google Tasks, and many more are embedded right into Android as the native go-to apps. This means they launch by default on many occasions and there’s no need to download even more 3rd party apps.

您绝对也可以在Android上使用所有上述应用程序,但是,这些用途的本机应用程序都是Google制作的,而且在iOS上也确实很受欢迎。 Gmail,Google日历,Keep,云端硬盘,文档,表格,幻灯片,Chrome,Google Maps,YouTube,Google Tasks等,以及许多其他功能作为本机必备应用直接嵌入到Android中。 这意味着它们默认情况下会在许多情况下启动,而无需下载更多的第三方应用程序。

This is what makes the devices smarter. In addition, let’s just be honest, Google Assistant is far superior to Siri. The decision to remove the Google Assistant reminders function from G-Suite users, albeit the dumbest thing Google could have done in my opinion, is coming back with the Pixel 4. Although, there are ways around this if you also have a personal Google account whereas you utilize things like the personal calendar and subscribe to the G-Suite calendar giving yourself read/write permissions to your personal account. This is what I have recently done.

这就是使设备更智能的原因。 另外,说实话,Google助手远远优于Siri。 尽管我认为Google可以做的最愚蠢的事情,还是决定从G-Suite用户中删除Google Assistant提醒功能,但Pixel 4还是有此选择。而您可以利用个人日历之类的内容并订阅G-Suite日历,从而为自己的个人帐户提供读/写权限。 这就是我最近所做的。

When driving, I am able to leave the phone in my cradle and just say “Hey Google, schedule a meeting tomorrow at 10:30 am and call it Executive Briefing. Invite Bryan, Charlie, Chris, and Nick and let’s have it at Goldberg’s NY Bagel in Alpharetta”… and it just does it. Whether it’s to just call someone, send them a text, send an email, remind me to do something, or add something to my calendar, the Google Assistant just does it and does it very well. Siri is an epic failure if I try to do anything even close to this.

开车时,我可以将手机放在Gradle中,然后说:“嗨,谷歌,明天明天10:30安排会议,并将其称为执行摘要。 邀请布赖恩(Bryan),查理(Charlie),克里斯(Chris)和尼克(Nick),让我们在Alpharetta的戈德堡(Goldberg)纽约百吉饼店(NY Bagel)上……” 无论是只是打电话给某人,向他们发送文本,发送电子邮件,提醒我做某事还是在日历中添加一些东西,Google助手都可以做到,而且做得很好。 如果我尝试做任何与此接近的事情,Siri都是史诗般的失败。

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The Google Pixel Stand is also a favorite of mine. It takes the device to a whole new level of intelligence. There are many features for it but you really have to just try it out to see what I mean.

Google Pixel Stand也是我的最爱。 它使设备达到了全新的智能水平。 它有很多功能,但是您真的必须尝试一下才能明白我的意思。

To say that I do not have 3rd party apps on my phone would, of course, be an absolute lie. Of course, I do. As mentioned before though, we use Front heavily as a company and the Android version just sucks. Google calendar has something about it I like better than Fantiasical, and while the UI/UX of Things3 is better, and it even does more than something like Keep, it costs extra. Many of these 3rd party apps are additional charges on iOS.

如果说我的手机上没有第三方应用程序,那绝对是骗人的。 我当然是了。 如前所述,我们在公司中大量使用Front,而Android版本太糟糕了。 Google日历的功能比Fantiasical好,我更喜欢它。虽然Things3的UI / UX更好,而且它甚至比Keep等功能要多,但要花更多钱。 这些第三方应用程序中的许多都是iOS上的额外费用。

My wife and I also each have an Apple Card. I must say, Apple did it right here as well. Google Pay is not bad as it does link various cards and, in my experience, works a little faster but the Apple Card takes Apple Wallet to a whole new level.

我和妻子也都有一张苹果卡。 我必须说,苹果公司也在这里做到了。 Google Pay的确不错,因为它可以链接各种卡,并且以我的经验,它的运行速度更快,但是Apple Card将Apple Wallet提升到了一个全新的水平。

Pixel 4 and Android 10 brings hand gestures to the table. While it does not work well, there are aspects of it I like. There this motion sensor capability that, as I begin to reach for my phone, it starts waking up already and by the time I grab it and look at the screen, the facial recognition has kicked in and it’s on the home screen. It’s a lot faster than the iPhone XS version of facial recognition.

Pixel 4和Android 10为桌面带来了手势。 虽然效果不佳,但我还是喜欢它的某些方面。 有了这种运动传感器功能,当我开始拿起手机时,它已经开始唤醒,当我抓起它并看着屏幕时,面部识别功能就开始发挥作用,并且就在主屏幕上。 它比iPhone XS版本的面部识别快很多。

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When it comes to earbuds, it’s hard to compete with Apple’s Airpods. I have recently tried the new Pro’s and the noise cancelling is purely amazing. As someone who travels a lot, even internationally, the thought of only having to carry these versus my over-the-ear Skullcandy’s was nice. Google, of course, has their own version, the Pixel Buds but they have not been released yet and given there is no active noise cancelling, I doubt they’d compete anyway. I had the original buds by Google and I was not a fan… at all. Pixel Buds have some functionality over the Airpods, but I’m still not sure that’s enough to rival.

说到耳塞,很难与苹果的Airpods竞争。 我最近尝试了新的Pro,并且噪音消除功能真是太神奇了。 作为一个经常出差的人,甚至是出国旅行的人,只需要携带这些东西和我的耳罩式Skullcandy便装在一起就可以了。 谷歌当然有自己的版本, Pixel Buds,但它们尚未发布,并且由于没有主动降噪功能,我怀疑它们是否会竞争。 我有Google的原始花蕾,却根本不是粉丝。 Pixel Buds在Airpods上具有某些功能,但我仍然不确定是否足以与之抗衡。

It’s hard to ignore one other fact as it pertains to the iPhone — the fact that just about everyone I know also has an iPhone. When it comes to iMessage, I’m that guy who makes the message green instead of blue. My wife and kids all have iPhones. While my company is not big, just about everyone is on iOS.

很难忽略另一个与iPhone有关的事实-我认识的几乎每个人也都有iPhone。 当涉及到iMessage时,我就是那个使消息变成绿色而不是蓝色的人。 我的妻子和孩子都有iPhone。 虽然我的公司规模不大,但几乎所有人都在iOS上。

So I’m still working on this test to see which one works best. I’ve done this several times; going back and forth between the two. Several others wonder when I’m going to make up my mind, which, I’m not sure why they care as it doesn’t impact them.

因此,我仍在进行这项测试,以了解哪种方法最有效。 我已经做过几次了; 两者之间来回走动。 还有几个人想知道我什么时候下定决心,我不确定他们为什么会在乎,因为这不会影响他们。

From a productivity perspective, Google Pixel phones are just smarter and get more done especially if you use G-Suite or even many of the Google consumer apps such as Gmail, Maps, and so on.

从生产率的角度来看,Google Pixel手机更智能,并且可以完成更多工作,尤其是当您使用G-Suite甚至是许多Google消费者应用程序(例如Gmail,地图等)时。

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But the iPhone hardware, the culture of developers building iOS apps that are just a better UI/UX than their Android versions and the overwhelming number of people, especially here in America, that use iOS versus Android makes it hard to be the outlying person on Android. Maybe it’s a sense of fear of missing out (FOMO)… maybe it’s the same level of reliability from G-Suite that is in Apple hardware… I don’t know.

但是,iPhone硬件,开发iOS应用程序的开发人员的文化比其Android版本更好的UI / UX,以及绝大多数人(尤其是在美国)使用iOS而不是Android的人很难安卓 也许是一种害怕错过(FOMO)的感觉...也许是G-Suite的可靠性与Apple硬件中的可靠性相同……我不知道。

One thing is for sure… they both give each other a run for the other.


翻译自: https://medium.com/over-coffee/im-going-to-keep-this-review-rather-generic-to-pixel-and-iphone-instead-of-models-like-the-pixel-bd64619d9cfc


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