

I recently wrote about my Sakhr, an MSX based video game console designed for the Middle Eastern market that my parents bought me when I was about 8 or 9. I also wrote that my favorite MSX game was Penguin Adventure but I sadly no longer had the original cartridge.

最近写了有关 我的Sakhr的信息 ,该 游戏是为中东市场设计的基于 MSX 的视频游戏机,父母在我8 或9岁时就购买了我的产品。我还写道,我最喜欢的MSX游戏是Penguin Adventure,但可惜我不再拥有原装墨盒。

For years I longed to play Penguin Adventure on my Sakhr. Every now and then I’d look on eBay for it but wasn’t able to find it. I figured it was too old and too niche of a game for me to ever find a replacement cartridge.

多年以来,我一直渴望在自己的Sakhr上玩《 企鹅大冒险 》。 我时不时地会在eBay上寻找它,但找不到它。 我认为它太老了,对我来说太小众了,以至于找不到替换墨盒。

After I wrote my story last week, it felt like something was missing. I was really itching to play Penguin Adventure. What’s the point of getting my Sakhr to work if I can’t actually play my favorite game?

上周我写完故事后,感觉好像有些东西丢失了。 我真的很想玩《 企鹅冒险》 。 如果我实际上不能玩自己喜欢的游戏,那么让我的Sakhr玩点游戏有什么意义?

I needed closure.


I decided to look on eBay again to see if I could find it. Much to my surprise, several people were selling Penguin Adventure MSX cartridges! I bit the bullet and bought one from Utah.

我决定再次查看eBay,看看是否可以找到它。 令我惊讶的是,有几个人在卖 Penguin Adventure MSX墨盒! 我咬住子弹,从犹他州买了一颗。

I almost immediately regretted making the purchase.


Penguin Adventure game cartridge on top of the Sakhr video game console.
Penguin Adventure MSX cartridge. Photo by author.
企鹅冒险MSX墨盒。 图片由作者提供。

A stream of doubt ran through my mind. Are all MSX systems and cartridges the same? What if it didn’t work? Does it matter that my Sakhr was designed to output in PAL? What if the cartridge was region locked? Did they make special cartridges for the Middle East region?

我的脑海里浮现出怀疑。 所有MSX系统和墨盒都一样吗? 如果不起作用怎么办? 我的Sakhr设计为以PAL输出是否重要? 如果墨盒被区域锁定怎么办? 他们是否为中东地区制造了特殊的墨盒?

Another part of me thought all of these doubts were really irrational. The cartridge was from the 1980s — there is no way that they localized these cartridges for each market. After all, I had cartridges that I had bought in Kuwait but the packaging and cartridges were clearly intended for Japan.

我的另一部分认为所有这些怀疑都是非理性的。 Selenium鼓来自1980年代-他们没有办法针对每个市场对这些Selenium鼓进行本地化。 毕竟,我有在科威特购买的墨盒,但包装和墨盒显然是供日本使用的。

The cartridge arrived as described a few days later — I decided to wait until Friday night to try it.




Start screen for Penguin Adventure shows a penguin tearfully staring at a heart with a penguin princess in the distance.
Penguin Adventure start screen. Photo by author.
企鹅探险开始屏幕。 图片由作者提供。

I really can’t describe the flood of nostalgia and emotions I felt when I saw that start screen and heard the game’s music. Sure, the graphics are a bit more distorted than I had remembered but it still worked. And as I started playing it again, it felt like I was back in my room in our flat in 1980s Kuwait. It was almost like I could feel the warm sunshine streaming through my room and hear the hum of air conditioning and my parents’ chatter in the background.

我真的无法形容当我看到开始屏幕并听到游戏音乐时感觉到的怀旧和情感泛滥。 当然,这些图形比我记得的要失真的多,但仍然有效。 当我再次开始演奏时,感觉就像回到了1980年代科威特我们公寓的房间。 几乎就像我能感觉到温暖的阳光在我的房间中流淌,听到空调的嗡嗡声和背景中父母的chat不休。

It was surreal how quickly everything came back — my memories, my feelings playing the game, and my gameplay skills.


The game itself was as much fun (and as challenging) as I had remembered. The premise of the game is that you’re a penguin who’s on a mission to find a magical apple to cure a penguin princess of a debilitating disease. Along the way, you encounter all sorts of obstacles like potholes, logs, and various blob-like creatures (I always assumed these were bombs but apparently they’re killer hedgehogs?!). In the boss rounds, you face off with a fire breathing lizard/Godzilla-like creature. You also collect fish along the way but for the life of me I initially couldn’t remember why the fish were important. Despite playing it for hours as a kid, I never managed to make it past the first few rounds.

如我所记得,游戏本身既有趣(又充满挑战)。 游戏的前提是您是一只企鹅,他的任务是寻找一个神奇的苹果,以治愈企鹅公主的令人衰弱的疾病。 一路上,您会遇到各种障碍,例如坑洼,原木和各种斑点状的生物(我一直以为它们是炸弹,但显然它们是杀手刺猬?!)。 在boss轮中,您面对着一个会呼吸火蜥蜴/哥斯拉的生物。 您也沿途收集鱼,但是对于我一生来说,我最初不记得为什么鱼很重要。 尽管小时候就玩了几个小时,但我从来没有设法超过前几轮。

Blue Godzilla-like/lizard creature that the penguin encounters in the first boss level.
First boss (at the end of stage 3) in Penguin Adventure. Photo by author.
企鹅探险队的第一任老板(在第3阶段结束时)。 图片由作者提供。

I was a bit rusty at first but eventually after an hour or two of playing, I had reached a similar level of competence with the game as ten year old me.


But of course like any person who’s played games since the advent of the internet, I started looking up more information about the game online. For instance, I was reminded that the smaller potholes were special. They usually led to stores where you could trade your fish for items that improved your gameplay.

但是,当然,就像自互联网问世以来玩过游戏的人一样,我开始在网上查找有关游戏的更多信息。 例如,提醒我,较小的坑洞很特别。 他们通常会带到商店,您可以在这里用鱼来换取可以改善游戏玩法的物品。

A scene from Penguin Adventure where the penguin is entering a hole to go to a store.
A small pot hole that leads to a store. Photo by author.
通往商店的小锅洞。 图片由作者提供。
A screen from Penguin Adventure that shows a fisherman selling various items that help with gameplay.
One of the barter stores. Photo by author.
易货商店之一。 图片由作者提供。

Within the stores, you can also go to a slot machine where you can bet your fish. Depending on the outcome of the slot machine, you can lose or gain fish.

在商店内,您还可以去老虎机,在这里下注鱼。 根据投币式游戏机的结果,您可能会失去或获得鱼。

Slot machine mini game.
Slot machine mini game. Photo by author.
老虎机迷你游戏。 图片由作者提供。

My first thought when I entered the store was, “Is that fisherman supposed to be an Eskimo? This feels really racist.” And then when I started playing the slot machine mini game, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Wait, were they really encouraging kids to gamble?”

当我进入商店时,我的第一个念头是:“那个渔夫应该是爱斯基摩人吗? 这真是种族主义。” 然后,当我开始玩老虎机迷你游戏时,我不禁好奇:“等等,他们真的在鼓励孩子们赌博吗?”



The rest of the game (at least the parts I’ve played so far) wasn’t as cringeworthy.


Bonus round shows a penguin flying over the earth with a fish coming towards him.
Bonus round. Photo by author.
奖金回合。 图片由作者提供。

I also re-discovered bonus rounds. They seem to appear randomly at different points in the game. They’ll appear as floating angel wings in different stages. If you happen to catch one, you’ll be sent to a bonus round where the penguin is floating over the earth. You can catch more fish here and if you happen to find any golden fish, those are worth a bonus life per fish.

我还重新发现了红利回合。 它们似乎随机出现在游戏中的不同位置。 它们将在不同阶段显示为漂浮的天使翅膀。 如果您碰巧抓住了一只企鹅,那么您将被带到一个额外的回合,企鹅将在地球上空漂浮。 您可以在这里钓到更多的鱼,如果您碰巧发现了任何一条金鱼,那么这些鱼就值得每条鱼额外的生命。

Scene from a scene in the game where the penguin is swimming in what looks like a river in a forest.
A scene from Penguin Adventure where the penguin is swimming at the bottom of an ocean.
Stages 4 and 5. I don’t think I ever made it past stage 4 or 5 as a kid. Photos by author.
第4阶段和第5阶段。我小时候从来没有超过第4或第5阶段。 作者照片。

Like a lot of classic video games, Penguin Adventure doesn’t offer a way to save your progress. You do start the game with 2 extra lives and each time you die, you pick back up where you left off but you can’t save your progress from session to session. The game has 24 stages and I really couldn’t see how anyone could finish it with the allotted lives. I always wondered how all the people who’ve created online walkthroughs and YouTube videos for this game managed to finish the game.

像许多经典的视频游戏一样, 企鹅冒险 ( Penguin Adventure)也无法提供保存进度的方法。 您确实有2条额外的生命来开始游戏,每次死亡时,您都从上次中断的地方重新开始,但是您无法保存每次会话的进度。 这款游戏有24个阶段,我真的看不到有人能用分配的生命完成它。 我一直想知道所有为此游戏创建过在线演练和YouTube视频的人如何完成游戏。

Are they all that good at playing this game? Am I really that bad?

他们都擅长玩这款游戏吗? 我真的那么糟糕吗?

I then learned that there’s a cheat that pretty much gives you indefinite lives. When you first start the game, type “noriko” and then every time you run out of lives, you’ll have the option to get another set of lives.

然后,我了解到有一种作弊行为可以使您无限期地生活。 首次启动游戏时,键入“ noriko”,然后每次耗尽生命时,您都可以选择获得另一组生命。

One of the boss rounds in Penguin Adventure. A Godzilla-like creature is about to fall into a hole in an arctic landscape.
Beating one of the boss rounds in Penguin Adventure. A Godzilla-like creature is about to fall into a hole in a desert.
Beating the boss levels in Penguin Adventure. Photos by author.
在《企鹅大冒险》中击败老板。 作者照片。

Of course, I cheated. And I don’t feel one bit of remorse about it.

当然,我被骗了。 我对此并不感到re悔。

The beauty of using the cheat is that I managed to make it so much further in the game that I ever had. I probably could have continued on and finished the game but I decided it to stop playing at stage 8. I do have aspirations to finally finish Penguin Adventure but I’m thinking I may need a few hours of uninterrupted playing time.

使用作弊的好处在于,我在游戏中取得了前所未有的成功。 我可能可以继续并完成比赛,但我决定在第八阶段停止比赛。我确实有愿望最终完成《 企鹅冒险》,但我想我可能需要几个小时的不间断比赛时间。

A map showing the player’s progress through the game’s map.
A scene from Penguin Adventure. The penguin is swimming through an arctic lake or ocean.
Stage 8 of Penguin Adventure — the furthest I’ve ever progressed through the game (through the help of a cheat). Photo by author.
企鹅历险记的第8阶段-我在游戏中取得的最大进步(通过作弊手段)。 图片由作者提供。

All of my frantic research into Penguin Adventure got me thinking, “How did kids in the 80s learn this stuff about games?” My own personal memories is that I learned a lot from talking to my friends and cousins. If one of us discovered something in a game, then it was big news that we shared with each other. I don’t think many of these games had help menus and if there were manuals that came with the games, I didn’t read them. I’m assuming that there must have been gaming magazines out there but those would have been hard for me to access. I didn’t live in the US and couldn’t read English at the time.

我对“ 企鹅冒险 ”的所有疯狂研究使我想到:“ 80年代的孩子如何学习有关游戏的知识?” 我个人的记忆是,我从与朋友和堂兄弟的交谈中学到了很多东西。 如果我们中的一个人在游戏中发现了某些东西,那么这就是我们彼此共享的重大新闻。 我认为这些游戏中没有很多具有帮助菜单,如果游戏附带有手册,我也不会阅读。 我假设那里肯定有游戏杂志,但是那些杂志对我来说很难。 我当时不住在美国,当时不会英语。

I suppose that’s what’s really incredible about the time we live in today. Not only was I able to buy a 30+ year old cartridge online but then I was able to find a lot of resources to help me to play the game better.

我想那是我们今天生活中真正令人难以置信的事情。 我不仅能够在线购买30年以上的墨盒,而且还能找到很多资源来帮助我更好地玩游戏。

That being said, I do think there’s a sense of suspense and discovery that the internet has taken away from playing games today. That sense of suspense and discovery might have been what I loved the most about playing games as a kid. What will the next round look like? What will happen if I collect this item or this power-up? What will the boss look like in the next round and how do I beat it? There was an element of surprise and accomplishment when I found a secret round or figured out a tactic on my own.

话虽如此,我确实认为有一种悬念和发现,即互联网已经从今天玩游戏中夺走了。 这种悬念和发现感可能是我小时候最喜欢玩游戏的东西。 下回合会是什么样子? 如果我收集了这个物品或这次加电会怎样? 老板在下一轮会是什么样子,我该如何击败它? 当我发现一个秘密回合或自己想出一种策略时,就会感到惊讶和成就感。

An arctic landscape with a hole. Six red penguins are dancing and the main character penguin is dancing in front of them.
Sometimes when you beat a boss round a chorus line of penguins appears behind you. I’m guessing that the number of penguins that appears might be correlated with the number of fish you’ve collected but I’m not really sure. Photo by author.
有时,当您击败老板时,一群合唱的企鹅会出现在您的身后。 我猜测出现的企鹅数量可能与您收集的鱼的数量有关,但我不确定。 图片由作者提供。

For a game that was produced in 1986, I’m now more than ever struck by the quality and depth of Penguin Adventure. It featured so many elements of modern video games like mini games, power-ups, and a sense of humor. The graphics and storyline are unparalleled to other games produced in that time period.

对于1986年生产的游戏,我现在比以往任何时候都对Penguin Adventure的质量和深度感到震惊。 它具有现代视频游戏的众多元素,例如迷你游戏,功能增强和幽默感。 图形和故事情节与当时的其他游戏无与伦比。

It has given me so much joy to write about Penguin Adventure and share my love for this game with you all. I hope you’ll give this classic game a try through an emulator.

撰写企鹅冒险并与大家分享我对这款游戏的热爱使我感到非常高兴。 希望您能通过模拟器来尝试这款经典游戏。

But really all I want to do right now is hop on my floor and play for hours.


进一步阅读和探索: (Further reading and exploration:)

Image for post
Cover image source: MSX.org.

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/i-bought-a-30-year-old-game-cartridge-from-ebay-heres-what-happened-f4e05a52689


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