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翻译 web前端应对4k屏幕_应对复杂的屏幕

web前端应对4k屏幕In the GOGOX client app, one of the rapidly evolving screens is the delivery package information screen. The complexity grows in the following ways: 在GOGOX客户端应用程序中,快速发展的屏幕之一是交货包裹信息屏幕。 复杂性以下...

2020-09-18 20:47:49 2607

翻译 xml即时更新_用于即时任务的workmanager最新更新

xml即时更新 本文的重点 (Takeaway from this article)This blog post focus on how to implement long-running background tasks that need to start immediately with WorkManager. You need to be familiar with the basi...

2020-09-18 20:38:04 132

翻译 友盟 推送自定义通知_推送通知中自定义布局的最佳做法

友盟 推送自定义通知This article assumes that readers are familiar with building Custom Layouts for Push Notification and does not touch upon what is custom layouts and how to build them. You can refer to the d...

2020-09-18 20:27:17 459

翻译 观察者模式符合开闭原则_开闭原则

观察者模式符合开闭原则A class or module should be open for extension and closed for modification. 类或模块应打开以进行扩展,而应关闭以进行修改。 This principle was introduced by Bertrand Meyer. According to him class or module should ...

2020-09-18 20:16:45 1740

翻译 appium自动测试Java Kotlin android应用程序

jUnit tests or automation tests? That is the question. jUnit测试还是自动化测试? 就是那个问题。 Every project developed along with unit tests. Sometimes it based on TDD/BDD approach, when test and method under the te...

2020-09-18 20:07:42 269

翻译 android安全开发_现代android安全开发

android安全开发 第一次(错误)练习 (1st (Mistake) Practice)Given the “find out how to en-decrypt data in Android” requirement, what would you do? 考虑到“查找如何在Android中加密数据”的要求,您会怎么做? Unless you are a security expert...

2020-09-18 19:57:55 1509

翻译 从终端运行python_如何从终端运行不同版本的python

从终端运行python 为了安装我需要的软件包,我需要切换到旧版本的Python,但仅适用于该项目。 这是简单的解决方案:版本特定的虚拟环境。 (In order to install the package I required, I needed to switch to an older version of Python, but only for that project. Here i...

2020-09-18 19:46:59 353

翻译 有缺陷的androidxfragmentfactory

In this blog post I would like to express my disappointment in the AndroidX FragmentFactory. I will briefly describe what the FragmentFactory is, and why I think it is defective. 在此博客文章中,我想对AndroidX F...

2020-09-18 19:37:31 526

翻译 飞猪签到里程python_python里程碑基本中级高级和专家

飞猪签到里程pythonisFine = input('Are you mentally healthy, my friend?')if not isFine: print("Please take care of yourself.Nothing in the world is more important than you. Do things you like, ...

2020-08-18 07:43:06 274

翻译 谷歌firebase_我使用Google Firebase学到的东西

谷歌firebaseWhen I first started my coding journey, I always here fellow programmers talk about how annoying Authentication and Authorization are. You can spend hours upon hours of time scratching your ...

2020-08-18 07:32:29 470

翻译 世界最流行加密算法_在大流行后的世界里我们将如何工作

世界最流行加密算法A PwC survey of flexible and distributed working within US financial services firms confirms many of the ideas currently being discussed about the future of these types of environments once t...

2020-08-11 09:05:19 726



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