

A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. Data is a very important thing in the world right now. So we need something which can easily be managed data. So we use the Database management system for that task.

数据库是通常从计算机系统以电子方式存储和访问的数据的有组织的集合。 数据是当今世界上非常重要的事情。 因此,我们需要一些可以轻松管理的数据。 因此,我们将数据库管理系统用于该任务。

Database management system ( DBMS) is basically used to manage the database. And also the data can be easily accessed, modified, updated, controlled, and organized. The DBMS software additionally encompasses the core facilities provided to administer the database. The sum total of the database, the DBMS and the associated applications can be referred to as a “database system”.

数据库管理系统(DBMS)基本上用于管理数据库。 而且,可以轻松地访问,修改,更新,控制和组织数据。 DBMS软件还包含提供的用于管理数据库的核心功能。 数据库,DBMS和关联的应用程序的总和可以称为“数据库系统”。

Some examples of popular database software or DBMSs include MySQL, Microsoft Access, Oracle Database and Microsoft SQL. We will talk these DBMSs as well as their pros and cons.

流行的数据库软件或DBMS的一些示例包括MySQLMicrosoft AccessOracle数据库Microsoft SQL 。 我们将讨论这些DBMS以及它们的优缺点。

1. MySQL (1. MySQL)

MySQL is an open-source ( Open source means that you’re free to use and modify it. ) relational database management system (RDBMS) with a client-server model. let’s talk briefly about what is client-server. Computers that install and run RDBMS software are called clients. Whenever they need to access data, they connect to the RDBMS server. That’s the “client-server” part.

MySQL是一个开放源代码(“开放源代码”意味着您可以自由使用和修改它。 )具有客户端-服务器模型的关系数据库管理系统( RDBMS )。 让我们简单地谈谈什么是客户端服务器。 安装和运行RDBMS软件的计算机称为客户端。 每当需要访问数据时,它们就连接到RDBMS服务器。 那就是“客户端-服务器”部分。

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An image of MySQL DBMS

MySQL的优点:(Pros of MySQL :)

We can install it freely. With a basic set of tools for individual use, MySQL community edition is a good option, to begin with. Of course, there are other, prepaid options for Enterprise or Cluster purposes with richer functionality. If your company is too small, My thought is that free option is enough to start your fresh start.

我们可以免费安装。 首先,有了一套供个人使用的基本工具,MySQL社区版是一个不错的选择。 当然,还有其他用于企业或群集目的的预付费选项,功能更丰富。 如果您的公司规模太小,我想免费的选择就足以开始您的新起点。

MySQL is Simple syntax and it is mild complexity. MySQL’s structure and style are very plain. Developers even consider MySQL a database with a human-like language.

MySQL是一种简单的语法,它的复杂程度适中。 MySQL的结构和样式非常简单。 开发人员甚至认为MySQL是具有人类语言的数据库。

MySQL的缺点: (Cons of MySQL :)

One of the cons is that MySQL was not built with scalability in mind, which is inherent in its code. In theory, you can scale MySQL, but it will need more engineering effort as compared to any of the NoSQL databases. So, if you expect that one day your database will increase substantially, keep this limitation in mind or choose another DBMS option.

缺点之一是MySQL在构建时并未考虑到可扩展性,这是其代码固有的。 从理论上讲,您可以扩展MySQL,但是与NoSQL数据库相比,它需要更多的工程工作。 因此,如果您希望数据库有一天会大大增加,请牢记这一限制或选择另一种DBMS选项。

2. Microsoft Access (2. Microsoft Access)

Microsoft Access is a Database Management System (DBMS) from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the professional and higher editions.

Microsoft AccessMicrosoft提供的数据库管理系统(DBMS),它将关系Microsoft Jet数据库引擎与图形用户界面和软件开发工具结合在一起。 它是Microsoft Office应用程序套件的成员,该套件包含在专业版和更高版本中。

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An image of MS Access DBMS
MS Access DBMS的图像

MS Access的优点:(Pros of MS Access :)

The pros of MS Access are that Access offers a fully functional, relational database management system in minutes, Easy to import data from multiple sources into Access and You can easily customize Access according to personal and company needs.

MS Access的优点 Access可以在数分钟内提供功能齐全的关系数据库管理系统,可以轻松地将数据从多个来源导入Access,并且可以根据个人和公司的需求轻松自定义Access。

It allows you to create tables, queries, forms, and reports, and connect with the help of Macros ( Macros in Access is a simple programming construct with which you can use to add functionality to your database )


MS Access的缺点: (Cons of MS Access :)

The cons of MS Access are that it is useful for small to medium business sectors. However, it is not useful for large-sized organizations, Lacks robustness compared to DBMS systems like MS SQL Server or Oracle and all the information from your database is saved into one file. Hence reports, queries, and forms can be slowed down.

MS Access的缺点是它对中小型企业部门很有用。 但是,它对大型组织没有用,与DBMS系统(例如MS SQL Server或Oracle)相比,缺乏鲁棒性,并且数据库中的所有信息都保存在一个文件中。 因此,报告,查询和表格可能会变慢。

3.Oracle (3. Oracle)

Oracle is a relational database management system created and run by the Oracle Corporation. Currently, it supports multiple data models like document, relational and key-value within the single database. The system is built around a relational database framework in which data objects may be directly accessed by users.

Oracle是由Oracle Corporation创建和运行的关系数据库管理系统。 当前,它在单个数据库中支持多种数据模型,例如文档,关系和键值。 该系统是围绕关系数据库框架构建的,用户可以在其中直接访问数据对象。

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An image of Oracle DBMS
Oracle DBMS的图像

Oracle的优点:(Pros of Oracle :)

Oracle gave us many things to reduce our daily workflow by the latest version. Some of them are that with Oracle 12c as hybrid cloud software, innovative cloud computing technologies show up daily. At the same time, it keeps focusing on information security. Besides active data guard, improved backup, and recovery.

Oracle提供了许多帮助,以减少最新版本的日常工作量。 其中有一些就是使用Oracle 12c作为混合云软件,创新的云计算技术每天都会出现。 同时,它继续关注信息安全。 除了活动的数据保护外,还改进了备份和恢复。

Meanwhile, Oracle’s multi-model solution allows for accommodating and processing a vast amount of data. Thanks to the recently released multi-tenancy feature.

同时,Oracle的多模型解决方案允许容纳和处理大量数据。 感谢最近发布的多租户功能。

In combination with in-memory data processing capabilities, it creates a strong engine for synchronous data processing.


Oracle的缺点: (Cons of Oracle :)

Though Oracle 12c RDBMS has free editions, they are very limited in terms of functionality. we can get this as an example, what standard Edition which does not include all available features, costs $17,500 per unit. The Enterprise Edition is over $47,000 per unit.

尽管Oracle 12c RDBMS具有免费版本,但是它们在功能方面非常有限。 我们可以以此为例,不包括所有可用功能的标准版每套售价为$ 17,500。 企业版每台价格超过$ 47,000。

Oracle database is not a system to start using right away. It’s better to have certified Oracle DB engineers to run it. If you think to get oracle DB, you’ll have to consider hiring dedicated experts.

Oracle数据库不是立即开始使用的系统。 最好由经过认证的Oracle DB工程师来运行它。 如果您想获得oracle DB,则必须考虑雇用专门的专家。

4. MS SQL( Microsoft SQL) (4. MS SQL ( Microsoft SQL ))

As a completely commercial tool, Microsoft SQL Server is one of the most popular relational Database management systems, in addition to MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. It copes well with effective storing and managing relational data. To interact with SQL Server databases.

作为完全商业化的工具,除了MySQL PostgreSQLOracle之外 Microsoft SQL Server也是最流行的关系数据库管理系统之一 它很好地应对了有效存储和管理关系数据的问题。 与SQL Server数据库进行交互。

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An image of Microsoft SQL DBMS
Microsoft SQL DBMS的图像

Microsoft SQL的优点:(Pros of Microsoft SQL :)

Microsoft SQL Server provides a wide choice of different options with diverse functionalities. For instance, the Express edition with a free database offers entry-level tooling, For bigger projects, there are also Web, Standard, and Enterprise editions, with a varying extent of administrative capabilities and service levels.

Microsoft SQL Server提供了具有不同功能的多种不同选项。 例如,带有免费数据库的Express版本提供了入门级工具,对于大型项目,还有Web,Standard和Enterprise版本,它们具有不同程度的管理功能和服务级别。

MSSQL gives us many end-to-end business data solutions. With a focus on mostly commercial solutions, MSSQL provides a lot of business value-added features.

MSSQL为我们提供了许多端到端业务数据解决方案。 专注于大多数商业解决方案,MSSQL提供了许多商业增值功能。

Microsoft SQL的缺点: (Cons of Microsoft SQL :)

But Being mostly used at enterprise scale, MSSQL Server remains one of the most expensive solutions. As an example, Enterprise edition currently costs over $14,000 per core.

但是,MSSQL Server主要用于企业规模,仍然是最昂贵的解决方案之一。 例如,企业版目前每个内核的成本超过14,000美元。

The ever-changing licensing process. The pricing strategy itself is hard to understand and the elements included in a particular edition are floating, tending to shift from one to another.

不断变化的许可流程。 定价策略本身很难理解,特定版本中包含的元素是浮动的,倾向于从一种转换为另一种。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@thusharasamaweera/database-management-system-dbms-e6a41f562bbb






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