

Three years ago, I graduated from State University of New York at Albany for my Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Science. After four years of cramming for exams and coding projects, I decided not to pursue a role that mainly involves coding as my first job. You may be wondering why I chose not to pursue a career in becoming a developer? The main reasons are the different fears I have compiled throughout my journey. I will take you through the main fear that could also be stopping you as well from opening that compiler and how you can regain the passion for coding again.

三年前,我毕业于纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校,获得了计算机科学理学学士学位。 在为考试和编码项目忙了四年之后,我决定不担任主要涉及编码的工作。 您可能想知道为什么我选择不从事成为开发人员的职业? 主要原因是我在整个旅程中积累了不同的恐惧感。 我将带您克服主要的恐惧,这种恐惧也可能会阻止您打开该编译器,以及如何重新获得对编码的热情。

对高期望的恐惧(是IA的“不良编码员”吗?) (The Fear Of High Expectations (Am I A “Bad Coder”?))

The most significant factor for me is the fear of high expectations from your professors, interviewers, or even future employers that make you second guess if you are good enough. You may think to yourself, what if I can’t perform well? What if I can’t keep up with my peers? Will I be able to code based on their expectations? The main reason why you may feel this way is that you lack confidence. The reality is that many college students in their junior or senior year or even graduates probably lack in real work experience (e.g., internships or side projects). Your lack of confidence may also lead you to believe that you are not “qualified” for the role due to imposter’s syndrome.

对我而言,最重要的因素是担心您的教授,面试官,甚至未来的雇主寄予厚望,如果您的表现足够好,您将不得不再次猜测。 您可能会想,如果我表现不好怎么办? 如果我跟不上同龄人怎么办? 我将能够根据他们的期望进行编码吗? 您可能会有这种感觉的主要原因是您缺乏信心。 现实情况是,许多大三或大三学生甚至毕业生可能缺乏实际的工作经验(例如实习或附带项目)。 您缺乏自信也可能导致您认为自己因冒名顶替综合症而没有“资格”。

Surprisingly, the feeling of not being good enough when coding a program or scripts is very normal. The main reason for this is the psychological idea that you are not going to be as good as the person next to you. For instance, you may get stuck on how to start your coding project for class, but you notice a few of your classmates have already finished their coding projects. You may even have an interest in starting a side project, but you realize someone on Reddit or Github has already written the code — and you may not even be able to decipher their coding. Both instances can discourage anyone from learning to program and can become another factor in why you decided to change your career path. This may factor into your decision to take a different career path in the technology field, such as IT Support or Data Analyst.

令人惊讶的是,在编写程序或脚本时感觉不够好是很正常的。 造成这种情况的主要原因是心理观念,即您不会像旁边的人那样好。 例如,您可能对如何启动课堂上的编码项目感到困惑,但是您注意到一些同学已经完成了他们的编码项目。 您甚至可能对启动辅助项目感兴趣,但是您意识到Reddit或Github上的某人已经编写了代码—甚至可能无法解密他们的代码。 这两种情况都会阻碍任何人学习和编程,并且可能成为您决定改变职业道路的另一个因素。 这可能是您决定在技术领域(例如IT支持或数据分析师)选择不同职业道路的因素。

如何克服恐惧? (How To Overcome The Fear?)

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Photo by Tim Trad on Unsplash
Tim TradUnsplash拍摄的照片

The best way to overcome the feeling of fear is by figuring out what you are not comfortable with (Coding, technical interviews, creativity, etc.) and face it head-on! You have nothing to lose because you are already starting from the bottom, so the only direction you can go from here is up. Take some time out of your day to figure out why you decided to learn to code and what interested you in to take on programming the first place.

克服恐惧感的最佳方法是弄清自己不满意的地方(编码,技术面试,创造力等),并直面面对! 您没有什么可以失去的,因为您已经从底部开始,所以可以从这里开始的唯一方向是向上。 花点时间弄清楚为什么决定决定学习编码,以及对进行编程感兴趣的是什么。

It may be easier said than done, but try not to compare yourself with your peers when it comes to writing code. Everyone started coding from learning the basics of “Hello World,” so what makes you stand out is the additional logic you can contribute to your code. The beauty of open-source is that the code is there for you, but you just need to understand the logic and function behind it. When it comes to coming up with a side project, make sure you work on doing your research and creating the workflow. You decide how the logic of the code will flow and what certain functions that you may or may not need.

说起来容易做起来难,但是在编写代码时,请不要将自己与同行进行比较。 每个人都从学习“ Hello World”的基础开始编写代码,因此让您脱颖而出的是您可以为代码贡献的其他逻辑。 开源的好处在于代码已经为您服务,但是您只需要了解其背后的逻辑和功能即可。 当涉及到附带项目时,请确保您从事研究和创建工作流程。 您可以决定代码逻辑的流程以及您可能需要或不需要的某些特定功能。

在电子表格上写下您的利弊 (Write Your Pros And Cons On a Spreadsheet)

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Photo by NEW DATA SERVICES on Unsplash

I highly recommend creating a simple spreadsheet on excel or google drive, where you jot down the pros and cons of why you are interested in programming. The spreadsheet will help you visualize if you are still interested in coding. You might find it easier to draw out the ideas in a chart or a Venn diagram. The goal here is to see if you still want to do coding, and hopefully, this will spark your interest in programming again.

我强烈建议您在excel或Google驱动器上创建一个简单的电子表格,在这里您可以记述为什么对编程感兴趣的利弊。 如果您仍然对编码感兴趣,电子表格将帮助您可视化。 您可能会发现,以图表或维恩图的形式绘制想法更容易。 这里的目标是查看您是否仍要进行编码,希望这会激发您再次对编程感兴趣。

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我如何被启发再次编写代码 (How I Became Inspired To Code Again)

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Ian Schneider on 伊恩·施耐德( Unsplash Unan Splash)摄影

After graduation, I realize how different the real world is compared to sitting in a classroom. What you learn in school does not matter as much as the work experience that you will gain in the workforce. I came into the realization that I have let my fear become the reason why I stopped working on side-projects.

毕业后,我意识到与坐在教室相比,现实世界有何不同。 您在学校学到的知识与在劳动力中获得的工作经验无关紧要。 我意识到我让自己的恐惧成为了我停止从事附带项目的原因。

During the COVID-19 lock-down, I became very interested in learning how to write automated scripts using Python programming language. In only one month, I was able to write my own scripts that save me time, and it made me realize how coding is not something we should be afraid of, but instead, something we should be taking advantage of it. My advice for anyone who is trying to learn to code is to figure out what you are interested in (e.g., automating tasks on Excel, PDF, Word, etc.) and just do your research. When it comes to programming, it is all about how you tackle the problem. I will suggest drawing a workflow to organize the ideas and understanding the logic behind it.

在COVID-19锁定期间,我对学习如何使用Python编程语言编写自动化脚本非常感兴趣。 在仅仅一个月的时间里,我就能编写自己的脚本,从而节省了时间,这使我意识到,编码不是我们应该担心的事情,而是我们应该利用的东西。 对于任何想学习编码的人,我的建议是弄清楚您感兴趣的内容(例如,在Excel,PDF,Word等上自动执行任务)并进行研究。 在编程方面,这全都与如何解决问题有关。 我将建议绘制一个工作流以组织思想并理解其背后的逻辑。

闭幕 (Closing)

Many of us may have given up on programming, both as a hobby or for work purposes, but you should try to spend at least a few hours to look back on that last side-project you worked on, either by yourself or a coding project from school.


  1. Write out your ideas and reasons for coding. See if you are still interested in writing code!

    写下您的想法和编码原因。 看看您是否仍然对编写代码感兴趣!
  2. Don’t try to read everything on coding; try to look at particular functions and snippets of code that you are interested in.

    不要尝试阅读有关编码的所有内容。 尝试查看您感兴趣的特定功能和代码片段。
  3. Try drawing workflows to figure out what modules or functions you need to know before you can build your first program.

  4. And lastly, do not let fear diminish your confidence.


From that point on, you will have a better perspective if it is worth coming back to programming. Everyone has some sort of fear when they first started. However, you should not let fear dictate whether or not you should give up your passion for coding. With that said, looking forward to seeing your own Medium article on your journey!

从那时起,如果值得重新编程,您将有一个更好的视角。 刚开始时,每个人都有某种恐惧感。 但是,您不应该让恐惧来决定您是否应该放弃对编码的热情。 话虽如此,期待您在旅途中看到自己的中篇文章!

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/how-you-can-rediscover-your-inspiration-for-programming-77288c6da143


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