

我的Salesforce开发人员旅程(My Salesforce Developer Journey)

I’ve been developing software for thirty-five years. In the late 2000s, I was a heads-down developer writing business applications for my customers with Microsoft technologies. A decade before that, I was working with early HTML, JavaScript, Java, ColdFusion, and Lotus Notes. And through the 1990s I was building desktop database apps with FoxPro and Visual Basic.

我从事软件开发已有35年了。 在2000年代后期,我是一位精明的开发人员,使用Microsoft技术为我的客户编写业务应用程序。 在此之前的十年,我使用了早期HTML,JavaScript,Java,ColdFusion和Lotus Notes。 在1990年代,我一直在使用FoxPro和Visual Basic构建桌面数据库应用程序。

About ten years ago, I was starting to burn out when I stumbled onto what was then known as Salesforce’s (now known as the Lightning Platform). It was like discovering new love. At that time, cloud computing had only just begun to catch on, and there were few platform services offering similar capabilities. None matched Salesforce’s scale, flexibility, depth, and breadth.

大约十年前,当我偶然发现当时称为Salesforce的现在称为Lightning Platform)时,我开始精疲力尽。 这就像发现新的爱情。 那时,云计算才刚刚开始流行,并且几乎没有提供类似功能的平台服务。 没有一个与Salesforce的规模,灵活性,深度和广度相符。

Unlike other technologies of the time, with Salesforce I could build an app in a day and deploy it to thousands of users almost instantly. I could modify the data schema, logic, and user interface while they were live in production without disrupting any user. I could integrate with other systems using pre-existing, robust security mechanisms and industry-standard SOAP and REST APIs. And I couldn’t even count all of those pesky IT tasks that I no longer needed to worry about as a developer. And it was fun! Working within the platform was enjoyable and made it easy to find success as a developer.

与当时的其他技术不同,使用Salesforce,我可以在一天内构建一个应用程序,几乎立即将其部署到成千上万的用户。 我可以在生产环境中修改数据架构,逻辑和用户界面,而不会干扰任何用户。 我可以使用预先存在的强大安全机制以及行业标准的SOAP和REST API与其他系统集成。 作为开发人员,我什至不能指望那些烦人的IT任务。 这很有趣! 在平台上工作很愉快,并且很容易获得开发人员的成功。

In short, I fell madly in love with the technology and never looked back.


今天 (Today)

Fast forward to 2020. I remain immersed in Salesforce technology, where I have been building business applications and solutions since finding the platform ten years ago. I subsequently directed my career toward helping others learn and master Salesforce technology as an instructor and mentor, focused on helping other developers leverage the platform for their own success.

快进到2020年。我仍然沉迷于Salesforce技术,自十年前找到该平台以来,我一直在构建业务应用程序和解决方案。 随后,我将自己的职业生涯定向为帮助其他人以讲师和导师的身份学习和掌握Salesforce技术,专注于帮助其他开发人员利用该平台获得成功。

In my eight years as a Salesforce MVP and ten years as a Salesforce Training Partner, I’ve been asked by customers, students, and fellow community members what exactly compelled me to migrate to Salesforce. After all, I was a data-centric business application developer, and Salesforce was for CRM. I didn’t even know that CRM meant Customer Relationship Management at the time!

在我担任Salesforce MVP的八年和担任Salesforce培训合作伙伴的十年中,客户,学生和社区成员一直问我到底是什么促使我迁移到Salesforce。 毕竟,我是一个以数据为中心的业务应用程序开发人员,而Salesforce是CRM客户。 当时我什至都不知道CRM意味着客户关系管理!

Over this series of articles, I’m going to answer that question. I’ll talk about why you should consider Salesforce developer as a career and the unique career opportunities (both technical and personal) available to both experienced and beginning developers. I’ll talk about how the platform is financially rewarding because of the ever-expanding customer base, the ever-expanding technology, and the dearth of experienced development talent. Most importantly, I’ll explain how the platform has evolved into a deeply-technical developer platform that requires serious developers.

在本系列文章中,我将回答这个问题。 我将讨论为什么您应该将Salesforce开发人员视为职业,并为经验丰富的初级开发人员提供独特的职业机会(技术和个人机会)。 我将讨论由于不断扩大的客户群,不断扩大的技术以及缺乏经验丰富的开发人才而使该平台在财务上带来的收益。 最重要的是,我将解释该平台如何发展成为需要认真的开发人员的技术水平很高的开发人员平台。

The Salesforce Economy
The Salesforce Economy

但是,Salesforce是否仅用于CRM?(But Isn’t Salesforce Just for CRM?)

First, let’s address the question that has been a huge point of confusion and a key impediment to many developers taking advantage of the platform. No, Salesforce is not just CRM. Yes, it’s true that Customer Relationship Management (or CRM) is the core of Salesforce. However, in service of building and evolving their CRM platform, a resulting side-effect has been an enterprise-grade, metadata-driven, multi-tenant cloud architecture that allows developers to build almost any kind of business application with speed and ease. Customer data is the heart of Salesforce, and the heart of most business applications. Salesforce customers who already use the CRM now have a complete application development platform at their disposal, which can be used to rapidly build whatever innovative business applications they can conceive: financial, task management, contract management, document workflows, eCommerce, mobile, and more. It enables building applications quickly, with a cloud-first stack supported by the serious development frameworks you expect in a modern system: an open-source web components UI layer (Lightning Web Components), integration with DevOps tools such as CI/CD pipelines and containers, an AI engine (Einstein), a platform message bus (Platform Events), and there is evolving technology (Evergreen) for serverless microservices using node.js, Redis, Kubernetes, and more.

首先,让我们解决这个问题,它一直是一个巨大的困惑点,并且是许多使用该平台的开发人员的主要障碍。 不,Salesforce不只是CRM。 是的,客户关系管理(或CRM)确实是Salesforce的核心。 但是,在构建和发展其CRM平台的过程中,产生的副作用是企业级,元数据驱动的多租户云体系结构,该体系结构使开发人员可以快速轻松地构建几乎任何类型的业务应用程序。 客户数据是Salesforce的心脏,也是大多数业务应用程序的心脏。 已经使用CRM的Salesforce客户现在可以使用完整的应用程序开发平台,该平台可用于快速构建他们可以构思的任何创新业务应用程序:财务,任务管理,合同管理,文档工作流,电子商务,移动等。 它使您能够快速构建应用程序,并获得您希望在现代系统中使用的严谨开发框架支持的云优先堆栈:开源Web组件UI层(Lightning Web Components),与DevOps工具(如CI / CD管道和容器,AI引擎(Einstein),平台消息总线(Platform Events),以及使用node.js,Redis,Kubernetes等的无服务器微服务的不断发展的技术( Evergreen )。

您应该成为Salesforce开发人员吗? (Should You Become a Salesforce Developer?)

So let’s look at the market. There is a strong and growing market need for Salesforce developers. Salesforce developer was named a top-10 job of 2019 by Indeed, with a 129% year-over-year growth and an average salary of over $117,000. Why? Salesforce is used in over 90% of Fortune 500 companies. And more and more of these companies are migrating their non-Salesforce apps into their Salesforce ecosystem. In order to succeed, these companies need developers familiar with both Salesforce and traditional development stacks, and here is where I found great opportunity.

因此,让我们看一下市场。 Salesforce开发人员的市场需求不断增长。 Salesforce开发人员的确被确实的公司评为2019年的前十名工作,同比增长129%平均薪水超过117,000美元。 为什么? 90%以上的《财富》 500强公司都使用Salesforce。 越来越多的这些公司正在将其非Salesforce应用程序迁移到其Salesforce生态系统中。 为了获得成功,这些公司需要熟悉Salesforce和传统开发堆栈的开发人员,在这里我找到了很多机会。

As in traditional development, the Salesforce platform needs a wide range of developers with a wide range of interests. Let’s see how it might align with your skills.

与传统开发一样,Salesforce平台需要具有广泛兴趣的广泛开发人员。 让我们看看它如何与您的技能保持一致。

前端/ JavaScript开发人员 (Front End/JavaScript Developer)

Are you a front-end web developer working with HTML5, CSS3, and modular JavaScript? Are you intrigued by web components and building beautiful and responsive business applications that present consistently across desktop and mobile devices? These skills are in high demand within the Salesforce ecosystem. Over the last few years, the platform has adopted web components and modern JavaScript industry standards for its Lightning Web Component framework and the modular component-based architecture behind its Lightning User Experience. As a side note — they’ve also embraced open-source standards by creating a variety of open-source projects, such as the Lightning Web Components project, oclif — a framework for building CLIs in Node.js — and Apache PredictionIO — a machine learning server, and more.

您是使用HTML5,CSS3和模块化JavaScript的前端Web开发人员吗? 您是否对Web组件感兴趣,并构建在台式机和移动设备上始终呈现的精美且响应Swift的业务应用程序感兴趣? 在Salesforce生态系统中,对这些技能的需求很高。 在过去的几年中,该平台为其Lightning Web Component框架和Lightning用户体验背后的基于模块化组件的体系结构采用了Web组件和现代JavaScript行业标准。 附带说明一下,他们还通过创建各种开源项目来拥抱开源标准例如Lightning Web Components项目, oclif (用于在Node.js中构建CLI的框架)和Apache PredictionIO (一台机器)学习服务器等。

全栈开发人员 (Full-Stack Developer)

Maybe you’re hooked on Node.js and JavaScript libraries and frameworks. If so, there’s great need in the application stacks that lie beneath the Salesforce clouds. These proprietary applications in their eCommerce, Marketing, and Price Quote products utilize such web technologies for their customization — and Salesforce is all about customization.

也许您迷上了Node.js以及JavaScript库和框架。 如果是这样,那么位于Salesforce云下面的应用程序堆栈中就有很大的需求。 这些在其电子商务,市场营销和价格报价产品中的专有应用程序利用此类Web技术进行自定义-而Salesforce就是关于自定义的。

JavaScript Plug-ins for Salesforce CPQ
JavaScript Plug-ins for Salesforce CPQ
适用于Salesforce CPQJavaScript插件

Maybe you’re more interested in relational databases, stored procedures, and object-oriented service layers. The Heroku platform allows for managed data stores like Postgres, Apache Kafka, and Redis supporting all sorts of web applications and easy integration with the Salesforce database. And while the Salesforce metadata-driven cloud architecture allows non-programmers to configure the core Salesforce data object schema and configure no-code logic processes, more complex business requirements often require programmatic triggers and service logic written with the Apex object-oriented programming language.

也许您对关系数据库,存储过程和面向对象的服务层更感兴趣。 Heroku平台允许托管数据存储(如Postgres,Apache Kafka和Redis)支持各种Web应用程序,并易于与Salesforce数据库集成。 尽管Salesforce元数据驱动的云体系结构允许非程序员配置核心Salesforce数据对象架构并配置无代码逻辑流程,但更复杂的业务需求通常需要使用Apex面向对象编程语言编写的编程触发器和服务逻辑。

Apex in Visual Studio Code
Apex in Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code中的Apex

微服务或无服务器架构师 (Microservice or Serverless Architect)

While in-bound and out-bound web integration has been built into Salesforce for well over a decade,the Evergeen toolkit will allow Salesforce developers to write small functions and microservice logic using not only Apex, but also Java and Node.js. This allows them to be invoked natively from within Salesforce, using both declarative and code-based tools. The Heroku cloud platform already supports polyglot web applications and services that easily integrate with the native Salesforce clouds, and Evergreen will expand these capabilities even more, providing a whole new opportunity pipeline for developers.

虽然入站和出站Web集成已内置到Salesforce中已有十多年了,但Evergeen工具包将使Salesforce开发人员不仅可以使用Apex,还可以使用Java和Node.js编写小型函数和微服务逻辑。 这使它们可以使用声明性和基于代码的工具从Salesforce内部进行调用。 Heroku云平台已经支持可以与本机Salesforce云轻松集成的多语言Web应用程序和服务,Evergreen将进一步扩展这些功能,为开发人员提供全新的机会。

Evergreen System Diagram
Evergreen System Diagram 常绿系统图

移动开发者(Mobile Developer)

Perhaps you’re an iOS or Android mobile developer. While it’s true that native Salesforce is configurable with no-code to instantly present on mobile devices, available SDKs allow for truly native mobile and device app development for custom business cases across all sorts of business domains.

也许您是iOS或Android移动开发人员。 确实,可以使用无代码配置本机Salesforce,以立即将其显示在移动设备上,但可用的SDK允许真正的本机移动设备和设备应用程序开发,用于跨各种业务域的自定义业务案例。

人工智能/数据科学家 (Artificial Intelligence / Data Scientist)

Or maybe you lean towards business analysis, analytics, or artificial intelligence. Salesforce Einstein provides opportunities for developers interested in data science, analytics, AI, and integrations across external transactional business systems. Salesforce also recently acquired Tableau Software and has standing partnerships with both IBM and Microsoft.

或者,您可能倾向于业务分析,分析或人工智能。 Salesforce爱因斯坦为那些对数据科学,分析,人工智能以及跨外部交易业务系统集成感兴趣的开发人员提供了机会。 Salesforce最近收购了Tableau Software ,并与IBM和Microsoft建立了长期合作伙伴关系。

Tableau 画面

解决方案架构师(Solutions Architect)

Even with highly configurable Integration Cloud tools such as Mulesoft, there is still a great need for solutions architects with integration and identity skills and experience. The platform follows an API-first approach, and built-in, standards-based identity management mechanisms allow for highly-secure application and service integrations. Yet again, even though much can be accomplished with no-code configurable tools, solid developer skills are still required to build and maintain effective integrations across any enterprise landscape.

即使使用高度可配置的Integration Cloud工具(例如Mulesoft) ,仍非常需要具有集成,身份识别技能和经验的解决方案架构师。 该平台遵循API优先的方法,并且内置的基于标准的身份管理机制允许高度安全的应用程序和服务集成。 再一次,即使使用无代码可配置工具可以完成很多工作,仍然需要扎实的开发人员技能来构建和维护跨任何企业环境的有效集成。


物联网开发人员(IoT Developer)

Maybe you like to play with connected stuff. An API-first company would be a great platform for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Salesforce has been evolving its IoT offerings to support opportunities for customers needing machine-to-machine communication across a wide variety of industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, medicine, and energy — all ripe opportunities for developers with ‘Maker’ propensities.

也许您喜欢玩连接的东西。 API优先的公司将是物联网(IoT)应用程序的绝佳平台。 Salesforce一直在发展其IoT产品,以为需要跨制造业,制造业,农业,医药和能源等众多行业的机器对机器通信的客户提供支持机会,这对于具有“制造商”倾向的开发人员来说都是成熟的机会。

My key point is that even though Salesforce is famous as a no-code platform, the reality is that there’s an industry need for traditional developers who can effectively apply their skills within the ecosystem. While it can be challenging for developers to merge programmatic logic with declarative mechanisms, that’s one aspect that creates such high demand for those who can master such skills.

我的关键点是,即使Salesforce作为无代码平台而闻名,但现实情况是,行业对传统开发人员存在需求,他们需要在生态系统中有效地运用自己的技能。 对于开发人员来说,将编程逻辑与声明性机制合并可能是一个挑战,但另一方面,这对那些掌握这些技能的人提出了很高的要求。

下一步是什么? (What’s Next?)

Over the next few posts in this series, I’m going to drill down into some of these technical areas. Along the way, I’ll provide links to where you can find deeper information, online educational content, and documentation. I’ll freely admit my goal is to entice you to learn more — and maybe even convince you to jump in.

在本系列的下几篇文章中,我将深入探讨其中的一些技术领域。 在整个过程中,我将提供指向您可以找到更深层信息,在线教育内容和文档的链接。 我会自由地承认我的目标是吸引您学习更多,甚至说服您加入

In my next post, I’ll focus on the core aspects of the platform and what it means to be a Salesforce Business App Developer. We’ll look at some of the App Dev capabilities of the platform, the power and leverage of the metadata-driven architecture, the need for sophisticated development skills to work within such an architecture both declarative and programmatic, and more.

在我的下一篇文章中,我将重点介绍平台的核心方面以及成为Salesforce Business App Developer的意义。 我们将研究该平台的某些App Dev功能,元数据驱动的体系结构的功能和优势,对复杂的开发技能的要求,以使其能够在声明式和程序化这样的体系结构中运行。

I hope you’ll come with me on this Salesforce Developer Journey, and I’m going to hope (and maybe even bet) that it could change your life as it did mine.


Published with permission from Don Robins

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