

^ h OW在你的职业生涯的IT进步,根据我个人的经验!(How to progress at your IT career, based on my personal experience!)

Hello all, today I’ll give you guys some tips that helped me to make some good progress at my career (as a web UI developer) and how I learned those tips (Good & Bad experiences). But, first, let me introduce my self.

大家好,今天我将为大家提供一些技巧,这些技巧可以帮助我在职业生涯中(作为Web UI开发人员)取得一些良好的进步,以及如何学习这些技巧(好与坏的经验)。 但是,首先,让我自我介绍。

我是谁? (Who I am?)

How to progress at your IT career This is how I made a progress at my IT career SD Web UI DEV
How to progress at your IT career — Who I am? — Mister X
在您的IT事业上如何进步-我是谁? — X先生

I’m an SD (Software Designer) web UI developer with more than 10 years in the business, I’m not the best developer but I’m not the worst, so, if we want to measure it in a range from 1 to 10, I think I’m a 7 (Yeah, 7, there is a lot of things I need to learn), so, in this 10 years working in different companies and with a lot of clients, I learned (or I think I did) how to escalate positions faster than when I started, and this post is not just about to positions, is about knowledge.

我是SD(软件设计师)Web UI开发人员,从事该行业已有10年以上的时间,我不是最好的开发人员,但我也不是最差的开发人员,因此,如果我们要在1到1的范围内进行衡量, 10,我认为我7岁(是的,7,我需要学习很多东西),所以,在这10年里,我在不同的公司工作,并与许多客户一起工作,我学到了(或者我想我确实)如何比我刚开始时更快地提升职位,而这篇文章不仅是关于职位,还涉及知识。

1)有竞争力! (错误的方法) (1) Being competitive! (the wrong way))

progress as it web ui developer, competitive
Photo by Miguel A. Amutio on Unsplash
Miguel A.AmutioUnsplash拍摄的照片

In my first years like a developer, and at my first job, all of I wanted to do was ‘being competitive and show results asap’.


Being competitive (for me) meant to do it faster than the rest of the devs at my positions, be the first, shows the result no matter how, and without testing the rest of the functionalities. I was so focused to do that specific task that I didn’t try to understand what the code was going to do to the rest of the application. Also, I was in such a hurry that I forgot to remove the comments that came in the code that I borrowed from the internet! So, the big NO here was the fact that for me was just about time and not about learning. I spend a lot of time looking and trying to do minimal modification to the code I got from the internet that I didn’t care about learning what that code does and why, also, I saw new functions and I never tried to check the documentation for that specific function… this kind of practice lead me in a very long learning curve. This last (The learning thing) moves us to the next experience.

(对我而言)具有竞争力意味着它比我所处位置的其余所有开发人员都快,无论如何,并且无需测试其余功能,它都能显示出结果。 我非常专心于执行该特定任务,以至于我没有试图理解代码对应用程序其余部分的作用。 另外,我很着急,以致于我忘记删除从互联网上借来的代码中的注释! 因此,这里最大的缺点是,对我而言,这只是时间而不是学习。 我花了很多时间寻找并尝试对从互联网上获得的代码进行最小的修改,因为我根本不关心学习该代码的功能以及为什么这么做,而且,我看到了新功能,并且从未尝试过查看文档对于特定的功能……这种练习使我处于很长的学习过程中。 最后(学习的东西)将我们带入下一个体验。

2)学习是关于阅读,理解和编码的! (2) Learning is about read, understand, and code!)

progress as it web ui developer, read, learn
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
JESHOOTS.COMUnsplash上的 照片

Yes, learning is not just copy&paste some code out there and refresh the app to see if it works. Is about understood what we are doing and why. If our boss asks us to show a POI in a google map, you need to understand that is not just showing the POI, is understood how a POI is being displayed in a map, how to change that POI, and how to add a label in there. So, don’t run to google.com and search for ‘how to add a poi to google map javascript’, because, if it was just that, our boss wouldn’t need us, and we don’t get paid at the end of the month. So, now, for this request, you should go to the official documentation to understand how to do it and be able to perform any further changes we should need. This will lead us to 2 topics: Documentations and Go Beyond

是的,学习不仅是复制并粘贴一些代码然后刷新应用程序以查看其是否有效。 是关于了解我们在做什么以及为什么。 如果我们的老板要求我们在Google地图中显示POI,则您需要了解的不只是显示POI,了解POI在地图中的显示方式,如何更改POI以及如何添加标签在那里。 因此,请勿运行到google.com并搜索“如何在Google Map javascript中添加poi”,因为仅此而已,我们的老板就不需要我们了,而且在月底。 因此,现在,对于此请求,您应该转到官方文档以了解如何执行此操作并能够执行我们需要做的任何进一步更改。 这将导致我们进入2个主题:文档超越

3)文档(很好的部分!)(3) Documentations (The good parts!))

progress as it web ui developer, documentation
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash
克里斯蒂娜(Christina)@ wocintechchat.comUnsplash上的 照片

I used to spend a lot of time asking google on how to solve my problem, learning nothing, and being able to perform zero modifications. So, I forget about StackOverflow (I love it, but is like a toxic love we have) and started to look at the official documentation! I.E: If I needed to loop through an array and get some value, I’m going to the official array documentation to understand first, what is an array, how I feed it and how to loop over it. StackOverflow is amazing, there we can find a lot of devs asking the same thing we were going to ask, but, whit the solution at the top of the comments and highlighted!! (Shut up and take my money!!)

我曾经花很多时间问谷歌如何解决我的问题,什么都不学,并且能够执行零修改。 因此,我忘了StackOverflow(我喜欢它,但是就像我们有毒的恋爱一样),并开始查看官方文档! IE:如果我需要遍历一个数组并获得一些价值,我将去看正式的数组文档,首先了解什么是数组,如何喂入数组以及如何遍历数组。 StackOverflow令人惊叹,在那里我们可以找到很多开发人员询问我们将要问的相同问题,但是,在注释顶部并突出显示了解决方案! (不必多说了,把我的钱拿去!!)

4)超越(推动自己) (4) Go Beyond (Push yourself))

progress as it web ui developer, go beyond

Some day, an experienced co-worker asked me…


‘why are you limiting your imagination?’


That day, I went to the office, with a good coffee in my hand, and thinking how StackOverflow will save my day, as usual. But, that question just changed my entire world. I was working with a framework (Zend — PHP), facing an issue about re-ordering a list of videos, and that fateful question made me see things from other points of view. I stopped using Google to solve my issues (also StackOverflow), then, I grabbed paper and pen and that was my very first draw, 6 rectangular boxes, a number beside each of them, and imagined how to do the re-order. After that, I proposed to the client to add a ‘like’ system, he loved the idea and I started working on that, then, another idea came to me, I moved it to the client…… (infinite loop here). I become in a parter of my client, I was looking for ways to improve the app (from a dev perspective). This is so important, help your client (or your company client) to grow! They have a commercial idea, with a Business Analyst, a Product Owner, and a lot of people shaping the app, but your point of view is important too! You can see things that they don’t. By doing this, the client will give your manager better feedback, and you know, that is very important nowadays.

那天,我手里拿着一杯咖啡去了办公室,想着StackOverflow如何照常保存我的一天。 但是,这个问题改变了我的整个世界。 我当时正在使用一个框架(Zend — PHP),面临着有关重新排序视频列表的问题,而这个致命的问题使我从其他角度来看事情。 我停止使用Google解决问题(也包括StackOverflow),然后,我拿起纸和笔,这是我的第一个绘画,六个矩形框,每个框旁边都有一个数字,并想象如何进行重新排序。 在那之后,我向客户建议添加一个“ like”系统,他喜欢这个主意,然后我开始着手研究,然后,另一个主意出现了,我将其移交给了客户……(此处为无限循环)。 我与客户成为伙伴,我一直在寻找改善应用程序的方法(从开发人员的角度来看)。 这是如此重要,请帮助您的客户(或公司客户)发展! 他们有商业想法,有业务分析师,产品负责人和许多人在设计应用程序,但是您的观点也很重要! 您可以看到他们没有看到的东西。 这样,客户将为您的经理提供更好的反馈,并且您知道,这在当今非常重要。

5)扩大您的团队(寻找机会)! (5) Expand your team (Look for opportunities)!)

progress as it web ui developer, expand team
Photo by Timo Wielink on Unsplash
Timo WielinkUnsplash拍摄的照片

Sometimes, the clients are trying to save some money, by having a reduced team of developers / QA, but, is your mission to expand your team or create some other teams for a different task (QualityCode team / Automation team / Performance team / Ethical Hacking team…). With this, both are going to win something, look it from the client perspective, they are going to spend more money for a ‘Performance team’, but they are going to win more visits because their site is loading faster than ever and if they have some ads the revenue is being increased. And you, my friend, will be the hero that day! Also, adding an Ethical Hacking team will save money to the client by fixing that security breach that allows hackers to encrypt some important data. Again, hero!

有时候,客户试图通过减少开发人员/质量保证团队来节省一些钱,但是,您的任务是扩展团队或创建其他团队来完成其他任务(QualityCode团队/自动化团队/性能团队/道德黑客团队...)。 这样,两家公司都将赢得一些东西,从客户的角度来看,他们将为“绩效团队”花费更多的钱,但是他们将赢得更多的访问,因为他们的网站加载速度比以往任何时候都要快,而且如果他们有一些广告,收入正在增加。 而你,我的朋友,将成为那天的英雄! 同样,增加一个道德黑客团队将通过修复允许黑客加密某些重要数据的安全漏洞,为客户节省资金。 再次,英雄!

6)让您的领导者靠近(24/7)! (6) Have your leader closer (24/7)!)

progress as it web ui developer, leader
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash
Cytonn PhotographyUnsplash拍摄的照片

Your leader is the right person to have it closer. He has a lot of knowledge, and I’m not just talking about technical skills, he also has tons of soft skills, those soft skills are related to ‘client communication’, ‘sense of urgency’, ‘team collaboration’… you must learn all of those soft skills! they are going to make you a better professional, someone who they wanted to work again in other projects, and that move you into a position where you can start demanding things, like a better salary or a promotion.

您的领导者是拉近距离的合适人选。 他有很多知识,我不仅在谈论技术技能,还拥有大量的软技能,这些软技能与“客户沟通”,“紧迫感”,“团队合作”有关……您必须学习所有这些软技能! 他们将使您成为一个更好的专业人士,他们想再次在其他项目中工作,从而使您升任可以开始提出要求的职位,例如更高的薪水或晋升。

7)同情客户(给他们一些花)! (7) Empathize with the client (Give them some flowers)!)

progress as it web ui developer, empat
Photo by RoseBox رز باکس on Unsplash
RoseBoxرزباکسUnsplash上的 照片

For the client, you are just a number, someone behind a computer, writing some code, and making things works. They request something and 1 week later that thing is ‘materialized’ (virtually), so, is your duty to break with that, ask about their last weekend, how was the lunch, if they have kids, last vacation, and the most important (is my favorite) ask about their birthdays (yeah! you know why), give them a birthday present, if they are not in your country, try to google some gifts companies in their country and ensure they receive something (don’t care if it is expensive or cheap, is the fact that you have given them a present). This kind of thinks makes you great, and the company (the client company :P ) will start talking about you, which has a positive impact on your career!

对于客户而言,您只是一个数字,是一台计算机背后的人,正在编写一些代码,并使一切正常。 他们要求一些东西,然后1周后(实际上)这个东西“物化了”,因此,您有责任打破这一点,询问他们的最后一个周末,午餐如何,是否有孩子,最后一个假期,以及最重要的(是我的最爱)问他们的生日(是的!你知道为什么),给他们一个生日礼物,如果他们不在您的国家,请尝试在该国的Google找一些礼品公司,并确保他们收到了礼物(不在乎)如果价格昂贵或便宜,则是您给他们送了礼物)。 这种想法使您变得很棒,公司(客户公司:P)将开始谈论您,这对您的职业生涯有积极影响!

就这些了! (That is all folks!)

progress as it web ui developer

So, I think these are some of the most important things you need to start working on to improve your skills as a developer and grow in your career and to your company!


Hope It Helps!


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-progress-at-your-it-career-7a29ead12b44


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1 目标检测的定义 目标检测(Object Detection)的任务是找出图像所有感兴趣的目标(物体),确定它们的类别和位置,是计算机视觉领域的核心问题之一。由于各类物体有不同的外观、形状和姿态,加上成像时光照、遮挡等因素的干扰,目标检测一直是计算机视觉领域最具有挑战性的问题。 目标检测任务可分为两个关键的子任务,目标定位和目标分类。首先检测图像目标的位置(目标定位),然后给出每个目标的具体类别(目标分类)。输出结果是一个边界框(称为Bounding-box,一般形式为(x1,y1,x2,y2),表示框的左上角坐标和右下角坐标),一个置信度分数(Confidence Score),表示边界框是否包含检测对象的概率和各个类别的概率(首先得到类别概率,经过Softmax可得到类别标签)。 1.1 Two stage方法 目前主流的基于深度学习的目标检测算法主要分为两类:Two stage和One stage。Two stage方法将目标检测过程分为两个阶段。第一个阶段是 Region Proposal 生成阶段,主要用于生成潜在的目标候选框(Bounding-box proposals)。这个阶段通常使用卷积神经网络(CNN)从输入图像提取特征,然后通过一些技巧(如选择性搜索)来生成候选框。第二个阶段是分类和位置精修阶段,将第一个阶段生成的候选框输入到另一个 CNN 进行分类,并根据分类结果对候选框的位置进行微调。Two stage 方法的优点是准确度较高,缺点是速度相对较慢。 常见Tow stage目标检测算法有:R-CNN系列、SPPNet等。 1.2 One stage方法 One stage方法直接利用模型提取特征值,并利用这些特征值进行目标的分类和定位,不需要生成Region Proposal。这种方法的优点是速度快,因为省略了Region Proposal生成的过程。One stage方法的缺点是准确度相对较低,因为它没有对潜在的目标进行预先筛选。 常见的One stage目标检测算法有:YOLO系列、SSD系列和RetinaNet等。 2 常见名词解释 2.1 NMS(Non-Maximum Suppression) 目标检测模型一般会给出目标的多个预测边界框,对成百上千的预测边界框都进行调整肯定是不可行的,需要对这些结果先进行一个大体的挑选。NMS称为非极大值抑制,作用是从众多预测边界框挑选出最具代表性的结果,这样可以加快算法效率,其主要流程如下: 设定一个置信度分数阈值,将置信度分数小于阈值的直接过滤掉 将剩下框的置信度分数从大到小排序,选值最大的框 遍历其余的框,如果和当前框的重叠面积(IOU)大于设定的阈值(一般为0.7),就将框删除(超过设定阈值,认为两个框的里面的物体属于同一个类别) 从未处理的框继续选一个置信度分数最大的,重复上述过程,直至所有框处理完毕 2.2 IoU(Intersection over Union) 定义了两个边界框的重叠度,当预测边界框和真实边界框差异很小时,或重叠度很大时,表示模型产生的预测边界框很准确。边界框A、B的IOU计算公式为: 2.3 mAP(mean Average Precision) mAP即均值平均精度,是评估目标检测模型效果的最重要指标,这个值介于0到1之间,且越大越好。mAP是AP(Average Precision)的平均值,那么首先需要了解AP的概念。想要了解AP的概念,还要首先了解目标检测Precision和Recall的概念。 首先我们设置置信度阈值(Confidence Threshold)和IoU阈值(一般设置为0.5,也会衡量0.75以及0.9的mAP值): 当一个预测边界框被认为是True Positive(TP)时,需要同时满足下面三个条件: Confidence Score > Confidence Threshold 预测类别匹配真实值(Ground truth)的类别 预测边界框的IoU大于设定的IoU阈值 不满足条件2或条件3,则认为是False Positive(FP)。当对应同一个真值有多个预测结果时,只有最高置信度分数的预测结果被认为是True Positive,其余被认为是False Positive。 Precision和Recall的概念如下图所示: Precision表示TP与预测边界框数量的比值 Recall表示TP与真实边界框数量的比值 改变不同的置信度阈值,可以获得多组Precision和Recall,Recall放X轴,Precision放Y轴,可以画出一个Precision-Recall曲线,简称P-R




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