
Tired of the irritating bloatware on the Xiaomi phones? Not just irritating, it is scary when those apps demand irrational permissions. Like why should the notes application need permission to make phone calls? And why should the File manager want access to internet? Why does the so called security app pop up again and again, asking permission to do anything and everything? Is it really securing my phone? Or sealing my data? And what exactly is that msa, hanging out in memory?

厌倦了小米手机上令人讨厌的膨胀软件? 这些应用程序需要非理性的权限时,不仅令人烦恼,而且令人恐惧。 就像为什么注释应用程序需要通话许可? 为什么文件管理器要访问互联网? 为什么所谓的安全应用程序一次又一次弹出,要求执行任何操作? 它真的可以保护我的手机吗? 还是密封我的数据? 在内存中闲逛的那个msa到底是什么?

It is true that Xiaomi is a reputed company that may not indulge in lowly practices. But.. You never know. I do not feel comfortable when I know there are Chinese apps on my phone, messing around with the phone. If they are not, then why do they need such permissions?

的确,小米是一家声誉卓著的公司,可能不会沉迷于低级的做法。 但是..你永远不会知道。 当我知道我的手机上有中文应用程序时,我会感到不舒服。 如果不是,那么为什么需要这样的权限?

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***请阅读下面的免责声明。 ***

禁用膨胀软件 (Disable the Bloatware)

I started with the simple techniques, to individually disable each of these apps, lock away all their permissions and installed alternatives — that are a lot more trustworthy.


  • Mi Notes replaced by Google Keep, or Evernote.

    将Mi Notes替换为Google Keep或Evernote。
  • Mi Pay replaced by any of the several UPI apps.

    Mi Pay已由多个UPI应用程序中的任何一个取代。
  • SMS Messenger replaced by Microsoft SMS Organizer, or Facebook Messenger

    SMS Messenger被Microsoft SMS Organizer或Facebook Messenger取代
  • Mi Contacts replaced by Google Contacts

  • Mi Browser replaced by Google Chrome, Firefox

    小米浏览器已由Google Chrome,Firefox取代
  • Mi Video, Mi Music replaced by VLC

  • Mi Security replacedby McAfee

    Mi Security被McAfee取代

I went through the Permissions allocated in the Android Settings, and ensured I had disabled all the permissions for the Mi Apps.

我查看了Android设置中分配的权限,并确保已禁用Mi Apps的所有权限。

I thought I was safe. But, soon I found that those apps had regained their permissions, and started popping up again. I got a notification that I had 1 GB of garbage in my internal memory and that could be cleaned if I gave it additional permissions. I got messages that my mobile was not secure, and it could be secured by allowing more permissions. The Notes app popped up again and again — out of nowhere — asking for permissions to make calls and view SMS.

我以为我很安全。 但是,很快我发现那些应用重新获得了权限,并再次开始弹出。 我收到一条通知,通知我内部内存中有1 GB的垃圾,如果我给它其他权限,则可以清除该垃圾。 我收到消息说我的手机不安全,可以通过允许更多权限来保护它的安全。 Notes应用一遍又一遍地弹出-无处不在-寻求权限以进行呼叫和查看SMS。

根设备 (Root the Device)

I thought I had enough of it. So decided I would root the device and erase these apps one by one.

我以为我受够了。 因此,我决定将设备植根并逐个删除这些应用。

I looked around for ways to root the device. A lot of videos and blogs out there. But each one warned me the if I do, it will void my warranty. So what? I don’t want Mi anyway. I don’t need their warranty!

我到处寻找方法来生根设备。 那里有很多视频和博客。 但是每个人都警告我,如果这样做,它将使我的保修无效。 所以呢? 反正我也不要 我不需要保修!

So I decided it is time I take the jump. The steps for rooting an android device:

所以我决定是时候该跳了。 扎根android设备的步骤:

  • Unlock the boot loader

  • Install the new Recovery ROM

  • Install a rooting App like Magisk


Simple! Well it is not so simple. Let’s look at it in detail. First of all, make sure your phone is fully charged, so that it does not give up half way. That could be very bad.

简单! 好吧,这不是那么简单。 让我们详细看一下。 首先,请确保您的手机已充满电,以免丢失一半。 那可能非常糟糕。

解锁引导加载程序 (Unlock the Boot Loader)

Unlocking the boot loader is not as simple a task. You need to use an MI application for that! Well.. does that defeat the purpose? I thought let me try anyway. So I started with the process. This requires some steps on the phone and some steps on the PC.

解锁引导加载程序并不是一件容易的事。 您需要为此使用MI应用程序! 好吧..这会破坏目的吗? 我以为还是让我尝试。 所以我从这个过程开始。 这需要在电话上执行某些步骤,并在PC上执行某些步骤。

电话: (Phone:)

First step is to enable the developer options. That is a trivial task. Go to Settings -> About Phone -> Tap the version 7 times. And you are done! You have enabled the developer options.

第一步是启用开发人员选项。 这是一项琐碎的任务。 转到设置->关于手机->点击版本7次。 您完成了! 您已启用开发人员选项。

Now, come back to the Settings menu. In Additional Settings, you will see a new entry. Developer options. In there.. enable all that you are allowed to enable. Specifically, enable the USB Debugging, Install via USB and OEM Unlocking. Make sure you have these enabled, else you might get into trouble.

现在,返回到“设置”菜单。 在其他设置中,您将看到一个新条目。 开发人员选项。 在其中..启用所有您可以启用的功能。 具体来说,启用USB调试,通过USB安装和OEM解锁。 确保已启用这些功能,否则可能会遇到麻烦。

Finally, enter the MI Unlock Status in the same menu. You will be prompted to log into the MI Account. If you have not done before.. create an MI Account and login. You have a long message there, essentially warning you that you are about to commit a grave sin. Ignore that and click on Accept and “Add account and device”

最后,在同一菜单中输入MI解锁状态。 系统将提示您登录MI帐户。 如果您之前未完成操作,请创建一个MI帐户并登录。 您在那儿有很长的信息,本质上是警告您即将犯下严重的罪行。 忽略它,然后单击“接受”和“添加帐户和设备”

It insists that you connect via mobile data, login with Mi account, etc. Follow those steps — you have no choice. Finally, you will get an approval.

它坚持要求您通过移动数据进行连接,使用Mi帐户登录等。按照这些步骤操作-您别无选择。 最后,您将获得批准。

Finally, enter the Fasboot Mode. Switch off your phone. Then press the Volume Down button. With this pressed, press the power button. Hold it till the phone vibrates. It will start the “Fastboot mode”.

最后,进入Fasboot模式。 关闭手机。 然后按降低音量按钮。 按下此按钮时,按电源按钮。 按住它直到手机振动。 它将启动“快速启动模式”。

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在PC上: (On the PC:)

On the PC, you need to install the MI Unlock App. It is a simple zip file, does not require any installation. Extract it a folder and open the “miflash_unlock.exe”. Accept the warning, Login with your phone number and an OTP that it generates.

在PC上,您需要安装MI Unlock App 。 这是一个简单的zip文件,不需要任何安装。 将其解压缩到一个文件夹中,然后打开“ miflash_unlock.exe”。 接受警告,使用您的电话号码和它生成的OTP登录。

Now, connect the phone with the USB and click Unlock. If all is well, your phone should be unlocked in 5 minutes.

现在,将手机与USB连接,然后单击解锁。 如果一切正常,则手机应在5分钟内解锁。

恢复ROM (Recovery ROM)

The next step is to flash the Recovery ROM.

下一步是刷新Recovery ROM。

在PC上: (On the PC:)

Visit TWRP — Xiaomi page for your specific device. Be very sure to pick the recovery ROM for your specific device. Messing here can be costly.

访问TWRP —您的特定设备的小米页面。 请务必确保为您的特定设备选择了恢复ROM。 在这里混乱可能是昂贵的。

Click on your phone name, then scroll down to Download. You have two links for Europe and America. Chose the one geographically closer to you. Then you will see the list of IMG files. Download the latest of them.

单击您的电话名称,然后向下滚动到“下载”。 您有两个欧洲和美国链接。 选择一个离您更近的地理位置。 然后,您将看到IMG文件列表。 下载其中的最新版本。

Also, install the Android Platform Tools. If you are an Android freak, you might already have it installed with your Android Developer SDK. Extract the Zip file and find the two binaries inside it.. adb and fastboot. These are important in the process. Copy the Recovery Rom IMG file into the platform tools folder — so that you can run everything easily from the command prompt.

另外,安装Android平台工具 。 如果您是Android怪胎,则可能已经在Android Developer SDK中安装了它。 解压缩Zip文件,并在其中找到两个二进制文件。adb和fastboot。 这些在此过程中很重要。 将Recovery Rom IMG文件复制到平台工具文件夹中-这样您就可以从命令提示符下轻松运行所有内容。

To start with, just make sure we are setup well, on the command prompt type “fastboot devices”. It should give an output like this.

首先,请确保我们设置正确,在命令提示符下键入“ fastboot devices”。 它应该给出这样的输出。

C:\dev\android\platform-tools>fastboot devices
27a5e496 fastboot

If this does not work, stop now, and check up. A problem with USB port/driver? Or with the settings in Developer Options in your mobile? Or a problem with the platform tools package? Check it out and fix it. Should not be major. If all is well, you can proceed to the next step.

如果这不起作用,请立即停止并检查。 USB端口/驱动程序有问题吗? 还是使用手机“开发人员选项”中的设置? 还是平台工具包有问题? 检查出来并修复它。 不应该是主要的。 如果一切顺利,则可以继续进行下一步。

On the command prompt, type the below command to push the Recovery Rom into the phone.

在命令提示符下,键入以下命令以将Recovery Rom推入手机。

C:\dev\android\platform-tools>fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.4.0-1-ugg.img
Sending 'recovery' (26166 KB) OKAY [ 2.306s]
Writing 'recovery' OKAY [ 0.212s]
Finished. Total time: 2.606s

Note that twrp-3.4.0–1-ugg.img — was the Recovery ROM image for my phone. It would be different for your phone. Also, as mentioned above, it is easiest to have everything in the platform-tools folder. If you have not done that, you should give the full path to the img file. This takes only a couple of seconds.

请注意,twrp-3.4.0–1-ugg.img —是我手机的恢复ROM映像。 您的手机会有所不同。 同样,如上所述,最简单的方法是将所有内容保存在platform-tools文件夹中。 如果尚未执行此操作,则应提供img文件的完整路径。 这只需要几秒钟。

电话: (Phone:)

There you are. Now, power off the phone. Press the Volume Up as well as the Volume Down buttons. With these pressed, press the Power button. Keep them pressed till the phone vibrates. Now, your phone has booted in the Recovery Mode.

你在这。 现在,关闭手机电源。 按下调高音量和调低音量按钮。 按下这些按钮后,按电源按钮。 按住它们直到手机振动。 现在,您的手机已在“恢复模式”下启动。

安装Magisk (Install Magisk)

Now, we are ready to install the rooting app. There are several rooting apps out there, but Magisk is the best choice. Simple as well as powerful. If you are curious, you can try out others as well.

现在,我们准备安装生根应用程序。 有很多生根的应用程序,但是Magisk是最佳选择。 简单又强大。 如果您好奇,也可以尝试其他方法。

在PC上: (On the PC:)

Download the latest version of Magisk. Note, the same page also has a Magisk Manager APK file. We want the Magisk. It is a zip file.

下载最新版本的Magisk 。 请注意,同一页面上还具有Magisk Manager APK文件。 我们想要Magisk。 这是一个zip文件。

With the Mobile connected to the USB, you should be able to access the Internal Storage. Put the Zip file into the Internal Storage (Base folder).

将移动设备连接到USB后,您应该可以访问内部存储器。 将Zip文件放入内部存储(基本文件夹)。

电话: (Phone:)

In the previous step, you had booted the phone in recovery mode. This is the way it looks. You might have a few initial confirmation dialog. Accept that. And you should be here. Tap on the Install.

在上一步中,您已在恢复模式下启动了手机。 这就是它的样子。 您可能会有一些初始确认对话框。 接受。 而且你应该在这里。 点击安装。

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You will see the base folder of your Internal Storage. Locate the Magisk*.zip that you dropped in there. And tap that. You will be taken to the Zip install confirmation page.

您将看到内部存储器的基本文件夹。 找到您放入其中的Magisk * .zip。 然后点击。 您将被带到Zip安装确认页面。

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Swipe to confirm flash. And there it goes.

滑动以确认闪烁。 一切顺利。

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Confirm successful install and then click Reboot System. Let the phone boot normally. There, in the installed apps, you will see the Magisk Manager. And your device is rooted. I have another blog on configuring and using the Magisk Manager. For now, it should be enough to have it in place.

确认安装成功,然后单击“重新启动系统”。 让手机正常启动。 在那里,在已安装的应用程序中,您将看到Magisk Manager。 并且设备已植根。 我还有另一个有关配置和使用Magisk Manager的博客。 目前,将其安装到位应该足够了。

删除系统应用 (Remove System Apps)

Well, after all this excitement, one might forget. We started with removing the system apps that pestered us. So, lets get going.

好吧,经过所有这些激动之后,人们可能会忘记。 我们从删除困扰我们的系统应用程序开始。 所以,让我们开始吧。

Now that we have root access, we have to be careful with what we do. The apps that we run on our mobile and everything! So we have to be careful that we install only the well tested and trusted apps to do the job.

现在,我们已经具有root用户访问权限,我们必须谨慎对待我们所做的事情。 我们在移动设备上运行的所有应用程序! 因此,我们必须小心,仅安装经过良好测试和信任的应用程序才能完成任务。

One app that I trust is the System App Remover. This helps you quickly identify and remove the unwanted apps.

我信任的一个应用程序是System App Remover 。 这可以帮助您快速识别和删除不需要的应用程序。

Install and run the app. It will ask for root access, grant it. You will see the Mi Apps there in the list. And you can remove them.

安装并运行该应用程序。 它将请求root访问,并授予它。 您将在列表中看到Mi Apps。 您可以删除它们。

Unfortunately, very few can be removed this way. Don’t bash me up for this anti-climax. After all, it is a Xiaomi. Some of those apps — marked important, are really important. and if you mess around with them, your phone will not boot again.

不幸的是,很少有这种方法可以删除的。 不要为这个反高潮而ash恼我。 毕竟是小米。 这些应用中的某些(标记为重要)非常重要。 如果您与他们混在一起,手机将不会再次启动。

定制ROM (Custom ROM)

Hmm… After all this frustrating struggle, I had only one way out. Clear out everything, and install a good, fresh Open Source Custom ROM.

嗯……经过所有这些令人沮丧的斗争,我只有一条出路。 清除所有内容,然后安装一个全新的优质自定义ROM。

Many of my friends had scared me. It is very risky. You could lose your phone. There is no way to recover if you make a mistake…

我的许多朋友都吓到我了。 这是非常冒险的。 您可能会丢失手机。 如果您犯了错误,将无法恢复……

But, after going through the process, I feel that was an unnecessary hoax around it. Yes, you can damage the phone — just as you can also damage it by banging it hard on the floor. But why would you do it? The steps are pretty simple and straightforward. So, don’t worry. Just carry on — at your own risk ;)

但是,在经历了整个过程之后,我觉得这是不必要的骗局。 是的,您可能会损坏手机,就像您也可以通过用力撞击地板将其损坏一样。 但是,为什么要这么做呢? 这些步骤非常简单明了。 所以,不用担心。 继续进行-风险自负;)

Installing Custom Rom is quite similar to rooting the phone. Follow the first two steps above — Unlock it and install the Recovery Rom. Then, instead of installing Magisk, we format the phone and install the Custom Rom. Simple! Let’s do it.

安装自定义Rom与生根手机非常相似。 请按照上面的前两个步骤操作-解锁并安装Recovery Rom。 然后,不安装Magisk,而是格式化手机并安装Custom Rom。 简单! 我们开始做吧。

世系OS (Lineage OS)

There is a vast variety of open source Custom ROM’s available on Github. But we have to be careful. Not all are made with good intention. Some of these Custom ROM’s have more malware than the one we are trying to remove. So be careful in choosing here. LineageOS and Pixel Experience are two of the most popular ones. They are wonderfully stable, tested and trusted by several techies who have been enjoying the ride.

Github上有各种各样的开源Custom ROM。 但是我们必须要小心。 并非所有人都是出于善意。 这些自定义ROM中的某些恶意软件比我们尝试删除的恶意软件更多。 因此,请谨慎选择此处。 LineageOS和Pixel Experience是最受欢迎的两个。 它们非常稳定,经过测试,并受到许多喜欢的技术人员的信任。

These ROM’s are prepared for individual devices in the market. Most of the popular phones have a build available here. Lineage OS has a much wider range than the other. So I prefer that. Pixel Experience — as the name suggests has a wonderful look and feel.

这些ROM是为市场上的单个设备准备的。 大多数流行的电话都在此处提供内部版本。 世系OS的范围比其他操作系统大得多。 所以我更喜欢。 像素体验-顾名思义,具有出色的外观和感觉。

It is important that you choose the ROM that is created for your particular model — so that the device drivers and other specifics match properly. Else, you can get into trouble. Lineage OS has most of them. Yet, some are missing. In that case, you can search around for other trusted sources. But, warning you again, look for, and the ROM only for your specific model.

选择为您的特定型号创建的ROM是很重要的-这样设备驱动程序和其他细节才能正确匹配。 否则,您可能会遇到麻烦。 世系OS拥有大多数。 然而,有些失踪了。 在这种情况下,您可以搜索其他受信任的来源。 但是,再次警告您,寻找并仅针对您特定型号的ROM。

To download the Lineage OS, visit the Lineage OS Wiki Page. This has a list of all the popular devices out there in the market. The list keeps growing as they work on more and more devices. So don’t feel disheartened if your device is missing. Just check again after a few days.

要下载Lineage OS,请访​​问Lineage OS Wiki页面 。 它列出了市场上所有流行的设备。 随着他们在越来越多的设备上工作,列表不断增长。 因此,如果您的设备丢失,请不要感到沮丧。 几天后再检查一次。

It is possible that your device is present in there, but named differently. There are only a few of those, but you can identify that easily by a little Google Search.

您的设备可能位于其中,但名称有所不同。 其中只有少数几个,但是您可以通过一点点Google搜索就可以轻松地识别出来。

Once you have identified the model, click on that link and you will be able to see some more technical specifications. Ensure that the specifications there match those on your phone. There is a link to “Get the builds”. Click on that and you will see the list of builds for the given Custom Rom. Well, people have been working hard on this — giving you regular updates to the ROM. Pick the latest one and download it.

确定模型后,单击该链接,您将能够看到更多的技术规格。 确保那里的规格与您手机上的规格匹配。 有一个指向“获取构建”的链接。 单击该按钮,您将看到给定Custom Rom的版本列表。 好吧,人们一直在为此而努力-为您提供ROM的定期更新。 选择最新版本并下载。

It is a simple zip file. If you are curious, you can try to open it and see what is in there. But for the mobile, you have to push in the zip as it is.

这是一个简单的zip文件。 如果您好奇,可以尝试将其打开并查看其中的内容。 但是对于移动设备,您必须按原样推入拉链。

GApps (GApps)

You also need the Google Apps package. This is not absolutely essential. But, good to have and makes things a lot easier to start when you have installed the new ROM. So you should pick it up. Again, open the Wiki Page to get the appropriate version for you. Choose the version of Lineage OS that you would install, and in there, pick the specific platform. Usually it comes pre-selected. But, it is better to verify. Most of the Xiaomi phones are based on Arm64. But, again, you should verify it for your phone. The version number is of course the android version that you are about to install. That too should come pre-selected

您还需要Google Apps软件包。 这不是绝对必要的。 但是,这很好,并且在安装新ROM时使启动起来容易得多。 所以你应该拿起它。 再次,打开Wiki页面以获取适合您的版本。 选择要安装的Lineage OS版本,然后在其中选择特定平台。 通常它是预选的。 但是,最好进行验证。 小米手机大部分基于Arm64。 但是,再次,您应该为您的手机进行验证。 版本号当然是您将要安装的android版本。 那也应该预先选择

The third choice is the variant of the GApps package. Ranging from Pico to Aroma, it adds more and more of Google into your phone. I would suggest anything from Macro to Super — depending upon how much of Google you like on the phone, and the amount of memory your phone permits. You can always install the missing Apps later on. But you should at least get the Google Play Service installed!

第三个选择是GApps软件包的变体。 从Pico到Aroma,它在您的手机中添加了越来越多的Google。 我会建议从Macro到Super的任何内容,具体取决于您希望在手机上使用多少Google以及手机允许的内存量。 您以后可以随时安装缺少的应用程序。 但是您至少应该安装Google Play服务!

马吉克斯 (Magisk)

And, if you want to root the phone, you also need the Magisk — discussed above. Just download the keep the Magisk Zip file ready.

而且,如果您希望扎根手机,则还需要Magisk(如上所述)。 只需下载保持Magisk Zip文件准备就绪。

格式 (Format)

Before we install the new ROM, we should cleanup the old. Best to format and clear the cache, and get rid of everything else out there.

在安装新的ROM之前,我们应该清理旧的ROM。 最好格式化并清除缓存,然后清除那里的所有其他内容。

This is your last chance to stop and resign. Once you format your mobile, there is no return. So male up your mind and just do it!

这是您最后一次辞职的机会。 格式化手机后,就没有任何回报。 因此,让您下定决心,干吧!

Image for post

On the Recovery screen, tap Wipe. Then click Format Data. This will format the Internal Storage.

在恢复屏幕上,点击擦除。 然后单击格式化数据。 这将格式化内部存储器。

But that is not enough. Once the Format is complete, You should also click on the Advanced Wipe, to take care of any ugly stuff hiding in the cache or RAM. So clear that as well. Once the slate is clean, we can go ahead with the rest.

但这还不够。 格式化完成后,您还应该单击“高级擦除”,以照顾隐藏在高速缓存或RAM中的任何难看的东西。 所以也要清楚。 一旦板岩干净,我们就可以继续进行其余的工作。

安装 (Installation)

There you are, ready to begin. As I said, the first two steps are identical to what we did for Rooting. I will start here with the third — installing everything on the mobile.

在那里,准备开始。 正如我所说,前两个步骤与我们进行生根的步骤相同。 我将从第三个开始-在移动设备上安装所有内容。

在PC上: (On the PC:)

With the mobile connected on the USB, in Recovery mode, push the two (or three — if you want to root the phone) zip files into the phone.


C:\dev\android\platform-tools>adb push lineage-16.0-20200902-nightly-santoni-signed.zip /sdcard
lineage-16.0-20200902-nightly-santoni-signed.zip: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 31.4 MB/s (570637664 bytes in 17.347s)C:\dev\android\platform-tools>adb push open_gapps-arm64-7.1-super-20200905.zip /sdcard
open_gapps-arm64-7.1-super-20200905.zip: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 44.1 MB/s (1176400542 bytes in 25.347s)

If you want to root the device, you can also push the Magisk at this time.


C:\dev\android\platform-tools>adb push Magisk-v20.3.zip /sdcard
Magisk-v20.3.zip: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 19.1 MB/s (5,533,696 bytes in 0.347s)

Don’t worry about the /sdcard. This is just a folder in your internal storage. You do not need an External SD Card

不用担心/ sdcard。 这只是内部存储中的一个文件夹。 您不需要外部SD卡

If it possible that you get an error that you are out of memory. In that case, control your appetite and use a lesser version of the GApps. You can always install the required Apps later.

如果您可能收到错误消息,说明内存不足。 在这种情况下,控制您的食欲并使用较低版本的GApp。 您以后总是可以安装所需的应用程序。

电话: (Phone:)

And finally, you go back to the phone, and click on Install.


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There, select the Lineage OS ROM that we pushed in the above step. On selecting tap the “Add more Zips”, to add the next one. This way, add the GApps and then Magisk (if you are rooting). Make sure you follow the sequence.

在这里,选择我们在上一步中推送的Lineage OS ROM。 选择后,点击“添加更多拉链”,添加下一个。 这样,添加GApp,然后添加Magisk(如果您正在生根)。 确保遵循该顺序。

Image for post

Finally, Swipe to confirm Flash. Then, just wait and watch. Two common problems that people stumble on.

最后,滑动以确认Flash。 然后,请稍等。 人们偶然发现的两个常见问题。

The install script can throw up saying that the ROM is not meant for this device. This is meant to protect you. So, check the details again and download the correct Custom ROM. But, if you are absolutely certain that you are right in what you are doing, there is a way to resolve this. On your PC, unzip the LineageOS zip fil. In there, pick the META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script. The first line in the script is an assert statement that throws this error. You can remove that line, and rebuild the zip file. On the phone, Clear Zip Queue, and start over again.

安装脚本可能会抛出错误,表明ROM不适用于此设备。 这是为了保护您。 因此,请再次检查详细信息并下载正确的自定义ROM。 但是,如果您完全确定自己所做的事情是正确的,则有一种方法可以解决此问题。 在您的PC上,将LineageOS zip文件解压缩。 在其中,选择META-INF \ com \ google \ android \ updater-script。 脚本的第一行是一个断言语句,该语句引发此错误。 您可以删除该行,然后重建zip文件。 在电话上,清除Zip队列,然后重新开始。

Another possible problem is that of a missing folder — /cache/resources. This is a trivial and simple problem. On the Team Win Recovery Project screen, click on Advanced and then Terminal. There, you can see a Linux Shell. Just create the directory /cache/resources. That should solve the problem.

另一个可能的问题是缺少文件夹-/ cache / resources。 这是一个简单而简单的问题。 在“团队Win Recovery项目”屏幕上,单击“高级”,然后单击“终端”。 在那里,您可以看到Linux Shell。 只需创建目录/ cache / resources。 那应该解决问题。

In case you see any other problem, a simple search on xda-developers can give you a quick solution. Many people install the LineageOS everyday. So many others have faced the problem that you face today. Quite likely that you get a good solution out there.

如果您发现任何其他问题,只需在xda-developers上进行简单搜索即可为您提供快速解决方案。 每天都有很多人安装LineageOS。 许多其他人已经遇到了您今天面临的问题。 您很可能会找到一个好的解决方案。

重启 (Reboot)

Once this process is complete, you can reboot your phone by tapping the Reboot button.. Congratulations! you have a perfect version of Lineage OS installed on your mobile.

完成此过程后,您可以通过点按“重新启动”按钮来重新启动手机。 您已经在手机上安装了完美的Lineage OS版本。

完成! (Complete!)

And finally, I got a mobile free from bloatware. Clean, safe and secure. The battery life of my phone doubled. And I love the Googly UI. I have a vast range of apps to choose from, and I can erase all that I do not need. That gives me a wonderful mobile phone. Xiaomi restricted me to Android 7. Now, I have Android 9 installed on my phone. Why didn’t I do this before?

最后,我得到了一个没有膨胀软件的手机。 干净,安全和有保障。 手机的电池寿命增加了一倍。 我喜欢Googly用户界面。 我有很多应用程序可供选择,并且我可以删除所有不需要的应用程序。 那给了我一部很棒的手机。 小米限制我使用Android7。现在,我的手机上安装了Android 9。 我为什么以前没有这样做?

The entire process took me a couple of hours. And it was worth the effort!

整个过程花了我几个小时。 这值得付出努力!

免责声明 (Disclaimer)

Rooting the mobile, or installing a Custom ROM is not as difficult as they make it sound. It is simple. You can browse through these steps to get an idea of the level of difficulty.

扎根手机或安装自定义ROM并不像听起来那样困难。 很简单。 您可以浏览这些步骤以了解难度级别。

But certainly, this is not meant for the Dummies. Do not venture into it unless you know what you are doing. And if you do, at your own risk, I wish you all the best!

但是可以肯定的是,这并不意味着傻瓜。 除非您知道自己在做什么,否则不要冒险。 如果您这样做,后果自负,祝您一切顺利!

If you feel you have goofed up, and want to revert back, you can pick up the official ROM for your mobile from the Xiaomi Firmware Site.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@vikassolegaonkar/lineageos-on-xiaomi-e73e88964c14





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