数据可视化 信息可视化_什么是数据可视化

数据可视化 信息可视化

Our eyes are always drawn to colors, and it becomes easy to identify patterns and colors. It allows you to single out the relationship in colors. Due to this (EDA), Exploratory data analysis is an essential part of data science and machine learning pipeline. For one to create a robust and valuable product using data, you need to explore the data, understand the relations among the variables, and the underlying structure of the data. This is where data visualization comes in to play.

我们的眼睛总是被颜色吸引,并且可以轻松识别图案和颜色。 它使您可以用颜色选择关系。 因此,探索性数据分析是数据科学和机器学习管道的重要组成部分。 为了使用数据创建强大而有价值的产品,您需要探索数据,了解变量之间的关系以及数据的基础结构。 这是数据可视化发挥作用的地方。

In our article, we take a look at data visualization an important part of data science.


什么是可视化? (What is visualization?)

Visualization is the formation of mental visual images. It is the act or process of interpreting in visual terms or of putting it into a visible form. It involves producing images that communicate the relationships among represented data to the viewers of the images. Communication is achieved, through the use of a systematic mapping between graphic marks and the data values. The need to visualize data is an important step. It enables one to gain insights and to draw conclusions on the visualized data. The decision-makers can see analytics that presented visually, so they can fully grasp the difficult concepts or identify new patterns. Big Data, data visualization tools, and technologies are essential to analyze massive amounts of information and make data-driven decisions.

可视化是心理视觉图像的形成。 它是用视觉术语解释或将其变成可见形式的行为或过程。 它涉及产生将表示的数据之间的关系传达给图像的观看者的图像。 通过使用图形标记和数据值之间的系统映射来实现通信。 可视化数据的需求是重要的一步。 它使人们能够获得见识并就可视化数据得出结论。 决策者可以看到可视化呈现的分析,因此他们可以完全掌握困难的概念或确定新的模式。 大数据,数据可视化工具和技术对于分析大量信息并做出数据驱动的决策至关重要。

In a question and answer, Simon Samuel is asked. will data visualization change the way we interact with data?

在一个问答中 ,西蒙·塞缪尔被问到。 数据可视化会改变我们与数据交互的方式吗?

He responds by “Absolutely. Analysts will be looking for deeper insights into the data. And the tools will enhance an executive’s ability to access data and its insights more directly.”

他的回答是:“绝对。 分析师将寻求对数据的更深刻见解。 这些工具将增强高管更直接地访问数据及其见解的能力。”

怎么做? (How is it done?)

When it comes to data visualization every platform offers a different approach. We look at python language that has a set of libraries that will assist us to visualize the data.

在数据可视化方面,每个平台都提供不同的方法。 我们看一下具有一组库的python语言,这些库将帮助我们可视化数据。

1,Matplotlib (1.Matplotlib)

Matplotlib is specifically good for creating basic graphs like line charts, bar charts, histograms, etc. if you have worked with data before you are aware of the line.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


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a Histogram one of the features in matplotlib

This is how to import the library. This library is comprehensive for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. regardless of the kind of data or task at hand this library plays a big role in visualization of data.

这是导入库的方法。 该库是全面的,可在Python中创建静态,动画和交互式可视化。 无论数据类型或手头的任务如何,该库在数据可视化中都扮演着重要角色。

2. Seaborn (2. Seaborn)

This is a Python data visualization library that is based on matplotlib library. It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics. This is specifically good for creating heatmaps and boxplots, it is usually imparted as

这是一个基于matplotlib库的Python数据可视化库。 它提供了一个高级界面,用于绘制引人入胜且内容丰富的统计图形。 这特别适用于创建热图和箱形图,通常以

import seaborn as sns


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an illustration of seaborn in use.

Seaborn aims at making visualization the central part of exploring and understanding data. Its a dataset-oriented plotting function that operate on data frames and arrays containing whole datasets.

Seaborn旨在使可视化成为探索和理解数据的核心部分。 它是面向数据集的绘图功能,可对包含整个数据集的数据框和数组进行操作。

3,地理图 (3.Geoplot)

This is a high-level Python geospatial plotting library. It is an extension of cartopy and matplotlib. Geoplot is a Python visualization library for plotting geographical data and the creation of maps.

这是一个高级Python地理空间绘图库。 它是cartopy和matplotlib的扩展。 Geoplot是一个Python可视化库,用于绘制地理数据和创建地图。

It also comes with the following features:


High-level plotting API


Native projection support


Compatibility with matplotlib


4.情节 (4.Ploty)

This is an open-source graphing library that is used to form data visualizations. Plotly is built on top of the JavaScript library (plotly.js). It enables Python users to create interactive web-based visualizations which are also displayable on the Jupyter notebooks. this version is the (ploty.py)

这是一个开放源代码图形库,用于形成数据可视化。 Plotly构建在JavaScript库(plotly.js)之上。 它使Python用户能够创建基于Web的交互式可视化效果,这些可视化效果也可以显示在Jupyter笔记本上。 这个版本是(ploty.py)

How to import the plotly library


import plotly.graph_objects as go


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Plotly library

Plotly is used to create web-based data visualizations. Plotly provides numerous chart types like line charts, bar charts, scatter plots, histograms, pie charts, box plots, multiple axes, 3-D charts, etc. It also provides contour plots, which is a bonus compared to other data visualization libraries.

Plotly用于创建基于Web的数据可视化。 Plotly提供了多种图表类型,例如折线图,条形图,散点图,直方图,饼图,箱形图,多轴,3-D图表等。它还提供了轮廓图,与其他数据可视化库相比,它是一个额外的奖励。

摘要 (Summary)

“Data visualization is going to change the way our analysts work with data. They’re going to be expected to respond to issues more rapidly. And they’ll need to be able to dig for more insights — look at data differently, more imaginatively. Data visualization will promote that creative data exploration.”

“数据可视化将改变我们的分析师处理数据的方式。 期望他们能够更快地响应问题。 他们将需要能够挖掘更多的见解-以不同的方式,更富想象力地查看数据。 数据可视化将促进创造性的数据探索。”

— Simon Samuel: The Head of Customer Value Modeling for a large bank in the UK

— Simon Samuel:英国一家大型银行的客户价值建模负责人

This indicates that without data visualization the data can become meaningless we require data visualization to draw out patterns and conclusion to the data.


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翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/what-is-data-visualization-a0017e19b508

数据可视化 信息可视化





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