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翻译 贝叶斯优化xgboost_超参数调整xgboost和神经网络的hyperopt贝叶斯优化

贝叶斯优化xgboostHyperparameters: These are certain values/weights that determine the learning process of an algorithm. 超参数:这些是确定算法学习过程的某些值/权重。 Certain parameters for an Machine Learning model: learning-r...

2020-09-20 12:54:46 2011

翻译 map(平均平均精度_客户的平均平均精度

map(平均平均精度Disclaimer: this was created for my clients because it’s rather challenging to explain such a complex metric in simple words, so don’t expect to see much of math or equations here. And remem...

2020-09-20 12:44:51 391

翻译 100万个问题

This easy little question was asked on social media and shared wildly. At first, it looks like we all know the answer, but when we take a closer look, we realize it is not that trivial. 这个简单的小问题在社交媒体上...

2020-09-20 12:35:10 307

翻译 贝叶斯统计 传统统计_统计贝叶斯如何补充常客

贝叶斯统计 传统统计For many years, academics have been using so-called frequentist statistics to evaluate whether experimental manipulations have significant effects. 多年以来,学者们一直在使用所谓的常客统计学来评估实验操作是否具有significan...

2020-09-20 12:25:39 424

翻译 数据仓库建模理论_数据仓库理论

数据仓库建模理论We have reached a point in the field of data that keeping up with the different technologies and the different steps of using and processing the data has become like a job itself; applying the...

2020-09-20 12:15:07 533

翻译 2020年ai顶会时间表_2020年排名前10位的数据科学和AI博客

2020年ai顶会时间表 数据科学 (DATA SCIENCE)Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are emerging fields that will shape the future of this universe. Data is one of the most important assets of a company or...

2020-09-20 12:05:06 289

翻译 魅族mx5游戏模式小熊猫_熊猫主地图在5分钟内套用和套用

魅族mx5游戏模式小熊猫Pandas library has two main data structures which are DataFrame and Series. There are many built-in functions to create, manipulate, and analyze these structures. 熊猫库有两个主要的数据结构,分别是DataFram...

2020-09-20 11:55:30 304

翻译 民主或共和政治与后勤回归

人口统计学可以告诉我们选民在大选中的政党选择 (What Demographics Can Tell Us About Voter’s Choice of Party in House Elections) 2017年美国国会众议院选举 (2017 Election for National House of Representatives)Using data put together b...

2020-09-20 11:44:56 156

翻译 相当一名科学家的规划_所以你想成为一名数据科学家

相当一名科学家的规划“I need just a little advice … how to get the first job in data science” “我只需要一点建议……如何获得数据科学领域的第一份工作” “Will you direct me, please … I am looking for a career opportunity fresher” “请指导我,我正在寻...

2020-09-20 11:35:14 226

翻译 unity修改飞行数据_数据预测和文化,或者我如何在没有飞行汽车的情况下学会生活...

unity修改飞行数据Two and a half thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks used to visit a temple in Delphi to hear the Oracle of Apollo issue gnomic predictions about their futures. 两千半年前,古希腊人曾经拜访德尔斐(Delphi)的一...

2020-09-20 11:24:55 3122

翻译 涡扇发动机的预测性维护

探索NASA的涡扇数据集 (Exploring NASA’s turbofan dataset)Although released over a decade ago, NASA’s turbofan engine degradation simulation dataset (CMAPSS) remains popular and relevant today. Over 90 new re...

2020-09-20 11:14:48 5176

翻译 使用numpy和matplotlib的numpy发现的直方图

Part 2 of Guide to statistics using Numpy series 使用Numpy系列进行统计指南的第2部分 介绍: (Introduction:)When we first look at a dataset, we want to be able to quickly understand certain things about it: 当我们第一次查看数...

2020-09-20 11:04:35 735

翻译 统计数据会说谎_统计数据对您说谎的三种方式

统计数据会说谎Mark Twain once said that “Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.” 马克·吐温曾经说过: “事实是固执的东西,但统计数字却很柔和。” In the science of statistics the truth is in the analysis and this truth is ...

2020-09-20 10:54:00 754

翻译 数据多重共线性_多重共线性对您的数据科学项目的影响比您所知道的要多

数据多重共线性Multicollinearity is likely far down on a mental list of things to check for, if it is on a list at all. This does, however, appear almost always in real-life datasets, and it’s important to be...

2020-09-20 10:43:40 333

翻译 python jupyter笔记本中数据科学的最佳实践

The Jupyter Notebook is a different type of IDE. It provides a lightweight interface that allows a user to create and interact with code in a neat and tidy way: the goal here being a report-style form...

2020-09-18 15:48:33 297

翻译 web数据库框架_数据科学家的Web框架以及您为什么要关心

web数据库框架Some motivation for data scientists to learn a web framework. 数据科学家学习网络框架的一些动机。 介绍 (Introduction)I want to start by noting that this is a bit of an opinion article, so take it with a grain ...

2020-09-18 15:37:48 168

翻译 机器学习 预测 交通_使用机器学习预测交通事故

机器学习 预测 交通Road accidents constitute a significant proportion of the number of serious injuries reported every year. Yet, it is often challenging to determine which specific conditions lead to such eve...

2020-09-18 15:27:02 3055

翻译 泛指通过锁定和市场适应性来兴起新公司

At the height of the lockdown restrictions, close to 9,000,000 workers were put on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (see plot below). This has meant that these people have had a lot of paid ‘free’...

2020-09-18 15:16:28 272

翻译 熊猫压缩怎么使用_您应该可以使用熊猫库做的几件事

熊猫压缩怎么使用What is Pandas?Pandas is an open-source data analysis library for providing easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. It is dependent on other libraries like Numpy(Read about “Few T...

2020-09-18 15:07:12 383

翻译 数据仓库的权威介绍

数据工程 (DATA ENGINEERING)With the exponential increase in the quantity of data and a fairly substantial increase in the variety of data, businesses were posed with the problem of architecting and main...

2020-09-18 14:56:49 140

翻译 计算未计算的估计covid 19的确定率

什么是确定性? (What is Ascertainment?)Under-reporting of COVID-19 cases is one of the biggest obstacles to effectively dealing with the pandemic.¹ Two main factors are responsible for this issue, the firs...

2020-09-18 14:46:23 1047

翻译 数据探索性分析_电影探索性数据分析

数据探索性分析As a part of the Flatiron School bootcamp requirements, we are required to complete a project at the end of each learning module that demonstrates our ability to apply what we’ve learned. 作为Fla...

2020-09-18 14:36:27 721

翻译 conda使用pip_使用conda pip管理基于jupyterlab的数据科学项目

conda使用pipThis article discusses two approaches for managing JupyterLab-based data science projects using Conda (+pip): a “system-wide” approach where Conda (+pip) are used to manage a single JupyterL...

2020-09-18 14:27:16 185

翻译 如果没有杰顿·桑乔,谁应该曼彻斯特联合标志

Manchester United are one of the hottest football team in the world, and among the top three when it comes to popularity. Coming out of last season, the club needs reinforcements in probably all depar...

2020-09-18 14:18:01 222

翻译 js原型继承和构造继承_js原型和继承

js原型继承和构造继承Javascript is a prototype-based language, meaning objects properties and methods can be shared through generalized objects that have the ability to be cloned and extended. This is known as ...

2020-09-17 16:32:13 253

翻译 如何将偏见纳入预测模型

You really do not want a biased model making predictions for you, do you? Despite the abundance of top quality machine learning (ML) practitioners and technological advancements, there is no dearth of...

2020-09-15 22:27:38 438

翻译 ajax不利于seo_利于探索移动选项的界面

ajax不利于seoLately, my parents will often bring up in conversation their desire to move away from their California home and find a new place to settle down for retirement. Typically they will cite facto...

2020-09-15 22:18:22 434

翻译 机器学习从图像中标记物体_如何逐步标记图像以进行物体检测

机器学习从图像中标记物体Labeling image is the first and most significant part of object detection. Labeling is indeed a very time-consuming process, but the more dedication you will give in labeling images, the m...

2020-09-15 22:07:38 491

翻译 哥伦布视图_在整个赛季中挖洞哥伦布蓝夹克的表现

哥伦布视图As a Blue Jackets fan, it is a common experience to lament the team’s seeming to start the season on the wrong foot. Anecdotally, the Blue Jackets seem to perform worse in the beginning of the se...

2020-09-15 21:56:54 316

翻译 cgal slicer_在Power Bi中构建Pro Slicer窗格

cgal slicerOne of the things I like most about Power BI are — Bookmarks. For those who are not familiar, Bookmarks are one of the favorite and most used features in Power BI. 我最喜欢Power BI的一件事-书签。 对于不熟...

2020-09-15 21:47:28 283

翻译 递归 计算数组重复次数最多_计算10个观看次数最多的模因

递归 计算数组重复次数最多The Neilsen ratings estimate audience numbers for broadcast TV shows, but we have no independent estimate of viewing figures for memes (an art form that has exploded in popularity over th...

2020-09-15 21:37:20 222

翻译 数据库逻辑删除的sql语句_通过数据库的眼睛查询sql的逻辑流程

数据库逻辑删除的sql语句Structured Query Language (SQL) is famously known as the romance language of data. Even thinking of extracting the single correct answer from terabytes of relational data seems a little o...

2020-09-15 21:27:56 225

翻译 高树玛丽亚在线观看_音乐玛丽亚·凯里的数学数字

高树玛丽亚在线观看Whether it’s for some of the most iconic songs that never age like Always Be My Baby, or hitting notes higher than the heavens, or for the inevitability of All I Want for Christmas is You at ...

2020-09-15 21:18:31 3851

翻译 预测间歇时间序列

One challenge that data scientists come across is forecasting an intermittent time series. 数据科学家遇到的一个挑战是预测间歇时间序列。 That is to say — a time series with many 0s present in the data. 也就是说-数据中存在多个0的时间序列。 ...

2020-09-15 21:09:11 1206

翻译 使用react native制作可折叠的粘性标题动画

Recently I had to develop a collapsible or multi-layered sticky header in React Native for a project, I spent some time looking at how I would go about implementing, and at that time I would have pref...

2020-09-09 11:20:42 206

翻译 在R网格搜索与自动Arima中设置Arima模型参数

总览 (Overview)One of the most popular ways of representing and forecasting time series data is through Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models. These models are defined by three param...

2020-08-19 16:22:02 1723

翻译 p值 统计学意义_统计学意义不重要为什么p值不应过高

p值 统计学意义Have you ever heard somebody say that a study revealed „significant results“? What does that even mean? Let me introduce you to a practice in the scientific industry that is deeply debated and...

2020-08-19 16:12:23 2106

翻译 余弦相似度和欧氏距离_欧氏距离和余弦相似度

余弦相似度和欧氏距离Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash Markus Winkler在Unsplash上拍摄的照片 This is a quick and straight to the point introduction to Euclidean distance and cosine similarity with a focus on NLP. 这是对欧...

2020-08-19 16:02:02 383

翻译 益盟指标修改_修改我的音高质量指标

益盟指标修改For information about QOS+, a sister metric of the one described in this article, click here or scroll all the way to the bottom of this article. 有关QOS +的信息,QOS +是本文所述的一种度量标准, 请单击此处 或一直滚动到本文的底部。...

2020-08-19 15:51:32 1159

翻译 js 无害化_道德第一无害

js 无害化Laura [fic] is a busy mom of two. Her crazy schedule went out of whack with COVID-19 work from home. Every day feels like an exercise in primal survival. To minimize mental strain, she defaults ...

2020-08-19 15:41:12 136



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