jqgrid 摧毁_非个人的交流将摧毁我们

jqgrid 摧毁

Livin'Vida手机 (Livin’ La Vida Cell Phone)

An obnoxious ringtone fires off closely, startling, and embarrassing me for the owner of it. It’s a Ricky Martin song. Yikes. Looking up from a bite of orange chicken, I watch a mom answer her cell phone at dinner. To her left, a glowing, chatty little daughter then transformed, before my eyes, into a dull and quiet soul.

一个讨厌的铃声紧紧关闭闪光,令人吃惊和尴尬我要它的主人。 这是Ricky Martin的歌。 kes 。 我从一口橙色的鸡身上抬起头,看着妈妈在晚餐时接她的手机。 在她的左边,一个发光的,健谈的小女儿在我眼前变成了沉闷而安静的灵魂。

It was existentially painful to watch. The look on the child’s face said it was an everyday occurrence. She proceeded to eat her meal while intermittently peering up at mom. At that moment, the spirit of youth had been stolen from her.

观看实在是痛苦的。 孩子脸上的表情说这是每天的事。 她不停地凝视着妈妈,然后继续吃饭。 那一刻,青春的气息从她身上被偷走了。

The mom finished her meal while on this call, taking approximately 20 minutes. Her daughter was left to sit and eat in silence while mommy attended to a more pressing matter.

妈妈在接听电话时吃完饭,大约需要20分钟。 她的女儿被静静地坐着吃饭,而妈妈则处理了更紧迫的事情

批判性分析 (A Critical Analysis)

To say I was eavesdropping would be too forward, but I was curious to find out why, one, anyone would have a Ricky Martin ringtone, and two, why the phone call couldn’t wait. What example was she setting?

要说我在窃听是太过前头了,但我很好奇为什么会发现为什么一个人会收到Ricky Martin铃声, 第二个为什么电话不能等待。 她在设置什么榜样?

Before someone claims a ‘holier than thou’ attitude, let me say, I am guilty of this at times. It’s all of us. And this is meant only to be a critical analysis of our collective problem.

在有人宣称“比你更神圣”的态度之前,我要说,我有时对此感到内。 这就是我们所有人。 这仅是对我们的集体问题的批判性分析。

We want to blame the new smartphone era for the lack of attention in children. We feel more in control when blaming the apps and advertisers. There’s comfort in pushing the reasons off onto platforms like TikTok and Twitter. It’s easier to say Messenger is at fault.

我们想将新的智能手机时代归咎于儿童缺乏关注。 指责应用程序和广告商时,我们会更有控制权。 将原因推到TikTok和Twitter之类的平台上可以放心。 说Messenger有错很容易。

But I think we have it all wrong.


Electronics are not autonomous. Without a user, they do nothing (except maybe a Tesla).

电子产品不是自主的。 没有用户,他们什么也不做( 也许只有特斯拉 )。

The mother was the one in error. In forsaking the daughter’s dinner time together, she lost a moment and experience that can never be recovered. It was damaging to the little girl and a harmful example of how we’re developing a mindset that technology is more important than human interaction.

母亲是错误的那个。 在一起放弃女儿的晚餐时间时,她失去了片刻和经验,这是无法挽回的。 这对小女孩是一个伤害,也是一个有害例子,说明我们正在发展一种观念,认为技术比人与人之间的互动更为重要。

与薄黑盒子交谈 (Talking to a Thin Black Box)

This concept of never reclaiming a moment lost needs to pervade our hearts and minds. Until Kip Dynamite’s time machine is perfected, there is no returning to the past. That’s not a new concept but a needed reminder. And while that was just a twenty-minute meal, for her daughter (let me speak out of turn), I’m sure it’s normalcy. Mommy talks to a thin black box more than the little girl who needs that time together and craves her attention.

永不遗失片刻的概念需要渗透到我们的心灵中。 直到Kip Dynamite的计时机完善之后, 再也无法回到过去。 这不是一个新概念,而是需要提醒的。 虽然那只是二十分钟的饭菜,但对于她的女儿( 让我不客气地说 ),我敢肯定这是正常的。 妈妈比一个需要时间在一起并渴望引起她注意的小女孩更多地谈论着一个瘦小的黑匣子。

Is this a blanket assumption? Yeah. But we all witness it. I’ve grown more sensitive to it since becoming a father. We can blame technology all we want, but its very purpose is where we derive the problem. In the hopes of more efficient communication, we’ve lost how to communicate effectively with one another.

这是一个笼统的假设吗? 是的 但是我们都见证了这一点。 自从成为父亲以来,我对它变得越来越敏感。 我们可以指责我们想要的所有技术,但是其真正目的是解决问题的根源。 为了实现更有效的沟通,我们已经失去了如何有效沟通的方法。

Oh, sure, she was communicating on the phone, but I mean eye to eye, soul-bearing words, displayed in facial expression and body language. This is lost through email, text messages, and phone calls. Even our latest attempt to feel more human during quarantine has failed. Zoom meeting burnout is real because we lack genuine interaction. There is no replacement for proper in-person communication.

哦,可以肯定,她正在通过电话交流,但我的意思是用面部表情和肢体语言显示的眼神,生死攸关的单词。 这是通过电子邮件,短信和电话丢失的。 甚至我们最近在隔离期间尝试让人变得更人性化的尝试都失败了。 变焦会议倦怠是真实的,因为我们缺乏真正的互动。 没有适当的面对面交流的替代品。

So, what is the solution to this swelling problem?


增强或抑制 (Enhance or Suppress)

Technology is amazing. It enhances our lives, but it also now suppresses us. We’re a busy world and desire convenience above all. There’s nothing wrong with seeking to make things easier so long as it doesn’t cause us to conform to that very pursuit. Unfortunately, that’s what has happened.

技术是惊人的。 它可以改善我们的生活,但现在也可以压制我们。 我们是一个忙碌的世界,最需要便利。 只要不使我们顺应那种追求,设法使事情变得容易就没有错。 不幸的是,事实就是如此。

Since nearly everything can be accomplished on a smartphone, we’ve been duped into thinking there’s no need for many human interactions any longer.


Thankfully, quarantine has shown us what the end result of this pursuit will be if all other communication forms are forsaken.


The solution is obvious: less phone time, more face-to-face. It’s easier said than done in this busy world, I know.

解决方案显而易见: 更少的电话时间,更多的面对面。 我知道,在这个繁忙的世界里,说起来容易做起来难。

As night falls and I begin to wind down, I often scroll endlessly, checking emails and looking at Twitter. To my left, my wife is doing the same thing. Twenty years ago, this wasn’t an issue. It’s not that we don’t talk…we talk between posts. I’m sure you’ve experienced this too.

随着夜幕降临,我开始放松,我经常无休止地滚动,查看电子邮件并查看Twitter。 在我的左边,我的妻子在做同样的事情。 二十年前,这不是问题。 不是说我们不说话,而是在帖子之间聊天。 我确定您也经历过。

Is Smart Technology Enhancing or Suppressing Us? It’s Time to Turn the Phones Off https://www.medium.com@themathewhyatt
Photo by Anne Hoang on Unsplash
Anne HoangUnsplash拍摄的照片

Heck, you’re probably reading this post on the phone someplace where there are people all around. And they’re doing the same thing.

哎呀,您可能正在某处到处有人的电话上读这篇文章。 他们正在做同样的事情。

We need simple boundaries and times to discipline ourselves to lay the phone aside and seek human interaction. We are social beings that need person-to-person contact. It is an innate requirement build into our psyche. The more we disregard that, the more we will feel unfulfilled; we’ll seek more phone time to fill that void.

我们需要简单的界限和时间来训练自己,以便将手机放在一边并寻求人与人之间的互动。 我们是需要人与人接触的社会存在。 这是我们内心深处固有的要求。 我们越无视这一点,就会越感到无法实现。 我们将争取更多的电话时间来填补这一空白。

Regardless of your belief of whether we are created beings or evolved beings, our social composition, coded into us, cannot be replaced by artificial means of communication.


变灰 (Go Gray)

Set your phone to grayscale mode. This immediately detracts from the intrigue of your smartphone. The apps and advertisers know how to use colors to keep our minds attentive to the screen. Once there’s no color, things become much less attractive. The grayscale mode can be especially helpful if you find yourself obsessed with social media apps.

将手机设置为灰度模式。 这立即降低了智能手机的吸引力。 应用程序和广告商知道如何使用颜色使我们的注意力集中在屏幕上。 一旦没有颜色,事物的吸引力就会大大降低。 如果您沉迷于社交媒体应用程序,则灰度模式特别有用。

Is Smart Technology Enhancing or Suppressing Us? It’s Time to Turn the Phones Off https://www.medium.com@themathewhyatt
Photo by Meghan Schiereck on Unsplash
Meghan SchiereckUnsplash上的 照片

An added bonus is that grayscale mode with a warm light filter can increase reading time on made-for-reading apps. This more closely emulates the pages of a book, so while we aim to reduce screen time, to me, this is worth the trade-off.

另外一个好处是,带有暖光滤镜的灰度模式可以增加阅读应用程序的阅读时间。 这样可以更准确地模仿一本书的页面,因此,尽管我们旨在减少屏幕显示时间,但对我而言,这是值得权衡的。

If I’m going to be using the screen, reading is a far better alternative than the dopamine-spiking social media platforms.


The grayscale mode can be accessed in the Settings menu on your respective phone. For the Apple iPhone, go to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Color Filters, then tap Grayscale. Android devices take a few more steps to accomplish this task. You can find a step by step walkthrough here.

可以在相应手机的“设置”菜单中访问灰度模式。 对于Apple iPhone,请转到“设置”>“辅助功能”>“显示和文本大小”>“彩色滤光片” ,然后点击“ 灰度” 。 Android设备需要采取一些其他步骤来完成此任务。 您可以在此处找到分步演练。

追踪你的时间 (Track Your Time)

The act of tracking your screen time can help you back away from these artificial means of communication. Each operating system has its own means of doing. Screen Time (iOS) and Digital Wellbeing (Android) will scare you with the information. This doesn’t replace walking away from your phone because you’re actively checking the screen for screen time…But it offers valuable insight into your patterns, which is exponentially helpful in getting a game plan together.

跟踪屏幕时间的行为可以帮助您摆脱这些人为的沟通方式。 每个操作系统都有其自己的执行方式。 屏幕时间(iOS)数字健康(Android)会让您感到恐惧。 这并不能代替您离开手机,因为您正在积极检查屏幕上的屏幕时间…但是它提供了有关您的模式的宝贵见解,这在制定游戏计划方面成倍地发挥了作用。

放下电话 (Put the Phone Down)

The real magic happens when we encounter people. Have you ever been talking to someone when they whip out their phone to check notifications? It’s an instant disconnect even when they say, “Sorry, I’m still listening.”

真正的魔力发生在我们遇到人时。 当有人打出电话来查看通知时,您是否曾与之交谈? 即使他们说“对不起,我还在听”,这是一个瞬间的中断

No, they’re not listening anymore.


You and I have to be able to put the phones down. Instead of ordering groceries to your car, go inside. Yes, it’s less convenient but take the time to speak to people. Say hi, and be friendly to the cashier. Ask someone how their day has been. It’s almost too easy and seems simple, but we’re losing these little facets of day-to-day more and more.

您和我必须能够放下电话。 不用向您的车订购杂货,而要进去。 是的,它不太方便,但需要花一些时间与人交谈。 打个招呼,对收银员要友好。 问一个人过得如何。 这几乎太容易了,而且看起来很简单,但是我们越来越失去了这些日常小方面。

Is Smart Technology Enhancing or Suppressing Us? It’s Time to Turn the Phones Off https://www.medium.com@themathewhyatt
Photo by Marie-Michèle Bouchard on Unsplash
Marie-MichèleBouchardUnsplash上的 照片

I like to make it a point to tell someone they look nice today. I speak a good morning or evening to a stranger while at the coffee shop. Smile, with eye contact, in passing to the elderly of your community. Depending on the size of your city, you may never see these people again. Don’t be shy.

我想告诉别人今天他们看起来不错。 我在咖啡店里和一个陌生人说早上好或晚上。 通过眼神交流微笑,以传递给社区中的老年人。 根据您所在城市的大小,您可能再也见不到这些人了。 别害羞

Set a day each week to get lunch with a coworker or friend. Leave the phone in the car and tell them you want to spend time in conversation, not checking app notifications the whole meal.

每周安排一天与同事或朋友共进午餐。 将电话放在车里,告诉他们您想花时间在对话上,而不是整顿检查应用程序通知。

Make family time without devices a priority. It could be an evening walk with everyone or a ten minute game of eye-spy with the kiddos.

将没有设备的家庭时间作为优先事项。 可能是每个人晚上散步,或者是与孩子们进行十分钟的间谍活动。

Is Smart Technology Enhancing or Suppressing Us? Matthew Hyatt https://medium.com/@thematthewhyatt
Photo by McKaela Lee on Unsplash
McKaela LeeUnsplash拍摄的照片

世代相传 (Generations to Come)

Unless we can start to curb our disaffection towards personal contact, I fear the generations to come will be nothing but a society of dull beings. Why were the 1950s such a golden age? World War 2 had ended. Throughout the war, people were glued to the radios, unsure of what would happen next. They had begun down the path we tread but were released from its maw. It was a sigh of relief when the war ended, but that was acutely expressed through people spending time with others.

除非我们能开始遏制对人际交往的不满,否则我担心后代只会是一个愚蠢的社会。 1950年代为何如此黄金时代? 第二次世界大战已经结束。 在整个战争中,人们被无线电束缚着,不确定接下来会发生什么。 他们已经沿着我们走过的路开始了,但是从它的花胶中释放了出来。 战争结束时,这让人松了一口气,但这是人们与他人共处时光的强烈体现。

Imagine had smartphones been around, what that photo of Times Square would have looked like: hunchbacks all tweeting about the end of the war, no confetti raining down, only the unsettling hum of vibrating devices like some smoked, sleepy beehive.


Circling back to the mom I witnessed, her actions may not be remembered by the daughter, but the example remains. We don’t have to say anything because our actions speak volumes. The phone, the notifications, the call; they all matter more than a momentary pause from the din. Ricky Martin’s Latin-influenced pop hit audibly begged for attention over the little girl.

Çircling回我亲眼目睹了妈妈,她的行为可能不被女儿记住,但遗体的例子。 我们不必说什么,因为我们的行动可以说明一切。 电话,通知,电话; 它们的重要性远不止是短暂的停顿。 瑞奇·马丁(Ricky Martin)的受拉丁语影响的流行歌曲,在小女孩的身上引起了人们的注意。

Our priorities are all out of whack. Let’s resolve to take our lives and our communication. Please, for all our sakes, step away from the phone.

我们的优先事项全都乱七八糟。 让我们下定决心,拿出我们的生活和我们的沟通。 为了我们所有的缘故,请远离电话。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@thematthewhyatt/impersonal-communication-will-destroy-us-ee2b4ab27b65

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